The Canadian Champono Wod., Nov. 16, 198 89 878-2341 191 Main Street Milton THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO SECOND SECTION ITheCanadien CampionC aaO I I Onattont honoosmePMan end &.m.tOo .aDilnu: anlflaDoI& pa:Mon., 5pm Caaffd Wodadair BRYAN T-AIan ilMogl nos000Grant) f £13 MerrItf Dr,rntrIlied f0 afonoinnnthe sai arrivai f fhir third cOuid Michael Peul, 7 fin. 13 o$., on Noeofber 14, 13, ln Burinon. 00001 h0nks00on rs VOn. Johnsonf end Ron Mca or fr heir excelent cor. and concerri and the L &Ostaff a Joseph Ort5l. CAMPBELL-Steve an4 Lorran. nï Vrrait) f Guelph, re pinanfd f. annoonco the birftt of thoir doughter Shannof Crytaf, 7005a. f1o.- ef Miton District Hopifalon FrIdaly. Nonnober 11, 19a3. F1,00 randci 1 for Mr. & Mrs. Aino Campbenl of Rockood. seconod for Ms. L. Verrait f Milon. Frsf rnfOrand. chili for Mr. Maclm Thomnsf Engiand and third for M. & Mms. AV. Conifor f Sf. Tomas, Of. Tanks o1Drs. Robinno, Mnder,and Kosiowkl. CLEMEN-Sfnphnn & Jonnfir (ios Soeri f 332 Laesoide Or., N0rth Bay, re lonisad f0 onnonefthe arrivai f fOir dannOfr. 7Ibo. 12 £0 ,aiSf. JoephsHospial,0North Bey, on Noonober 14, 183. Proud grandparonfo M. Mary Sopr off North Bay end Mon. £010. JENSEN-Mr. & Ms. Sono Jinson 00n0 McAfoni of0101 Mliide Or., No. 04, Milon, areIpleaed f0 annoonce the birthof their sn Mark, Soren, Sahi, £a000., 0f Mlfon District Hospial on Thrday. 00000000 0 19.10 SVILANS-Pnfnr & Elzabeth îMcCtconnî, Of TonhIl, are plnaned f. onnounon 0t0e000000 f their on Parick Aleandr, f 00. 2%0 ne.,on nTnnday, Ocoer 11, 183, et :4 a..., 0f York Cfntral Hopital. r004 1£ lg fntr In Alana Michle. Forfh graodchiid for fr Mm .Vaclaus vilans. 14000 randichIid for Dr& Mm .J.W MoCuf 00000 GALLOWAY, Doto, Hrry 10104-Af the Scarborogh enfral Hospital offSturday, N40000br 1 , 13 Hrry GeIinway nf Scr borool, tno'mriy f Milton. BefInyed 0000000 of A..eli.a Gaoay An. Looln 00far .f Mms. Doeld iJoan) Con f Scarboroonh and Mrs Terry (Lyooe) Heffrnafl of Sf. Thomnas. Loed 0v gandchIidren Grog nd odnedy Con anfd Kelly A00 Offeroan. Predoceaned by sistrs olan1 0v0001 004Mariorle .amiesn,. Funer.1 Service oas held on Mody Noînoobr 140h,,198oai the McKfrsie Funeral Home, Mion, Inoent Enrgreno Cfoetery, Milon. MCCAULEY, Miere-At Milon District Hospial on Friday, Noetbr 11 183 Minerve MCaiynof 232 arkwey Or. Milon. eloed atof Mr. &Mrs. Chariles BrowsenI Jim B0,0000 Rstd et rcknrI4naend Ash. croît Funeral Home0lo OwenftSndO. Fnrai Sevics wer hed Noonoofr 14,1983,00i1 .0. RfI. Frfd Miler f S. Adrews frnsbyterian COorcho ficiated. Itterment Grennoond Ceoooory PoKI N Raymtond Roer-5044000f e0 is 000010Mitonl ofnS040, 000.00000 130, 183. Raymonod Frkin o 001004son0of CF. (Bob) a0d Muriel Brkhoiaer of Milon. Loon brother of fMarins ickey f Det0a, £0001. Laurieon f Brmopton. Sadre MoMoIOOO f Afrfoyi, Debra o 0000,of Miton, StefOOnio Jeokisof 0f rescott, Janet Crtis f Atheno and Abrt Orkhoider f iofbrock. Retino t The Mcersie Fnrai 00ome, 114 Mai,, S., Milton. Fu00,01 Srvice W4nday et 1:00 f0. Crnnatiof to tolio. WILSON,' . ffooth Paul iFnrotoriy f Milfoni LOod 0000004 f Mrgerafi (os Foskin)Sl 4<101000fby daonhfers Coboarine. Pe00y end Son Douglas. 