4The Canadian ChaMmo, Wed., Sept. 7 1M0 iht dEaIitidlt fngl loi Mwu St. EWdt PPO. am 248, M aOWl STU HERB CROWTlHER Publaie LES FEERO JIM ROBINSON MIKE H'ALL snàc,ooonîataavtnso.amoasnna,.,,stamnL0ts- BUSINE8 FC:Oln copias 20d oHaa dnosoy IlIdSinsepOm *02 pao yefo 5v o MNe«.Sooim 5 p, yer aueci n Canada; $75 in ait ote ontes. Th Mlon Canaden Capiocn ons o te Mtoland Pinica etd PulisbioogLd. gousi o toiooian nmnspestvhiinludesTheAoomon mPaa, Auçonts an,The oon teOapoo, Bravpton Gtadia. Thc aalitoon Pots. Tenudligto Wmkntd Fmi.lita ltotilcokn Adosrtiseo/ Galanee. on rgetown lsdepestintO, TeHamilot Wetwotb Po, MsiOsv/ThooOitt Oonovino and Sun, OTheMsnnslaNs aaTheo Pammat Ela, The North Yorko Miror,, akioi uia naOat aakveFiday BuOmOs aaThin Waai. Oshawa Thi Wnolend.' The Rihmond HOil/TOooObolt Uhanl, Teta Sueorooa Miom. The StovileTibune snd Thea Aja/Witay/PierinaSNwsAdonrtism. Ad1. 1.. , -od t, , t t, , tn t-.7, o Un, Of m ,0, et,, 000of waveýsi Phone 9782341 Tro tsUsae8M-3837 Lu Milon ounil as owhadthre weksinwhich to tudy s massive report on wbat thia town needa in terms of future recreational faciities. The report waa compiled under parka and recreation director Larry Arbic, and it containa wbat many people have been hopng it would contain-the cal for s true community centre. Altbough it is only t the proposai stage, the plan notes the need in Milton for a leisure pool, theatre, and more facilities for organized sports. It also calls for a meeting to bammer out a schedule in wich existing indoor pools can be pt ta more use by the community. No one augeste we can tart tomorrow by turnlng thee od, but the people of Milton abould take reassorance test ite parka and recreation department does onderstand test tee people of Milton want more than tee rinka. Building such a facilty is going to take a long time and even more money. Mr. Arbie and staff are confident tee money- raising end cao be accomplished and teat la even more of a positive step. It i5 00W up to tee town and up tontee citizenry' to corne together and tart serious, and reasonable planning m order to bring the proose multi-use faclity to fruition. We need tis facility and its timne for all of us to work togetber and bring it into opration in Milton. Kick-off- SIt is beartening tbat more than 600 Milton residenta would brave a very muggy Saturday nigbt and go to tee Laurier Sports Centre to sbow their support for tee kick-of f of tee fund wich wil belp add a new wing to tee Milton District Hospital. : Tbe event was tbe kick-off dance for tee Milton District Hospital Expansion fund and it was sponsored by theebospital auxiliary. .Not counting the money raised by the auxillary, tee fund 00W stands at jut over $200000 and Uat is pretty impresaive conidering the campaign bas only just officially tarted. :An impressive cbunk came from tee Town of Milton wite $10000 being posted on the wall of bricks prior to tee dance. Tis was followed up witb tbe annooncement tee town will donate $1 per Milton resident over the next two years to make a grand total of $6eo000. . Fund cbairman, Bruce Dolson, and is team bave now a very tougb job abead of Ueni. Tbey are committed to raise thee Public sobseription portion of Use total bill-$l million. : Tbey know t is going te g et barder and barder to raise thee lnoney as tbe fond fils and tbe well bas been plumbed to thee Point of drying it up. :Milton residents must remember Uat tbe appoal for fonds is really on Ueir bebaîf. As we continue ta try and reacis Ue goal, it is oe eacb resident will bear teat in mmnd, and prbapo, ýig just a little deepr for Ue good of l Ue people of Ue town of Milton. Everyone wins Tbe Halton Region Conservation Autbority and Ue Town of :Milton are about to sign an agreement wicb will see thee aotbority move into tee crrent town ball. Tis ia exeted to bappon aroond April of 1985 and it will dovetail witb Ue move of town ball staff to tbe old courteouse :and jail, wicb sbould be completed at test ime. It is known tbe autbority did not see tee old town hall as ita firt cboice. It would bave preferred to bave