RE6 Tho Canadien Champion, Wod., Nov. 16, 19M3 M.? ?i.& /'J\THRIFT SHOP BAZAAR FREE DANCES clna ov 7foth9:30g. l. u, .-Ca N. 20 iiîiug 0 cnud. tun 3 very Friday eveing i Stihe Optiholu .:30 a.m.- Goadedn ohn . Y, ..Cat kiin c ypey Centre. D.i. and reireshuients. 4b books. gatuesn sd white elephant or- saie, haked gouda, hot dogn. lunch CRSMSOCR r0fl ticlesn hbe availubie. Te lie heid at St. ennui. Movles uhouin. Ta be heid ai Hoiy Sudy e. 4lai7 p.m.-Tite Milton IIII~~Wi,"~~IIflfli P Uni tied Churoh. Ronary Parlith Hall. Orng the iuuily Chuntee' Chl a ace L!~ U ~ U UFrîida SALE mi tocM 1u0a 3-.t I TN RTICULTURAL heid ai liyRosarY Church. The 45- Y. mebe MILTONt ynugers u l o 'Otelu' nafee iuln n ~t~ p tMilaon District Hiopital SOCIETY many nid favorites, plus some lenti weli evoulo. avaliabie le local commnty Aaoiiary w I hoid itele tesan sudale ut Monday, NOV. 21 ut 0.15 P.m.-The known Christmas pleces. Specil gluenis groupea tteioult lu prrotisg ameir the hmspltai Git Shiti. Freth. htome regular meeting ni ii gruup wlll b>c oui hie The Children Meuinriai Reaud future escule. Ouly charitable o n- baklug. Chriutmas decoraians, held iu the Plue St. Uin Hait lbehlud Bl hi fMlo.Tcesae$ e profi nusmuulty geoupe may mse thil lingerie, tnyn. giftware uud baby Wvear. Maltou Public Library). Marg Day wl Bl hI iMia.TcenaeS e sevie a e omecilorais-SILENTAUCTION dinems -Herbe nlib a Christmas iamlly. $3 per adultei.0 fole utudeutu menton.y aovd Il ommrcIa 9:galas 8m t 3 and sniors. Cati 87t-107t teo e tieas ml ho aiowed tenadvertluei b oudy o, in fritu Flaveue.' itnomatin. onction p.m.-Oence Anglican Church SCIENCE FAtE HALTON COUNTY RADIAL Motiemli for "Datliie' ubold ho ocîcomes alfe au OPpOtanS'Y t Wed.Nov 23-11:30 :and 630 RAILWAY BAZAAR vrllions nt sud basdelu i tste office place wreUtes hidi On as lutemtling teo8: »~Sceniste ai E. C. Deoey Hlgh Sua.Dc emI ..1 et llechmpins 19 Min t.E. lie inectonf iewand ntialue.Pn I prcia eolwlave a chance tu dluplay Sna.Dc rieI ..t uiuiedluus i Bn a~ j anud frieins. Beili lbe whole fmii>- thelr woeh ai the nrmal scieuce (air. Il p.m.-The Ladiesofthe Association are 10.l te les l ai ~ > Ba MILuhnmihalilbu Mileltonbleaduloela Lb olding thoeanual Christmasuhnnnae. p.m. M Them toca "Osielu' iidyt5 ho t luchAIIn wl eAUCIION e t ule andlluelbnm.d a Sauta Clauns mli aeeive toc tbe oblden. ac.N Itemhy*DteUnphuun. SaleaY Nov.T tIO th2 audito iu. Handeatts, a bake lubie, books and aee eOb h elNG-EomeI Meeey, ome 19a 12 Se oo an-elutl lu LONAIRE'ONIGHT gifla mil ho on diaplay. Humeuinde "BENGBE. . Nny. Nue. H oeland usdellg Asocatin a Sainedny, Non. 26 em, S P.ui. lai1 chîti and bakedbesauare lu ho eujoyed Thl&. ov 1,Frda. us 1 ponsoin M ar Seuolaiin nu e i a.ui.-Tbe Milton Eitstt nf Couiuu houlde the sluve luin heOl Rochmnod and BaalIy. Nnv. i9 ut S a.u.-The Rerey eshunu uvuollbe on eell r Rd aee plylug hout tu au evening et Statlun. Rides mli ho uvallable un Mitin Playoat penant Iblu comndy Ol ugtet . Wurshe t vahbe for uiedî fet te glandes. There miii alun ho a laehey histlue nîceet cas. Dlcectlunu-Elit allo Cuull Msuor. Tickets aee ymngter. Vi e tmzdln n raffle. Tnh he eldiut Hnly Rotary Parluai.t ienurbn Hgmy41.n a 85 or adulte ad 3.50 fer tadountsand CHRISTMAS BAZAAR AND RAFFLE Haii. 5 pee couple ore$3 per pea ofGuelph on Hlghway 7 aud taru off asalo ekbitl Tcketa c e hopur- Snlurday. Nov. 19 frnm S Oui. lu 2 MONTE CARLO NIGHT mathé en Weliglun Rond No. 44 ahoot chaland t Cas Trunel nt Milton Mali or p.m.