9m --" - Let's cut red tape- developers uleloos deretepera,lke lamalamames la mesy odur ladustfres, are feeling de eglt oethde rereaoleo esd are teohlog la oa govemmentfofr hep. Mmhersofethde reglo'a panning and ptuhtlc orlue rommlffee uent eelu apçreved eetalhlMttlg a mrea ot peclicammtteea f0 ravlew apecs ot de devetopmnenf in- dusfry i lto la an effort in meke lite casier for de devetoper. Theldea tordue peclataudes asaeaed hy de Helttea hap for efthde Urlen Dore- topmenfteofîfeute tUDt. In0a etter la ceenctfloro, 5111 Roertsonofe UDt ad profita la de devetopmnenf la- duafry have heea alppng everely lanreent ayears and local gorerrament bel? la needed fn reetore nmre of the lnduafry a healfh. > "Ian luese ecoomîc fimea tue ladustry la heeomlog more and more conrerned ahoot dute erer iucreaslng conte of devetopunent 1whlch are helng deunded by fthe prenant developuaenf procesa," ho wrote. "IRevenoes almpuy have aGI kept pare wlfh ftue dromnatlc riamo la ceeue and due complexil f thde praceas me dat we are 1 00W et a poiat where itla h ecomlag more uaecoaomlical and unfemile te proceed aod develop our projetta,", he added. t Accorduug 10 Mr. Robertaon the develop- meuf f ndostryla sueciatty coocereed shoot the auhdiviion agreemntatRoalonocurreatty i uns, de design rtfes-lansatadards appled ta o udtvillas aSde panning proceeeadduheafetefthdeaeprovinal Panning At. Thechagee holng ouglt b hde lduualay, le saed, maudd make du. deemopmmtnt pao- ce euescompex, wlduh eefite lr der profitsaneddue genral cmmmanify. 'flue tend evetopmnt fproeeu la on- tremety Importent mod vilSta oar laductry as ete ueRegla," le rote. "t la in our mututltereatsta uay o- preremenfo affect lag dula proceua tuffan d deveuepmeof la HateaIteglea aholu etdh ecfivety paroued hy hadu prties. Thue commoobjecftire, es me vlew If, ahouid hlesmenorage gromdu and devetep- ment hy lun ceesaed ru wlduou f al ot deveiffl in Helttn." Commiti afudte, wt regien r regoaal cr Inan a meetng, I revuew les peience fo "We'reh eflermlae i gel a f Afuletroland Communty Newpaper - Servng MulIton uin ts f126î yearý VOLUME 123-NUMBER 23 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, Tax break for foamn opposed By LINDA KIRBY staff Wrter Thse Town of Milton wiI challenge thse provinces decision to award residents whoae homes are insulated with res formaldehydoa a rdcto rnin rom 75pe cent o ietxton year of 1982 to 251pe cent frte taxation yesr of 1983. In a report toécoundil membera Monday evening, Don oghe director of finance for Milton, tated thse pro- vicelas failed ta properI investi g te thse foam inaulation issue and thse ramiiations of te tx redue- dtons, Mr. Lmegteed las received de approvat of couecitu1 pro- ceeS widu an appeai 10 due On- tarie Mnicipal Bard for due taxation yearsofet1M and 1M, aseS on de findlngs of a study cemmisoieeed hy lis deparo- ment 1 lo h u bject of homes inoulateS with ere for- maldehyde. Reaufls of due stedy et 17 homes la de Miloensares indic- ae tan redsctios shoutd le given la de neighluorhoed et 10 te 30 per cent, depending upon the extent of oeraformaldehyde in de homes, saiS Mr. Log- heed. He said le ilnoew aware dat some 27 lomeewuers in Miton wi le appeariog lefore e tan aseessmeof review court foday lWedesdayl appealuog de 35 per cent provincial f igure. He said somo of duse home- emooro wittluee siof for e 35 pr cot redection (tluooe wlo lueS ne reduction io preions yearsl whle t flers witt le re- qeesting an even ligler tas et. Mr. Lougtseod saiSde Town wit le reqsesting dat fle assessment reviem no e le ld lp otit the Ontario Municipat Board lus cone down widu its ~ 4 rslag on de Mitoen tdy. If ~tey I.M.B) ind Our *- ot te se adjustment on duo 75 per cent anS 35 per cent fige- S res... fluet mut set e pttern for rstings tlrogouot Otario." y,. According te de finance O dir ,cr, Milton le le nt muicipoity te chlletenge the province on dis iseue. He tod de stsdy (con- SecteS ly Stepluen Sexe and Associates, fGeorgeowon) tr- veaed tht loreonrs widu duaft type et insolation luave est esperienced proltems seting * OeNOpageA2 Reps In In sid e ton alons Irafil c n'il .