constructed a new building on land it owns on tbe escarpment, bt Uis ides was abot down b y Ue Niagara Escarpment Commission. But in looking at tbe decision of tee auteority to move to Main and Martin St., it must be said the decision, wile not wbat thee .authority wanted, is goino ta solve a number of problema. In tbe first place, tbe ateority will move out of a igi-rent of- fice complex on Main St. and itt a building test certtaly has cbaracter and blonds in wite tee entire concept of retaining ou beritage. Tbe town bas been looking long and bard for a sotable tenant and ha, cet jînlv o. bon0e inthe FRCA. M di1e .anie ime, the abole move allows the town 10 tînally bead over to the courtboose wtbout Use fear of leaving a large and abandoned building on tee main street of tee towo it serves. In short, everyone s commng ot s wumner on tee transaction. o»ur roaders wrie fSb e « üor bembs petal pivlesea is nuperb. for "bad Usaitdrvai'but sRENDlAr4 G. RENNaY aembxWdo for te eyeat who Oa viewpoint WITJANMULER Participarking Even hefore Jane Fonda pulisbed lac ilses bok, recordcd ber mri sut on vtayl or made it ilso a film, NortaAserinsnere taining about fies. Weil tac fitocas movement bas enlrcd. separoisg tac daes fracs tac 1'ssyla tomorrom" coad miose Jane Fonda booi las peomptcd l501e enecise beyosd the strengta it toaok g il homef£rom tae boo store. Starting ta proiaily snec of tac dificulties is voriing toard a higit fitnesso telnsella tat a ieeptag il op. bal tac intaliobsacle ta estaitiishing as eecise routneyau çats live mita. jnggtag ammd tBe ltck ta sel asly hras bal lard an tha sud laci. ic 25.cststorot, vta ils disgusliogly slsosy imltructtra, La nt tea amer toc cveryone and orgonineif sports arr a lile 100 slrenosor acmos. la tare an ammwer taidis ines diemma?kyrso 1tini Ive found one and il lies inthetacahydso several Hiltoalans. To lea cat, il lies joni layond te lacityardo of resideolo living ta tac areaso Kimsmen Pari ai thectorner of Woodward Ave. and Wilson Dr. In tac sprtag of lbs year tac local Knmmen Club o- icialy opened a ParticiPark ai ai lotion. l'cs sol sure boy may pepe tuse or htave methta fattalty. but t oldn'i la surprised il a lot i of oal oddmy "a parti.vlwat? " T'. il sation, wmitit maie Kinsmen Pari sand out frocs tace e, are localed along atcrusied gravel pah. Nov you'rr vondering about pariciwvi tataions. Witaoul taec te ParticiParimwould la sotaing more taonsa inding rsaic gravel pat. Wita tacm il s ao excelest vay tb gl imb slape and la mork Ibose muscles yos neyer 1ev yen lad uailil tacy iegis 10 ache. Thte stations, costuclet maindy of iogs. titains and rings, mccc allildt iy Knssee. Tiere are many parla lilse tac ose me have ta Miltos, ocros se coun- try, se itear tis iscstad vies yoa are PariciPariog. Otraegoneafore yoa.. .tinudisg cse. Thte trial of slamisa, self distipline asd tosunitmenl iegias ai tae rea o tac pari seul tOsSi. Peers Stitasl. mlare telarge Partiiari sigs ss localcif. Tic scratited pin of tac sign, tauscd by hored delinquens nos douil, tan la foaid ai many o tac stations. Teinstruction tacy offer, bovever. as legble despile tae vandals' cors. Tic idea s tlado smmc strethisg cuercises lafore ose begias 10 avoid mstcule tain. Itis aino vise 00110o la lai gng-la Taie il easy tac icol ev imes, graduasly building your slreegta, espeiaiiy if yor body in'losed lo having usti demanda placet on i. 1 only visit somesse ad given yoarn rody liaI advicc beforccsy tliai ca. Yas'Il notice frocs tae stant of tac pata grass is gramins icre and taere vitere gravel iu sapponed tb la, but tac loal iead of tac parlsanadroct deparomeni amsures me more gravel vOlb la lid seul sommer, taon eimcinating tac probicmt. Nom y00 are off and ruming, on yoar vay lu ai bealtier lad. Oi, tata ta a breene, rigil' Noting 10 iis jogging along a pata, bulmla is tis rigil abead' The firal stations ioses. Tiis, lite al tac olien in coastrsuted inosutltarce sizes of peope. i presomne one aiea for ctidren, tae otae for omes and nmaler- szedcmen and tac Ouerd for tac big guys. I tould'l bcip btullarecslndedof