Dateline- dl l'ihe cost is $65. Pre-regîstrauion is required. To register, cati Susan Phair ai 845-5044. 'l'îlie Calling New Parents Group meets al Ct]ERISH Parent-Chiîd Centre, 540 Cliilds Dr., trotn 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. For more inîformation, cati 825-6060, ext. 7365, The Milton Children and Youth Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., prescrnts the Herb Garden Workshop tram 7 to 9 p.m. The cosî is $7 per person. For more informa- tion, eaul 878-6295. Wednesday May 7 Bereaved Families of Ontario- Halton/Peel hasts Family Support Night at 7:30 p.m. The tapie is jaumnaling with speaker June Swadron. The purpose of the evening is ta atfer support and share con- cerns in an atmasphere of mutual under- standing. The meeting takes place at 190 Britannia Rd. E., Unit 11, in Mississauga. For mare information, cati the office at (905) 507-2200. The Peel-Halton and area branch af the Federal Superannuates National Association (FSNA) invites ail retired emplayets af tht federal civil service, tht Canadian Farces and the Royal Canadian Maunted Police living in Peel and Halton ta ita annual meeting. Tht meeting takes place at tht RayaI Canadian Legion, 101 Church St., in Streetsville at 2 p.m. Tht gutat speaker is Claude Edwards, FSNA national president, wha speaks on 'Tht Publie Service Health Care Plan'. 'Manny', a group af students fram Briererest Bible Schoal makes a drama presentation at Milton Alliance Chureh, 2850 Derry Rd., at 7 p.m. Everyone is wel- came. For mare information, catI 878- 5664. It's Hot Meal Deal Day at tht Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Chîlds Dr., invited to joîn in tor great food and tcllow- ship. For more information, caîl 875-168 1. Representatives af tht Investors Graup discuss estate planning and preservation of' lunds with senior citizens at tht Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., ai t p.m. Wednesday May 7 - 8 The Bishop Reding Schaol Council accepts used unilorms for a future sale. Clean unitarnis can be drapped aff ai the schoal tram 3 to 6 p.m. Thursday May 8 The Living with Cancer Group meets at Knox Preshyttrian Church, 170 Main St. E., at 7:30 p.m. Hosted by tht Canadian Cancer Society and led by the Victarian Order of Nurses, group discussions pro- vide emotional support and practical guid- ance ta patients and their family and friends. Far further information, contact the cancer society's north Halton unit at 877-1124. The Victorian Order af Nurses holda a foot care clinie at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childa Dr., fromn I ta 4 p.m. Tht cost is $15. For further infor- mation or an appointment, caîl 875-1681. Foot care elinies are by appointment only. The Canadian Mental Health Association invites Bertha Catherine Madott ta speak during Mental Health Week at 7 p.m. Tht event takes place in the auditorium of tht Halton Regional Centre on Branle Road in Oakville. Ms Madott is an author and conducts work- shops on depression. Admission costs $3. To register or for more information, caîl Susan Phair at 845-5044. Tht Bishop Reding Players performs the musical Tommy in the Main Street East achool's cafetorium at 7:30 p.m. Tht play is the story of a boy who retreats inIa his Jc>hn McCarmack Licencedi Mechanlo 85 Steele,-s Ave-nue, Unit 6 Milto>n wiinessing a murder. Tickets, which cosi $7 for adutts and $3.50 for students, are available at the door. Lowville United Church, 5800 Guelph Line (at Britannia Raad), hasts the Mother's Day Dinner with twa sittings at 5 and 6:30 p.m. Tht roast beef dinner includes salad, patatats, vegetables, gravy, home-made pie anîd beverages. Tickets cost $10 f'or adults and $5 for children aged 5 ta 13 year.,. Chitdren aged 4 years and under are admitted free. CatI 335-1933 for tickets. The Canadian Champion, Fniday, May 2, 1997-23 THEt LUNG ASSOCIATION tHALTON REGION 1 i 1'e, i na b rs arn h li! pili ý l i LI ANNUAL MEETING MAY 21, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. Region of Halton Glen LawsonlMansewood Roorns (North Entrance) 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE ONTARIO, L6M 3L1 voting miembers are those who reside in the Ha/ton Region and w/w have donated money, time or donations- in-kind ta the Association during the last twelve rnonths Win Diamond for . Momn on Mother's Day!, Pan our Diamond Mine from May 7 - 1lOth And you could be the Lucky Winner of a 25 pt. Diamond Here's How To Win: Inside the Diamond Mine is a sand box filled wVith Zirconias and Natural Emeralds from Columbia. Submit a sales receipt fromn participating stores in the Mail (minimum purchase of $10.00, excluding Zellers) and you may fill a pail of sand and pan for a precious gem. OnIy gem allowed per pail. The person who finds the pink Zircomia wins the .25 pt. diamond. Ail gemn courtes y of BrancierJewellers Hours the Mine will be open: Wednesday 2:00 - 5:00 pm Thursday 2:00 - 7:00 prn Friday 2:00 - 8:00 prn Saturday 10:00 arn - 4:00 prn rIwu MULI MALL HOURS: MON. - FR1. 9:30-9:00, SAT. 9:30 - 6:00, SUN. 12:00 - 5:00 - I. WIE JPlA.Y "Y" Li n 7HEWORRY-FREE LST HOME Milton MaIl 55 Ontario Street South Milton 878-4173 OFFER ENDS JUNE 30, 1997. ASK FOR COMPI±UE DETAILS IN BRANCH. THE5YAR Milton Mal 55 Ontario Street South Milton 878-4173