Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Nov 1983, p. 27

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SM METIN b CGGImI CI.Eeii,00 - Sales & Servine wsiufJw Air Corndftln - Air Cleaning b o 't t on"A@FMTEMM 5784021 PSME ROASTBU OPNER Oao. Thoenhorcow a sou oaw " 24HU MREC EVC EMSANOVEMBER 9, 1983 THIRD SEC¶'ON CAPMPBELLVILLE. 0ONT. 878-SDOM 87-8flGELPH LIRE AT 401 Future Springers get jump on gymastics 1 I l - '.. I ý Hand-craftedkneelers Grace Church The shîttdedîcatian and patienceaofsecen parishitiners aI Gace Anglican Chrch i it ite crîdent toalatt mitaapproaci te ater titere. Thccuminatiosoftlmo ears of commit- met ias resatteif i n sven oeaw aller rail haclers, acit a caretatty sttcited piece represec.ting te hsîne aifte tom. Thte wornloh of tite former cushitins or haetlers pramptedth ie Aler Gui .d ai(race ta mitk into reptacîng tiem. "Te prjeet capturcd te imagination of a lot of peope," esplaîsed Ren flRitert Lenona lie recatîs tite enthusiase ai citurcit anti Aler Gitd memiter Betty Mercer mita ielpeti gel te prjeel undermay and fottameti il tirougit ta camptetion. "Thcy are reatty unique, mmlt simpty have reigiaus symitotsauntem. Yau molti have ta go a long woy iefre yud sec imitar anes,- Re. Lenas saiti aI the nec- de pint crealians. A maman evtaosibleifac ave aifte oshio od I0010) 'vl ook 700 tlouroo l'ie knioecec t-,AIiiciJI ddicalii-o i te cituecitSunday turing terugatar Itam3 am. service y tce RigitI Reverenti Clarence Mitchell, SuffraganBtitap of tce Diceseaof Nigara. Alsa aithUtcservice mccc MayorGoued rantu anti Arcit deaon Hsmner Ferris mita as Reclr of race froco B9uttoua95. . laughton Smitof Don Mitîs natce r- tit wha designeti ccitushitînstoiing cre ta include hitleicot, recreationot anti cultural aspects of te toms. Bied, flomeen anti fruits camman ta te res mccc incluti- ed le moiete Ucillutrationa even mre appealing. Tie owne of a croft store aI Oaitville, Joun Pitiips, cunaulteti ith te neetite- paltwouriteen trgioaUtceprojet. Sha offeceti epertise lu sttitcry miicit uh shaed i imontly meetingsmwithte geuP. Rlobert Argal, the anly mon inatned- la the underleiting, sitrhed thaeler placed aI the fur l of tce aller. The fiet cushiin depicle a Minisaga Indian cannaing on Sinîcen Milc Crecit mith te Nigara Escor- pmenl inthte hacktground. The acal tacneler, created ity Barhara Bavard includen a missionary an horse itacit, a stage coach and a single horse ploos. Jenny Starts contrihuion depicle hoalers as the antifWnd, Marins milI and th and- sitelt, frmerly tcted at Victoria Parh. The centre cualeon lsaon enample o Bety Mercers itndimarit, shoing te eistiaf citurcit,tce original citurcit il nom ecocr- poaoes and te Niagara Dicse crest. A more tradilianal itueler designa s accu n te cushion semu hy Carat Scicar. Il pic- turcs an open hutteit ite fiet and atute- ters of te Grecit alphabtet an île pages as ml s o aptismal fot and o chatice. Unlîhe te ater designs ohicit deal maînty mit thlie toma iscîf, tiis nes theme is never ending faitit Niit.aoa(otiroughhioiearooooomd h ia - \ ' it)t..tio ' . 