Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Oct 1983, p. 22

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DI v1oCodsGwmplsn.wW., oct le, lm minor hovkey rudu titenul Blaes' Deug Poultonseesves in tse heptese OahvtlleaUse terelnt a ges BIttes twon lt-0. Bîstes iret 0shtt on-0g1etIeble et te tter csd Jies Mssy dtitetex aecty Seavse ta lo. BIttes seseels eleeate. Rep hockerny report... - CtllttSdfrom l 51 Tbe kiaial p.Ise = b.ets L- £ROMYef ~si P" teMeesMdiPm GeeleesetreshyersMapesai as"seM Pau tiise r tii tee et D~SdIIWtrIstU55*Jw* l st tst kW t t§s"ee&Wss, cva"2btsistCE tuel..Pmreitwuit 'te" teCd fS wk ou me JSse test ses.MIre Sel tees *eu"Ite Sb- Ce ftfdetesMet ?5tsM telesse IewSatzIs.se ret t sqses Etiueaetiss BcHtse te sees e. ee iseOe tetssemtees4Gss mltefit Aiom 7 - Lo#dWýB MMterefr&tsPiteea- Hmdt Tt4 etsiIr telsse re0"Md tses teUt. setUsa.E 8555 Go sct u.sor &éî w m Tod Ha& ey Te. St ei htm a" MessdatFmti W le Cbre NT BtIrSu @i fr e ire &Mt%1 sucD& EMDý w W a s s t . S Un i e t s t t t i t i l e .kàs flst ai leyetitiitittStsmtt L.WÂI P.weGoId trireet lasit.V Gls .Ie r?' 6i I oetstt, ai5t ltt,. P.tiIstO ttJlt.Mlltsadt .et fore 1. Asere Gin teeet lre am -ie Mtse si- l5.d ~ . 9wittg .. Oielete. tek Ch"re aiMd a GIeltseeet 'WMt tit .es. Clet FA. ws ett MriM s. .Y.. Ewle 1le i ete tf. dfi.e sts2 s.t isse IsaeMti ot, t set -fes P-e ti.tes. Ge seore foresys Ekstti.eesstiseen J 5.yettI. iel o o'.At tmW stitektiteseJsse ttelResAGsttMeea t sest set9sehe garmt - fi"ti.tDMiseRe b:A.bt ty To aseite ech. Thtrotit tf tht star- itt res Aidrew Dfretceot2-2, Deety tBrowni 1-3, Phltp Lach 1- 3, Jeson Btalitisas 2-1, Johns dear 1-2, Mat MeCasdelse 2-, Colla Gristis -1, trys Haritige 0-2, Paal Allen <-t asd Adent Mead 0- Juveniles unllucky despite close scores Close scores and seesare httes 'tOOnto10bhotht ordr tf Use day for Miltot Homes Hardware javenilesias tht cuh as Ities conteottoni tht short enid of ose- goal difreocs gantes andt once sar'tsd a 2-2 tis. le th cttb'ti seaon optnsr tast Mttiday ai Menorial Aese, Milton hld ont't a e2-1 îead againt Chitguactt.y for ntuch tiltse gants bt Chsg ied the 'trcsitatht wettsg emintes. Terry EIIw'tod and Itihe Vas Watt 'cocsd for Miltan wth tiie Mclttwritt, tnd Stv Jemes pci'tg up atsits. on 1%"idy, Milos had a ride psrcetags of tht ply hut coada't bridge tht gap ta stffer- i'tg a 5-O os't eway 10 Duedas. Mike Hs'tsshtrry paced Miltas 'tith two goals rhile Kevis PIter and Ellwood addsd ose pies. Assistt wet to Graerne Iice, Janie Gitiet. Jantes asd Mclltwraitit In their tiird gants of Usesesa- st, Brligton tcored twot goals n tsefinal tires mntsto eover- turo an apprent lsinto alee4- vi-tcory. Scoring fo Milos wrs Etîreedreitit tretand Jaeste reth ont. Gitieshad two aseitslt rhilo Mits McGutco, Mike Stewart and McItlwraiUs sac(, earsed ont assist. Mo vers bouncing e/onu wlfh 4 s traigh t wins Ater nteetintg four OPopts in tse ongIB0t-84 tesson, Mitoni Sceseeli eseneresetajer peesses renteetusddeeted as' Gey have troplpet Odengtstcssy 1-; dsweed Dustas 4-1 trlshhet Oehvlle 9-2 and lated Fisse- horo 7. Mrh Hrris, te lots frets tse Mer Il pesiteet, corethea ttty galtofthIle game et Scasesel oletettheir sesee 1-Oreurers over Clitig. he goal taeneOelY 54 secoidtmloith game ad asilr set tphby Mark Freseh front. Kyle Tise etiday Dtedat s Ite vitose as Le Fisteh sered ail for gals iti th 4- triuesth. Assistatewers sarneet by Rohhy Mifs, Slotît MLeod and Frenich. Milonte Usmee Okville and e trioi of player-Freech, Rihrd lray ant Les Fish-all eetred trice le pa. th tttaeh. Itejtlee Schaffer, Todd McLed ant Jaeso Blnchard sdted sisgles for the rets. Chrit Fthhrti led the attist coltstn witit four ahite Rhhy Miftsd helpet oiut thre tintes. tihffer earsed two asist while Fesch, Keve Moffatt and Sott Mceod had sinsge assitat. A sx-goal outhurti alit ve- mitte spas inlahermidde perlsd rots openta s corelss e stse Movers rets their forth cosees- tiis ettteel, thisti lme e 7-0 rets ovrFlatshert. Scot MeLeod, Shaus Hetley hit firtt gase of th sease afler a holiday), Chrie Pahro, Fisch Schaffr and Fshitrt agais seored 10 eddthUseeondisrtuses with a cosendisg -O ltud. Scheffer totched hit second of tht dey 'tsar Ue esd of Ue Uird period in round ott tht serisg. Assisa wreso srnsd hy Sott Meote twic, Banichard, Todd McLeiid, Mottat, Hseelfeldt, Schffsr, Fiset, ted Heley. Net