0150 010 elghtfgra0d4 chiidren. The Fnrai as 0014 'in IsInon,, Noot,0r 11h, 1983. 0o0f & J00 000.00 Milton 8784M3 Mocnna akers, Bone Maîbea. Casofianks * i WISH o t hank ailoMy frends for the gff Weif cards, isifs. fioers, and4basket f 0fruit. Spoii hank000 f0Dr. Konioki, r. Fime,, Dr. Eanandl00the0nurses0drino 010 0ay t HaOfiffon Gefrai ospifai.01Ga liiger. i WOSLD liOn f0 flanlo 011relaivesooead fr10040 f or cards, isifs, and iffo 01011.1<oas a pafient lnf0he hospifol. Spcial fakn fo adear MCMILLAN-TOC faiiy 1of the lie Banl MMiia oold Ilke0 f0f00000 fmair frends, fOloOLours and relaives for their doaions, floral trbt"s anclepressions of sytopofhy. Spcia faks tnDr. ososki a o the nurses othe 0sc0n4 floor of Mito District Hospial for hir spec100 car, 000010f haflbf f0 00o ev.Trvor Lewis for f000 00104000 n has 50on Infthepast Vear TH Efamoiy of tfoieMinerve MCaueyowinh 10 thaoiothendocors and fh0 turses0of sf0004 Il.of Miton District Hospial for f00 cr. f001 00a0ef0o or auof ohite 000e000afatent DURANTE- o 100100 10,0000of a dear oother Tresa iTerry) Drant fo 00psed aoay Novembe 14, 1964 To 00010 100 are 0000 and fogo0ff, 10ofothrs part of fhe pasf. 00ftf0 o osewo 000 nd00404 10f 10. tr 01010o i always tast. AIoayO r0eemberd by AlUno, Lois, JOAnne FETTER-In loiyiO oeoory f a dear daonhtr ad isfor Sai, 0100 f05504 .ay Noeo ber 219 174. TOoI 001 01n01rIes are gode, Wfi, oaybe Butfwe nevem aftoed mories, 010 0011 S 1db ,î,,ind ,,d b Ml,, S T&od HENRY- In îing memoory f adar motrho Ana Hen ry 000 f00004 0001 Noînoobr 17, fi had f00 oorid fta,11ived 0100f, YO 004 Tohnalhr 00 010fand 000 hr 00111, e04 get Onf 0fi0-y dont. 00ftail1 con do à. oarn, I01, sgo atefnd loor And 10000 00.0104 0000005of0l0ve To the besf Mom Go41aval oe ' lIn th.l0 0100, 0h00 1100 10 dns, Wherever heâven maybo Mary,00ord à F0001. ~a~00e~lie GO BSNS-Inlovi000000 moroi' f my ditsr 000£ end tonther Mary Ialoba ine000000 00 nsoad away. Noetnbar 19, 117. S0. 0loft us000000, e thoughbfO nkoBo. But oeff s a tmnoyWe re 0,00 foeon; o fresnure er Lord, nyonrgornof40reli000 For 00.0 on 00t,0. 000005one00f the 800f. OOiband FaPrcy, oohtr, soaend gand&ldrQ. MARSHALL, Aboie Laia-ino 00000 memary of our dar Ma0er an4 Grandm,000r Abbie LavIna Marshall 0100 000004 awao Noonobar 20. 1003. 