Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Oct 1983, p. 30

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02 TeaaEf hetlolWdGL5 Autnt, for our pioneer ancestaos a mmthIbm touchke applo ider. Monoitahrg tasponiori stati gsilitta achess ider preasitag.Here. Inter ly show hose ites don. Mountsb Festival f Spca ovenn et Montaherg Widliie Cntre il t fatrad ach Sndey drtag Ihe Poneer Apple Festivai. 'ibm aid fahioaod fou progrn, rani weekmnde ontl Nov. 13 ram i10o..tan4 p. ie fesival îciodes a chance for vi iors 10 smo pplea etag mode ittaeider wih anolod ime press. Bread wmli t a bkd, appl ima ma mde nIa btter and drymdan od militaone oi thm iogredlmtsin thIbmpancoken mild along mIbh hot ider ai lise pancoke homse. 7%m cotrs ot bu cao ta enjoyed hdm a horse dram agan00travain ta the demon- sraliaa ste. Trctar drasan wagos il toise isitrs an tors ai Ibm Montarg prapery. 7h10 Suaday ia apple day. lhmrm il ta applo recpol availablo, appie del makiag as well as drinks and liammi reilaed ta appion. A tma hor pragrool tagiontingat 110.0n. Sua. Oct. 16'lstracto participantsain makinlaicra huaisand applo dlla. Urich Waermana wll dmorale hmmaito ialcaary ram i la 3Pm. Il's pocer day, Sm. Ot 3 and visitri wiliiearnatla mahe cadios, lc ciem and saap juai thm ay rariy omîiri dld. Ain added atractioiOa aapreamolaiohy MlIaon tSnors Orchestra ram 2 ta S p.m-. As lialiomomon drama omr, yaung minde tuas ta Ihoaghtsofaitrealsanmd pamphia cavala. Pumptas creaiosi mot e judgmd and priamo aarded llloii Ibm castin ram ia S 3p.m. ntsainemo 100ul, aid- lasbloard laya miliibe dmmaaaltralod hy Ibir maisr. Paul Simpson. Achievement Aard metD. Yob Fat e y aat Miltoeu.,518a0 Fa-4m5..1, ne.-oh nanfor the fOnt ime and 1,20 ak ivn .-t-y a-e m-asomtdm.lCt toge a4bm.eim -alSa an lui s on iaAtomo-amamea* moeovlel amalln = wth David m- adi t-AOrCUuVRLCUEE9ilIl Lonhby ai Rackmaaod comtag ot o on kdlad Tmauralln <1.4 fl e Grand Champion ShM . ei aerve Grnd IALTP4.Hi-BWINE CLUB champion was Amande Konica ai George- m--~5,.-~eelii 5, eo - El IS o Thbe follnmlng ta a lot nif resulto nmlmg C--. w 3: 4 caff a, 01.17aloI-W1 adfes thm pille wmnners tIird place ta ach aof aases ideae4-aBeim Ce H pALTOn4-HOSclub 3t-nliH 41 ORTICULWURAL CLUEEHlmîTh la n aml o-lt., Galiesaid-vIa AU&M wihseonsa i aEatop assite 40-Hl 5la-GsJ; 2"Zd--«Uaaepalvd-Ti artdIhre eaianeIm hce moga h.ý«d o- HALTN »HBEEF CAIX CLUB i n u i s c n e n C imilDil Ibm Cenidian Pptaglo eAocitian Ibm Deparimont of VetermasAffairs !aMmoon. aidw-e-nonP.a. . d-D.aa i a vlontary gncy Ibit pas and otahiliam ydas ept nec=. seact on bhaif of 20,000 pariptegir and Canad firat tadependmast rmlaatltation IIALTON 4HDAIRY CALF CLUB qondripleglo Cinailhni. living snrvmd contre for the spinal cord tiarmd-mhich ued«b..: thaa-l~.lh~a-aes hmspinal crd tajared for tIbmliant 2M Inter npmnmd litadanro tanonlltary oe g asu-Mmin. . 500, .- r-Brm ymr,ilt lsrmgmrdmd on thm autherlty en patients and made Iifadltima availahle erg has&ana Ieir rehehiltatlnli -and retum ta Ibm for Ibm traininiofepecieizeil madirai r t.î~Dmh .e,; aid-Job.iM.Phill; cnmmonlty. personanel. SadP.OiaOelaFonded in M04, CPA rmpondd taIbm Wib a nmw gmmration of civilion sinal F ry ula-Mietael Oy; 204-M.Iha u110100 d-* immediate mmd f etetraIBs wha cord tajurmd Cinediani and adviocma in orYvaodWM-oadmecime pareplelc or quadripleglO medical and rehiahltatvm sciences, Ibm Thina twonan ni-sye-Es sl ihe,-eiy drEWord War Il. It aontaed tIbeonta Aosciatlon'5 rotsbbehn airmdmflnmd ta opotuiat tld abondoy i ie.viots watataaig medicai cars, realifhlitation rmncent ymira. Thrnugh friternat suppnrt tae offermil mhch ili elp people ta lore lMD*ie loi. M-Jda 11.4 ard-A-OIes and fOnncl e eito. I l sn ptaneered andecorogemmet, it cantinumz ta birds ta their hackyardo. ohm Ibttroduction ta Canada of Ibm foitg contheb transition fram a vigoroon, Admision ta Ibm salife centre ta $4 per *«=ý , rk mm ,a.Eit, metat uhelchait. ibrnegh lis. efforts, life ta a mure retrlctmd lfestyle. cr and $25 par bhs. arn sumea oiLw em"ondna ,jcaiiuia<Pr.l Accountants form own branch By MRG LNGTO tat Ibmîe maiormd IA corOm bttances- om orolmnte howmame onoposig fet, m O orviol omom"."r.