Leages action a set Mttidty whss Brlisgtoti visitai. Movers go 10 Georgetwns Use followitg ig th. -GOOD FOR BUSINEs&e TGOOD FOR CANADA. Canadian vmrkers. hteny imdisiduals. orgaeizaiom and tueinesses base enpressed an increst in doing Ueir part 10 bnlp cas Canadets unemnployetent probleros. rItete progreens are designed 1 to u tiis Interet i to action Program Consolidaion Canadas 12 enploynsenl pcogranis base bren srcaefnsed int four flex- ible new prograni Canada Wores, Career-Access, LEAD and te joba Corps Prograin Eacit of tese peogrants bas bren designed 10 miake il casier for job seekers, and tu encourage privale sec- lor participation. Eacb genmraes lotg terTn employmest bessefits, and helsci people now. And al stare a foctis on Casaduan voutUs -Canadarks- Canada Woriis rili provide teseete lemsemploynent 10 tousands of laid-off workers, people reiose tJnensployenenl inturance benefitsbave 010 out, tse reio now depend on social assistance, and people wlso nemi work badly. Sumnser jobs for 'ttc dents wiii aso be made avalaile Ueosaghis t program. Oser te sentt eo ear, more titin 1865 million retS be sent 10 ensploy workers in pro- jets UaI ntre add 10 Canadas productive capaclly, or benrfll individuel commsni- tics Spiorship front is requred to m"e il happen. I, Emnptoyment and tEmpli Intmigratont Canada lnml.e JohsnRolserle, Miister John1 Canada Worhs prillectis wilU ordînarily employ tiree or more worhers for up tu 52 wech, and bc eligibîr for federal ieancal support of uP 10 $325 pet workrr, per wrrh. Applications for Canada Worhs projects mus be euh- mitted 10 yoar local Canada Esnploy- mnt Centre or Employneenl Demil- opment Breech office not Inter thast Octoleer 28, 1983. -LEAD Thc LEAD program peovdes the 10010 for communities, (usually tise wltls populations under 50,000), 1to tld treir oren solutions 1t teir uneet- ptoysnenl prtblets. LEAD involvr't local residenîs in te planning, mana gcment and owserlsp of new ven- turesi detigned 10 create employmet tow, and in tefuture. Proposais fromt Chambers of Coss- merce, cconoosic developenent asso- ciations, bend councile, municipalltes and LEAD cosporations wilI restait In ncarly $200 million betng inveted le commtenity venteures os'ec Uhe next two -Job Corps job Corps is dcsigned 10 help organiza- ions, businesses, individualt. mueici- paliirs and scitool boards introduce severely employment disadvantaged people tute world of work AÀ consta- nation of lfé shls trainiog, and actuel job esperience le conrolled work situtions witlitelp ease tiis group mbt thse labour market. The main focus of te job Corps Prograt. ta youds. Al t igration Canada n Roberts, Ministre social prolernsthae r sented temo O-oas enterhsg Uthe woekforce relli benefit Oser ame next two yeer9-job Corps wtt provide oser $66 miillon in wages and odier program cous -Career-Accss- Career-Acceu s ledesigned 10 gise te inenperienced, te dtaabled and te ditads'antaged a chtance to prose dienmscives. lTse prognaslprosdes age sbidies reicit cen be as tigls as 85% and etend for up 10 12 monts, 10 ensployers wto proide Ue sepportive on-lte-job leersing and experleesce Uat Usese people are looing foc. Oser Use sent lwo osar, more titan $210 million wil e sent on titis program. Tise min ficsto Cereec Acceso is youtit lly ielping Uese Canadians lnccease teir shilstUe busines community can telp ittfitydesel- oping enperienced employee for fumtee growtit. lie Govecement of Canada wtill spessd oser $1.3 billion on direct job creation protgrant le198384/84-85. More titan 300000 individuels will benefil fromt a cossiination of fuaeding irot. gosersnent, and enterprLitn ideas frosithe business coermunlty and tite -non-profit sector. set Essetsstitiu-t Ge nsttete este t am eetsetF5sskttbMe5t tiessTseeesireIS sefierse fiit l 2 s =sete e ONA JUNIOR eT's si BiAY(ERS vs Thwe« Friday, Oct. 21 Thomeon Rond nbstLàw Mon Canadit un MePsslgsse. t te Miiktit ilteteise esent tilles et. tel are tests set tesestat Fe~ Giseanlitsyst7esltlsteistltittlde tsetserereslreEti.i.eesEttillMset seseititre tises tesiL tiseryt Msss't. tiseitsatetysetsseMiltre Sant.m tinsis. tisas PseeIelEslalee tsi -s te tietlit. ses tisse tissée titi tee tests set ses.stsL teks tisée titi se ~si set tee sesMi, lIsp Vease. titi ses test est se seste set Gteless.titisetsst.

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