004 1000004 aronod 010 gardoand 004 0004ea eooty flace.. He0thon000004 4clon000 oi hs 0.000. Ad 5»w her 0rd fac.. Hfepthis armsa&round hor, And in0000r to Go040 Orden must 0£ 00aut01000As 0£oniy LnofoOiy rnerbered by hr famiiy H0rol4 ao< Mary Jaroin. Jim aend Tnimo Marshall MILTON DISTRICT HIGH OCHOOL 396 WiiIams Ave. cordielly lmbts.ail parent. of tudenta to PARENTS'NIGHT on Tu«.. Nov. 22 between the Iours of 6 p.m. Et 9 p.m. -ta1k t. teechers by arranglng on IntrView On thi. nlght or phono lo to prearrange en lteoion Lettras were 0001 home let week gMvng further detilla. h la neSeoaar0' dhmtou brlng a copy of pour sonsa or daughter'a imne. table for Semnester 1. W. look forward t.oh oppor- tunfop of malng poar ecquain- tance andi somma pou ndMvdaellp. L Konget Mu m.csicHoqîiGIm 8w CHRISIMSTEA bSMU Mile loy. 11.10 Ia.a..- 4 Pou Crbonoa.daconadons. 000000. 0000.4 gonds, ceys 8, MOdoo' cothes. jM MILTON PUBUC LIBRARY PRESE018 A PSYCHIC EVENING 00000 Zes0. a poofooionol 000,0100000 and iiyobOlOf is il dicussher00, eoan it h psiooOlo fld aod giof fipson ow 0 to dooniof yos, own, pycyhic abilit105. Tuesday. Nooantbeo2 307.30P.0. Admiselon: No chage Fofoalbor IfSrnato n f f V78261790 EKM FO T CTS-TV no oing bagInoos, 4030for speoe TV Studio Tainiog tu oct In ComaciaisioolnffVSari«. plac0000004. Horets Pah4i3 CHRIMAS BAZIAR I RAFLE Suulay, Mom. 20, 10Dm..- 3 pal. Ch000000à0a l Og end dsser lfnc,0 movies nt04boftdoge for eldoon. Caffa. knhdoe candy. 000004 aoode. ptny flle whuRs alophant ooad books. 0~000froo Raffi. for Vf C 20 Computefr - 1.014n000 Doaa*o5p.m. q 1~zoez TboapaefRd.,= a.Mitn.LionsNHall Evaoy Wadondsy. 7M0 pn. 000 aodIl lune 1»04 "FeooCvdWkbhTlAd" 010,0 ILafonuHal Sfaot7-30 ml CooaadnLdlos'Aaoillae offfs CHRISTMAS CraotShow end4$810...BO0£f Sales10In heGallry 0of0.the000 ItnilIn 00,08000 end Cltural Cnre, CoOgeoo, Sturdoî, Dcobar 3 100a..4 p.m. Fr00 AdoO00Oan. A charming arr.y of uniqu0 Ofts n 10pottrY batik,. nionrs taine4 00.0, 00.010, 00., ouili ilk fl0 towes atchw000rk000nd04clo, atc. Roary Anoas Ooakn oin 10 end Ashroe Womon Intitts £0000Soie 1 P.m..3 CLOTHING Bnfraonoooza pr.nanting top designers Goria Vnderbilt, CN00oiin. MisOr Lnord, Hong Tnet 20 prcnt -O8pr cent off. Bopansive look for reoaoafoerIcO..Suit&, blousenon atsn.dresses. krf. Contact 87-11U2 HOME computer, software en4d rpblPerois dmonstratlon a00000Miloin Mou lF005 Market, Sunday, Noofober 20. Cofnte00000000Gary004 Jim @bo0f or 00en0 Christmas Orlon WDRIKSMDP 'Tps on o 01" Tne54am, November 22, 7 p.m. Choion Paren/ COuld Cntre. laOs 0000010a0 00n0& Informaâtlvf workshop onchoosogftoysfor cbOfdren. F00005 ttend. iFmnor If poulare lntveneaed ln slling pOse.calli wthln te net few d.ys.-clent anious. Mîke Treacy RWMU Rmnm RUW yLL Isllogton-. ACTM OR TmV TV Soodbitoge le ns, ibaron0g teo pope for~ ~ ~ ~~~t 00041 tdo040 acf ln TV sn. FoyocShcofocldia) 1-964-33301 n',If iht ftakaian Ehamptou MILTOWrS RIIO DEUVERY " Milton Caopbolele. ArtoB. Olnnby " Inaaed ,or Sffl "O.eDy' devero ePdndngiftym aasfbdo ave Ooaolldabe cairs et* as non2jO RYUIS-COUPOUS-CAT*LOMU CALL M72341 Crculation Depo. JUST moVE? UwII- sgw -I -Il M-_ Mwzz piu- Toi IlOisaoOs a Raotaiadootse-hmik-0000a IUN!fl8ON 0bSHRDAN OLLBOT FAHO HWAT ST. PAULS U00180 CUCON NOV. 0000318 CANCELLED DOUET70UNFORESEEN ICUMTANCS.I ITcke wib fndd ai ot ofooopu-I MALTON Hill Centre, Hoo. 2, Miltfon, aoaiiable fr ooddlogs, Cristmas, New010000 end Graduation farties. Inquire Adolo. Office, 70568f-6100 00e folitlo Disflicf Hnopifai Fouridationor. WINNBRS Noeober 5/03 0,00 Milton Solor Cifloons Club '0". te, Grole Sherpa, Burlingon, hoodmodle 0010. 