taesloty oftUe trto bears mien ai- lemping la rnd tac part of tac station viici vas just rigil'. According ta tac sien ai saio one, itamu aeeies are t ltmi, using hando asd fIci, tac rings bangîn lrom citains. Donltanit membhat Iis is sppaseif 10 do folouobuholdoes olle,,,hreak ,o,, uvo,,, Neol cool, the 1e1 . ' n h 1. I Tbertoplog n 10te, b jmpvd at anod toched I chtose the medim ieigito log asd van successîsi. Theitetching fecis good and taecutrionily buds au 1 onder vitlthe netstatisenmihold. Station tare vould bo a greal spat for somease loy- tag out foc tac circus 10 practicc. Tiere are risg sels andlbarstsuspcnded hy clamnse vlschifi beip taecppar lady. liani os the pata, tBe Pariciari participantist led aises tae laci of Si. Pelers playgrsasd p a bi. AI the top, a aeiesaof postasprolrada frcs the gramnd. flic protrudtag pota pengress ta laigito frasashot snec fout ta Oree feet. Tis a ogn shows tac pota are to la cleered, leap-rog-faatoa. Te lasone lasa iller for tala ParticiParberas 'csaaly ftvcfoot tma. Thae eiilnpaMof te raslOladecenî frees station tosur and te rid lyas gel cbecking for curasitefore croinlg Ue areelta lithe playgroesd of Roeat saldidmtSehooi By tim 1 woader hy 1plied sucita hot afer- Sheer wîllpomer drnne taIs reporter lbrasgh lie local partit Park sol ta mention te atimani participant Ln te background. sain for tis quesl foe fitaess, but asy cariosily ta iecp- isg me gaoig. Sation five ta a greal test of strengt, vîit four logs. isged aone end, wmiticiarc 10 blifled. Nov I'm relly feelisg the musclesmwori. By te imc station six prenenla iueli, il ml hecoase obviouu taectourse bas becu professioaly designed. Aller taceiteavy lifting tomes a lest of balance on a bosch and togs cal off close ta Bhe grouad, arrasged as fonlalepa. Rassies alosg tBase madc me feet ic a footbll playcrr ming overcasr ires. i notet ai tis pint in my trittal other Baon ose photogrpier Jas sBrgulcoa and te Kaimnavta partiipnlt o voricd ita on for Ivo wvecla. tare Ai station seven, a esl sqoslied in tac slade o a tlump of tree avaibng au i allempt o t avail and 00cr land aiong Bhe overbead bars arranged ice lad- dees. Tuis lsdifficol esoagi vitaoul laies lacet mita gapa viere bars lavaeiteen maiiciooniy removeif. Ticre are stifl enoagb rusgs for taceercise ta la effeciveihowever. Net cames une allihe less steuus statioms, Station igil cotains tare balasce beams miic gel progressively moresnacrom. Tuis station, au in taectase of motoallie il, gives tac Pariciarier a chonce la improvize and ose Bhe equipaenl as Bhey sec fi. Tiheul ul saion aimaws lac jumping again. An anglet board cas bo oet for o sort of idemays leap, miîcb gels more difitul lie igier Bhe board rises. Again i claies my stature impedet mec Oam ging al lichevay. Tic pari is designed so tliane mbaume il dool Octe as BaougiBheyve lailet" if al l asin arr fol compiled and tBal maies il greal lac people aI al l ibn levais and of al ages. Hast viiil eabale to a odie station 10wvisci isaa outolar of lags arranged like stepa. Tic laga are pileif n ssci a ay assla fores a triangle niapeanad al anc bas tI oa s 10 clibup anc aide and dovs tac aBher. Tic tank could la made more dificol iy rcomtes op and damu. 1ichose tuomoli, orkiug liaI up tOaa pranca on third and ourth attempts. Tic laauly oallie lenta sttion in tenmisg tBereisatn- yv anc el.Te pari designers avet a lougi ose for anI, anoîernlnrengîl bolder. Tic ides i$tlasquat ita Bhe log in ibis position and praceed lalîifeounlîl your legu are sraigil. I faaid il tac monl ciaiicogigasd revarding tasi. Sef saisaction fOctmplclisg tBe roule s lta rcvardisg. Gnaming ai e laci of my mmd, itovever, vas Bhe condition af tac tveniteud lars. Tiseougit a ittie investigation i diacovcred tac Kensmes mre st respataibie for up-kecp, Bhal lad iccn.lurned aver la te townmwhc Bhe prniopened earlier tatayear. Hayon Gard Ecanta taid hlamas uaaare no Be Pro- bieas aid pramiset mometing masid la donc tua itg thepariaupltupar. Kacp tala ta mtad mie ys laie ltuteackui a Etasasco Pari. Il la yaar tast dolar tBal mOi multata il, mogo o00 aid