UTisa Canadi@n Clnplon, Wad .Nov . lUS1 Kinsmen members reflect weiI on president, Whon the local Elom aCub munt aho" lit bsness of commonty su-vic lsf yuw monihers mc onamr Uhir efforts osit brinS speclal reccgnton ta Uic prmuldont. Joe 1"oc, now pouf preeldont of Uic Ilones Cluh of Milon wuo me of 2l prccldns ta reccive Uic national Dt- standiog Precldont mard et Uic Asocation Dstrct 8 Poli Concil. lisero mccc 74 prculdenta who mccc ligile for the award. "'m qalfe pleoocd",bbl. loch .ald of Uic recognition. 'I hnow 1mw much woch I pt it tI mysif but I taiow Uic worh Uio clubhdid, litre competing Uic participock addcd ta Uic pint tala." Reccplonts arccjudgod on o pint systeco ta quallfy fthe ionly pcesldenf's award wlitin fanha midtheUipgosq and Uia commsailfy. ise pool proaldt sald he dtd otmexa thc mcmship amre that thir support mnd involvesmtin tameeingsamd ailher activities wold help he standing. '"ise ad antmc nt pallole wlhio Uic clb. 1didt metonlf t all" aPld Mr. Hock. W. l"aid ftided Uic fe11 coimkeil laif monUi with club coenhrs Choekrfyan amd Bian Gildea. lb islootsaaga Club mwu hototheUicfaIt coincill hlch aftracfcdl Kinommi fRom an fer amay an Woaamad lmmnina. Informative meeting ise two-day annuel mccfing su-yod tan educate Kbnmmo n thei arase of public mcmhcrshlpbylaws. lineh untospeke mu Dr. Douglas (bouler, =ute potarctan for UteIfO*spifor UicStk ALpioncer of cystie flrocta recesrch, Dr. Crne imntariumental ta gefflof thc Kinmen tavolvedin tafin aisinao tc ystîr flroolo 20 years Ug," aceordlsg ta oal cluh proideef 511I Roherts. "Cystlc flhroblo a nmw a Kinumn National major ompboolo pregfam," he added. Mime wi ot he icmeeimu-c taformed of Uhiterunational relations proiecot fasupport Uic completion of o secondary sohol for the phyiulcy dIsahltd 0f Mombasa, Knya. lsaWIlImark Uic second yor the orgonlsatioo han par- tlclpted InthUe Ure-year ondertahlng ta lhe emz finnew "Mant sfor Imm Disric 8fmotl et Meer Ostario fromt Sltan on) roletmore Ueo *10,000for cystin flhrosta remcrdTlie filt asgaintUhecripplng chldrenscdicsec wao supporfcd hy o $970,0W contrihuiotn fRom Ktaomcn amd Klnctfco on o national sale. . . Lottery of Hope Kinonensieln support Rlonald Mcflonald Homte, o home tac chldren uidergotaf treatnnt or accancer 0f Sck Oilrensa Hosptl. A goal of $Snton has hemn onftabllihed ta bc aclslcvcd flrough Uio Letfry of Hope. lise draw milI h hld Dcc. 16. lckts arc $100.00 cach. "'etisc clatin of KinononiCluhs acrons Canada pcaked over $23.5 million tansuvic wrktin Canada durlng Uic 12'nionth pcrtod, ondine Jonc 30, 1U3." M. Roberts sgotod. Pasf prouldont cfhic Iinsmea Cloh of multe, cl chreclved a spcetal hocOr e-organlnationý.NPInts are c ccasolalcisy rmotions, iernationas lto ndcssi c ou M 0, i .00.---- f Sa. -emin.'11*-a1cb cem pffmoCANADAPUODUCT ob i kr Oea. Thoenbormw & êSon 24HOUREMERGENCYSERVICE CAMPBELLVILLE. ONT. S7a488 8788004 UELM NIE AT 405 878-M 878-OM I 1 an Annuel appeal Christmas Scaa have tacs sent tam nt- matait 92,000 HotIon hanceholdsanmd mw Uic compaign chirman ta hoptag people wll send bck thir supprt inthUicfan of a donation. Cer Mcladdcn ho helpoit holt Uic Christma Sca flag in Miltan rccntiy aid, 't amn confidant that Uic people of Miltan milI raspond taUtheChristmas Seal maiing. "Wc neci thUicgeneroon support et ail ta reach me gal so Uat il wil ot he necesory to ctbackonoar porgramo." This ycar Uic campaign, umdcc Uic amspiiso of Uic Mltion Long Asociton, tapes iocraies$130,0mathe icregion. M. McFadden said mne et every five