The Canadm ChampIon, Wad., Nov. , 9.99 B5 878-2341 191 Main Street Milton THE CANADIAN CHAMPION. MILTON, ONTARIO SECOND SECTION ta.essesh. . w . M. eaad Tff. &3m g5P.m.W.edn lisseffldanl P .lay on,pll.dB . alllWverd Daft Tues. 12a.asn CA5TER-MalIOot ned DaShia na. Krr) aore ihtlll.d le aesounce teblrofhéli, irt nhlld, a sn, Colis Asaren, 8 b.. P .. t Northt York Ossetat Hosptal. Wilaswdl. o DAVIS-M. & Ms. Kethl R. (nse Belndre)lof1193 Bil Si. Milles, ore plaad lie annonethe brtchof M 10.10uniJ~sp KenntS. 6 #os. 10 cs., at Mlto Ditict optat on Noemb.t 4, 193. A brailleatfot Roseinaro and Sndra end àiltltd aandnllld for J~ap & Rse Blede. Aothegraed- ctid for M. S. Dvi o Tooneto. Thacne ot Il ot hkindo.n olre grean DÈS saaf at Milles Ditict Hospta. va ES-Robert & Kaen nas MassII) ae pleasod 10 annorienelth et ot nhe bStrieoM tltir 50sonGeory Doglas AnlOlî, MoMset Uniersity ospalenhthe M de f Onor, 1M. A v oati anta 15te r le Fut.,Mohide & Toy n ad te oalaiasdIl Notsing safffCtorwom wec. m aso lot-moo. e lhane baen tuit- Sesaad. Prod grand- patent. are Mr. & Ms. Nrman Maeli and Muire.lonny Vams. A nw rothe for Adam. MCMILLAN. an-At ilCaMillesn Ditrict Hospita on Monday. Noene toa , lIa3.ECati McMilion ofOC Lins. Mitten. Bioved husSaRd f Ctae loes ros Maria MoMIia@n. 1001119 flhet ofMrMs. Ponie iMildoad) Batie 0M Brantford end Stuart0oM otlSy. Durarthe ofMr. Le.a Wîaen ofMllion0. Lned St- gtandcttiidton Janet. Joanns and Broc. Posdlnoasad St- asiatter Ilot 001.0ana roothers Polo ad Roy. Rstes t the AinKosie Funsoal HMO, 114 Mail St.. Milton.. Pomprai Srvice ThrMdyet a:00tsp.M. Inormient EOsgroon Cmett-ry.Mlton. ln Lies01lowss.donattonsIoCtheMiton Ditrict Hospital toundation 1000 esuld 55 op- peciated. SMERWOOD. Raiph aI htB tosidence on aSdaut-. ,November . 19S,tI. Palpe M. Shotc.od l lis 11h test ofAthl. eeloved h5stiati4 Mfthe late Enelyn Jea Bkr.ODer taiesr o Robertof MAthel, leing goandtatttet ni Ktlîtl and Kalt. Deat 5001he0 ol Mauds Walke00oM iaton. 0.0010 McArthrt o Kllride, Danî S Mrley Shsrod athMCf Buingtolt. h 3 SroMhrta & 1 sistet. M. Stî.Ocood ca a Ct-met memer oM the Aaiton Reton Cosavtoan AMtty. Fnea ervtoic as SldaetthCs Wl Cotance Ponsoal ore.20Not-folk Si., Gueph, on Tooldan. onochat . at 130 F..Te Revstend Som0 Wgtes Oficttd. Inomaent Farnham Cmtery, A0100.1.Dontonsa C lis charity oftotchoioc ouid b. appoonlttd. Gord b JimoSrln Mlse n 874M2 Monua.nsa Mothee. Boaze MasSons. Cesotaîn Ltllsd. BECAUSECtfte PassageOfotContInins Hatin Time, 000 ope It out frianîds end relativesowoui acet sr thanks for ehit Id- nassessinon. Iteesa.thertsIsoîdltheo cars. poyerOs and 000000110 yo0 ail an. WO are Indeod lsssd. Thank o et, tno0SDr. Robirtsoaid opeoiaiiy tatrJAMS Soots Thelanrlynt Kairyi Vattdolthoonot LANG, Loton-In tsmory of a datenoter gteidIatet.and sosastandfteotho pased a«ay Novembe 7, 1982. Our eart-to til