Page C4. Wodsaadoy, NSvomber 16. 1983 Il WINTER DIRT &SALT wiII think it's ff MY TAXCES US A FEW MMUTES -7j elic-juQ ~~a BELL BROS. cmR WASH Using cabe.q Blatteries ts'odse hydreges gos niies tbey diarbarge or are expoe! te extrosse leade such as crasbing lhe esgise for a losg perled et tie. An explosion cas be cained by a spark sear his hydrtges gos nuen Oihe car te being jump- startel. If ye ever sec lte, jsispstart yercro eese eises', Oie eostve Parts and Accesseries Asseciatien soggeste Oie tfolowing procedure se s tei avolid aiy chance of yoar car's batlery explodisg. 1. Poll the two car close enosgbl tei avoid over-entending IIPRO an peur ces e .10% discount on the. mnount blls <prt and I.bauv) for work on your ÈXNAUST SYSTEM BRAKES mid SHOCKS * f ree inspection * f ree estimnate * ffer valid tili Nov. 30/83 anational AUTOPRO guarantee on mufflars, brakes 4"pand ehloes> and shock abaogbeni *guarantee valid for as long as you own your car *guarantee honoured at ail 275 AUTOPRO repair centre . .acrosçanada - - - - - - - - - - -- tantileree ~ I W RXNAII YTNM AKS- b.eTbf.N..30s.ns IM 5101r,.,MorOm o, ------------- .~G/on the total amnounit billed (parts and labour> 1* / for work done on Disounat SHOCKS pîssesi tis couponenpays0 yon bil This ffer endsNov. 30, 19M -O Bronts St South Milton Oie jiasper cobles. 2. Cossect ose esd of Oie oOier cable tei Oie positive ter- minais et each batlery. 1. Consect ose end ofthOe oOier cable te the négative ter- minai ofthOe good battery. 4. ConnectOthéoOier endoftie cable te Oie esgioe block ofthOe vebicle beiog started. Do set consect Oie cable tue inegt- ive terminai et Oic bail battery seder osy circosstasces! Avoid damage tu Oie elec- tricai componenseof Oie vehirle being started by mabing certain thc engine is rsessisg et fille speed betore disconeecting Oie jumper nobles. Winterizing your car nbe automobile sab Oie wasing system te, see that it same~~~ ~~~ atetospealgfrwLo perate, througbi the winter. wmster that bouercvtse fishsould iielude chenking Automatise Parts &the hoeeefor cracks anddry rot, Accessorles Association paois cleanbog the spray nsidoes and out. adjustisg thees se Oie waeher Mucb as s doms and solvent bits lthe pseper arm of wisdew, car deurs and wlins the wiiid5lield. sholi be clueoed asnd Oie Check for crackel or worn weatherstrippisg checked te - wlsdsliield wiper blades, par- essinretbey aressiled properly. ticslarly if Oiey bave est becs Tie wisathertrpa eheuid be relaced in Oie Past feur gives a bath with mlld seap and mi.stbs. If Oie blade nhatters sr water, toe lubricateil witi a streas haoies oripiez acrs Oie silicose spray. wnodoheilil, replace Oie blade lispect Oie wlsdshield and Uic ares. Emergency kit 8is vital item fie aditers of Popsiar Mechise Magane say thes- ar Oie Oiings; you slsold ecp ey~carif yos live teea bis- ear-p roeerego théOcounry. *Reil flaires (for proetection against plows and tobellpgide recuors). *Twe fresh, poworfl faigts. " Blankets. * Heavy swecaters, parkas, double seittens and strong lacing forparka baud. - Shier's tare maeks wiOi very emani eye slibi. - Ose boite for sliltisg seat cushions or other emergescy se. thi Seves-al casof cassed béat; or several Oik candies andtins topt them m. * FoU gag tank. *CB radio. H eavy bouts and warmn cs. *A change id clothing asd! socko. -Sand- wiches and ceffec. (Not seoessary ter sir- vival, perbapa. but iey wil belp tokecp you warmnand your strengtOsp.) - An aie you cas ose lt chsep branchses te previde siielter (especially if you may bie caught ot in wld coumtr>). A Agond sterage battery inyeurctu. A Awinter-tsiedesnine (important). *Blanketor tarp toie"off esgine against snow. Osce a car stops ssow quinly fllls Oie esgine colpartisen. - Plaistic garbage bags sometimes lielp. (They are windbreabs aid beep in body béat). - LeSg-Isodled obovel (sborties are bord tueuse) or abae. - De-icing fluid for windshild. THE RAD SPECIALISTSIN.- RADIATORS GAS TANYKSW HEATEA CORES CONDENSORS AUTOMOTIVE bt INDUSTOIAI. W/NfTEAgA TION SP5CM1. ci" rmma iaontiUeasjs - UucaoitM - b s* w s o & 4 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU MILTONI MISSISSAUGA 390OntarioSi. North 5900 Dixe Rd. Milton, Ont L9T 2V 1 Missssugs Ont. L4W 1 E9 878-8404 677 8448 OSHAWA ETOBICOKE 355 BoIrSt.S West 1459 Lakosho,e Rd. Oshawa. Ont. LU 5Y5 Etrbnske 72306039 271 5611