discussed 1OD = =iIe tpe vs Nvodedand Labrador OEuath ern Ze cf Reet Provincial Deprtmete Mn. Marie Clemente, on Ap- Educatice f e certificate b tieaurtino raneta tedate l ion e'Invegt ln an" o tel "dinnr ftrhe Ihe Future " Labrador Brrsary tiabsifeothreian. Project. Minutes f te tat meeting The ti84 nticnal annuel wete-read and apprcved. n5e meeting wiilha beld May 15-ta treecrer report wec nubmt- Emlres itelin Victoria, 5.C. ted and committen reporte We bad an intereaing aven- recelved. lng aeeg nplcturee and heerlng Mrs. IAn ocwlend rep- bote Our Regent, Mms. erted dt enveraiintted art- Cetteethernummer. idles bad beau trned le by St t hen eitetversity membere and four bexne worm cf Toroto Frencith meao ready t e hadlvered te courte itld on te French Haienlton Headqcerters for Islands et S. Pierre and Mi- distribution te Labrador and qulon. Nortierncutposte. tbtezgb only telve mile Mns. Clemente peaed on the off thae cot f Nnwfocdland, information regarding te aScii bey arecompltely eparte National Annuel Meeting beld fromo Northt morica beving te My et S. Andrews-Sy-The- cosenassociation vitit melnland Ses, NSB. tetit ws evry France from wbere Ibeir eup- nuccSuf and iad record et- plie corne once a e eko and e tendance of membere tram vwaraep 'a dtepe tcbdtere .cesCanada. once a moanSo te mee titeir A bltgit wtebnprenonte- prenoonîlt BIair evening meting hI S. Dvids Preebyterlon Blair Evening Axillary et Campiteltvllte waa bealed by Mr. GeorgeHitnsitelwonodof BRi 2 Cmpbeflvlle on Wedesday evening. Mrs. John Foteler prnclded and intreducedlion giaet pakner Masc ElleHrren f Rit 2 Campiontîvltte, te 1M0-8 Steton Dcfry Prioceun. Rie apoe on thetlifo and the vont as a procne, vioc cornpted setb 10 cter candidates ted rncelvnd a dual-prposn ral tr ber effors. Son ighitled te impor- tance f nutrition and d le or daily diet. Son condurînli a dairy fond qui z ced ervod Ivo dipsancd reait vegletebles. ?&r. Orer VanSirote gave lion sereary's report aod c itricat rnvlew f te socety seicio tartnd in laie, lra. Rudy oser gaente finnerlt report ted lire. George Inglin te cioer report. Mms. tllri Sonmitouwr oit GladTiNdinga ubeription for cet ynar, ted 104 calendars vere te ha or- dered. 'Te St. Oct. 2 bernr plana vere made.iciote wilt hasold et Mine lait Spt. 3Stand Oct. 1 lite urliogionoMaltOct. , , B. A donation f 0M5 tes made te Vacation Sbe Sciool nopenuno, ted plana te celer Oct. 151cor e bocalsedding. A craft course wvii hacon- ducled ce Wed. vening Oct. 1 et S. Davide Giourrit 8p.m., rosI 5.00eaci. Pleace binig e V metre f your cmi maînial te, stari vit. L n fotm More planned by members Oy GEORGE CORnET Iltere are ccy suggestions for Miton raneit N. 13t eolerlainrnl peute le yuur In enerîciomeni ccc irul ced cbirno, fDuner Curle kmcv. second pub nîgitu have ieee caleli te rocof sports your sucess. Even tougio te roirvan Terry Yong reporte crovds are srnli, the pople taithe Legion Sundcy lioreieg shoiof up are avief c greni Slo-Pilrio Tecrn it el utine tire, saconne ouido-, bave lics 12 10 il. 10 vrcp up te terne lun and maite tese elgitîs regulr seaoncterpioncitip ivnbteler ced tee cecI uedelealed in te 1u0iiîsc aegroee picynoflefortai Citempioe- le Sclurdcys 10lolfor Legioe siip. acrivilies. Neni pub iegitivili Nice itseiteil guys. hafOct.i. ine Halovee Donce Fia ih uhe pni will b hield Fn.. Oc. 2 ilS Fic igt uice n1 Towneite eteriainief. ael plcyers, aed te Tueeday Rememirenre Dcy. dinner Nigiti lens League sien len ced daeeill i hietd Nov,.i 1. ccCetact Tery 1r exct cit te parade on Titre , Nov. dates. 