Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Nov 1983, p. 1

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Christmas Fundis rolling n'a begtoalgto loo alot Mk Chriatma, buti masy Milton bornes il's jiat goleg tn ho a "bde o gray. Wbte people were huoing a few baoaf tChrstmnas carats on Friday drlsg the aiea stores, allier people were stUag at bom rn ylsghi bolof aayai tel terchildre net tohope hr tan, mach Iis De. 25. White that may sond libe a bleali way i beglo a tory of bope thiga are sbapig p that will belp labo away some of the yuletide gloses for sacbastort- mnate familes. The Canadas <Champin Chistmnas Breau Fimd ln 00w i its secod weeb, and Ilhiga arebhappening as people start hi pull together for Ibeir seigli- hors. T'he Miltn Jaycees and Mio Mai base st sp a toy collectinhooll in hbe mal. Anyse wlablsg hi dosate a oea loy ces do so sîmply by psltig itinhe large Mltsn Jaycos recepticle. Jaycee program drector Tom Sullivn hldI be Camp- les hi club wets i mabe a A Metroland Community Newspaper - Ssrving Mlton in its 126th year VOLUME 123-NUMBER 27 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1983 Hobby endsin By LINDA KIRBY StaffWVrter Flyngsosa specil hobby for Raymnond Psrkin of Mlo-e wsîthse proud owser of an ultra ligit machine and spent many a weekend flying fromnttse bluffs surroundmng Mlton. on Sunday afternoon tihe 38-year-old mon seas killed instantly when bis bright, multi-colored aircroft clip- ped s television antenno on tise roof of bis homo and spun lints s tree. M.Pri a ae f Mc. arblts bo loes aff S? aI flool and came doan one I'%,l ~ I ouc laler in the fronyard. M r . .? Il was hi stepfatber abs was Ue fIrsI os tbe scese and plled FindOUt hiesu fte rcae Crawford Sorbbolder rosall- ed earngthIe engIns rev Its wasItsars were cos- Thurs y firineilseconds ate hihren bhs P. L.Roberson, tbhean wabs alwntto tslhUe window and oesded the business bearrng saw ber ses slsmped over in the bis noms 75 yers ogo wll ho crumpledawreckage. igligted in o specliMin Raycmond Prkos mes pro- Hisorical Society evesl 1- ssesced dead aI Ue scase by eorrow evesisg in Ue library. Miltnscoroner Ivan Reter. Prograra coordsolor Jies De o f i,.-p0 Torsta- Dilîs said here adIlhoccotos aI ion adCsnmrslalsn offl c- 7:30 p.m. wilb the prsgrae s lar cosinuing on isvesti- sarinf aI 8 p. fsed' d gaion ino the lragic accidentl. Mr. Roberson f Ibdte M. Parbln, wbo eld o coesposy Nov . 1107 and the special licence for flying ultra bsîscical sociely decided UaI il ligbl machines. had been lysg was ime 10 collerl and dsploy since Augusl when ho acqslrcd the esony arilacîs and sories is machine. tbal suroesded the mon abs Ho bod boilî tbe airîraît hm- brougbl the firvl major indslry self rses o kiwith elp rses 10 Millon. bs sleptatber. Il's regretable UaI a .Mr. Burhbolder dscribed bi coespasy 03d a mas abs sepsos os carefsl,sosmeo loacbed the lires o cesînless "abostslcb hi ail of Ue regsia- Milonianssbas neer been e-lions" and oddod be bad loes ecively ariolen abot n Ibte airroîl to Ue sianstacl- isîrîcl prspecive," M. urrs 10 ho safty erified as Dlis said. sos ait was buft. -Sos *FUNERAL" page A3 contributionin, hie ccommaity Maiton. and tbey thosgt ii e lil ho Mee sld tbe hottles1 onernore aay i mabe Maton a proveil ose sf lbe matr botter pWlace hiicbh i lîve. by the usd esceedes tIbe fmedoceda ths id of goat. support, and the Jaycesa are "People tiaderstar eboig the aay i hi lbi thor Chritmnas sboatd bho aervce clubo s d rmmeslty jsy for the aboIe faný organbothi eu cs elp. Wen lhey werec Club i flooclal doatoas, pmng, tbey sauetiat b drawa ras by organisations, or and tIbset of abat il jus a collectin daig a like althsai