*, gh , Three-Year Term fleSports pes.rr u A Milton resalent lus heon sent te pri- First S. mon for dree years for lis prt in e Mi- Poice Bltff.... ton midu sore rused reluery. Sory Edferias..... page 3. Cotemm ...... ParadeaTime.....o..g Parade lime LeguoNems..... Sata'o coing la tewn foc de annool Ichotopen... parade aotogMaiSi5. lub ut e mlglufhave Second, a teuglu fouela de rota et prlokted wldu gramn and nf whte. Te flod ot Game &Fielu.... whafdhafmeroson, trelaopage 5 Sportscor"l'vocd... Hlg Schon. Sports.. Rables MClOnthegCours .... Onutarolu onla coutel heuerailles Enterlalomeaf.... capital of Caoada aMiltfon00vefrloar- Datefln uaeearehbarÀndim fgeder on Nov 510 de lasfid memeduoahotlt.Storypogea PWho Dosa fi OCTOBER 19,1983 opearvlag due effirl.ency eithde ueo- ed<arlag cente mhere eror possile dfecttog due quality and standarde qenef dat have heen esaahlahed teesnemluersaegreed todue apeclal vidu ony changes te due precese due urrefty uesn 10 le approved luy interviewmsathde cemmiffen Mur. ttobertseonlad lue oped flue an sggeefed wouuld lue posifive on- fr hodu due regisoand devetoera. >luore in a proacfive way hecaese If la isery negetîve end yoe dontf ucemplahed," lue sad. DISTIBUTION Wl cen deoier vour FLYtAS -SAMPItS.- ENV1f PES Any day, 0ev queerixy. As lentes $35, pert housanl Cali Les Feero, 878-2341 38 PAGES-30 CENTS Joha Guest relda't teare due baves atoe e c and aShic rlansaeseepuored due caglaf oeasonsa a Mmeelaberg Frtday. Bra" Oayes' Grade t clano frais E.W. Pester Etemeetary chao n oeyed a tour af the mande aheard a raclar-dreanages. a puppet ahom and mere gurena s etter adersuadlg of haw sature prepares for mlalar. Staff phtoahy Jon Borgateoml United Way canvassers needednow Do y00 heve flren or four hlusuraf spareine l'r t few eOI De yee thunlu yos could hasch on 30 Miton dero' Do yee ant peopte le deaperafe streits, maye ho eroetf or smoene yee iser, tu get hlep len tley need if0 Thon y0u ceuldlha jont flue peraono fle Unted Way et Milon reidenfiat camp- aigo nendo. The door-to-der canvasofeMiltone inin lighluer riglt nov hut there are reen here de fond dem neflueve e con- Headuer Srnith, Unit ed Way et Milon, manager oid, fluof as of test Tluroday, 47 vontenro mre needed f0 maeesure Mitfon wesd le covered. Ferhlutneer rouIS lue eohed to ge la 30 heeses in Milon. There sa no fime imit, vonteers con deofleir convaso in one owoep or over meoy dayo. Bega evonteerint lurd eifluer. Ito just e meffer etftelenio flue Unied Woy ef 07-2550 and sayieg yeu reutd ike tu ellet. Nt enty ritt fle vonteer le tlId aut flue 24-mernhar agencico hut if hai tramneS in low te iscusfle need et Unit ed Way in Miton witlu resident . ta ifo second yeer ot opertio, fle Unit ed Wey ot Miton campaifo aien lupingtfhoe peope woluire lere rerene r te melue sure their doation cernes la Milon. "tftsmmesne lices in Miton lutf orte in Toronto, Misisage, or eseduer ree cermounify, they mrne ha ming e Sone- tien as pert et a poyrett deductien plan. "If thaf le heing dene in sey. Toronto, then tlue meney wift te te United Wey io Toront o net hece. 'We would hope duaf onyoe frem Miton mahing a donation flruglu fle payrett dedectien opion meud tell their empteyer or poyrnaofer te rnake oure flue doatien io marlued te come ftuflue Miton Unied Way. "We hareo frmeavaitaltefer fluetpur- pane, Il they ehatd le reouired, Headuer Smithu saiS. Emergency plan graudy WIlen erergency bits Nation re'tt hae ready. At teant fluet is muaf Adeina Urluonski, regienaf emergency ptanning c-rdinafer, luepes witt luppen if flue fime cernes. Te mahe sure, Mr. Urluonshi s sefflag up on emergency seminar te brlag fogeduor att flue emnergency services and ptan flue efrefegy. "It's e sf erf 10fpint," oeys Mr. Uchanîsi "A stepplaf stene 10 hagin attlfluemerlu mliclu witt have tuella don." M. Uchonski is ievifing repreoeofafives lromernfueted Cross, scoltofficiels, locef anS regienat ceancitters, police, fire ond ambhuance effendents inteueday-teeg seminurOct. 