13. Speciltoanist 10 sc Ioal New Yeen's Eve dnereis citirmce terie Fcy for col eliy tel 1car cvayî cit dooaing hsbict ulcriofor Ccci-22 perforng (liti egiilte Cioisirnas parade. Police refleot need for safety te order 10 redore accidente le police crisersantd mabe te patrl cars more visible le te publie, te Hlione egîocal Police are adding melive maronet inte veiles. A itoad srlp f rmediumn blue relncive ape iii ha pu dove thesaide ote white ptrl cars. In addition, te nenvpolice creni viti ha cfecine abog vit te poie pioe ecoshr. titially lion lorre ili tari by camtcg te 18 ev veiles il bec cdered, iolcdicg 12 cruie- ers d ite tape. 'ie cesI ia $401 per veitile. 'tbi ii ha fololed ty te rnarking o te 1Meveicinu, said Roble Hale, edmiisîrcine for te frre. Alonthlbt efcecline marief, te trre le gotef 10 ulisee c igioerbit ionlt t inte cruisers. Mrc. Haie cad researcht ba& delerrnined te ecmber f accidents witit police cars ia rmi- cled 10 population desity. Ibios s eleted loraly by te igiter cum ber o accidentsin10SeIng- ton titanleneter Halio moniciplities. eneits enpecled rorn te eetive vuterial, aoog vtb lever accidents frcrnthe gren- er visiiil.ly, iclude icceeed efet 0oreduring raffir spond, greater efeci os igiovey suley, imrpoved public relaions trougit iigiter visilil- ily ted c greater deteeere o crime, said lic. Hale. Il is enperled theonoe decor of the crr yul impreve morale as te eile is more 'prolessi.oa' looieg. Spec BI Weekend Ra tes - Cal For Details & Pasango " Zeoh n. Cub wagns " Capren 0E350140 ras.E ltait.8cd., MANTiA ISONIMILTON 87-2mS *FANNY HILL *CAMPUS SEX KfT * *INSIDE OESIRE COUSTEAU SENSOGUS DErECTIVE *ERO11C ABVENTRES 0F PINNOCHIO M RDAY'&SA7URDA Box Office Opens 815 p.rn. lu Hwy. Nu. 7, Guefih à 1 024-5431 I * SPE IAANUCMN The Ontario Waste Management Corporation (OWMC) is searching for suttable locatons within the Golden Horseshoe for îts planned treatment facilities for iquid industnial and hazardous waste. If you would like to state your opinions, or those of your organization, please let us know. Here are: Four Ways You Snt make your views known on hidustrial Waste Management WîrrE l1h (jr 0llu11 NiIAAA'ALLS1 T4il te miine hIn 5425 titîocilie 1 . -d'y P[Ii NE Il,lonIg di,tac, îv, ilun,»2(:1 MX f 1l ha- bInochetitled r ýiit,'avaol,,,suiî.. 011 ,. 1 , 1 ,2 ML7ccUS IN PEIlSN Meeols iii cwvoc ,an it araefd 511 callieg Bererdmy.IoTruv ai 1 (X) 28117915:Il free) or (416192312918. S ie lo ir ,dain, ,lhecc(,i,.O,uv-ocîooocun OWMC Informatioo Days/Regiooal Meetings 0, lob11h 10, ,b,261b MIUNîN WELI.ANIPI(lr Te ilciogutinoo TeSoitco liiil ioiolie ,), onesnily iCer (Canirilcd ber ci'n91h, HAMILIS t.îyel Cnnaiti iitdel 112 King Steeet Eag OWMSC is a rovlnc-n.gcy rioe wvv$eateo ~ WasoSuacaesa~o e*siral.t. .Oaernona5i f& UU Corporatio oOn-l French trnp -J- Degiture Therapy Clînic Ii uFýiý sï RvIci 8/8-ilou Ph M'j'n Wlou ThaCanadan Chmion, WecL,Oct. 5,1983 R Shoppgers! Collect Your MII#YN MAMl Birthday Bonus Bucks ONLY until our BIG Y Saturduey, Otbr1,4pm Surroundings GaIIeiy Presents ART AUCTUON '83 LOON FAUX Y by Rbert atean November 6th, Sundoy. Constellation Hotel, Toronto Exhbtonand Vewing 11:00to1:00p.m. Aucton i1:00t500 pm. Featurnna *300cg..l PGtvgs *80ORoet oto n elmied ediions 6 TrisaRu one old outLrd.-edtons (ncluig The We ,ih of Wier) I OLcorFulyitesold .ISURROUNDINGS GALLERY 125 CROSS AVE TRAFALGAR VILLAGE 842-0610 OCTOBER Loolks Great'. TIIAT'S *IN OCTOBER RECAUSE ALONE. NE HAVE SUPER CHANNEL OVER 100OGREAT IVES YOii MOVIES MOT TO MIORE MOVUES IN MENTION THANAR ANNOCKEYGA14ES OTHER PAY T.V. LIVE. ARTHIUR - Starring Dudley Moore and Liza Minnelli CHARIOTS OF FIRE - Academy Award Winner for Best Picture PERSOrIAL BEST - With Mariel Hiemingway SIIARKY'S MACHINE - Starring Burt Reynolds WOLFEN - With Albert Finney MEPHISTO - Academy Award Winner for lest Foreign Film NHL HOCKEY - Calgary Flames at Edmonton Olers - Live Super Channel offers you a Movies e Sports a Chldren's Programs e Varlety Shows 0 Concerts 0 24 Hlours A Day e 7 Days A Week a IJncut * Unedlted e Commercial Free CALL US TODAY 853,-1270 Halton Câble Jyftemf