30-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, May 2, 1997 NOIICSS 55 Notices NORTH END NISSAN wiII be u'enovating. We are expandling our Parts & Service to serve you better. "Petro Pumps" close May 5th. Our stoff and friands invite you fa o 24 HR. IIFUNW" GARAGE SALE 24 hours sforfing 5 pm Friday, May 2 fa 5 pmn Saturdoy, May 3rd W. wili b. open for business during ronovations rogular hours NOTICE I I Effective Moy 1, 1997 flMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY WILL DE CLOSED SUNDAYS IUNTIL OCTOBER 5, 1997 fl due f0 budget reducfionu. fl MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MitnPublic Lihrary 19 75-2665 GIRLS WANTED from Canada befween 6-19 to compete in this year's 1997 Toronto pageants. Over $20,000 in prizes & scholarships, including ftrip to nationals in Las Vegas. CALL TODAY. 1-800-367-2125 EXT. 218 60 Auctions Milton and District Herticulturai Society Annual PLANT AUCTION & PLANT SALE Milton Fair Grounds - Hall 1 - (Auction Hall) Cernte early and eblain fine qalily annua perennials, shrubs and gardenine supplies aI a reesenable price. AUCTIONEER: AL ODENBACH SPACIOUS FACILITIES PLENTY 0F PARKING ! Procoeds usod ta beaulffy D Milton and District MIEODA hadY, Ai quniY e avai6:a0e, NotVallany awmmn i ho erw ntrnet 2r87ider C Gelph Rae, aIk nrIcefS buines listin8324 a Cut s 68-56 SE A S EalFrehe &p yauErETN dlntednngH $19 ae.seat ar Apc &q lsatsbouht incudd. Fe TECNiCS SRo sytem. 5 CDprers dou- 5 aber. -0-7-6 27ZE EN strEo TV Surf/w 35e enith Notere o $ 9.0w. Fre Devry. i-800-267 CDvker dr peiive, faxmo e , Windowserie hm 1.5/ forsones listi. 8 73/w1.1 -a8007-96 $47Sl. harsh lrm$16 pcis anu dnette/ro diningraRmlchairs. iitea fr00acntes. Fres $1.9 e Senior F a aur nts. Fiiceuldsy Qult ustaom Upholstrng 75427k 9am-9 mr. 180075-94. 80 For Sale COMPUTIER 486 SX/25 8MB Ram 1 00+MB hard drive. KeybaardiBM monitor incl. Dos& windows. 873-4981 or 691-4228. DUFFERIN Pool Table, 4 X 8, 3-1/4 in. Italian slate, installed, $25 par week. 1-800-267-946. KING SIZE Brasa headbaard & toalboard, asking $165. Round solid walnut tabla, asking $225. 878-9888. SIT ON IT, dan't ait in fi. Replacement faam for cushian. Residential/Commercial. Fields Uphalstery, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., 7 days weekly. 875- 4427. CRAFI SALE ACTON H.S., CEDAR RD., ACTON SAT. MAY 3 1 OAM-4PM Corse shop for Mothers Oay & Fatser s Day gifts! Adm: $1. Chiîdren umder 12 FREE. GYM à CAF. PULL 0IF VENOORSI CRAFT SALE IN THE COUNTRY GREAT GIFT IDEAS FOR MOTHER'S DAY FRI DAY, MAY 2 -4 P.M. -B9 P.M. SATURDAY, MAY 3 -B ANM. -5 P.M. SUNDAY, MAY 4-11l A.M. - 5 P.M. 0521 GLENFERN AVE., KILBRIDE, ONT. Failaw the signa tramn Donry Roud à Guelph Une GARAGE SALE 7220 GUELPH UNE (l KM. NORTH 0F DERRY RD.) SAT. MAY 3RD. 8AM - 2PM SUN MAY 4TH. BAM - 12 NOON ANTIQUES, FURNITIJRE & OOLLECTABLES GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 3RD. BAN-i PM 559 HAYWARD CRESCIENT SINGLE BED, EXERCISE EQUIPMENT, BASKETBALL NET, à MUCH MOREI RAIN DATE SUN. MAY 4TH. GARAGE SALE "NORTHI END NISSAN 18 RENOVAlING" Gas Pumpa Close May 51h Househald itlemrs, office items, store fixlures, car accessories, aid memories, H.0. train set, childrsns' items. Bruce Street Schoaî "Momorabllea JUST A "FUN-SALE" Sam.thIng For Evoryanol 610 MARTIN ST., MILTON FRIDAY, MAY 2 Sterlng 5 P.M. fa SATURDAY, MAY 3 -5 P.M. GARAGE SALE SAT. MAY 3RD. B AN - 12 NOON 524 SUNNYVALE CRESCENT EVERYTHING FRON SOUP TO NUTS GIANT GARAGE SALE SAM SHERRAiT SCHOOL 6»9 LAURIER AVE. SATURDAY, MAY 3RD 8B00 AN - 1 .00 P.M. LOTS 0F FO0D, KIDS GAMES, PRIZES, RAFFLE ON NEW ITEMS FUN FOR EVERYONE - RAIN OR SHINEII HORNBY CO-OP, NURSERY SCHOOL ANNUAL GARAGE & BAKE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 3RD 8 A.M. -12 P.M. STEELES AVENUE JUST WEST 0F TRAFALGAR ROAD MOVING SALE SAT. MAY 3RD. & SUN. MAY 4TH. 3164 BURNHAMTHORPE RD., WEST OFF HWY. 25, SOUTH 0F MILTON VARIETY 0F CHINA & FURNITURE RAIN OR SHINEII MOVING SALE SAT. MAY 3RD. B AN - 4 PM 5484 APPLEBY UNE (SOUTH 0F DERRY) FURNITURE, APPUANCES, WORK SHOPI TOOLS, HOISEHOLO ITEMS. MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE SAT. MAY 3RD - SUINDAY MAY 4T14. 