-Tbe Horuaby, Ce"n Nuesery' Tuenda>'. Nov. il at 7 p.m- tbeee miies. il the Mer. Oin Wnid%iy. Nov. 14 ut t Sebnnlmhiholai haueuand a enfle, la Pretnulud by Milton District Higu ATTENTION SENIOR BOWLERS il.m. tdea rehomesli. aludecis wmU ho ho balai ut the nursery' locuatin Stadlus Schoel. A peecestage nf lise penenedu Weicouie aii teulur bumviers mhs r fisim te lu e h e pholay for 81ia Ave. and Teafalgar Rd.> Christmasu ml go losedu the Milton Disteict lieeld lu toruilug a longue. A ver>' nuaboes are ullumold compilmeMtay decueulnu. white oletihaut sale, Hosital Exnsion Fond. Tickets ter pleinuroie pastime. For information lueial for lbe eveilg. Ticketa wm ho crits. hbol gou. b pond. tes tbe Mante Care/ Cabaret uilht are pieune cali Laies aiSlS-3250 or Star>' aI ut th "or ennui.roo. holug unid ai $5 per peruan. This envert 878-m0. SI1TONIOISTOICAL SMCETY CHtRISTMIASMUSIC babyultig, reeresbhmeuts and 111.101 EUCHIRE thasodu>', Nov. t7 ut 7:3 P.m- Ssluerday, Nov, 19 frnts Il u.m. lt 12 play mouey ter yeur gambiug Eveey Frldoy eveulug ni n Mling lu ho hola ut MiilauPubiie nom and (romu 3 p.ui. lu 4 p..-The plenutre p.m.-Held ai Royal Canadien Leglon» lArm>. speclu pesgranm by Jim DiU Matots Charlatans. Mliluus on SCIENCE EXPOSITION Htalln CharesetSt. muumnmneulag P.L Roesên m th couiunly coole Win ing Christums Tbncnday. Dec. I front luie p.m.-To mlbt inoemey et bis onmmay, Wibl munin eeciOm et bMu Mail. Ticketa ho bnld at Milton Dlu&tro Hlgh Sounio#al. isliOi a boy ruin luaMltui growtb. for thele torin i ne. 4 «h Comse. ion asd talât toe rYong unIes- violen wmne. Chrintum cnonet mli ho avallabie. r---- --- - -- -- ~- - - - -- - - - -- -- "OUR STENGTHIS OUR PEOPLE" FO3S L linment 1c a o 93300 Nets a* AU FR M LA 030111.L [tOal lmqim an sMing mm,0 gLLgANORALEXANdDER SAtAN GREEN EVA OODING le 7Vo12itd. lsocii0 Cabtlls *34 SemaIÀ Oh .~tu4 .ncat .~ 1ci m.t . . .... Cd ua mà.eill i ome ndOm nosOgdis iop hlluSanisse, este indien, dilbotii0n dînaal an Ub tanudalumwurtl23l M3120 FS5MTDO»UL Loeajin moifi~ 000310 aiti 3 intmes 20als OIn. cid h nladlution m, àg... ange este du. CetafnGoloàq 0M3111 plo.a $12,«.ps soe i hor SimiS He don. M134 am 3amahait 111300s0 Sa binomia 10Valait1 mi l7e Cal svnecas000 mint item, mai pRmded1thons..1.3 ka chat, dinq mi., 010511c in 331130. $71. Cil Sonta Cao, M3118 1. 1.1 n s o p 11. o rat, tnc , 133103 05115131.3 Celd33G31 14O2 ,nde,. fin,31d -3 on, 33Olffl313I WdsoltI, $114,530 Cat Bien Grae, 878 examwao-55 3178l h hmTd,0003t, miadti $349,5W.[3 CallE Godg M03 C1MEaà LIT-SîpplOlos . nif grtteeid ao0i39.9W. Ccli E.s G.îoin M3133 1 ouun V MI 2 AMampnchk* m UONTAIU ST. N.. MILTroN 878-1156IM MO am, namm 3t, .m smanenasDUs OMoiN osaniam ano V$44 n ADSN 1.111 oaobamo lo0nc3S3 ea l440 oqoîoIeOîoie lm uo srmioam ouam $AMlmnnasaa sem I 100031013 344 Ieo S'yCL 023 anusuAB onoanss 06100 temFUI4HB & I NjAOOlmtllL5O vmm U0iOMALt.C0M0 h~~~~~~~~~~ allqua -* ---- -fll su - ell m m m -là - "--