2-eCanadian Champion, Tuesday, May 6,1997, Prime Rîib Full Rack of Rfibs Peppercorn Steak from the boys at Miliside Restaurant M AIN STI 1876-1605 i i B ring a Fteudte iï Our, Lunch Buffet 1Buy one Lunch Buffet and 1 large beverage ai the 1 regular price and gel aI I Second Lunch Buffet for VV Pizza, Pasta, Salad: and More! LH"wy M5& D.r, Rd. 875-489.- Treat Mom on Mothers Day B3ruhiello <'AçtmoIer'ls Dai)y £ Din,9J Sil Specializing in Baptisms, Communions and other specai occasions. -Resevatons Recommenidec - L395 Main St. E. 875-33050 THIS WEEK'S FEATURE Mfliside RestaurantA- Located in the heart of Milton, Milîside Restaurant has been operating for 8 years and many changes have occurred in that time. Constant upgrades to the building to keep Milton's downtown beautiful have taken place. We are proud to have our European patio and outdoor BBQ, which is one of the f ew in Ontario. Many upgrades have corne to Milîside Restaurant over the years, and with our food quality, Miltonians and people frorn surrounding areas keep coming back. For this, thank you to our customers! R.~ iTAP & EATERY lOA2PM4PM4apM AD)ULTS ADULTS CIjILDREN CHILOREN (UNOER 12) * UNDER 12) Qwr75hot&cold hcuigham, roast fi &md" U. Ne siS4fy "189 Miiil Street' 878-6680 I LOUIS I ý -=A