The Canadien Champion, Wad. Nov. 9, 1993 6 Seaf et hbrrer and maeager ef tha CRIC, sait liait davaisattle oftthe Wcr ln Enid location wan choen beacune Ail Wars wu rereated la the 200acre siteon the Slidi Mltoe racmitly fer thiafilmlng Lina "hc Id a elamante we ati nova drame fmeiludia tenasaid foir dia drame. e CBC. "Mevain;oresaarnd lbe Lillad Sonme Hoenorable cempilas as tie rlgbt aie til 4 Oaama les lal te ba of tre a d ed v vra able to JI IO ~ 0 1L P O S acbeueet Ib la oaeu dlg trane o the diaacioe bncwà politIccI bernes of We conld stagea cwcr vit Caada peu gicielitsancd bomblcg and o 'dia aagenits abet le oe wcnld pcelc," Mr. Slmcrd Mdltlon, acmrdlag 10 anscat a id. prodiacar Siaron taeb are Sbiai atudeetie vare alne Sae Hgbe Wer. tia dramc, crlordlngIt fo elnclatatta het aopr ecatnCol. Samn Hugbea an collage epobaniece Lied, Caeednnsmlnataremdlitlnct adug thetrncbhes i~ thilntr et Werld Wcr Oe. fer tha preductin ced plantadit Tin segment, abe «Id , al decd tram let create c 'Ine batbre beure log, comportad moule lced for dia blettie *0' to etber mestallmen t dia te ames wbilb alt be oely cete minutesleng. A dacislebco M. Keogbncid lvbaseno eat co et 1baun matde an whatfier beau declded baw mcey tbanltory wldbelold inoeor segments hee wld be ite ta art. mesa, aldiengb feur bcve Baverai tiaeand yaaag Cencien foale a col aed l"aY Th M'il~ton locationced a lrecdy bau completad. dauemb e " nbled wltb u and bl'e f ele t artum wcse daHavy lzquipmanl A decllon basaatlontbau en pa faBabrmmhe a ifo amto eu col et Sheridan Codlage. made oe vban Uic amies vil frrmemlaMrle.Sb pooyJ»Brtm) Jacque Sbard drcmc unit ba broadcant. Location- SanODiego * wl Ha mc id COHR offer ~ui 2fd Data- Vital help for widovvs _> PL--Ce nAiRD28ESI O By 8TEVE ARNOLD di athe beavad "nain mncb naadad Aaceordleg to Mms. Kiddle, the emoioel F RO f ~~Neya Edîtar noppt ced ancaragmant." eeedn te 10 met direugi nacli c program*.i G Loalng yeer bestid or ite con boe e W1 give air people a chace o1 maibo ditter vli the stageetf grlevleg e pernein batn .c~ tha Ment Iramalla axparlane n le 1, a contct mI a netverb o et er peaple Whoe racbed. VéU Tf I lraamca net everyaee bundlan praparl bavebcbaliilaer«porance," Mire. lddla ¶breegb lter stcges dia problae ofM LOt N A I cope ailei Ion, bamever, l0a ne etc boîtn sal tgs h acd, dia pragiram "Etoeg idi prccl lite Issees lifbo finle1 racetly termad meltbaelp grenp in nordi ofet dildow greip la very flexidble. cl plcening ced dacldleg wbare 10 tîve. Han spenmered by the Nordi Btallan Houe "Weil de wbatavar dia mambarnblp Kaea Fergecen, patient serviceseaný A A A -À Itelaîleen latiul ICOR) "We fee pnsv aoten ffare cmu 10onl porrcs ce ST b 'iae greupa, for widevsancd vidoears, tbe membere n tey bave c progrmda ceb i evgep A w malt mondily under telesdel fleetelegtUcvdwnr îaes 'a -c n enmellor ]Elizabedi iddte. c board mem- Thia formleg ef c widome groap, lire. bcabetd Nov. if ci St. Jeohn Ueited Ciurcb h,~~,,,. ~ bar efthde Nordi 110110e Hospice ced soal Kiddle maid, spirald "eut ot c nmed eper- Guelpb St., Georgetowe. Meetings are cur- woero midi tbe Ceceeellleg ced Haman iuncad by the North Hatton Hospice." reely field le die affermoes, bat U D IO i 3 lire. Klddle fil the eom, greup, vbicb la patient diad theaspeme wcn taft grierving ced Fer turdier infermation, centat lie aiternacllgis meetingsnhetweun lton ced teeelyvwidi venrytewoegeiegasuppertsnavcl- Kiddl ai137-90te or île Nordi 1111len 3oaistn-ito 78 2 0 Georgetowe currely, le danigeed togive cble," abe ncjdi pire e 73-13e. 136_MainSt.,_Mlton_878-2 ____ StClair WW - UPI 5D%/ OFF*RdII Sar powered 40 mric Ccon- Portable 6 band radio veri ath No Pe ramcvi SW-e bteri es shorreval Uses 4 8 9 caclao veeded' 62 "C" ceel.AC. %5/j3g5 Discaver how Illasy ta da-if yourself wIf those w 36p Miiu! speake s ee fo first qualdty Citlcrm filas, impartial fraie 03 0b.4 12e7 fo ctycandite e imcgiv England. Chaaso frie avar 100 patterns af up taRP* 40~- actts. at-coo 1/ off* right naw Of St Cli. r. -OFafl UST oC pefla Colour Computer 2 for Step into the computer age a education and entert if UV 4 COur compact MC-10 ea excellevt loir begirvners Z SCla r WrhthTt-80$ h~iiiva an ad versatile enogh to challevgv eepevcveced &reCisaaPPsPen Çalurorpthe r, - pregrevrers tiowct cveecepli.ovall.loprie q 9 Th atadvprpol aoucvroputr 4K mevory eepevdchle to 20K Conveets to vourd ettecte. play ucluT 5c 111 MILONMLL at. cc ,îae hrilling garnes.and MITNaLLS.930M 6.2 coaete graptoisi 878-2629 -elors, lî's alea v iral la rng roor:, Co 2hasal6K RAM memory. epavdable tv a 64K "iMY MONEYS IN TERM DEPOSITS -jsk-baied syetem. AT MY CREDIT UNION" 529 Yas, HaltoevcomvvrrrhCredi Union 62 9 0 @IEnjoy the sounds of Christa Cmpac Mîvsettle't27495 AM ah. casett 499 89V11 0va reore uses TrvlsaeywthCAA'rso sdoo - vadrvv ~ ~ ceis hC oe DCssociapu rp f1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~dpe 1h 1hh012veO SR AO sseeev ccle nee Uncal acalblwi o5Cdpa vI epeacneu v "mplcae raoaan'r 1N3 l I wihC