ahe lthtioiC 5 l0m. Aid Stient What Intant toloe Yu,DadNo one wittoee Uhen a don i. sad ad lnely Aid on.rytng vie s5ent 0o h0atOu cOtîper, "CSer up and PcntytinI e eses t-ot ptotsto eavsant to smlle and say. "Dont oty. lit only slepintîew. lii 1000 asain cantda." Sodly mssd St- Betty, Lorn.,Satin. Mary Lou, OBiLInd, Bob MACLOD-In loig csmoon Mof adeao hsond & taiSler, 811, cho pasaad acas Noehet- 13, tilt. Aiocalied im home te.1105ascWiit. St li oc- he&rtt lov hio0silitt m-isnenoy isas deat today Aslnthe ot e We ofoten st and IioS o iM Wen ce ore &Il t-o metnoryns the onin Chins Thot giesona Sadiyn nissd An oite RoSert-t and dooshteaHt- lle. MOS. Anna . HMery-God 10000ed&ound i Andlonrd an s.tpty SpaCe, Ten Os 10kd upon te earlS. And Sa. y0000 it-M ac.. M.put is BOts 000000 tOu, And iltied ou 10 test.Godo 0004. n mus So Pot-Me oniyt ahis the Sot. I-e nso h01 000 cet-e uerins Mo nas mou w0ee n pin. Mn new ou nw outd nivot- get colt.Upes the He sao the rt-ci as etins t005, And tCe Sis crs Set-O lotlm. SM He. of oau00 ceary etes And cispered "Ppeste tilis- Il 10-k Our enrt-t.Iolose o t-oM, But 000 didot go aton. Pot- part f s oest iC vo, Te day 000 aied tou oms. 1000 cIthlSaoei Sonod tettin, miOst l Sa gst-lbot 00 ttlt-r. 00010 Oissid, ut aicays teoernSot-ed ce lv TMP tomlin et Clint and Mary Btowsnoidena cotdliInintatioî 10 Cheit- elsSSors, frliad & retiveos. o thes occasiConlCOtirparents itiie c eddtss.sniiuotaatn. Oodan. NovemSlo 13. 10,. boi te,1430 p. t Bosto Pteshtoii Chocl, 3td Lino, Maltes MHIS. Otcs«OsînIPleaa- g aoeiclefla Theo00sRdAIelk.ML0bNOM I Psay Wdnleday 7:i0 p.. 501. .011 lj a.c 5 U ou.ler a.Pr.IF ISponcied bn Lada. Aoo lait -of lb. Royl CaainýRon Milles iýf MILTM MRUU IOAA Chpryi Lues dhua. 1the 00dioaiuses ut ho . it Me dicine. Taesdey. Nsssatiba t73P.M. Admssion: 1.0 Fo uel oratioOn cal M-2ffl CHRISTMAS UAZAAR fS RAFFLE SuL Mna. 1% 9Br&a - 2 p. StwAc .li t m a rlga Chrisms dcoaionss. uaftss. hhed asoda. chilo eephat sleis tspond.tesa MS FR 1 1* CTS-1V es osSesbhosbs, 4-131for apeoM TV Studio Tangets 10 et l CommetMBtMoOla.lTv ScrIes Placesliited. PcstsCaml1140441103. CHRISTMOAS Open Mouse. Sal SNo. 12. lu a.m.-d p.m.. 201Knox1Ave. Act0. No pace ihi home.Ptrom ourhome to yous. Lt usdo al 0000 Critmas akinad ot 110iO ur00 il giiîg proSiemo. Conet 1000 Open 00000 and sampleouestdelightful tlet-soand 000 Our dispian of glfI baskets0andSbos. ce ciii AS teliigotdert-5o suit your individualt isedo. For mtoeInformtlion CaiiSOO3-3-Sot-853-369. MOLY RoOat- Annuel Baaa, Sndat, NsovmhatO20, C5it. tO 3p.M. Cralîs, kilino, nondy, pnny soi, aked soudo. ol dog, lunch ronM. Maoviessocn. rios the acito out for Sndat- Funt SENIOR0 Ciisons Srennino Ciicolooeino counseltiss, tsci cae 00d bOOud preOsure ceosotementalt Bruce Stet Apatments 40 Onario tS..Milon, un TonSday, NouecASo 15. ltoc 13ï,-330 p.m. Services auslahie