'L i, ttto lo liilietynarsothlot iiri-dit i a tey ettect te aras recrealionat areas. The Anglican Citurcit of Canoda anti Toma of Miltton crests apper togetiter antce final caniian tareinforce teteme te series is intended le canvey. Pt Mils neenlemorit con ha een lunte crests andthUtclandsape of te Ontrio Agricultural Museumo acheti ty tce GO Train passiug in front oftce ecarpesent. Blancit Appleton atideti hec luci tothUt projcct y tileiing te rope ohicit cordona off te altercarea. Accortitog le Re. Lnnan, te projeet waa financedt Uteugit contributiona feses icoivduals, ciurcit groupsanad a nucoier of meanrial dnationa dcumeutoti on a pla- qeaiathUe clurcln. A huaittt doccuing te entire prjet mil be avaitohîceai the ciureit. Aler rail iteeleen rrety cacla m attentinaas amhe.new set le ha dedicated i et rece Anglcan Chmech Saaday aonleg. Thele unique designm deplctleg te tami'sa hstocy ocre aiteheti hy a groupaof sesen parisionees n sudleg Betly Mercer mita dimplaym her cotr utas 12&h Anniversary Friensnanti vii er mccof OaitvitIe mon gautsoloist wlcamedt te ttc lnAnivr- anti favoareti u mit two sary Service af Knx deligittftti eletton, "CaLnot Preoityterian Citurcit ouSu., Yaur Blesing' anti'"lMe Oct. 3. Hymnof teOlti Osarci Our guesl speakter oas te Cinr." Mc. Mages athUt Ran. R. Campbell Taylor of rgun anti Me. Dawas Brodie ga Knox C3urcit. Oaivtlc. fuiste piano prlrmeti twon dact atidranu mou entitieti "Stayog miicit oece enjnyctihy al. Ahiearîfeit 'tank y u' taon- It oau a lruly meaningfsti ser- tenotuni eMarjorie Maga toc vice wot theUtcmaie heing a training anti leading s r major part. dAnivrury Chioir. Their an- Our onivernary celebraleans trea, '"oly, illy, oly" anti actualy bagout on te P'idmy "lise Lortin My Siepierd" evening prier ohen a large Oece ieautiflly suog ty tce uamhec attendeti our "Calebia- large choir. M.Donu Williams liton of Talents." T'he youngest fleprlng of Olga and Richard Laughton repreenu a oee.of.a-hmad happening in Milton. Trsaa Edoynas(tet) ani Jeaniler trlghtare th anly tiletsietalebave lived in .Milon. Tler al-year.eld sister Mellaca entertan the lhree-year-olds. Tenna and Edwyna arelIdentical and Jeunlferlns a fraernel triplet. Parents of multiples unitedl with POMBA By JANE MULLER Saff Wrter Imagine changing 210 diapers and preparing more thon 100 itnt tden ut formula a weeh and yo'Illhave an idca ot the challenge of raiaing triplets. Itl l a challenge faced hy ahout 30 tamihien each year in Canada-amang lhem are the Laaghtom s ho hatd the distinction ofhbeing the anly parents af triplets line in Milton. Jenuifer, Edmyna asti Tessa have recently tarneti 3-years-atd, prafthat despite what acema an incredihte fentil is possihle tac al invotvcd ta survive thase firt ycars. Richard and Olga Laughton mccc ptaning ta provide a yaangrr siltug fac their first-hrs, Mcissao hcn the sim odds o f creatiaf tripleto caught up wtth them. 'Wemwere gatuf ta have tma chitdren, " Olga recaîts. "Sa much fr famity planning in the '8s" Hec attitude refleets the semse af haumour ahe mont of catted o titane nights when lhree cryisg infants nougitt their mthers atten- tian. Actully, site odeits thal thc chance af parents oacviving a multiple irlt meana hath muat mahe equat contributions. Her huhand, on engiseer, has hees hnoomata challenge anynne ta o dioper changiag contant. The cauptes oquired expertine la this aniqae aspect aI chitd er ing la nt ging taha lmt tnoathera in thein situation. They have recently campteted updating a handboah aimeci at itelptog parents af triptle and qaadruplets. The detaitedt manoat dealu wth the situatian tram tene af discavcring the multli irtitotil accur, up to the chiltieras' first feu, manîlein the sartd. Thse origanal versian af te handitaah îa amaag Olgas collection af infarmatinacancecaing multiple irthis pravideti thcnagh the Parentsof Multiple Births Association IPOMBA) oftCanada. A natianal arganizatian since 1978, POMBA grem trans soatter graupa ariginoting in Western Canada. Nawm mmt tomn cluha are afiiatcdmwith the national graap us socît as individuals mho do ot hoveaccess ta these smattcr organina- doansainteir aracs. A 9'Èt-'ffic sa ehrde Alberta. f% ttS o. ic sateitrde There is a s aap la Mit hich is attiiit ith the Miss issauga Pares af Tmi 1I he tive la this and POMBA, u4ttog as o r tast year..