Il - - - -- ---.-----~ - .-. .- . Form weekstrest1 MEaoncil Erllglvth.. ena aI Us-rn Crle lm isnl saiongphleUa witUs hrd sian iqoihisand John Tan ho" o f calla on Use a Iro wiUs about hall mlni' % rd Ue rmaindor calves yarlings TIsa rows ara mliad ai 5.50 n. md 4.40 pm. eancisday wlUs milks torad ilaa rfrigratad tankfor plakslp very tva day. MiSk lasld iirosgh Usa Onaro Mils: Markeing Board wlioistipulates hase maris nacis prodsoer la alloved la p' Tlie Radahav ad haUsir apralion an thla bdanes mn,iut Ue naona "Plamha'aha" atnr os salaaand doncrihesa ataentf financesnt aita tisse. Reglenal chairoa Itesoit la larosand mntalf Ue prodc- îîy driog a pacis ion bnd hon isau tie-drnined. This alinva Agrclal rIAdviso oainienance oI mre constant lavla ofImanla iruce Woo, moltre IlathUs ml, Usaallnsing htter production. million, ieal $5.5 is Tha raille are led an 12,000 hales oIfiay million, rit and Ws tradinlie ibarsand cor agllelang tva seeP 3M,00. 13 font dantr, 40foot tellasils. heIattele Sis la Haltan rE la pradcad fros 12 arma. In addition, thre qaality selUs mare ci la grain crs pradored ros 12 acres. Whaie of Ue provis A ltal oI 70 acres la davted ta mixd oioand nd md Ue, grain and 30 acres ta sayhaana. Aot 2 bina. Thra are 119 aesaof landlaissand Ue rot ilastunire region, wlUth 02740 a and iay bnd. - msme degreofnI l Hast oI Usa huila ara mold, selUs many hav- acres la woodland a iog gane aroad ta Ue U.S.A., Gersoeny, Th1e average ilas Caba, Italy and France. bidns ahnr in Iaieon easawhl, Usra are Mn lamas $689dg,0(). sna olvariontypes pradsciag a&bot *01 mlosln *091 vartis aI producta. Cash crnpa acount for Ainst ,500 resi. $13 millonmasismoma 12 msilon, nursry famiog. Thatsabah $10 mdllion, dary $7 million, paultry $6. tatai ppulaioans Fire force is equal to town needs, By STEVe ARNOLD Nrewa Ediior Aa loag as Milton remaim a nmail, leepy iedroos ram- munity for Toronoanod otier area, liiaire depariment sold e eqssalintaany demande made of i, accarding la Chief Jios Colnan. Memiers of aIons plan' ning and ptuilic woriss rom- mittee were ccently faceed agala eitis Ue tact smme ameas otOakvileisave extremely peor watr pressure, wieci meams possiile prailesîm for ire figlters. "Practically every area wiere we iad a proisteo and ladiraied ilta is e region bis ieen taies care af," Ctaef Coulson maid in a tlepisone la' terview. Osa of Ue taseno many advantagm for lfire tiejota, ie sai, la Usa newnec f Ue ma- rity af tie risasarea- suisdiviion slwiUs Ue seedn o modern ire figiting in mnd. "«WiUs tie negrosetisin gose in," ho improving needed imf tiigihsnta "Orcoi esaid, "and as lar as i he aceas, that provement, every- een done. " romerciat and md ossa a -a ar-r -.11 ps- tectcd," iscadded. Chiet Coutoon said las major lire protection cocero wen for tise foiure of Ue lasen, especiai- ty as thindstrial park is dcv- eloped. "As idstry comms and changes us ito a fuity ttegrated commsnity, tiestise ire departmet is going taisave to adap,"ie sid. Tise changes, iowever, cas- sot ie predicted iecamse Uey wiit depand os tise iind of mnd- ustry whaish is attracted t0NUIl- ton, sometiing wlacis ie iopes the tons plnnin prores wsll creen. "t1 dnt ses any major di- ficlty ix Ue tture ieaaae th tows isao laken avery firos iand osiow il is goiog 10 deveiop and tisai ix impatant," e said. "Rigitt 00W," be odded, "Wr ras adequateiy meet tise needs of a biroom, community. " mutn e aisytes n e .a 9 kL&wm@NDOWSWand DOORSJ DIRECT FACTORY OUTLET ftwlosOOs Friay