lu Il senorin Milton 101Cmuclilo Cou thn OsaitS DepI , 827.2151 foan appointcent. k Napkins Matches L wldding stationery accessoties q ilhir ganabi81 Champion 191 Hain St HIlton g~ MS. 2M.ekOWDe ih a an- (la pio MM IN FINEST DEUVERY OMiton. Caspb.fllto.Actoî. orho a 5s.tod on Saparaso Onay doliiort- .Choies of arcas una10. FLVSI-CDUPOIiS-CATALOSUES CALL 878-2341 Circulation DepI. SOpt H OUtSE 0OAW NOOIMBLO UISSOn. Su. 315 Haol oge-oloi. mm oTuimg napam a olatiuîg Sarvnh lon FU1 eeeI 151SM302471 Ho or s Cola Food fIo vcoddngspienica I ACTUS FOR1 TV TV Souondtago ia now ntelAioichg Oa popls tor Spenol TV Studio S.Ainn 10.01 n TV SessilV Comcn-cWMoie PaFtIbrSte.Ail oge. Fo cStudiuo al. 0l11904-3303. REMEMBRANCES li the 10tnt ofdonations ta ton Milon Distictl MoSPital Fondatossare appt-oiated. 11clcntdos l A-UCTION SALE Wod. Nov. lth ait 6:30 P.M. Loation:In Milton,.et1the Faitoound, is the Arioui10î aMl o Robrt Si. Foniure:Nordtdhntpano inwant casewith origialhilfcsale piao bsoh; 9pc. calnidin- în uite, extension table, am chai E 5aide chais;bufon nad cina cabinet cith 1tgls& dadou andldcer; Vio. wanut sdeouad china cabinet cilS 2 bSelcisdglassmiron, ilebcaM .sectio hsoaiey stye top ErcutoMciglasisndoar, chin cabiet as ulood glass in dooan excelent plae; coltJacobsn style ali stand 50h So. glas mirror nd cimeinly ate endsof te i, rot and un lhi bock. cobol J. Et H. partout table; Vic. cS dîopeat table; cStiot.r tand;pret -o nate wanut 54" ods; 30, t ditc~ picatable; Vittola in tenhogano case; cS 1 d40cmlibretti tblie; Stwart Wanr radio in cabut cae; Roders radi in wanut cabinet; 1 dtocoer edside table; p. out olii chorryo dopicaltabla.; Vc. wcoi nul pooind radin; cahosot lep desk 01hatas trim; ic. 00k tockr & mnatohing ntambit; e. wcket rockes; cas ptosaod bock rocker; cSk ptescad Sack higS chir; ic. Sca snthoi it50h boISherSaok anod seat; S cat;li;. kitco oScais cilS pine plaOk soats; bucbook chi; toiltlop dt-ncius ro pat; nonted 4dur hos; Wstes- bort-menalon 000; Eog. mental cloSk; 8 I 0100 0 pcolores and tSome; rtai Coemaon oit 5100; Whitohuchelserwîngnmachine. Colectahie*: Osro tratea b ong itochine; 1l" htod ox; hSoIt-eol; spoke ,haoe; 2 nashhoards; cppr pi;aiteîtate bucket;granite lunch ci; broc bloc totoSh; p. IfI 1. potaI oit mesuroes; 0. 1 qI uoitbules with pouriog spuuta; Ir. ohbarn lantn; 3 te caddies; od deedbox; Bomnlelemou box; butter ho; 0.. Wling 2 g. ufltolc ook; J. Mndalsn Milto 3 ga. blue lioral utock crat-ki; 5gel. 0100k; entobut- ton box;c oîat hors Etbutns; 4 hontada woodet coths pis;conden planes; cad irons; cîuut-gg bauks; lion lnoOnsqunezer; Idi shrt- îoî o 00; 102 Rmngrtton single shot ri- flindoube brîni shotgun. ulto nid; Milon aity pont riS bul;Germeno ralrcad lantar; 1910 Chatterbuobînt. pos and ilustrations; 1923 garnay huogin l& Spark PFb5 omtolobou; 1901 Cogutîlul Lîto Av Cano