âhfis year nite ts prgr&jMlcanvenar fa gcaup andýairman af Parents dOfriplts Accrding ino0Olte irttoias heen carest in D Uni le ia, ah hrd ta Th~ l o ottnt ot yna eé, rice.Untor- POeAis st!a d r aliti c rbY viding prstedslrtalit pirodacc. Speciftnelsfrmotian e, edi~ them ta uchant i6referenceE lso supptj . Befre Otga hecam large fa y1 site as warkng an hec doctaral tesi t=hefiel of politIaI science. Caniderotiai9mos givnata hecuattan and she mas gronted an open cnded camptetian date toc final tep towIndrd attuoniaf hec degrcc. C Since hccoming invied "nP0QlI.&aPever, she hamanugcd ta, salisfy hec urudemic upptill.A!ide toc parents of triplets and quadruplets and o matipebitrti directoey are he crrent pro- jecle. The casuecclian ith o cammon interent graup offers more than information. Il gves parnts auniltd vice. aecesay taînccease puhlic amreacas of the proilems they lace. especiatty ia otaining hahy supplies 010a discount. "News mthees onder, hom con I cape, mhat cool1 do' "Thcy find nul there are mama osho h aoc sarîivcd." suggesled Olga. Offers of assistsncc fenesmamea mthîn these rganîzaalons are -meont tram the httam aofte hear.' she assures. Otga mas 20 meetis ino hec pregnancy witen ultra-sound detected lhrelillle heads and spinen. Tinssould nt haebern as muchaof o surprise as triplets aing la the tact itoth Olga and Richards famihies hace produccd Iins. "f mus excitcdhbut I mas tld ta espect thern la arîgit anly lhreee paunds," ecats Olga. There lu atmays a gecat eîsh of lasîng ane or mare haby ishen tee or mare are delinered. Ta Ogas relief. hec 1111e girls att wcngtted inu a fine pounds. Thcy mccc harn ut Womns College Hosptal, Tronto. 304aehas ftcr conception. "It mas te mml incredihte thiaf mitr te ourse paohed ihre hassinets leu te indam. 'Younecd those moments," rememicr Olga. Au Jennier, Tessa and Edmyno greos, they nentured ita the world in a three-seuler stratter. While the enlraordinacy piece of cquipmcnt gave Olga freedam and cured hec cahin lever. the un- aual site atleacledcueiaus people who manafed ta iiiîoaaaluing into q ic p)i c od i." n v ,i1 0'd,' I,,.i, -: 'l dillicalta came by, lherere nc-ac 1")tai oioîiiî cturtoi Ioer designcd for a tria otloddlcrs and aoftem, anly anc exports la Canada. TIse challenge af finding stralies for Iinsanud triplets is such tat tl warented o spectat pamphlct praduccd hy POMBA. Il nitold ha cueforting le ptcsliol and carrent parents of multiple bh thaUtotth each dtftculty encaantcrcdterc are tse ho are attompttng le addrena tee. POMBA memheen milI hatd their St annual covention ai Ottoawin tcprtngaof 19Mt. The. Victoria Welend canfrencc ilîl fetare seminars and workuhop dealing with ciild developmnsand oter tapics apecifir to multipe blrtlo. PONMA aa incorprated iis year and is nom attcmpting le recteve charitable sattue. 'We're nom getting involved on a worîdide sele" Olga said of te organizatio. Oae of POMBAs major atmea letl encourage provincial guvero- menteo f offer flancial ausistace le parents of multiples. Pre- enty, only Quehoc pravides fando i lp parents of triplets and quadruplets. 1

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