~4 -~scuu cÇamlacW. . le , U HERS CROWTHER Publsher LES FEERO JIM ROBINSON MIKE HALL 1011051. IACaRTMEM1N- EM1*5 ->,d.Sc M5lv P. ms.. s51ovo Pablshed .ve.y Wdeud. lin Meoled Pdhtig & Pblieg Li. nt 191 Main Street Eaat, Mon Otario. t5T 4N9. Tlepbone 78-2341. Pie: Store copim 3D' «ch;Hlionn eney 25; Subscadptloos $12 prYs y crriyner; $15 pr Yser by mil in Canada; 75en a# otbiccSne. Tve MiftneCnade Champion la one o th. M1lnd Peeig end Publistae Ltd. gop of sababan ewecpatono shinh jnldsThaAton Free Poe., AuroeBae, Th e Bolton Eepdo. Bampone aide, The Beogtoe Post, Th Bdogion We.md Post, The Etobinoba Adoin.,ti/Guaadie,Te Gogtose epedceet, Te. Hamidie Wetworth Pot, Ma,kha/ThmnhiII Eonoone aand Sn, Th. M.n.nsagaeN, Te. Neaeeabe E,.,Te NohYodk Miro, Oeakili, B.ao,,, Okn*ie Fiday B.an.,. Oshawa This W.ab. Ohaa Ths Weekeed. Te ichontd Hi§/ThehillLilieal, Te. Saoough Meo, The SoffilI.Triue, ad Th Aja/Whfb/PnckeingNes Adine. enb. 1m.esan .s.nega r. o' Ppr."oo00m.nOl ________ Phono M82341 Tor o Ue.l1-3837 'i. United for you Tiis ia a crucial week for the United Way of Milton camp- aign. United Way bas set a goal of $83,266 which they hope ta raise during tiis, United Way monthin Milton. But how ta do it? Last year, in ils first shot lit trying ta bring the United Way concept ta tIhe attention of Milton resident, tic foundation was laid.pon Thia year, the 24-member agencies took ta their Unted Wsy support as neyer before; and therefore, they look ta you, the v iew p o n reidenta of tiis tonen. Tiis is a crucial wcck because it s boffin down ta thse necd of WITH JANE MULLER s fcw volunteera ta give of their time and finish the residential, door-to-door canvasa of the town. Unted Way manager, Heather Smith, said s volunteer necd __________________ onty go ta 30 homes and over any period of tume and that would be enough tot get thc job donc. It lias the mot adorable face, ifs ltead nol arger ta. Volunteers arc going ta be given complete kits and infor- a gof bail. mational backup sa Uat whcn Uicy do knock on a Miltan door, From belind ifs tiny pîi n se sprout wisbers, per- they wll have a Il Uic necssary answcrs. fet for ticling flic faceoof anyone sho venturesnItocud- If you, a reader, have neyer volunteered before, tiis could be dbtie efaazy bail of fr. Uic time whcn you should overcome yaur reservations and aid Baby animais, le tliey lttena, pain, ambs, oves the apigiels are ale tn sfir affection in te earta of mosi the ýý a~nîs wih ctaid you directly. uas Itcd ay is ony s telephone oel 5way. Wlittttoboy or giridosn long tosian o pet. Thcy nced you, and ichen you t0in about what Uicy do for Of course many iont gethfie opportaiiy becaussofn Uic town, you nccd Uicm. whlere tlioy [ive, bcamoe of alergis or boasse iliir If oeWmore peopie onsidemdr fthe proclicat oie- f t <~~/ montanipet osnornlnp iclen Oeir beartntringo re - (Jab u tL î m putied by iboso frry ltule faces peering froontheflic tbn of lon liecages nmpetnbnopn. Thre ns evidenco many ptet osoors do fot desrvo For years, muncipalities other Uian Halton have affered flic prieioege of osning an animal aod aiso evidence business and industry s hast of fiscal and aUier incentives. they are endangering not nnythe flicamat bt ibir Forgetting about levies, capital contribution cost desîs, snd fllosboumam ans wit. anc-stop rezonng have, and arc, being uscd ta mske it as essy Tlere are certain challengen to owoing a dog or cat. an possible for a job-cresting snd assesament producing husi- Frt hymot lie rained. and mot importantly establiyhmd.tand inred for. Tlai ce goon leyoed feeding ness ta get etbihd n grasming and providing an al-ossd 'gond Halton Regian, ichicit has noticably lagged bchind suci srcass lome" as Peel and Durham, has finsly scen Uic light and iilI set up a Conider the expemse ni spaying