TI,1ý A 1.L-. i ..-.A.. àà. r 10CIO7 _..1 7 Dateline * from DATELINE on page 13 vIi'sslssauga. For more ifiormation, cati the office at (905) 507-2200. The Pee[-Halton and area branch of the Federal Superannuates National Association (FSNA) invites ail retired emPloyees of the federal civil service, the Canadian Forces and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police living in Peel and Halton to its annual meeting. The meeting takes place at the Royal Canadian Legion, l01 Church St., in Streetsville at 2 p.m. The guest speaker is Claude Edwards, FSNA national president, who speaks on 'The Public Service Health Care Plan'. 'Manny', a group of students from Briercrest Bible Sehool makes a dran.a Presentation at Milton Alliance Church, 2850 Derry Rd., at 7 p.m. Everyone is wel- corne. For more information, caîl 878- 5664. It's Hot Meal Deal Day at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Seniors are invited to join in for great food and fellow- ship. For more information, cail 875-1681. Representatives of the Investors Group discuss estate planning and preservation of funds with senior citîzens at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Cbilds Dr., at 1 p.m. The Milton Cbildren and Youtb Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., bolds a drop-in for parents and infants to ive-year-olds from I to 3 p.m. The cost ranges from $4 to $6. Wednesday May 7 - 8 The Bîshop Reding Sehool Council accepts used uniformns for a future sale. Clean uniforms can be dropped off at the se-hool from 3 10 6 p.m. Thursday May 8 The Living with Cancer Group meets at Knox Presbyterian Church, 170 Main St. E., at 7:30 p.m. Hosted by the Canadian Cancer Society and led by the Victorian Order of Nurses, group discussions pro- vide emotional support and practical guid- ance to patients and their family and friends. For further information, contact the cancer society's north Halton unit at 877-1124. The Victorian Order of Nurses holds a foot care clinic at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., from I 10, 4 p.m. The cost is $15. For further infor- mation or an appointment, caîl 875-1681. Foot care clinies are by appointmnent only. The Canadian Mental Health Association invites Bertha Catherine Madott 10 speak during Mental Health Week at 7 p.m. The event takes place in the auditorium of the Halton Regional Centre on Bronte Road in Oakville. Ms Madott is an author and conduets work- shopa on depression. Admission costs $3. To register or for more information, caîl Susan Phair at 845-5044. The Bishop Reding Players performs the musical Tommny in the Main Street Est school's cafetorium at 7:30 p.m. The play is the story of a boy who retreats mbt his mind becoming deaf, dumb and blind afler witnessing a murder. Tickets, whicb cost $7 for adults and $3.50 for students, are available at the door. Lowville United Cburch, 5800 Guelph Line (at Britannia Road), bosts the Mother's Day Dinner with two sittings at 5 and 6:30 p.m. The roast beef dinner includes salad, potatoes, vegetables, gravy, home-made pie and beverages. Tickets cost $10 for adulîs and $5 for cbildren aged 5 10 13 years. Children aged 4 years and under are admitted free. Caîl 335-1933 for tickets. - see DATELINE on page 18 lriîlay Mity 9 lIts Hot Meal Deal Day at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., from 11:45 a.m. 10 1:15 p.m. Seniors are invited to join in for great food and fellow- ship. For more information, caîl 875-168 1. St. Stepben 's Anglican Church holds Euchre Nigbt at 7:30 p.m. Admission cosîs $5, which includes refreshments and prizes. The church is located on Steeles Avenue at Ninîb Line in Hornby. Everyone is welcome. Friday May 9 - 10 The Bishop Reding Players perfonms the musical Tommy in the Main Street East sehool's cafetorium Friday at 8 p.m. and 'Sa la ( Oý p.111 !h. plày i.. ic stuy of a boy who retreats into bis mind becom- ing deaf, dumb and blind after witnessing a murder. Friday's performance is presented on Cabaret Wine and Cheese Nigbt. Tickets, which cost $10 on Friday and $7 for adulîs and $3.50 for students on Saturday, are available at the door. Saturday May 10 St. Paul's United Cburch, 123 Main St. E., holds ils annual Geranium Tea featur- ing a dessert buffet and geraniums at Graham Hall at I p.m. 'Me guest speaker is Robert McCaw, retired Halton teacher and principal. He's also one of North America's top wildlife photographers. Mis l Carnati on Campaign Make a donation... wear a camnation ...În May! Carnations wiil be sold May 9& 10 Your support will brmng hope to the 50,000 Canadians who face the challenges of living with multiple selerosis. So far there's no know cause or cure for this mysterious disease, which can lead to loss of sensation, co-ordina- tion or even paralysis. With your help we can intenssfy our research efforts * and increase services to those with MS and their families. We're counting on your support. Show you care. Make a donation. Wear a carnation. Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada To find out how you can help, contact... Halton Regional Chapter Box 71024, Maplehurst Burlington, Ont. L7T 4J8 Tel: ý905) 681-8770 I ..:k..i c.o.,i $5 .oid are aî itiabe at th cburcb office (878-8895) or lrom any U.C.W. member. Grace Anglican Cburcb (Main Street) holda a rummage sale from 9 a.m. 10 I p.m. Used clothing and assorted housebold items are featured. The Halton Regional Police Auction takes place at police headquarters, 1151 Bronte St., in Oakville. Viewing and regis- tration muns from 8:30 to, 9:30 a.m. and the auction starîs at 9:30 s.m. Items include bikes, jewelry, Christmas lawn omaments, stereo, equipmnent, back packs, golf clubs, tools and skies. Refreshments available. 'Me 1997 Sigming Hands Annual 5kI esec DATELINE on page 18 0 an V V., HALTON CEDIT UNION IENCRProudly sen,îng Un members since 1957 EARL DOILMAGE Branch Manager 44 Main Street East Milton, Ontario (905) 878-4168 Wkac the "ecP' eli bi' b'ok Muuuu LEAVER MUSHROOMS CO. LTD. Campbellvlle, Ont. 878-9375 Rockwell International Working with the Community to make Milton a better place to live. @l' RockWell AUtomotive 150 Steeles Ave., Milton (905) 878-2395 Pte. U.J. (Joe) Waters 21 Charles St. 878-9005 ROBERT (PIE) LEE, B.Sc. LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY Lite - Disabillty - Annuities - RRIFs - LiFs &ý Miltowne MâInsurance Agency Lt. Group Life & Health & Pension 245 COMMERCIAL ST., MILTON LgT 2J3 Office 878-5786 e Fax 878-3692 e Res. 878-1150 Multiple scierosis usually strikes people aged 20 to 40, in the prime of their lives. àMultiple 5Sciefosis Society of Canada 1-800-268-7582