a happy CI reglar meetng arealgoighi adUshe ade a dom mabe a bg dffrence tIs year. "Tue dlrnea, quart Fsod oordisahir Les Feers pennies really do adc saldmucb of laat year's aaccess make a dliffrece" h drog the Ctirlpnas Baceau Mr. Feero emphaa. drive wos due hi ssmmuslty- Casadlian Champons rnded groupe and srgasla- Breau Fssd la a foil alonsa offerig ihi belp. ered cbarlly esd Mc. Feerosid aoy clubi, ram- ranago doatio a meslty grop, bore neschosl ho glves os bcorne tai asciation, esnis, sports Salvaion Acmy capti league assciation, or jut a gatbering of frens are wel- come i elepliose hlm at cm8- 2341. In tbe meaeetime, M. Feero, aihIte help of CampioE circulation varlficationsusper- settbog up sac Crismsas Fiaid donaton otlea aroesd al of DaSTIBUTiON Ws man dlisr plur FLERS -SAMPLES -INVELOPES Any deay quenty. lait year lits $5,00 and UsaI a tibe of mily. ot sbop- ce paesed Christmas, atlas. tic sp esd ne aaid. bCrstmnas ly reglot- 'II gladly sx recipt. paIs, Jobs Moron, asd cormnrnsly sorhor Beverly Gee, have atready hegus csrnpiling a luIs of those abs aISl receive food vucbers and hiys Iis yesr. Capt. Nron said il1la vital Ihese pesple abs wssld libe hi receive lood voucbers andtys fsr their chldres contact tbe Hatho Regiosa sosciat services departmeet aI 827-2151. He said Ibere is s fores wbscb mstsl hofilled ouI, bot l 110s ol coesplicsled esd does sol laboe log hi do. CapI. Norton sald only tbose abs f111 oltthe requcal foresi witI ho receivng OChrismas jsy hises the fesd siespiy because tbey nosd oalost te, orlirses and the foress belp provde thal list. Trafflo Iig hts aid the blind An audible raffir signal whicb avlîl tell blid people abes raffic ligbls are chang- isg ai os intersection esay ho inslslled aI Miltons Cilds Dr./ Onario S.,, Oak SI intersection. #'hal decisios aIll ho finalized by tban cooscil nenl Mssday evenof, bul reseived eseslesous support hises geseral comeitee Mssday nigt. Tbe device, whicb auji cool $50, emils o distnct tone ahes tbe sigoal changes and wrm Ibhe pedesîrian of tbe 001 cipaled colsur. Cookbook reminder A osmero f ramipes bave already boss received aI The Cbampisn rses cseseseily motos abs aant o place in sur fourlb ansual Anysse wshisg 10 sobeil favorite ramipes must do so by Wdsmday Nsvemehr 30. The cobbosb aillI ho dvided ilosseven setloss tcludilto hors doeuvres, salads. mai db, men only, soup, desrses d cassisg and preserves. l'riled or lypewrilles cspy ailI ho O- cepted ai the office, 101 MaiSt. or il con ho mailed s Tbe Champisn Csskbhis,Bosx 240. LOT 4N9. Walcb for tbe 1004 coshbsoh in the ediion nf Dec. 7. Be sure os include ysar name and address to essore ysu'Il gel credit for your conrib- Bail given Pire Poel eg ion and Torono residenîs are out on bail on cartes slomeinf from aa drsg invstigation invoolgfivo police departmonts. Ivesigation involved tbo seizure of an oslimaled 5M poeinsiofmacijuana raloed aI holseen $125,000 and $150,000. Someofolthe marijuana was foundin on airplane sî Sulair Parkbubo police stsIe lie owser of tbe aircrafl and tbe o-ners of Burlair Parkhaboe nolbing 10 do oilS the drug seinure. Four suspects in Peel etion and one suspect in Toronto Oece arrsled and cbarfed oilb drsg relaled offences. Following bail boaings lasI ireeb the dis- posiions o ise are: Dlavid Vanseyl. 21, of Fillb Lino W. Mississauf a, $20,000 bail: James Vanseyl, 32, of Moon Rd., Downs- ies, $15000bail; Sandra Perry. 