24-The Canadien Champion, TuesdaY, MaY 6,1997 Lucki*ly, they have a spare Reid Novices score in last minute for i - i tie The Milton Maverick novice jç,ase team lost une Reid Saturday afternoon - but fortunately, had a spare. Creighton Reid sank a aset-minute equalizer paat netminder Matt Lathom to snatch victory out of the Burlington Chiefs' grasp. The 5-5 final kept the home team's undefeated season ali ve at 1 -0-I1. Earlier on it was Elgin Reid (no relation) who pro- vided his Knights of Columbus sponsored crew with feisty defence and strong corner work. A spark plug for any team hie competes with - be it hockey or lacrosse - hie suffered a bruised right knee in the sec- ond period and was sidelined for the balance of the contest. Leading the charge for Burlington was Kyle Friday, who tallied twice in the opening frame and gave his team their final lead with just six minutes remaining in the third. 'Me Mavericka went ahead 2-0 in the firat four min- utes of the game before relinquishing three goals inside 10 minutes. Jeff Kitchen and Matt Lenardon potted a pair eacb while Field Burgoyne drew îwo assista. Setting up Reid's equalizer were Matt Chuchmach and Chris Pedulla. Scott Collard, Creighton Reid, Ashley Rutz and Eric Taylor also recorded single helpers. Goaltender Nate Grenke recovered nicely afler a shaky tiret period. Ho stoned the Chiefs for 15-plus minutes between the midway mark of the second and late stages of the third. Local athietes shine ait track meet WTLI Sff PEOM£ e tram BEATTY on page 22 under division, she also won bronze with a 16.7s 100mo sprint- also a new individual record. Eleven-year-old Caylanne Lyîll played spoiler with two surprise efforts. Wbile ber shot-put victory was expected, afler a firat-place showing ait York University Marcb 29, bier win in the under-12 long jump (witb a personal best of 3.29m) and bier silver medal finish in the 100mo (personal beet of 16e) came as fairly big upsets over top ranked opporiente. She cloeed out bier day witb a silver in tbe relay. Assisting bier in tbis lst effort was fellow pre-teen Mouissa Logue, wbo excellod in the long- distance events. Sho won botb the 800m and 1,500m with pereonal recorda of 2:54.1 and 6:02 reepec- tively. Narrowly miasing a new meet record, Aaron Reese won the under-lO boys shot-put with a 8.44m etfort. The record still stands at 8:48m. TMe nine-year-old added a second gold with a pereon- ai best 1,500m finish of 6:29 - again lalling juet short of the meet standard. He also claimed silver in the long jump (personal best of 3:78m) and open 80m hurdies (18.5s) as well as bronze in the 100mo (personal best of 16.3s). Garrett Lyaîl, 12, atruck goid in bis first meet, capturîng the shot put open boys titie with a 10.22m tbrow. Silver medals in botb tbe 20Dm (pereonal beet of 28.9s) and 40Dm (personal beet of 1:08) were among bis other accomplisbmens.. Jaymes Beatty, 12, was the mun- ner-up in the 100mo (14.2s) and long jump (3.78m) and third in tbe shot-put witb a personal best 7.53m. Putting the shot 7.97m, nine- year-old Gary Laing won the event in the under-lO boys class. lie added fiftb and sixtb place ribbons in the long jump and 200m to bis award collection. Witb tbe exception of' Shannon Laing, ail of these athietes met standards for entry in the upcoming Lavai Cup, a meet in Monîreal tbe club attends eacb year. wuorn~usnr AI - s ITIOe N M.A.R.C.H. -Water Furnuce Systemo G as Propane aod Heat Pamps - Air. 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