30, ebbie Wilson, Georgetownset00f shoots il cases. 3rd, In00 1000. folon, NOeodepointf bom. Many foankstait who pu ch.od 1tickets. AUCTION SALE For Betty and Davo McKee Sat. Nov. 19th et 1 A.M. Locaion: Io Miton at fhe Figrooodo, inthf Agriculturel Hall or RnoetOSt. £000 Consiedog 0f: Aniquo mfnOnMad e£00a found furniture. g Etchina. oi lampe, colle abe, pimtive, Nostaiite0001,mie Fomnius A 00 ploepns conr l 00f Oc eil cuphoatd, R panes par dont, (cme0 1850); pino linon cophooni Mith rsddcamphnod poari, In. 402 Pain); pinsoPrescrivit cpboaîd; 010000001 phOolsOfad s50000 ofth 000 mafching chairs (lac cellent; Eastlan joto oophoaod iood one); Vcorienno omb. chine a bint doo (log.006 Bioo doit); pincommoode; sonolalit soO ibootd. Em pirf styla: bankeoxe0s0.; oonhsfand w01,0 0001 rock wi00001 iens; £01000. f.oony, chair, etfc.; boire table; 4 matohing poonohack chaire; pinhon- c00; 000,00 rocker; tables; 00000 of doers; w0000,0040; chars; sooooal miora;os.hanoloS 00f- bonrds; sakos n otoherfurnifoa. China. Glia. Lampe: Ail onexcellent condiion. Fb fbloo paes; 9000010 loc. Block l000,0000; PFa iog; New York IHoo.yoioni; -Aiafoc FO.aan- anoth0e, ploomor; Monkn charoofo, 100; Victorien ena0100 09: 0100f floohe;of;placf0000 000000 mi;ofooplc . *. tesnservice; .p. and ofhe, coanloks; a 0.1000 ion of floya1 Nippon, Nippon, N000000, Ilaînîoal. Wiiioe and04Doptasono; decorated oaae lentf; miniaturet amp; fi0900 lampe; CNR, carriag ndarn foot 00010, foo amp Oondm'ao Fourodf: Sngle podestatiest, 00014doadek; miniature ooîdîobo; paaohaok croodl; oooden ooking hose; odO6.0; chidns cad sabl, and chairs etc. 00stalgi0: Ol10motion0vieil fo01; sop 00000015 wolking oheel, (oot complote); moio oddos; haooaoo0akoo bnl; oipaintingi(W. C. Crson); hsori 00i ol,. lobcoiooîai Raiway;qtts; 000000 oo00fhtub/sed; omiait glus oîodooe; olooys. bien col olx0; 000000 knle and boiera; 0100, brusond aod 0000; pimiieson, 00jars,; hnko board; oodeooa,0 and ohr ountry 01ktî00î C iecablo; pls ech mSe. Z.oa: Ladesand getloeenDae &Belio 91001$ pooîde n oexoelento oyooîg, pa o at- Lunch aaoiable. Teme:arecash or choqueaith poopaol . Ownoo, all Mail5d04or Aocoin,,aatont rf spooàlbl fo accidets. Auctioneer: Chris A. Schouten Phone: 878-2576 AUCTION SALE For Henry Stanley Set. Nov. 200h e9011 A.M. Locnon;A thefaterni oh L1n, 0Milon. 