21 ofl Fiflb Lino Wst, Mississofa, $2000 bail; and William Vasseyl, 27, of ifib Lino W. Miss- issaaga and Sharon Hudon,28,.ofBramOpton, weebolh released on Ibeir oas cecofo- Cuuck down So b.nt.emm... . . .domided by council Manor workers face firing Oy STEVE ARNCOLD Miss Oohiey adeiled pr of the emlpiyos es ucbed a griovesco ag- Aufusl sf1984. Neas Editar probiens alUs tbe progrool vis Ons waol hoy called barassnesl hi ber reromesendalion 10 tbe A touglier sadesd osig ta ho resiolonce rses Masor staff, "parti- rse Ue nurse ond Ue regios's cor- cumailtee. Miss Ooley urged o 17 labos by rogissal cooscili gais ccalrcgrdsg wbol Ue prsgrarn paoe pbysicîos 10 retors hi worh monlh extension of tbe suries con- Hatos Cenessiai Mosor Em- was 10 achieve.' rses logiimale ilnensos or ijuries tract and a chante in the systees 10 ployees wiUs igh b ahenlo records. hSome staff have neos il osly as hifore thiovinsa doclors tatI Uey bave ber report dirertly ta the ad- Casilori Iaoncbed their first monitoring of ahienlosise and o wre reody. minîslralor. he as urted mabtof seivo inUheases rondf thetgtl namberofothUosebhave seslishesoi- Two othose empisyoessbavesince the position lulî-time, raîher Ibes lasI web awhes lbey rejecleil a tocig as a poilcig fonction ssiy and received compensation frses tbs ce- tbe Iros day a eeb ruront or- besitb and social services cm- sol as as a positive allampI by Ue gio for lwviiges. rantement. mitos recommandation hi extood Empoyer 10sow gesie boeresl Miss Oahiey said sosee of Use ini- 'it is premature toi evalsate tbe tho commretîof sioccapalioat andl coscera in Uose bavlsg eath iaieisrasl tho empioyees bail oI Meors Occupational HealUs Unit beatb ourse for anther six moths. andl abiesteelses probem,' abo Ue prngram bas becs ovrcorne Progrom aI Iis point in ime,' 51e fIse surse wss hireil in Jassary of arole. during Ue first sinxesoths esd adl- orote. 'As previouly slaled iltuboo Iis yar 10 help woith abat admisi- Cogcers over the goal o the pro- ed the effecl of the sew measuron untîl early Aprl 10 complele vicaioreirk Kaufrnar descried as gram rachrd a heod o-len Ires woruldol hor learly measurshle util Soc 'ANOR' page .52 î' -',oi il il'rlrc'. or nhghî'r hi aoy siher regrral deparco-cri and 007 siomlar insitution. hv lmyeprecd sgig Scn eto Duriof the sent 510e monib, aearayepeiOci ong Scn eto cordng n areprt o te haltloabe o bey importance idecîdlng Sports ............-BS corlsgoarzi Ionehaltd ido-a bhid f isnbs bi Us e Cmessily Noms ..... B- s"cal services rammillos irses sa-foraccndodle 10 Mdis wHb n5 5the asfid . . 9S ciaI services drechir Debbie Oak-iysfmutur e dhiireenf- CEnhirlieli......... 11BI ley, the ea proram bail ordy a Tough W e ynmdcifamnsrtv f netinn ....... i marginaI effecl onstsaff attesilance.b W e ficer Roy Main. Sce pge A3 for is Wo a t .es ...... 1 Toc statisirs oie gathereil sa- Mlon Seamers face a hiofb vea of Ue future asnd his curresl cd abaeteesm aas generatly htt weeb asUsey prepars hi meol boUs poston. Third Section hinse Uses 1i81,,ecepl for tUese - Use Slreetsvllie Derbyso asdithUseal EsaOe .. ...... EI-REB conil quarter of Ue yeor ailes the Dabvlle Btsdes. For shicy se ageo fs eton Dtue . . E situatios was roserseil. B.FrtScin Dtl e........ . In iaS, staff absesce aas lges- 5 1 5Edor ................At Inserts eraly aorse rssgbot Ue Manor, Paanning Key Vocapoint ...........A Care Care Sone Rsad Mal andl especl i hUe ousit and Panning for Miloa'* future Pages of the Pas ........A Labtas Sper Save dletary deparmest, dao-tehi a Suils g-oth,e adhig Uegrowth we Dd Yas Knsw ..........A Mtito rugMari epideri. Tke Canadla ChamionChitmas Bureau Fonaishi plgteoaasare evry eflalbas a toy ad every aeedy Milias farnly ha.s a Crstmas dier Dec. 25. Lus Perce, faadce ordtaater. l, sod Suwan Brethet whb asasishtig hboa hve bth becs ont placig daoams batilesinares stores. MSal pht by Jen larptiaas

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