or noatering a pet. A series of special committees ta revicw what industry and comu- femate sifimo Oup a bill ai flic vterinacy limpitai of merce need in order ta make moving ta Haton essier. from $40 in $60, a maleausaly conta imas. One of Uic firt reas ta ha attacked mil ha Uie rcd-tape buertye of medicai atention in a one-time enloome, 1 ofte means * has~ icaiufttic ta fare ongoing cota in flie focm of assuas junge nhici te an business ha owi rom too ive voccinations. Sure evorynne nowsste flcofet of yesrs before thcy cao expect ta go fram proposai ta opening the nomecoas vaccinms on protongins lioman lufe and nmar- front door for business. y liminating certain dieases. ice rocognize fieliene- Nt onty does it take time, it casta a lot of mancy ta Ue iclt of ithe protection vaccinations provido and in fact it developer icha has ta wait ta get Uings maving and ta Uic region la iegat not tOnave chludroo vacciratod againni polio which is making nothtag on the Iand nhile Uic approval dranes and oilr serioon virraes. Pets of course reqire fihe sme type of protection on. and un san simple as adminirting aimuas inecios If these special committees cao cut dawn Uic time it takes by neicli effecively prevent flhc animai froon conracing 20 per cent, Uiat iilI mean a very large boost ta Hatons ability disiemper, parvo virusnand raliion. ta attract industry and commerce. For about $25 a year yoar pe con lie protected and in thecaeof raliis yoa are proioctisg yoornelf ansdie. 0f flhc approximately 2,400 canon of liamannon- rocting rabies tat ymarini Iis province, hial sere in- lecied liy domestto animais. In paking niltocal S urplus help s veterinaiara, 1 lmarned fie resson pei 050cm ignore fihe importance of vacciations rangms from o tari of Whatmus haconiderd rsy eic byreginalcaucilors care n ignorance of the disoase. Wha mut b cosidredros nes b reionl cunc or Ilih ard to believe fiat me ionderiot 'devetopod" is the expectation of a $462.000 ta $0i,000 budget surplus. nation con snuit spport vot nombero of mneetigliied It icas nt Uat long ago Uat Uic counicillors iccre sîl talking peopte. about deficits and Uic anty real concen w'as just how vsst Uic If cmi liecomon a prolteo, netachl t easd if sononone deficit would ha for Uat yesr. wereIn oicn eerai prts, a chiic wuli e rusn n o aI It would appear Halton Region has accamplished a major the Boy Scoutbhallocated ai flic fair grounds, bat. Nov. turnroun inaveryshor perod 0 tueRab~iim obotasilie admininleced liy local vota neba turarond n aver shrt erid o tie. redorating ibeir time in fien ame of pallie leattl, Halton regional staff and counillars should ha praised for for a ct rate of $5peranimal. ts. If yon coce yoo'li le Ilere, onicon your animalisu crime prevention Home With CaNST. DAVE CRAWFORD Hos sony of yoo bave, at one tise or ante, ledieyourelf ouof thebnause? f-oc dd l,;o get tctkit. (lettonse' Mot pople sifI ay etliec flrougli anain secoco siding sindos or by jimsying open a dr and aying it s easy. tf it sas sn easy for you, bas eaay do 700 thimb it siba toc a criminl? Home securty la ery simple. h. My ftrot ceiun severai snoba ago, i a.lidYeut On labo a salk araud yoiw boune tonse bas vl.ecable i la ta crime. iU you bavost dom uanpt, do ilsais. Hos mare are y'oaw domr and siadosa? Are yow huentmiwind»o bsenwsd bY trae.and bha? Dem e image dor tbe by ow dm mdwindows? »Mmse laimlegi actionsa wth impe aa:a" a praMusm, aBOMie cmua.. sese ilo iSgive yoo the assrs. Ensoce your doorn bave a eoid coco andi ;coo;1t.oteeooodary dooetlcokothom f sugget adeadbit lock ith aminnmmne incli tlros. Inismaires t more linegian roistaifi. For or windows, essre the inclilng mecbaans sorli propeciy. For added pro- tecton, oa cm pin or windows or pur- cia., a gond quaaty Wing divine. For sidlng patin door, pou con