gel yast mancy'a morthansd gel fi001i thecsame lime. Iiunom, mayla tomorrow." A..... of the Pest 0one VearAgo Franst he leptember S.1285 lane Mre thas 20,000 people crswded tta thc Mitas Fate- grasedsiaaitwccisd for the iStd Asoual Steses-Era Rasies, flic saccena of te 1282effort sas a relief for meshers sf the Otario Stees aind Astique Preservers Assciaton whO have becs rkilng for mostiatu t orgasmze teshow. Halons eles'eslary aid htgh achat teachero mll go back ta thete clasrnama vithont a contract settemesottis wcci. Negotatars for tic Halton Board of Edocatton. the Halon Eiesentary Teacitera Assoca- tan aid District 9, Otario secoendary Selinal Teseliers Federattas. have set met snce Jase 14.' A 57-yearaold Hilton Centen- stod Manor reident who threatesed taloisp from tce buildigs 1Il0font chtmsey sasci, sas safly recuced hy Miltos firefgtcrs late Saturday stght. September is Arthritts Month in Milton and the Milton sranch of the Athittts Socty offlctaliy lauiched ls carnpaign for ueds with a fiai ratatag ceremnsy Friday morntng a Ton Hall. 20 Years Ag<> Fron thtbceptemberi,1103 lsse flic power cqutpnest of te planeurs, thc Ontario Steam and Atique Preservers Association, and the Town of Miltos, a] gained fue and recognition over tac Lahour Day weekend, as a crowd iotalling asncitimated 27,000 jammcd tta Milton Fairgroansnta sucte Associa- ions third snnaie resetos. Heren gond ncms for home- owocrs wtth parchcd lawns; te laonsiawn aid gardes watertag reotrictions have heen lfted analf Tueoday of tiis wcch. * Waler restrictions vere pst ta forre eariy iis numer mites boe ran night and day on te dry iamnn, and te drata on te lown'n mater reoeves and pssoping equipesent mas en- daagering adequate fire protection. A chatte of 22 suhects ta tournes lasting ight mecits hetre Christmsas and eight weeis ater Cristmsas, will la affcred ty te Milton NigitI moèiOi0s5 e St. Higit SdEheoY5dayeventag, il mas deccded iBat courses on elcmcntary, advanced uewing, tailoriog, ieginscros art, ad- vaoced at, ttermediatearSe, French and a hast of atiter sait- jects silil c ld if titere arc sufficietlapplications. Tucsday mas itach-to-sdiool for 2,221 niadenis ta Milton, and ut esllmated 33,000 stress Haton Caasty. 50 Years Ago Fessate September?. 113 issue Ai Tocnday nigit's meeting sf lown coascil te tas rate for 133 vas struci ai 37 milin on te doi- la-a decrease of three milîn compared witit the rata for te past ive years vitici as 40 millo. ITistos indced'a pleasani surprise and good ncws for te laspayers af Miltas, mito ili have Onulitan thlie esaicil for slndcterooomy, aid alsa gve credil tOn hose wothy ciisens vho dooaled a total so f$1.10 10 aid relief, te costalf wich has beco a heavy drain an te oons itances. Tic TownshipofnTrafalgar is cansideriog te prriase af a 1cm acres of woodlaads, te objeel bise te provide wri for relief recipienis durisg te tomioz vinter.Iis kibId ofrelief mri wiii be more satisfactory liat work on te rsads as men vil bc paid on te basis of te nanier of cords liey roi. Under te raad syslemt, sme of te men relosed On on rkout liteir vonuchters, viereas on te tord rate, lie men yl be orced tn eul te wood il Oey are piynirally aile, and espesI 10 gel relief. 75. Years Ago Froa thOe September 3. 1918ine Thc P. L. Roertson Ca's machiine sitop la00w filed mithao ite outfil of new maciiery, altes and drills, al of Oie laleol and beol maies. Tic siafting bas bees pal sp his mcci and a 12 borne paver gasoline engine pal into posiion, le ha usai ontl ltht jdwig, ,gm h - Tht complnmenlary concert given lasi Torsday evenîng 10 T. C. Liviognion ai Livington Park vas lairly mdll allcoded, but sol an mcii as il ahould have becs tsidcrtag thc mri dose for Milonsinte te iegtntag of tais ycar hy tMr. Livingstas in ad- t vertistag tac advantages of tac lama and seSuriog Ivo important industries mita no dosil, more ta Bandmaster Glits had a lad fal ai Hseshy. frem tac top of a t veraidait he mas pattag..fHln a iaddcr llppcd. He mas iturmed, t ibt recavcred in a short Olme asd led tac band on for tac evcnng ta Uvngston Pari.