Canadiemnsffers from smmc form of reatitg probtem ronging rom asUioma, broorbitis andcemphyscma ta lung concer. He said emphysema and chronir bconch- ti have become Uic fstet gcowing diseases in Canada. In Hlton, M. Mclodden oid Uic mosey wold ho oncd for a numtr f Milton and rcgion programu such au smoking cessation chiesc and fomilyonstioo progranso. Somne f the mosey mode Uroogh Christ- mas Seat donations wdl ho prt of Uic $2 million long associations crme Uice contry contribte ta rcscarh. Rigt nom Uicrc isnoc nomo cre foc cm- physmm, someUhiig M. Mcladdan hapes 001 Merredlit didaf bonow uhof hc conta 000r te a Mosr esldets but hc foand e conît mihoctaoobboith theUicmoney rataed sab-ebis passlon, for euithrc wtah *cs. liO1çinai yhHl% 1 , o f(lit and 5101*5 Urougb ChrstasaSeal sales. resideas ofUthedjuvatronm. lt'll soon sound a lot like Christmas A tradition ai cmsy-litening maic is lin 15Ui yar! For 15 ycarî no, Tflibllton Cloriteris bave been pleosng audiences miithUhicr unique choral styling. rom humble 0 begînologis 160-oise Million wmmi ho lihed to10siig-tbc groop hon grom 1ini presnt 45 members, taciuding 10 min. Origiially nomn anflic Milton Can- settes, Uic group had a reptolion tac providiof tus mdot aodiences iUi music for thc moie family, covertag avmide range cf tastes. ta 1979, il mon dccidcd Uit maie voici shold ta added In give Uic choirlits preucis, fuit mmud. lise name as change to "'ile Milton Choriners" bt Uic tradition of fine music offering smmthtag tac every- cisc contises. ise Cioristers il do Uree concerts in their 183084 season, thc fiist for Cisltmas on Sunday, Dec. 4at7 p.m. in Holy Rosry (ltorch. Msical offeringu mili incudda mmc old favorites lihe Sulent Night, 0 Came l Ye Faithfl, ise Cristmais Song, 'Tmao Uic Nigt BRore Chrismasiamd flic Tmlvc Days ArER Chritmas, piu o mc oUers that are lIon ml hiom-Uicphcrda Pipa Carol, flu eaun Cld, African Chrisfmas and An tadian Carat. Speciai gues atistn milI ho thc Children's Memnorial HMmdheli Choir f Milocis cs appearance tot yîar ith flue Choristers mon enuiioticaliy receiveit Tckets for Uic Christmas Concert are nom avoulable Three dî"mei By JANE MULLER Soiff Wrfc Wat place dos a siog-a-long have in edocatian? filia form f instruction hich ha E. C. Drury igh lchool stodenf s slcntiy "siogiof" ith theirbhanda in an cffort lo master the language of the deaf. 'Ibis i thc second ycar a communicaions credit is sigo tanguage has bccn offercd ta, earingsnudents ai E. C. Drury igh School. flue course la open ta al Grade levesnamd bas beenmcilcomedmUita "gond rponse", acccrding In the instructor. Peter Gcudy. mho bas been teaching ai Uic sccbol for the brarinf impared fr 14 ycr, hlicj .gi'gcl.c c ,c ilthie c'lcvuof i tearluu students. fuis year lic move theilocation of Uic sigo language clous Rom Uthh schmol ta, li shter chon. fie move mosnot ta onve hm theal, btta ghvcithe hartagaloudta mrc :sposoro ta thosa aho mustIcrnm- Uiictetrough slgntag. Deaf csltur M. tioudy hon mode Uic sgn looguage cloooc.scompooo morecUion commonlicatan. Degculctufre, o course of stady almcd at gfvtn eaerlng studeilo an approcttion of a herlng bopalrcd persns uituation, han i hem mwored t. Wat M.tlody decrhesasanUithe ta ViOue" ame Ohodedsfsty i. hecamesacof flic annuel "Sping Musicale" mil takc place io My and o Uird concert has bemi addcd for early March. Ibis concert milI Meature serions mocho by Moar and Brah- m, ih ipecial goct pianist. orgoolt and recording artit, EriRoltbcrtson. Asomcli, 'fli Choritero wil appear on