32 Oagioefrod Suffok âmoe; 2 rame; honlo 0qip no; hooshold items; tracter; mnOhuOfOy; 40 corde of dy adwood; coder ra; hay; sowto; OOedm0ili Etantiqueffim eOif010. Full ad nat oo k. Auctioneer: Ward Brownridge CHARITY AUCTION For P.W. Merry School Sat. Nov. 19th 90 12.00 NOON Locaton:; 0i100019 Rd.. '/.mlo0-Rt of Tafalgar f oadi prooeods te go owardn a oompotffor bheOn hool Appflonces: lhîlîps elecO,,c kife 10001. Toutsoato Sandwich Grill bîooi; NodcWan Cepooof lIne; Coooloo9,00000, ,oPe;tatmual,0 5,0110, 00,0; Prestoohot dogo. Lady ToeodeepIOryer; elcrccooponi;0bis.el box; 000010000 5ut; 2 oaoiing oads Inw.i MOooallaoao oliilState 8 ,,ack mien synlOO, gofOclub ut; 0,0000,0, fionolce ,0.0; pf4i0r109 Folenoguarier0,10; Ofliilo, fin,acefinsert;,Wood Eter 10010 trimmer; alomobeomodos, ondicine Afghan; ovo, it; pitfO, oornments;reorods; books; gisesa; 000; novoolio; ec Chideo's Iteins: Oby borde serilizno. oaikos; pIfypen; sdigh; ,ocking chai,; ocking herse; trcy c: toys; skates. NOTE; Thoon fr0 loano andlots of n. o n1000 iems; thisnt a omet ier îotas ait donations Bchnooed Acdoneli o i responsi00bl for ac cidntodey of sela. Tormo: Cash m, well.know coque v000 .0. AuCtioneer: Aies Finnie LiC. No. 259 HALTON MNuLS AUCTION SALES HaltonoHuml Auction Slos wiII ho holding an Auction Sale for Botd andi Joyce Hardmntn on Seturdap. November 19Set 1i cm. 20 Market St.. Georgetown FurniBore. Applooocee, Mbscelan- sous, ColoectabiBo, Pnmtinl, etc. Conteen avaiuable. Owtoor, auctioneier etc. flot opo ible for ccîients or lotoarticles. Tarni& oR sale cash or chinque with proper ID. AuctlooerJimmypFofbe ANTIQUE AUCTION in Aginnbno a Nailon 0on000000. Evert iog. Non.23 et 0.30P.00. Fuoifon inclodes-Pif, Fef Bock. Pto Wardrofo; Blookef Bon; Washstands; Tableis; Cais,etc. S5010ooiood paooootd & 0000,00D OLa01ps; GoseoEt COmn- oluldes 010oilu; Depeon nd 04Snoai af- foooed linons. Temtla good ofOOoOo1 of Fimifiof & Co- foofafos n cig iodo ol; Ciock; 0,00,; Cool Iopioontf 5on f; Did Tos ns. , ec. oeA goood offnîo snai Teo,. MAX STOREY eOCocWOOD, AOCTIONEEC CHRIS A. SCIIUTEN Soies 0f Af Typa- o 5000Conduted - Anyohoon 87IA 3. MMM.. CUL DON COLLING AUCTIONEER Any Type of Sale - AnY Pio Phono 783196 60 Main StE. RR. No. 1 Mltoe. 0- 9â iiîoir .Potions ALEX FIN NI1E 00R2.0000eV ,ONT (4168789188 Fan onhi.Minaffoenoos, Anti. LoafotSttapa Loto3hasol LOST froon Tromn oalof 004 mOIblack00& Ilhie 00,001. cal , 3 5blackdots onno 0050,er0y1 t0110, ansoorsfo Puffy. Onlard. Off.2100. CARPET CLEANING *" 351. $3 1*1 P«&80* ,; 10n t 4M04d..4 u. *d RA , I uElmuN 19> 0l)24-3019 TO CLEAR cents0off.Codaerpoos 6"top18 tlong et00 IF OUR00PAOOUCTS PLEASE YOU TELL 0TMERSIF NO T ELL US Rsooprotiectnnfor oew andooed veh den M O RONTE ST. SOUJTH MILTON,SM= 32S d MILTON MAIL FLEA MARKET Eoerp ondap10 a.m. -.5 pot. 0.ofoeNW 1 8113000 REPAIR TV.- STEREO - STOVES aWASHERS - DRYERS B.E. SOUND MILTON 10 ynars i. business FREEPCKUP AND DELIVERY 878-7295 Goooloog Dons. Foononoi Choppooo b.k.ineko 0,000F2,0loa1 d 0100, Coli Eveo.0.. 78-5236010lOO I.ATAN a -00000008 iSPECTO VfO COLO.B I.UNITON (APPLE COMPO -TOSHOBAI I.BFTwAotB OM8710 irewoo-Orer Nowl Top qseky hadwood 1T' an 18" WOODCOUC ENTE.P00808j