pace a place ai seod in the laser tract On, prevoni ltdlag. As a semondary precutins, pou con pin the upper raebo On prevuit Bifting. If poo liaeany lhaumnt windows Ibat are obaeured tra6m paaing irafiS, by trou or iuba., tel., ibun. liso inreaases te criminala vlabityifi batisabrea inn or bouse irigb the baaeiwindows. Use imera toc or iniaerBlgiin. Ibs gives the orne an loeuped" li. Aid a ltte exra exieior liglting around yoc nindons and dore Tbisin inreanen the chace oft ,brct,,beng seen Me you go away esure thettcve ic fnebed sp tigt and le ynsr neigliiors inos tliat you sdi le asay. As 1mb toi sabe poriodlrclhecksaond ta pinliop al mni] and nesspoper deliveies. If tliey bave tas cacsaktmlI en parb one n yo.r drlvesay in order ta sakllookmb 10e someone in ai liome. ichot i bave joni givm yoa are smme ~e cationary moasures Onalielp prevesi sar- giary ai yoar home. Theae are not g.aran- tee that yorbaome wMinaibeimnial, bai If ou do use any oth0ese meaaares, il 0011 deer the brgiar tram vcimlzhig your base. For a fait boue a.eurity srvey o yor base, cotact me ait878-sii extension M9. Roolember, an onmce opreoeaflos goas a lo-, lng say. Kitns needyour/love' la eadding, and ler felins feline Moec aod a gond houe. Gve Jane a calti iyna fit the bih. already pcoteeied. Perbapoflic Miinty of Siralilin advertisementa ssi proclaim-Rabies; Its no say for a fiend to die-will goi Ilronglitucaroleon pet owners. My friend, wba bappoon in bave ben my componion foc eiglii yearn, mot sonder at ber treaiment acli Angot ilion obe is oisted onto a stainloon steel table and poked. prodded and prcded by some sbite-eoased mas. lin an espoience sbe mmmn and shabon tbrougli bat Ive got the cet of the ymar to soio ler olie i in- deed my po. i admit t love my crazy canine and i tomss tbat ban a tt to do witli the sicbeniog feeling t get iclen 1 nitocon or rond about ablo obcl bfatt the cratnrm s e bave dommiticaiod. Thie carelmos, beattens treatment ni thene ccmiturm soond come an no surprise losever in a world wheee people treat peope with the amo abusne. Tbantolit uece are certain sainta among o, ibe the genleman fcom Detroit slio sas traveltiing atong thie 4oi tcenfly and upon nticing a nray itten in the dttcl, topped to roncue tl.Ho arrived at Milton tosn tati wiui the emaciated animat to inqire about tlie local bamaoe ocietyn icliermimouta. Ho ended op taing the ittes to a veterinrian nebo offered amsisace and teft sithoot ltmving tas nase. Il tonli sovecat dayn ni TLC (tender toing care)to1 revive thei titile guy btles goiog ta lie fine. Prom that incident, thie cotrat litieen cacîog and inbomane practicen n blatentty nlivioon andi erves an ytl anotber example olflice complexities oIflihe oh ne Th. t h, o-fc; , t euh ro 9- bealli admt ecsladt more tban 100 unanaveti kîten. obuhs care in the tlrec ymcv lie ban pracliinoMlton. Helias foond a home for tiem ail. Nos theron Mmo, theliebtteno wsnabandonod on the liglisay. The liifle guy in in good compony sith a nemeshat smaller fomalo ittenwsb a snsaved rom sbat miglt have beon a simitar fate-aliandonment. I am appeating tonthe caring portion of socioty, icbos memnbers realize and annopi the respomiiliy of pet ownership o adopt tiese kittenm. Tliey coquiren mi my pliliat ce bbot ifiud dossof affeetion neicli1 massure yo via h. ce- if ysu thinb yoniean meaoure apin 0the deseiplion of the perfect pet oine, Inoar perieci sili dol caU me at TleChampion a.nd beave it upite thepn nones, playfot pows and adorable faces toin your beari. of the O ne Year Ago FrouuitheOtsbr 6,1%2lbosu Thfiglge ioverlbutorathe but- ieignonieinnasheals loti onbot.Zgdr I be seulsn Mflin.s Nov. 8 molelcel- lion. Exludns ccnlosa, libers are 23 candidates looblng On (111 te 12 remaining poiti n. 1Afe a six ear 15hfor sur- vivat, the Mltoni Weeiy