--a Hatonseo irety of Managemnit Ac- pondence and tend ta mrk ta isolation. M pr cent of dlanses, accordtag ta lic. tarner tendency ta aslopptamsa. contanti hginsife with approxiniateiy 000 Since 5s pr cntaif mmtra tald setar Ralatai and Mr. Mrpby. Wm aremwilitata, facm nom Ibm fat Ibot e memtars, bol ibis evidenceo f healtby ta- fnai poitins, todmto are sieabte tan 'ty realloib heRIA lia very gaod wey o havm ta ta more cempetitlve on Ibm orid lormot amen uitle ta massise recroiint taneflt from, neoriai poasiblllion- gt tta, snitar manaement, Ibm mon ay, mrkt thIby agau. campaigna. Qiapter ahairmon, Graham Murphy aysanmd are prpared tu, ipondIbmetfor or Oive Tbm Haltan Sciety of Management Act- Them Haltas /Peel choptr of Ibm Ontaol thIbmreconoiooonafmectmd IAis, bot ntan yeora nmded, on average. ta compiles coontonta meicomosneno menitars. A foit Societywmso riaoiimd almosl 20 yara ago droticaily a omm artered accoontants. reqirnnents mhitm continotag ita mrk fail- msinaf Iru ventag progralhs takesaa andth ibmmoas ripe, Hatn mmbs rfelt ii, omais een evyonte t c inie. sok to tck market, explainingbom fil ta mke to brab. oonttag departmento, thon r mnoIm Imimg feconat achîm, mos iIb otoua of Ibm nem Toronto Stock Domenia apii, diretr oi pabiity and batonpmpeintaga tafaro o shutdema, he es- Mr. Murphy fml, doeitaon evotttn&rS' Excange bciodied. memtarabip, docritaa chaptor objectiven pita. proaman Ibot han putthIean on Ibm managm- Peraonao tavestmont arategion for thm as boIb peroal amd prfosianai deveiop Wtb cutisacho ond grotar ffcescy mont tam aiter comPanims raized thbmy 'islaonoIer fetorm of tIbm ies. Cot for ment for memtarsanod dcation for Ibm hedtag crporate priorily listadusali mre gtttag itt trouble over money. mcli program ta $15 taciading meal. commuaiti te oa Ib mt inaai'aon uch aocoiianta are, an Ibmesaot, very bany. On Ibm question of eomania rcnverY, Ihm inter serin highllgbta mriol nes- tapirs as computers, iavmtmnts, manage' Thbm aogiol bsnessa enviromont de- inIb mon report Ibat o caotloan optiitsam sians on cerporote liqidty inlodtag cash menl systomo mnd cbmngtag trends ta monde continuing prafesianal devetopanit pervoden oardronms Ibese days. Ram management, proîmt amimtio, ftnaandel business. of management accamtOanto, Mr. Raptai materiai cotn ore ot riabog on Ibmy have tnalaternativon mnd governanent poante. Social Mmtarahip breaks dama itta Ngltered noton, hicb, aong wma carmdiltatiolo, a a Ibm pot' Mr. Raptai observesbhtlcacton la evensaare planased and o tudent pragraen tadutrial Accamntaota, alodntsanmd gen- major lcro of the Soriety. nuil tbheky whn it comeantanem eqoapanont milii beve speakers on career planntag, rai memtars. 'ibre are cosh management Micro mnd mti-compoter, more sophta- and capital, course changea and writiag exmm. peoplo rom books, uoilalers, tatannattan tjcatmd rosI evalatiai systome, important On Ibm other bond, Mr. Mirpby eontera, systoma analysto, fitamcal anlysta and invotment decisiani mnd more «epnsive taventres must tacdose taoneil ap bynosa, For inormatian as courses, cati Jut Fin- budget mnalyss. monoy, tbaota la inierot raton, trs Ibm signelit a modmt imylng htage. lay,561-701. For tfonnation on mmmtar- 'Ihm Society pravides a forai pottftrsita- tadustriai accamtmat'a ducation tto an Emerglng hesefite frnm Ibm receanion ta- aip, coUi Domenia Rapti, 022-3511 or Gra- dents, M. itapiai oxpita, many of seoin ngii proposition. ciade streanuliig of opertioni, Ibm mon bam Murphy, 50-7413. £ £ I

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