CIC-TV's "New Faces" ihow io arly Janonry. of course Uic profmasiosal soond Uic aodionce bcars on concert ight docnt just happen. t comm about Uroogh booms of bard work by the dedcated memberu and Ueir choral director , raioerd Blyden- Taylor. Mr. Blyde-Taylor is no olanger 10 moic or bard work. He han itudlcd ai Uic Royal Cansrvoiory of Music and UicetUniversity of Toronto. He han boen asociotcd miti Uic Hart Homse Chorum, condactor of Uic Hart Homge Singera and Hart Homge Sommer Singcra, l o mcmhcr and asieat, con- doctor of Uic Toronta Drjdiem Chair, and in music dirctor af Hionheccreot United Church ta Toronto. flic Choristero are a tradition io Miltos Roat just kecp improviof mli age. Plan ta attend their Christmsno Conccrt (or iodccd ail three!) for o musical eveniof thot miii sorprise and delighf yoa. no mottcr sehot yoor musical taotco' In an effort 10 promnote onderstanding belmeen the tmo groupa of students, M. Gcudy bha intigte an "open deor poicy" betmeen i p.m. mnd 1: 15 PIidays. fbils givis bearing lmpared stodensa. mally groduatc mnd Gradc 12 stadeitst), o chance 10 participate is Uic course. fie teocher sets up hat us most lâte o spellitg qwn mwhich challengs Uic heartag stodents'ashill. ta Smali groupahs studenta iUer spefl orde ta Uicr hcartag impaircd quis mater, or singis i. Ibi exercise, he cuptais, aliomi Uic novice igiern o chance ta sec signa ta Uiir tires dimensional focmi. Problens solveit "furyprobleni wit leamig frcfaibock 'h ti dffct!orpesenlt the thrd dimension iateo m doesrai ori. 'Mr licudy sad. fis one ta onc esprience is 5cm io Uic mouseta syar, but an lemnent sure t. remain. l I t rut ycam cf Uic credit pcogromi, studiot proented ployn ta Uic junior students 0f Uihecaring fimpircd school ta promote Itétgrati. "'1iseome ta, me ua tcfhntely ettr," cotende M. Goudy. Aaother of Is feachtag methede gives tadenta the oppocfmlfty ta itfrprt coa lyrccoamd nlg-a-long roller tUn ong-- log. M. Gnudy han persolly eseflittodtfrain ta reatively nom cou-oc mayng if ta rofracig oft escb hearlng studaela n reduse Uioy have Uic lame ecmmu an frutratio»" au teenagers wlth earlaf handicaps. NMuiorvokaneOu Somnething sharedf something gained By JANE MULLER Stff Wrlcr Iyou've gt9 mera hy not ahare it? That is hthe y hn= d aoule'a commitmeost teo pend a few houri a wýeck St Hilton Centennial Minor. For seven yeari, Bill Merredith heard of liii wife's expeine thUe home fr the a go hr h okda avolunteer in the r a n d hele with fig trp. u li ya we Bill retired, he followed Lena'n lead and became a volunteer himself. 111 didn't know what I could do, " recalled Bill. It dida't tohe long for hlm tu diocover one of blo pais timcu fit wcl i mth rcsldento wha sharcd hii enjoynient of Uic gamnsof cuchre. " Som of themn arerealy gond ploycr, " he iaid, addisg Ual cachhove Uer own stylo. flic Merrcdithi arc omong mmny voton- teeco who viit Uic Maior regalarily. Bi andtLisa waktthUi homc Tisdoy more' ings and uoliy stay atot threc boums. While Blt piays carda, tLisa cm hbe fond in the aduvant room bremlngltes tac up to 35 residonto or hetping wiUi crafto. er ohillty to crochet and scwmamde hec a nterai foc thc crot coom amd as hon cocccd a similar fonction ta Uic adjuvant room. Despite the commitment of pcoplc lite SBi and Lena there is o loch of volanteer bcip aI the Manor. Volnteer coordinatar torena Smith has 112 people rcgistared as voiunteers but sic feecto200oare neccomcry ta f111 tbe oeit. The grent sced came after peope ent bock 10 mock and chool inte ictoUand