tamr. Lamtps. China EtOiael Torpedo panterntoitlantp; 1882 squr wttd oitionrp; Cooiaistyle lantp; 000 chna baic;hotbnr sSaung mug & Sth- btushh t-ut-r; about a d400,0 boy ups on&l ousotor.10ri. aitltapeppernmitkglis; Ooopied Japan etc; 1911 Crootio Kig George V &0 OenoMry co t&saucer; MapleLea open on- t-urt; 7" cuurnd conno; Bodlinglon atenai blaok utrut- jog; Tiot- Lion tched spoontr; cardinal creaorar; triple stem gobit, valne00 ulat; Sad- ed oui SEtfar inmi 911; sqaore lion socinont; tedetai Iroit bovl; FRseill O" vae; Amthstm va";. ambnhr caody dish wutopaescent hoodie; luenîlk Oass bud va";tr, ut luy paternooelat dihîs. gorenn Mopl Let bread plai; Osly eread ploIe; foo150 basket 00000 fruit bovi; pinS de- prosincrnon & suar and oblats; harO paisbod nuk lss1plte;.diarond pttrn 9W'oatel pli- then,;nikpichet, cramero, oga and 4glassefO.a Ocne or Aooioneer non rspoisiblo fo c cidens ale .ooning. Actiona.r,sNote: A quaitroffning folnnrivate Termesare Cash or Chaqueo ntlh ID. Peviontfront4:30 P.M. Auctioneer: Ward Brownridge AUCTION SALE For Mr. & MrS. A.M. Johnaton Sat. Nov. l2tht 11 A.M. Location At their por,0ai2291 Bttanna Rond n Nuoh BOonîton, accroc. Sal oianIctweno t-unit-hLin EtCadat Springs Rd., onothenoh 0,40 If Britannia. Zchaor 0,Auccion Sale signa. Losofo paking On proporty. tornturo, cosSer, dIt-O,. Ohcaoher. lic srait pcso cinaSm. eo tc. lctrc locococr. toc oct- 1& gardn oIol, 4 X 8'cool tabla (Sod ont) w/all a00000000s, 9 po. igSI hrt-cuodd iing oomnsuit ihatil oud. 2 bîrosuitesetc. Popooit-ad. Onrs aretovlng south. Foîngo,.. 9 oc. lihI chrrycood dinogruoom suteinl.chna cabnt-buffet ituob.tblehEt 6 t-t-is,nohoosot- 004 droleal ollee tabla; 2 oîngbact-strîcnd ocholtered notchingam t-Sirs, 2 t-. sectional chesterfiebd (ornge ut-Soi teredi. occ. ut-SOhIîed chir. 2 cabout ho.d chairs; square carbletoput-aide tabl; pahogont- Duncan tht-todroIt tabl; test o 3 inthogsot- tabes; antique incashntand rt.); Doncn thtfn orrbe oc domotabl; 4 c. Fr Pro. Sud- romsiei.02 single bndo. niht stand la drser ithmiroro; 5 c boriooorsuit inc. 2 singenbhcdo. oght stand, hîst ut drapons & drssernithroitror; 2 rckig chais igoodports); uh ooo ite chair; strai plnt tabl; 2lfrarood ni irors;s oouid oaS Soul tabl; 2 wckot-baoS ciuoihba tsl; officeohair;nogooinetrack; sigle blond nahoaO.i bnd. 00. aonohoir; bouS- t-t-oe, coud Sîhhenotable; 4 X E pool tabla cASh a-t-OOOOsriOO; pi. oienaseotablaeitepocihh t-son.; t-i onroIhiol tablalanpswcker snc rng basket. Applianoas; tViking potble Olhoashor (Soud s new). Kenore autorootritdrer & waheriboth in eocelent tont.tconS ehooidiir 1&humiîdfier; NOTE. Oro toc onoli items. Salociinuatn cth turnturîooî.ih theexcepion oafmamsor. No Pevilant ol mnlnng ofSala. Ownar or Actonona. not repooailei for Auctionoor; Chris A. Schoutan Phone: 8782576 9. lssîoc onlae R.RIl. MDINBY. ONT 1418)87111-1a. PitMoohlMionwalnonuso. Aad