9 AN - 12 NOON 8074 15T UNE <STEELES & 1ST UNE) FURNITURE, TOYS, OOMPUTERS, ETC. MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE SAT. MAY 3RD B AMN- 12 NOON 341 WILSON DRIVE AIR CONDITIONIERS, TV TABLES, TOYS, SKATES, BABY ITEMS à MUCH MORE. RAIN OR SHINEII 105 Garden & Landsae CEDAR TREES at bargain prnces. Alsa avaflable installation af cedar hedges, lattice & picket fence installation and home renovatians. Far mme estimas cal 519-853-4042. Il-WA Mymix TOP soi, Malion Rolon's Fineel OusteI, Weed Free. "S8lL SPECIALISTS $INCE 1951" EVERGREEN FARMS: 333-9895 FRESHCUT LANDSCAPING. Landscape Maintenance. Landscaping designa. Pruning, leriizing. Cai now 15% cdiscount, seniors 20%. 876-2168. GARDENING 5011, manure, triple mis, sand, gravel, trees, shrubs, perennials, annuals, water garden supplies. Pickup or Delivery. Taylor Nursery. 876-4100. MATTHEWS TREE SERVICE. Tree pruning, tree topplng, tise remoaval, hedge tiimming. Free eslimates. Compelitive rates. Fully insured. 519- 856-2597. 138 Home Imorovement DECORATIVE PLASTERING. Interiars and exteniors. Best rates an camices, ceiling centors, panel maulding, columns, restaratian wark, tireplaces and custan work ta your design. For ail types af plaster wark from drywall ta stijcS. Cali 825-8760. PLUMBING SPECIAL. New toilet with installation, white anly, $160; new kitchei, laucet, installed, parts a labour inctuded, $102. Cali Jim 905-702-1243. 145 General Help Wanted "NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS " The Ontario Human Rights code prohibits dis- crimination because af age, ses, marital status, race, creed, natianality, anceatiy ar place of anigin. ln compilance wilh 1hs code th.s newspaper reserves the right ta make necessary changes in adverlising capy. CAFETERIA HELR required, Full & part lime, ex- perience poeferred. PIsase cali 854-0441. FULL TIME CARETAKER 3.30 P.M. - 12 - Monday - Frlday Applicants should have bufltng floar retinish- ing and auto scnubber experience. Rellable persan ta be able ta wark in a tsam erwironiment. Apply in person fa: Cued Enipicy»Me Commr, 310 Mlle St., Milon or steieérse BMO. Mintesan, 2500 htéitul St., Buingtan ZcOPPORTUNI! IN AUTOMOTIVE SALES We require an individual who has " an enthusiastic, winning attitude " a willingness 10 learn " previous ratait sales esperience " the ability 10 esceed the public's espectaion of customer satisfaction * an unblemished drivîng record. For a personal interview contact Dave Richardson, Sales Manager RICHARDSON CEE V-GLDS-GEO HWY. #25 AT DERRY RD., MILTON 878-2393 CLASSIFIEDS DO PAY PHONE 875-3300 OR1 FAX 876-2364 J145 General HBID Wanted POSITIONS AVAILABLE MILTON/ OAKVILLE AREA * Senior Level Administration-Secrotarial * Bilingual Collections/ Accounting * Light Industrial Intermediate Level: Microsoft Office Forklift Experience - min. 1 -year in a manufacturing environment *RECRUITING DAY* Tuesday, May 6, '97 gamn-lpm 310 Main Sir., Milton E.I.Office **Current resumne required KELLY SERVICES Equal Oppollunhly Employer Please note:-AIt applicants for office positions wiIl be booked for registration af this time. Liuht in.utbui: Registration on site, approx. 1-1/2hr 4-H PROGRAM CO-ORDINATOR The Halfon 4-H Association has a position for a Program Co-ordinaor. This is a part-fime year long contract position. Job descriptions will be avait abl e for pick-up between 1 & 3 pm on May 3. 1997 trom: Annette Winter 5208 Hwy. 25 R.R. #1 Milton, ON GORRUD AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE CENTRE CAREER OPPORTUNITYI AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TECUNICIAN Due ta continuing expansion In order f0 meet our customners needs, we are Iooking for a Licenised Technician with Air Conditioning and Fuel Injection Esperience fa jain our sutomotive service team. Al qualitied applicants will be considered. Please submit resumne or cati for interview. Larry Gibson Service Manager 400 Steeles A ve Tel: 878-1672 FULLIPART TIME Persan Tailo/CashierCei. Apply at 55 Ontaria Street S., Milton Mal, Milton. HEAVY MANUAL Labourer. fuit time hours, $8.50/haur. Apply in persan to: Elton Manulacturing, 886 Nipmssing Raad, Milton. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Company re- quiring persons witis experience in Lawn Mai- tenance and persons with experienco in Landscape Construction. Piesa cah 905-876- 1808. MILLSIDE RESTAURANT requires immediately Kitchen Staff for night shift. Apply in persan fa: 243 Main Street E., Miltan. 150 Sales HeIn