2f ai regienatledquartero. Theserninar is lafended as an informaetive semsion on hem egencios Seatl iflu an ernor- gency. ftt rut atSo ealthilufle question et whiclu egescies are catted tefle scene ,td mhaf is involved, sheatd e disester eccur. The day-teng sernsr is atm espected te indicaf e eny eainsses in ernergency ptanning coordination ond respense fluet sleatd haie rked on in Hatten. Surplus mnay rear welcome head By STEVE ARNOLD fle uehdget fr Hllan Ceteoniat cests lucase higlu alaenfeo rates The need te heep withl precuncietty staff WPiter Manor anSdfle day rare prograrn. mehe if necemeary e spend ligler set staff te cit S ratios ceetd meen As Hut ton', flnasoiat managers go tanlis report treasorer Jon Rinatdo amonts fr prt firn e llet. overspedigthfle budget toe part firne iite fu a sfqlsrer te f03 dueposai- iS fle provincial tttniafry et Com- 'Ire provinciat staff atm inisf on lelp hy tt4,000, le aSSeS. lusdge t Oa'8arlcunsne ytcelutin h esne ugtwt biti y steares onifluety andcsaoiigafleepericeetbasudgt mil lu Water anS semer budget s shoutS lue ppard.approved fle Mnra hbudget fr t983 a vecancy factor, hite fle regien have surpfeses ttatiof almoot Acrding te e report presented te mwhie tley dehate mithl regloost staff ants if haseS on laviog at positions ooe-reywicmttatan membes ofethfle adminiafstrato and tilleS0 moo due Maner staff.ans finance rommiffre tst erl, de ever $M,000f. ildoth aostf. erdt aeev teenutaei- regien l o nemp jetng a surpus He espîsined the provnciat taff A sefftleren t fibis dispute is nef freSteesinteeveutres ort haetaeo src sad naîoug eted ont if Nevemhor. le aSSeS. eesst leftr ceogtng hafeen Mpaend W,0 aeL narc tad onSOtO g A drop influe mnarcof fre poying A $36,000 surplus influe opecatien et oifs fan sapprted eperafle o tcfle fle Masselifs 1002 budget plas a ire clidcen enroled in fle egienat day fle gachage is et soexepece d, Sespife year. per cent iocrease. rare centreo s atml causing cencere flue feet fluesannant et gachage hiog Denpi e fle geeerelty rony pictore, Regioal staoP are srgula g fr mit lutfle pesihiit f ta $30,000 short- hurieS there lues faîtes luy neacty te hoever, thece are titI cncernaoer ligler allemance te cover personnel talin revenue. per cent over ast year i Action Thfrd Section 'Robbery suspect charged ore and ccp lueckey Real Estafe ... . REt-REO A 20-yeac-otS Brampton ouan mhu mas ouf pcextrnatety 10Sf0 pm. and luandtsluong a e-t t ul -lkot ac fxtcoe ItEt onparoetfeo uee oftotfecvo.luocbern gi tcadknf,le tpted the cash till tofa --iiffo chrgedtvinc c ,itho-luthe o-ret ct-ee..e-lccd oteIoBi and B2.or ecin rolulueyout Coomteoîstore cierus at Netluvrof ethe tuweleler ýi,t e .tiýri Fourh Setion Beclers Miflu Store on Wismn Dr. fr0 the store mccc hrt in tlue eoluhecy ;ection Home Imprevemeot -.......pages eeha age. ...........2MerkuDaviS Pickford et lime Queen St .......... Inserts East, appeared tac a hal hering in Milon ,-ilen egg .............. 4 LoblwsSupe Sav, K-artIDA Provincial Court Modey affernoon, folem' 1W% ........Saper..ve,..-4rf, Ifl inglis arrest earier that day on a charge of a .....D.......o5armeS rehlery. isno y k 9 ______ Hemwasdenied hait anS ha, been hetS orer OI -. ., " -- sofil Mondey te eet a court dat e.Rsmembér Mrray Opotemoandhl W.MePckford wua residlag ai a haltmay hm b, ouse afthdue ose thmarreef hy Halfon wn bauamer id tmme dr1 '........lu mIe arresta ndSauhoeseot charge camn ede luSSeSflue ........aller Ballopolice recelved informat ion uoe MNO r sa Mr.tfaacude e du.......tesspectftram Pont Police Frldey tMurray, otaad ho ...... e.. mPmlce. have ised a arrant for tdu e I, di nduW S ............... 136 a~rreaf ofea secod man menteS ln conortloo h oe I otid oÊ b .......BS .9 mldu due ame Incdent. hock up holesia- lueSMd aY* Tme mes, hodu manked, entered the var- meast golag te try aga' lef y store T1hrsday erenlag Ocf. e ai ap- "'-I A0-