Re Tha Canaden Champion, Wed., No Fali wedding Catherbes Oachmach ad-Kurt Smilth see wed Sept. 3 in a double ring ceremooy atHoly Raery Church. Th. bride ta lb. daughter of Alvin and lb. lt. Annette Cuchmach and lb. groom la the sonofJbm and MaureefliSmith of Sskat- Cbewa. Father Isabeil conducted lb. flernon ceremoy andCaIrleayas it The brides ti ise arls Cuh mach uf Missssau was mid of bonor. Bridoonsaido were Thereso Cuchmacb, sister of lbe bride and Mureen Smih, siter of the grooms. The grooms brother, Kevin Smidtb oft 0- tawa wogoossawilltgabaesChris Smibbrthr f lb.ugrmfrom Alberta and Steve Madick. lb. bride woro ber motheras satin gowo and made ber osn vit and al bouquets. A trodtiooal Ukrainien dinner aod eveo- iog reception ws bld t Meadowvale Commsity Centre with 180> prsent. lb. brides attendants blida sbrwer for ber along with the brides amIt. A troditional Urinieo dinser sbrwer for lhe bride and grmom wao organinod by the brides family aI the Charles Hotl. lb. couple, wbo were bolh borto Milton, bave made their bome bre Over the top The 1003 Miltoo Arlritis Society goal of $0,Otobas been topped. Campaigo chairman, Adrea Lear-CoSti- gao said " am very pleased with the. mal ts aod woldtlike to tltash atl the dosoro and ail the voloteer worbers who helped ws achieve our goal. She said thc 125 volunteer captamnsanad coovassers covered the roodetial, com- mercial and ro&It areas of Miltoo in collect- ng the more thano$8,00. Mss. Lear-Costigan togave praise tu the Lios Club of Miton which mode a $72 donation te the campaign Mooday night. She cited the one-man bicycle ride of las Jarvis, of Laurier Ave., wborarisei $225 by pledgm. She also said the aid of Elsley Pharmacy, Fifth Wheel Truck Stops, Comsumers Glass and Rocltwel International with advert- iig spooorship wau appreciated. The final evet in the 1983 Artritis Socie- ty compaign is a fashion show and toocheon Nov. 19 inSt. Pouls Church Pcter Van Egmond & Sons Lt_ Lots Tubk About: Sldlng Thu,.s e thou vuain asons thto ple osdeee oosg.dn o ho fhom 1Tcutheucos yssu ou oS Oidnlaiona bhnd tho sdng. 2. To eimecate paintinand eterio 3 Ticmm te eo,-saie vaue ftheir hm. CAL.THE EXPORTS FOR A FRE NO NONENSE EaTIMATE PETER VAN EGMOND & SONS LTD. O37MUWaU lVHU A.c6 18 Pin an oword on a kid who deserves it. s vevv0 S C h ,,-opavu,5 0-I OA, pno,aue, boy0n abO aIia- ly bis -tOth pauociContact Jies Robinslon Ju,rC»M eoC-odimota The Canadien Champion Deadîmifoe fvaiaeo Ner 0iu,19M. A Caos Posw POf CP Aravdîhivoouwoýpa CPAir B John Mhon8.0-0-L October meeting The roglr mohY meeting chlldro., ageit sevoe loie. of lb. Johns M nsCapter of Ibesuame of sechool le Nuhom the IODE oas held ut the hume mntS hoofl, Davis joint, of Mr. (SF. lhomp6oo, with Labradr. Reo r.E..Clementu in Our. Regot and Standard- Ib hir. t.arer wlllbeplaci.g the IODE Minutes of test meeig were wroth ut the Miltes cesetopb rend and adepted. Teasurer'a ceremoies os Sunduy, Novoos- report and Committee reporta ber 13h. NexI meeting laur glve. Cristmas Meeting) i olIbrheld Poloolu throogh wth our lbrsduy, Nov. 24, 8 pan. ut terest in LdatiOo and with a hume of hrs. D. Maris. sew project we have tuken on is Labrador, our Eductitia Serre- tary, Mns. D. Martn, hud a Scotch~DI booy monlh, atodt.g Com- mencemektsI Iw upootegs, etc. -o, B o k W I Regardng our 'udepted" Scotch lek WlI had 14 school-claou in Labrador, ibis la tables ut their Octeber card n the prelt.mury stages, and prty ut tigny. ginigmomestoain tegel Itin lite oloero were; Edythe fui sig by Cristmas. We Davis, Clff Brown, Myrtle have afready hord from the Cuningham, Maries Marohall, toucher wo uadvises uthal Barbara Veestra amd Mary ours la... a Grade 1 clanu of Deaay. Over P200,0S M)ni Ph7n Grand Prize: Corne into Color Your World today and get your instant %Mn gamre card. Tnirp for Two to London or ~ "elbiy as 0pis f Sekr £luis via 1 ritish Airways e5M"eert"Cr 0piso ýSekr PR lue -Ir 50 20" Panasonic Color TV's e 50 SYNSOOU DRU.. Over 7000instant Wine 50 sets of sne Tires e 50 tas4rA> Binoculars Pnzes e 50 ATARI Video Computers a 50 Panasonic Stereo ta Go e/ 50 CITIZEN Quartz Watches e Kodak Kodacolor Films *50 .S<lSaws e owbd *50 Kodak Kociamatic Cameras Gift Certificates the Smregular prico lewhere SEVESTMM M MKW2w. P ina ellaI*qaaOe B Y t... wM Su*-Mm e M LbCW11M UM.710WEE V.W Pýi«w bfflaoosm »M. T M, i M- M a .-9 P.a~M u mm pt L be.bFLiem 1pa IHONHIL ue,â,êmfàw. . i,. - &-s1e s1 ae. LUl-2734