If you're ready for a brake job read thisI For thie motori seo ban a brake jobi for bis car on las tint oi antomotive needs, bore are snme suggested questions irnen Car Care Conseil la hlp detormine if lies get- ting Uhe lient job possible. i. will the rotors or drums need turing;or repiacig' Orake finings prffn againnt dine mieors inilie front, drums la tlierear, lanslowe Use car. If drin or dises isecme pitted or seored , tisey mont lie reurfaeed on a braie lthe. Inereaaed euat If dinen or drums already have had ton, munel ronorfaeing andl are las thin for for- User use, Usey mont lie replaeed. Tis selS snhatantiatly inereane tise eest ni Use braise job. 2. Will Use eet eYtndors Or ealiPers ha rebut or replaeed? Wiseet eytindors, aetiv- ated by braha Ibuid pressure, press braise shoon agaimst Use drusn AshUe rear; catipers push Use paiEs againni rotors in Use front. Damnage fromn ontaminateil braise fluid, ruadt corrosives, dirt and grine plon normal[ werrequire cylinders or cnlipees, la ha overhauled or reptaeed. 3. Wliat kind ni linings should ha in- sialled? Mont laote model front sebeel drive cars carry more weiglit in Use front Usan eidor car, and Use braises tend to oporate at aliigheor temperalore. Semi-metallie braises, standard equip- mont on many nese cars, drase ieat away frnm Use frietion nurfaces. tteptaeemenl lioingn. whietiser semi-metaftie or the more familia organie matoril, nsould ha ai a qnabiiy la meet or ezeeed manufacturers requiremnens. 4. Wsbl Use braise fusid ha compleiey droined, ftuisd and reptaced9 Bcaise Usuld attractn wer selles, afior maoy Usousanss of miles, can corrodbrase usjaanes. Freali braise fiuid orsa ftssig compound nbosdd ha used la, remove any dirn, rust or nther damagsng osatorial broa Use nynieso. Ab air must ha ronsoed from Use systeo alterUthebrase oris comtdeied. 5. Wisat about tise wseiee iearings and neala' Tise wlieetn spin on isearingn tisai aboudd ha ciseised for wear and ProWse bubricalion. Wlieeltimeaing greas5 for- mnbaled In seitsntandi iigli temperainren and survive long wear. 'b seeals are deigo- ed te, eep grease inand ditomg Need for eutimate Any braise repair mesans repdacingsor or damagedpartse-thcamponents equal ta. or exeeeding, Use car's original equipmesl. Ais selUs any atomotive retiair eoris, Use teelinicin sossd provide a sertten esiha- ate deaIbithUe work to, bdos. A quabity brase joli may have a bigiser price tag Uaim -bargain" braise wors oys Car Care Couneil, but in Use 10i ru il's ise- by la ha Use real bargain us terms of safetY, long ieand satsfaction. 24H HOR EMERGENCY TOWING HEAVY RECOVERY SPECIALISTS Wednesday, November 16, I903P IMPORTANT. GOODYEAR ALLSEASON RADIAL TIRE SALE SPECTACULAR! 'I9!t=.ý GOO0DYEAR'S BEST ALL-SEASON RADIAL Tie.npo AIMO HTEADL F ROM SIE 5 R13 549.95 P85 75R14 e9.96 Wlý 75Rl4 76.96 P2(' 75R14 7m.9 P2(" 75R15 MIS9 P21, 75R15 86.95 P22ý 7SR15 Sois5 P2,-ý 75R15 9295 Iprices inctude installaion lo 0 1 J R TIRE CENTRE LTI J 593 MAIN ST. E., MILTON 8756471 TEls mANtr.HlIi BRIOTHERS CONTINUE TO SERVE VOi WITH 3 LOCATIONS. nCENs Ir SERVICE LM. :. 87 5185331