10 Theo Canaden Chamion, Wd., Nov. 16, 19W3 Player's play -.. nearly ready% ite Milton Players are ltoutute fima staesof reiersat for therfrsOt theatre podu of te season, Boeisg-Boetng, to be performed Nov. 17, 1, 1 athie Hlton Cenîconial Manr on Ontario Street. 'Te coesedy concerno al swinging hache- loros attempt in maintin tires attraCtive tigit attendants as fiascees.Se tries 10 romance octi of tiem lie a sitgle service, wtlsune flying in jutas anotiteriseleaving. However, his "welt-organined" plans are tiroon lto chsans es al tlree arrive on te same day. Members of te tat include: Keitit Craso- tord as Bernard, te swinging iathelor; Plillip Gray on Roiert, a vsiting friend of Bernards; and Penny Carlos as Bertita, te outopoiten maid. lite tres fligit attendants are: Chris- iane Goulet as Jacqueline, Mary Elena Ruit an Juditi, and Sharon Grega as Janet. Ticheto are $5, itut only $3.50 toc senior cisozns and students. flsey con ha par- citasel i aCn Trovel utaite Milton Malt and tthse door. 'ite pay togins ai 8 p.m. eacit nigitl and cons for aitout an iour and a half. "We are loning for a good turnout t elp u kictoff te ssonas aa wcocntinos to strive 10 offer live titotre tai la more acceosiile titan te Ibronto marit for te people of Milton and te Hlton Region, -said Mary Eesa Rui, president ufthlie group. Encoaraged iy te sellout audiences for ils dmner teatre at season, te ployern wIl ha itaviog a dinner tietnîe ugain tiis season. Detaitu itI ha annoonced siortly. Meannitile, te group is always looting toc new memiters. Not only are tere acting fIse Milton Players open flhacsday eventng wth te cossedy " Be Bsg". On fr1- rotes tu it, "itut prospective memetrs msy day iley were poltohIng op their tises ductng rehearoals ield ai Ontario Dose Sales. wanl 10 gel sinmexcperiesce, or itave tome Keilis Cati, e,wsot plays thse maie lead. Bernard, le shows 10 a scese sotilShOlaros fun, inte poducing and direcling areas Grega. who plays the part of as Amertras airlise siesoardons. les," said Ns. Ruit. Hydro runn MPP tells n Hilton-Biali4nsMPP Julien Rond laaited ou aI Dntarts Hydro at a retn meeting of te Oahvlle Provincial Uitecal Association. '"'bre la nos dout ln my mmnd t ite goverent la llowisg an osesstrollable spending progroon ity Hydrs." Mr. Reed told a scant gaterisg ai Oaitville Taalgar 509h Scitont. "Il cen eauiy predict te pzice of edec- tricity wil doutle ity te end of te decade," ite addsd. No. Rond pedicted thse provincial Utoeral party, onder te direction of leader David Peteions, vilI ite challengisg tise govero- ment tiis faI aitout Oeais Hydro. 'flic lassos wil ttcore iroadly itaued, bit Ircan assure you tisaI Otario ydro wilti ite top canlng," laid No. Reed. Currenlly national resoucces cilic toc tise provincial oppoition, te Norval rosident servcd for aiu yonre as ensrgy critie and four of titose ysars on tse Hydre select tom- milIe-a type of hydre walcitdag commit- Iee tisaI waa disitandad. IIWe have mid tisaI 1h10 committos should be ceconvened,' said Mr. Rsed. 'Me nesd 10 brisg haci stome tond of publieacutiny'" Anuter joal f tise LIeraIs soit ttc 10 try 10 introduce an att csapecting Hydre at- roantahility 10 te .sgislatttrs. According tu N. Rsed, thse Minister of Energy cannot speait on hehalf of Ontario Hydre ite Lgilature and damcolesthave tse power 10 defend lise croson corpration. "Under te legistuce tisaI crosted OstI- ar Hydre, lhey arc sol anssorahîletite Miistr," No. Rond said alter tic meeting. "Thic ministec cao acl au a newu hearec and tiaIs at," ite added. Hs said tse only type of "peipisral" cn- trot lascnerted isy tseOntario Ensrgy Sourd, itut No. Resd nota Ontario Hydre con soit- itold tom nenormton. PIng wiId, rveeting "In effeet, tsy cas tisumis their nomacai Oison," he satd. Il in for Ohiarasan Oieopposition soill tny Oi faIltu1 have Oie Pbver Coporation At omended Le have Gitaris Mydro deveisp a "cIler CUL psltcy.", ratiosn tss t as ais u"saated" oisn c itohs ieen in Oic tegtslaturs. "And tOn govsremnent is esnttatdtsg 10 alotesne facilIties 10constinue on- cisectcd, its said. United Way 18 near goal flic United Way of Miltos campaign 10 date isos dans se par cent hetter Oian lut Yer. Campeign manager Hoditer SmitOi satd Oie fond han mades *S,tg MoreOas laat year visici site desccthdads "a direct reflection of commonity confidence and support." Received 10 date is $30,80 and plodisil 10 dais ila*30,430 toc a total of $51,310. lIte target for 11l l*0$3,2U6 and Oie compeign manager caïdsite vanta tu stress Onât people sitoildotceaI on Ohir tournis btut tesp newesoney csmtng in and gel tOse pleilgo ln an mon an possible. elc hiipent of Oic campaign han hein lts ronidetiol Campaign soiicis le at 8t par cent of Oie goal, or *16,06 of a targeteil $20,766. todustry ia ai 56 per cent of Oic goal ($21,814) or ($39,t000); professions l0aai 2l per cent of Oie goal 1$1,843 or *0,500); and gsvsromest ls alto ai 5M par cent of Oic goal (5,600sof $10,000). 0i GS àH HT* Our sales assistant, Love, wiii ho pleaoud 10 show you ou wvioc rdesinstf rom fur jacitts la 0000>00 dresses. We aso hove Natucalizo sioes at 20% off regu ar Use Our Convenient Layaway Plan 20% clown wuil hold your glft until Christmas G/FT CERTIFICA TES A VA/tABLE 05501,Ex MILTON MALL 878.5251=Z I - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 SOMETRING SPECIAL., Maw and r(linrilpirial Stýz , Mihn 878 4171