several reglars moveit cal of tamis. Ilere aremsme specifi r ans mccc voiun- tecra arc rcqircd. Someone ilh an inentta gardcniisg lis oecdcd ta heip resideuils revtalize Uic grecishomse.Rcreation, crot md adjuvant progromi offer opportonities for volnteera as mcii. Gnit one visitalions c a eacrangeit, on wli as votonteer poitions gcered to par- canal internats. Mos. Smith pointa cu Uic morh expeiesce mhich may ho gaincd from o votonteer position. Clerical ort na one field merc the necdn of the Monor might compliment tUic isocf omonesemehing cmpioyment. fic prbohmcf gettiof inth aUciity hon heen smive ta Uic form of ais I-socalvan cpratcd ta behp votonteers in ueed of trans- portation. Leias conceptio cf hotag a vonlcer lu tha1 "il us good for people." "Il's nt just hat yoo arc datag for moen bt ht you con gel ot f il." Uehbas fond the residento arc not brd ta, plccand, altbcngb tbey loohed ai her " nupcosty aI first," il dide't tast long. Aisycse interestedin isvotnteriof aI Uic Mmcc sbcald cotact tocena Smith at 818- 4141. Grant brings brighter days to residents A grant of more than *15,000 has helpeit bightcn Maltas Centenlal Manor. Tlie Uightcr Day Club, consaltiog of 10 Manor realdenta was broaght lagether in seek fonda from Uic federal government's New Horizos program. Snce securing tie front several items have eco purchascit which wmli add ta Uie qualty of Ilile athOe home fr the ageit. Thie $15,487 goverment gift ba provided a video machine shareit hy ail areas of the Manor for vlewlng mavies. China and cutlery for thc dinars' cluh, as mcli as a confection ovcs for thc haking cluh, a stcro and games room furnitore were parchasoit by Uic groop. 01111 10 hc ooght are gao harhecues and otdoor frnitare. flic front mont 'pply to recreational activîties of seniors aod mont be reqonsted by an orgaotootion like flic Brlghtcr Day Club which acted on the part of Uic Manor. Il tooh threc mooUis for the goverunient In promiss the application ondcr New Horions. Approval as rcccivcd aI ie nid of Aogot and a clicque forwacdcd Uic folloig day. New Hrimons mon institutcd hy Uic federal Minitry of HcolUi mnd Welfare in 1972 in an effort 10 riog seniors lageUier for recreatianal and social acîlvities. Tflicpresident of Uic clubhls MIens Grcig. Vroa ClIan, a meniher of thc Manor Aaiiary, a volmîceer organloation serviof residcnts arts ais crtary. Monor rcidenl George fliomsnisatreaoarcr and dictori are Efizahcth McMalion, Marjarie Dyer, Marie Roinso, Harry Wod, Enld Mongram, Mary Baker, Mahel Oadley mnd William Lindail. insional communica tion is a credit to s tuden ts 4 , ~r Explore psychic ability Sciog loto the fture, dtectiog per- bIcs. Zuait ba boom cf hu- gft sicc sonality traits or helUi polcms are childhoodamd bas spent Uicetut 10 ycors fots nol renerved for a fe. studyiog paychic phenommuon mnd foc Mos evryoe bs hd apsyhicex- five ycaco bas heen o professional bIos evryoc bs hd apoyhiceis clairvoyant mnd pychomefrlst. prune but may not bnoom 1w ta, Promn a smali office ai br home, Ms. dcveiop in abiity. Mt Miltan Publi Zuest practices her profession, dotag Lbrary next Tusday evenisg, Jîssie readtagn for people fRom al malha of lufe. luist, oaliiltons reoident mnd paplar ercienta are csnuragcd ta tapa psyrir, iii offer ber expertise. record unoions ota alom for reviem fue lecture, ta begin ai 7:30 pin., mili several months lter. belp Uonc intreted ta, explore their Forcemorecinformmation aothe i lecture pyrhic aiities. Admission lis free.ratil Sylvia Polliun ai 87-2M1. -7