Tribune bon cttsed. Harry Funli, poli- Bolier fte00lest even m hta, oad b a su oreed tOncdosa the dnoro on the si-year4od newç- poper bcase oa a abh-riah. M. tun purcba*dlSd tintan- clly ifing pobliscation in stamel irom ioder Lee Fairbankls. In t907 six poun men linoan district reprmsentatlvm s ere estalin15pd by the DOna Departm 0t f Agriculture n ais coonies In Ontario. eveniy-flve yearo tater, flaceexsioln ser- vien. onstIl bu bagasse bonne, liaa achioved stgnltlcanl growtll and importance within the farro- ing indotry. Dent camplain abaut tonal cultural and recreotianal fanilies if yoibavnit mado these gripes linon in a specin committee atlompting in prodtne a mater pan focr- Uee ara. Public meotiliga ere batd Mn- day and Tiesday eçeenl.gs w000 a irai gaibering ibis eve.ing tWednesdayt at scoolillie Hall et 7.30 p.m. 20 Years Ago Fr000 the ,taber t7, 1953 Iasse toitons appiiotion frsne- atuon of part ni aville and Ea- quesins, gnes lotoro tbe Ontario Munieipal Soard ni Ontario Mon- day. Tlree dayo bave been st foc thielieacing in whicli tbe loin wil seeli 954.5 acres fraeq the tico ad- joining manicipoltit. fit silbae heenond time in the lownn bhisory tint an sonenation of mare land basbeens onlght.in 19540the toins a is enlarged by 612 acres ras the Townshilp of Trafagar. Prior ton 0at thetOnwn wsu made up of 400 acces. Milie Ledw0000 bu bensnamned Disrict Goveroor nmmlaee for District 709 of Rtary inter- national, ilh snanmaunced i the meeting of Miloa Rotary on Tuesday. mug0x.O Ba ift.b Sale sudMtir Sow, bgisled bydOlfMnDWIlbaJ'f Canada on Htaydsevesing, oti- rartoot more tban 3,000 viainoro foc the 00cee evesingo and one aternomn ibat it wsu open ai the Milton arensa. 50 Years Ago Prou the Octabar 10. 19I3se Sliotty afier evm oclocki Monday niglil the fire brigade sas raiied ontto10ecigtù l sbat migbi bave been a disastroon fiee in Josephi PmcocbH monsideece on Wst Miary S. fThe damage, foc- tonately, sas smalt stlioi nt0e efficientswocliof theofiremen. Charles Losingtinpiclied s050 ripe raspliercies on the aide of the CPR tracta, er Miton, on Taesday. rlieao sud caspbrrim are ire.. bonbon bearing the second crop 0io ymcr, the resait ot ban fine son- ther se are ejoying in ibis part o Canada. At a targeiy attended ce-organ- imition meeting nifIlie Mfionn Basebali Club, lietdlast nigbt, 00e fottowing offurers soro elected: Honorary Prenîdenta, Jadge Maniro and 's. I. Dinh; Pros., Wm. T. RandeSl; Vce-pres., 'saIt Haysard; Secetary, H. Phliip; Treas., 's. bales; Aadi- tors, Messrs. J. M. Dcoyes andi J. Irving; Enective Comnitteo, J. 's. Stain, H. Tacli, Geo. Cookrnan, thie Prenidont, baco- tary and Captain. 75 Years Ago rou the Oelobe15. 1108 lsse Carey Bros. silpoy ibir annoel viit to Miton on Tbr.- day eeig, 2tl int., under the auspices of tho Public Lboary. For partirotars o Ibeir concert and moviog pitoce shos, 500 postors. If lieaey rains dont rosetOn Miton noon, Iis tosn ino for a soier famine. As it u, the saler ns vry bow in0hecservoir and citîzeno are on shiort allosance, tliur supplues bing 0001 off cvery nigt amd part ni 0e dey. P.L . RoberIson Ca.s macbine nbop un in fait operation nos, locoing oui bis patent scrrws mnd lie EzonouBbin e opercans elf ,,.tctt.g 'epails to, localt '000 'le.t",lArpteed;d (licetoc (')amp acelylene ganliîglting plant s in oporotion, silli one tasp outaido thie iront of the building, shicli lriliantly itiumioaicq the caad. Mseu Violet Bawmisa 001ba Miltons candidate fr the Hamilon Spetaors frae trip n Bermuda, advartiaed on the fourth page of the Champon. E. Syer basugain le.. une- ce.abd ai the fa for igi 000hia single coml i lite Lagloraa. Ai Oarvile, ba su &ascde 0c tlrol, one second, a4dlploa, Milona, lasfirotu iandsacrd; Carapbefvlfle, tas Brai.. Ai Mioho hi bn eiibll su cary neat and atractive.