HeIp Ei-ALO Mon. to Fr.96 adAd.,ima L!STLL 71 Moantainsaor Rd N. PHONE GEORGETOWN 877-1186 Vi 5.fFàwelk E E&MEA S ER RCEI~ OCTOBER SALE 300/ OFFMAU.LS RC Domninion WodoeVmWCaW'mdws ALL ,' 44"IN-STOCK" r-I ~ AND ".CUSTOM", ORDERS SA VE. .. CLI STYES AND SUES AVAILABIS ...ORER OW...CHCKTHESETAPLES PICTUREFi p.iZEg L13 5 l.">3% t ENERGY 1...ISA WN W. 0NEYA WN RePu.Le #iLACET W47.5INOWS7LIA FIT0INOITS A-a #13" *13 WOOD lnPATIOnnDliRi 'S IZm - LIST 612 'IE LS 731 $462$513 "n Jack Rlaftis namples same of lIse praalacln nf Haioens farm commua- ia kick.afflast weh laAgri-irowE Weh, a Jontnlprojers aI Use Hmilan sory Comasltlee nd the Ialten Federallon nI Agriculture. Wllh Use chair- downeraofUthe ochard svherelthe recepllon was held. siion, vegetabien $2.7 É owevar about 18, O rural reaidents are soi wme $2 million eacls and farmers. On the dairy aide, aboat 75 mik producrc ae dencriised aofigndannenily auPPIY Use markset vus 16 milion cls t sont haro ta he ices of miSk. Halions yilid par cow, on Use rn ofQuehac, Nev- 80 per centofthe animaisonsfilitest,ilthe Ustree maritimes mos- higisestinlatUe province. OOacres farmed in Usa Tise majorily oi dafry caille are Holatalas, u iosprovad land undar foilowed isy Jarseys, dual parpese Shsort- Mllge. Tha oUsor 17.00 hars, Gaernseyn asd Ayrohlres. and swamsp. Cowa atari miiking alter iheir firni ralf, 'esimeni par lfaesil which la ai aboult to yearo. They mthk for wy and livesiorin labaout about six years, heiog isred annaly. A Holstilcour weighiog 1,500 ponds Meula are iovoivad la drinks aisot 250poando of water a day, 1010 bout 1.5 par rosi of lise 25pounda ofgrain,15 paomsof hay and 2 of 253010il Hlan. paends of corns otage. SUNDAY ocTr.8 ta the ia. as 3d Lé», Matn an Ciehimidi et: at raesfsOoS! TOM U Swàcbsardl - 2a6 Mnaa e. Mian @1DfUn AM 3-dE.MflaontOa b 1 Hunusî OTMutasS W.doasday 9..M.e10a8p e 70/a oonaago n aeadbr. TIhe TYCON COMPANIES 17 W1LSM dDRIVE MII.TON I . 1 i 4. : - .. . -c Thea Carnadien Champion, Wed., Oct. 5, 1903M 10 .DAYS 0F THANKSGIVING SPECIALS 01,010 COfir ART BOUWMAN A NURSERY 878-2142 EXTRA SPECIAL - ý POITED ROSES . ............ #3.00 FRUIT TREES ....... ..... ....18.0 REIMER RED MAPLE 5O 'h cliper, bell bador O 11igb . ........ 5 . We have Crioson King, Royal, Norway and Schwosdiar Maplea. Morsin, Green, Whita Aah, Austrian Pusa là Colorado Spruca, larga Junipara up to 0', full lina of Spraadsng Jurupars. NSNA#VOW ONSADAY THDONTJ FOR COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE CALL 878-2142 Starts Today MA're celebrating Our l3Oth Anniversary by oftering the biggest savings lever! Enire Suit stock reduced Reg up to 1295 You'I ake your pick o f fne fabrica and expert ailorng fromJack Frasers compeesuit eventory Fa and winter fabriça that are moatly Canadian- made. n a beautifl selection of atripes. SOlds, and country looks. n Short, Regular and Tailsizes. Sgnifcas sav'lgs that wilno et eepeaed tha year So f su sareon your a tJackFaser a he ony pace you need shop. A sght chage for a teratons. ~1~Dress Shirts Top-fused collars, 6535 polpaster/cotton blenda Long leeved, repular S 59ngw 5 adjastable 2-buSton c U fsuPlains, fanciesand une-on-toses 1/Price S2 Reg 122 to 126 JAC FA;R eMilton MailoMilwie Hopedale Mail, Oakville Place, Oakville '0 urlington Mail, Burlngton S W '~ '~~O ~*~*',5~*~ - '..¼'~' a~.c. ~ ~'s .s' .*~' ,o~rd'~'.L',','. * --'e.. -- SOhLhsa.1iMmea Norh Of Stasla Ave, Jssst Eet of Milan ~sei"f Jack Frasers S ectacular ~15 Mii0o Clothing Sale i m 1 1