qM.ecnod e rnoi ocor .1 - m 1 AUCTION SALE Sat. Nov. 12, et Il ar. Loation Hy. 7et SoxthUn,3 ilesct of Coletabin goods. antquead lurniture. Partial LstMnaloo ko. anique temps, 8 god cok,,ed gobleto. pe tust 2-tînrtable, is. gare ktchen tabe and chirs, pintingu, 3-M photo copirpopmachintte f mcine., iceoxo gî piobnch. eds, oa.y smltemst Sala conductad by Aoc-u-aarv 416-'35-8867 Autonaer: John Vert Da Voort Te.. :Cash. Vias., card. coque cith Snack bar on premser. HALTON HILLS AUCTION SALES LTD. w@ b. hoiilsgà@e Soaerdwy.Nea.a.b. 12. lm alI .3a.,. etathe AVs..Ical This auction consis to a number of colectables and nostalgic items from the contents of 3 astates. Thes auc- lion consiste of over 350 items. Jmmny Fa.h.s DON COLLING AUCTIONEER AsyTyofale5.-.Any Plane Phone 98-31l85 60 Maln St E. RA.No. 1 Milton. o12.11 cunisSCNSOUTEN Sales oM Al Typs - Sala. Csedutad Rn258 .83. MIles. on. LOT-Ct. gray tabby, nants of "Bou" le TItnSetlea rna. 87-4061 Rstprotection fo sewand used ehides - RNTEST. SOIJE MLTMUNU ME EySasy 10y Osa.. 5pa. iTop qelt iard oodIor l" aloalloble WLDCHUE TEPî5P.E. CARPET CLEANINO lsd. $5 - es, 13 $Iayb 10 $141 Osr *ccfpflalos 12 IWEALSODO REUPHOLSTERIIVG 1 I ~ GOFI Choppîns blck.. hlsdling. Fr. local de. lloern. CaIlCeanisas. M5- or300r77B P.R. l' UELPH (19)9194-3519 TO CLEAR A roundcoader ""espo. ln stock et25% Ot Coeatpolos 6- top 1-20 . long as $1.t0 p.r lmai t. 5pooial pricas ou 1 -x o " apins. IF OUA PRODUCTS PLEASE VOU. TELL OTHNERS. lt-MOT 5ELL US Kawd. HcinJ maothais VAN GEEST NmofIPaa Mcy. 5 Jost mato W.tedon Dellytil 9pp.. ClossO soîdan. MILTON FIREWOOD e2"i& 18"oallable. AH hadoood sosossd b dry. Mllm 021- CHAINSAWSALEI PIONEER JONSEREDS Sae Up To $100.00. AL'S MARINE ACTONB a-lm0 BARN SALE oI pesi and home. laokao. coolois. aid. ..ddle, 2 PsE.S chaddies, cddl. rck. 544- las..tratea, hard halo. teck,. hocha., hsny duty ltr aa.p.ngache, îlta Pgh îldlog apparat. qoadity of han 04 end t olh. Illevers!hos.. dli a e aoffod. ALREIS ACRES, RL . BOaee.5c.'ont Fot tuther Informtilon contact Sagnts (416)8"7-M9 Custom made drape. & badspraada t.i match. Frac Etlmates Shop t homea aarvice Pîcasa calI 878-1545 j WZIIqIIIIIcIr Haa1*1 Frer 9 ee IF*p b.sad AsÈaw MO FIREWOOO $0 pnfoa ootd $44 dlls.tsd eltos. 5,005. Maplo. adwood. COMMUNICATION Reoloot. Radio Shaok, Modîl OXtS, nec conditIon SotIt Car-pet 9'010 OduSot- ank, Soios & bt-on pattern, new 75 ;Portabl ing m015nachine, PasSion Matn Sinse th lZ is-Zao $1210Manula Typertets, Remngnton 405k oodht. Underood portable $W.0t ac. Olspl oacuutttetecttio hlottt nIth pocerhetad SW.; Elic floor 00polilltet $200; Otondis. Stnnortpte tape machine and 2 portables contpletncitnattaoomntslO.003 ton,. 2111 Ch PT. Woods Pt-enzet. S2t0; Wood Chief Wood stovi, osed 1101e, S300; IHockey 00010 met and skats, diftettsis.ta70-540. 171 w-ý ---------- a "i