12-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 6, 1997 Check out those causes: Cops Legitimate charities can bie verified Choosefrom thefol!ow:ing sel ections, aiîdIIJTI le112 FR[[: 5,I,ad DIOR POLYESTER[1ID 50150m 1ti~i I%fd~lit luuiitiiqildti oult Il fia S,I,,td PRINTED POLI.YERS lItummale. husgiîdis in urres Malles. Ou lîrIg. 12981 s,,«ted ASSORIED KNITS Illîmi id,11% laltiter. guettitdisips&uuE s urî Rit 12.8 sited [110 [It.015t ie.lhumm leit illa Sd«,t,dCHA[ItIS POINTS IItu,.rmidi 111%far~. Ourhl8.8 S,5,,t,d W-1-D-EP911[SIERPEINTS tualhejîihi Iil S,I,cted YARN-DYE NIAVY IIEIGNI POLYESTERS Iltu vide, 111% piîyiulir Our Reg 14.1 SI,,Id PRINTED COuPES 1 5cutile, 111%urate§ huilt 11991 s,5dtd POtVISIERJ.ACEJAOS lIt.lhun 'id. 111%p.IOmiuursl ids. Our Rhit 1191.181Ii s,i,,td [IN400LK POINTS Illu ange 101%paIristi. lfrhlet 1198 s,i,atd W-I-E-E 900910 CRIPI SOES 158ces ide, 181%plitetfur Ratig 198 sdted SEAFARIO'S BOTTOM GN S150 5 150ce ange~. Oi~h u r cilieut 898 , S,Iecd EGENCY BEMRG OLINNG2ca tigeu, 11y lui leltl&98. s,utd W-IDE WIDIHBROADC[OIN 51 viteu, blasés.oit Rnhit 6. Oîhha S,1,aed DRAPERY SOES l4ueRite. stiutdcotge & deign'O hlit 12 98, S,/,d,tdCOUNTRY YARN-DYEEEUPHOILSTIOY lhMitesvde i let 9.ll. s,,,td DISCONIINII DOAPERY POINTS lhh ied, IdulItUa Nuitbi ta9898à S,k,,td H00k & [EOP TAPI FASINIR 3/111 l'midi. in àti &iih Ou kt 1.21-1. ieite.d S'det,dSIRINC TAPI 'Ed ut29 t,h ,k, McCALL'S Prettstnu, KYi l ai N.SE. Price, Cil 2 FREt! lit ul artofleuu) iitotSE owIl WMRKS: lullit tinaît dialect iiNise 9 itihili hictel ls milu2 FRt Se îldA 4r2l.Mày 13/91,1 ai .bickenretindraiuI ar. iihadis. o as otaeilî muet &tares A quick check cas assure you're donating t0 a egit- imate charity instead of being conned, police advise Hatton residents. In response to, catis from confused citizens regarding tetephone soticitations, police say any organization that's tegitimate cans be veritied. "Legitimate charities witi gtadty suppty information that witt attow the con- sumer to confirm the authenticity of the calter and the cause it's soticiting for," said t-lton Regionai Police spokesman Sgt. Frank Phiitips. With recent reports of phony t.hanity sotlctations, C> & SWIM BOUTIQUE 250 MRONTE ST. S., MILTON 878-q. IN-TOWN & RURAL Ashbrooks (P) Blacks Photography (P) Halton Grounds Care (John Deere) M&M Meat Shops Moores The Suit People Norwich Union Shoppers Drug Mort Zellers (P) IN-TOWN O0 Spectrum Floor Twice the Deal F RURAL ONI Halton Grounds (Kubota) Lansing Build-À Sears 0521 /2,: Vctlassis (P) WalMart p=partial Iilton District Scouts would like t( give thanks to ail those parents and friends who donate to, or came out to h plant trees for Scoutrees for Canaoda on Saturday, April 2< 1997. Also a thank you to Bni Gaines and hîs crew from the Halton Reqion Conseruathon Authority. A big thank you to Milton Limestone Quarry fort purchase of the trees and the place to plant them. Thanks, SCOTSANAA ilton District Scou MILTON DISTRICT r asidents wi ll ng t0 donatc tb lgi tiinata c1aksý area increasingiy wary, he said. Pitches that set off atarm signais usuatty involve solicitors indicating that they're raising money tor a worthy cause and offering to send a driver over riglht away to pick up the money, he said. "Many of these calters are caliing on behail'f egit- imate charities," Sgt. Phittipa said. "Remember, if' in doubt, get a name and number of the organization and confirmn their legitimacy through the organization or the Hatton Regionat Police Service. Compromise Sevolves on bill -from RELIEF on page 9 merits of each position and flot surpris- ingly weighed in on the side of munici- S palîties. Milton's director of corporate services, Jim McQueen, explained to local counacit there was no agreement between munici- IN ST palities and developers as to which ser- vices are essential. Prior te the amiendment announcement municipal officiais were worried that ff77 substantial costs would be transferred t current taxpayers. "The GTA mayors are trying 10 make sure communities are no worse off than I hey are today," Mr. McQueen explained. Counciltor Wally Hunter had difficulty going along with the GTA mayors' pro- posai. He said the plan would keep devel- opmenî charges up, charges which are then transferred to the homeowner YILY through higher purchase prices. The e in owners then carry the charges as part of a ng standard 25-year mortgage. izza Adamant that current taxpayers flot be LY saddled with the costs of growth, Mayor Care Gord Krantz disagreed with Mr. Hunier's position. "If municipalities don't colleet the 1(P) higher charges then they witl have 10 sied- (P) die current homeowners with the future cosis of. say. new arenas," he wamed. When the new tegistation was initially proposed both Mississauga and Oakville counicils immediately imposed a short- tived moratorium on future growth because of funding concemrs. Mr. Krantz told counacil he expecîed a compromise. He said he expected that some shift in the cosîs towards current home owners WoulId occur. d V'Firefighters elp stop shed ire from spreading The Milton Fire Department knocked down a shed tire before it spread to a bamn April 26. Firefighters from two stations responded to the buming shed on a Fourth Line and Derry Road property at about 4:15 pi. The shed, situated beside a barn, con- he tained farming equipment, said Mark Cross of the Milton Pire Department. The shed and ita contents wcre destroyed, but property owner Vince Rossi was relieved it was knocked down before the bamn caught tire. The barn contained fruit cuitivating equipment. A farmhouse, rented by tenants, is also tocated on the property. S No one was injured. The cause of the tire and the dollar losa wasn't avaitabie. CANADA'S LARGEST FASHION FAIBRIC DISTRIRUTOFI