animer apecrespla (Canada) Lo. lbas ofatlly opemodthlie joan tallaCaeidis eépaes- daminlaMitn. Aaallag nttheolimeal opeai nere fralont :in. sEtgi Inflaormalan attIser of ipectrospla. iwllaerasil; Mayer Grd Eresto, epreentOlg lthe tows Dr. Werner Tschapp. latormtian officeif ipeclcaspla. awtzerlatsd: Hrl Kreeger, lthe coStactar for cnstrucionof lie Mlton offices; an Dr MaduSmt, Caeadlas vin.-presennt. Sept. 13 meetingwiI revie w track options Millon councl wll bo n a btter position One isiction mimes open air recceation lu autesittl option rigording the costro- pirmissablO, vimile anolier retera la race vertu)l moocrnss track in nrtb Nassa- trarbu being atlowed. M. Johnsonm sad the gawyîa aler a public meetn lter lis section ritirringlta race trackmn ao borne month accrdintom Counillor BiS Johnson. racnf, fot motormed veicle race trerima Att inlerested citbmommt are inviled in a and iis wan toeetonion othtoe zanisg public metintalii di witb ibis isne on if islation te ownern othtclrack origmnatoy Sopliombir 13 t tac Milton counit cham. bcougt mu bit attention un making taeil bics. opiration tifga. lna. anitlerview tis wiib M. Johnson Now the track wants mu bi clinned au open said he andhia colleafue want itobeir more air ricroition une, M. Johnon said, but la rone bthaides in tis isue and tac citiuins bim open air ricriation is ting s lime traiO are "enlitlid ftin public meeting." iding, nom moocross rîcb. M. Jobnnon suid e vas auurid by tac I moocrons trackn ire open air tracb ownrs libîli nyono drinkin on tae recrialiion tamn Nasagaei could vn ap pcopcrliy wan ejoclied, yt ho bausien a itb Mosporli type race tracbo, to-cari video topeofutpople utthlie rack constomomgt licrb, aod drive-in tatcos. brer and olier liqur. Ho vicoid libico could bi an "influx" o Wili e innI trictly against drinimio, be undesirubleoupocuions m taih rural are. 1005liinsbows lte ovnecs iront con- Couicil rccntty met l-camnera mu disusss lcolinf teliboniuatiinn. Ho vondero vbatleif l advice, but M. Johnson wouldn'li nîber ters o neigibocu Att) bi proved discutsa îitbey earned. correct becauno lte ovors dont bave a Howvvr, hi na)d councit bau a nuobir of ire gip on activilies. opionnsîdti ope o n u ading nt taking Ho said e oiginummy bud eervilions too a) action; takanf tifgs] action; binnin about tbe tlicchand moning, but wau mud race rachs in Millon; or icenclaf an evecytinf vas flae." Howvvr, as tir as u ftlataieotocrosu track. ho is cocecned nev, tare ire 100 ditérent Ho sbld i is viowth ie znnlai stil claussin tbe o!d Nasagiwiyi regalalionu qustionabli cifirdinthtackc, ad hbu wbcb could apply lu tae Ponderosa position is liat ltielicîch isou if ta eiof Pcoprty off tae Sita Une, ahre taelirich is'l proper. s loctid. SOLE RLLEYS 8eperepkh 03.75per IL 26 ONION RINGS FRENCH FRIES Si.on 7.50 5 M.b bau2.65 COGKED MEATBALLS OPPFOX-5ipielM. '2.25 EGG ROULS 12 par pkh 2-ei-764 Join Mton B&«WmW&y YOUth Bowing Coooncil Fetaring: Tum eBowling, Instructoca, Cregt, Taurnements,.Trophlei, ifAot r llanning a WEODIG ding S3yoUwl nemI tamattend * SPECIAIDISPLAY * BCmNGITS OREBR BRIDE D vour personalinvitation f r f o eothe o attendant lease giv osaktedl UmmYOIMFVIAI1BS C ^«M w».vaa mmmr rBEd ofi mier CLLERA I ION tNa Annoncin Milton Mal Ope Birthday v Bonus )n IlBucks )O a6.Anniversary 1 M o8 ED.0Auction Auction Date: October 15, 4pm. at Milton Mail SPt àn Oarnnentooestorues heMilton 4 Tinleoitospontta*AucdoeCshier milan.oatd ntMltons Mail ny mnsdror Fider *4a~Ais ti3iendtci 15190. nforaey dollarsiens. 3Aicash rnaiteta pespuetit bsnss r A tlveeay Aucin to b held: e1 mehfrontsstor n MilonMail.oofinimer15Milton Mal 4p SEEDISPLA YIN MIL TON MALL FOR COMPLETEDETA ILS Shopping Centre Wa.kdays llOO Wta5:30 s J 55 Ontario St. South, Milton okm *0m . 7r@*.