Couleren vent-dollmaking Aeyuseoaemaheddel Gerte van dusRuhoeusad br iusasd, Taus, ausld have f550 'tatstatament iard tanieleve teo ears 080 bt sot (terre asd Tous have revtvad tise uscesl d of mahlsg dati heads, ianstand feelt rameodelse dcay; and are jusin tise pcocesa of fisallslsg a dol-makog package ahici s sold retail for usder 130. Ie sddtion, lhey hav, ils tie ielpeof friend, puhlitheti a sulati baiudatiy-ilustrahal manuselaiicis itea0y das show thatsosyons ca make dolls. The package. aises itta marlseted, atilcnsit of slyrofoaes hals for tie ieat, ordinry modelSsg ay, eaterclora, irsiies and has har aig. Eves dlols 10 use to moka elotheg foiowg the patterns in the hoehletl05 aiscladeti. tiow simplea it Grriesidol aoaabelttllbr mittie in Holandisoseinodo iton tihetelaphane. tiaically, dlay ia moided us ties tyrofoam hal and lises places are added hro asd there for tisense, lip, and esrs. Oes tise filised had slla for about a weekawile the clay dcles very hard. Taklsg tise ssdpapor inth ie kit, the bonad b amoolsad doan. Flastonaddaye are paitd inaith lse watercslors and tise tise aboie thissg la varslised to give it an lmot porcelas-ike The couple woa aOs MIfon, have just ahoas thiar first dotia aIt theToronto Doti Compttio and came aaayawils a firat and tao seconseis>odgsgisy thir peel'a. Taus and Grre areaoaw staring intravet ta fies marketsanod fira ta try out tlier donimahlag systees os the public inesec if it Win catchso0& Tley fiai price, lahichis cosnderably lesa tias porcelain donss atech are currestiy very ie Os Canada) eii do the trick. Tley cas aiea pro" dUlttie etras liSe amati ration do0 chairs and other parapisarnaia lkeawireibicyces andprame. Operation Identification aimed at reducing crime fly VIC MaBODURNIE Their code namnes are "«Operatios Pro- videt- and "Operation Identification" andHRaton poiceare confident the chrnes aiis elp reduce crimein the reZiofl. But "'Tie Opratons" are no secret, in fact, police are spreading tise word that they ant everyoie te, floaabout thees. Eapecially tie crminels. Tie Operationsoêre just two of scierai programia Haltos Regiosal Police are trying ta promote as part of tie sewly impie- mented commanity policisg program wlicls begmnin sJasaary. "ise main objective sa prevetio,' s- plaloed Sgt. AI McQseen. "We're trying b make Haltos as crime freeaso possible.' Deapite tise iigily traised, four mas, cosasosity policise team, tie police are tise fist toiadmit tiy cant do italone. 'Tise secret te socces aistie issolvement of tise pobic," said Sit. McQeen, wabsmc tise oew progras as a retrs Otie police metiodsof 20 or30 years a000 Is difficoIt MDHS namnes top studients Top scisolacaia tise pre sciesces depart- mentof Milton DistrictHslgis Sciool were as- sosced recentiy iy ameociate deprtmest head Dean Murray. Tise folisalsg studenta were atie top ef tieir respective casses in tise second seeesterofthtie 1982-3sisOl ooel : Compoter Scece 35 -Donc Dies 94%. Compter Scienlce 401-Roland Knigist95%. Mallematles 1i4-Joe Cosnelly 1%. Mtitheeatls si-tisanie Uàvesey, Jeff Falang 95%. Matessties 24-tirent Cross 92%. mitheuiaico 2s-AnOZita 90%. Malemthls 4-Joanne Hayward 93%. M.lhemallco 51-Geoff Vansa96%. Mthematice 44-Kevin Niedzielsii83%. Mahemaitico tii-Kcis Kunze 95%. Mateesuties sss-Ruàhiaw JaYwacdese 94%. MaIlematies 52-Andrew Ioses 99%. Mthematicas s-Glen Mnter 7%. Scece ati-Miciselle Englefietd, Gies Siva 82%. acence 5-Kerry Hors 0%. Bology 25-Roland Knight 00%. ilology 34-Glen Simpsn 71%. lology 35i-Kris Kunze 90%. pisysics si-tiernard Maichin 0%. Chemslly 45-Tsm Nashb93%. Blology 55i-Robin Elliottt90%. Clemsry si-Barry Ellis 04%. Physics ss-Glen Hanter 96% Merit students at MDHS Severat studenta at Milts District Higis Scisool achîeved machosatecis esrned thiee Certficates of Menit in tise pre sciences deprtenes. The fotiowing in a ist ot tese students: csssesies seie- si is oe Di, cane Cflpec Um ,~lh1-taanns sbesinsnosieclss. d=safil.d Krught 10%, 155 sesi, Do s,SO050O saS ns. Ossl- in o" vs. Eeyn Je]5Lise A-isuOnses. on lw%5, Jecti Ceose8%, Kei sedy, .S-ion Oseion , Stes.lOtk ni%. -gl« . Ji a Ocrssi3%. 1.015 11«he orilS91%,j. sJ-,se%,Sn'vi5 OcviNkilm en. M*_. suse i nKi. ose9as. CMiceniMOsei N.asuassai:a. asin s1sade-i9%s.Pei- K55 isestrey asi0%, Dsaisi atti10u,. m Gers'ip and Tous vans ia Heais re shows esîiha teesof lise doislis ey hase esade ash.g simple snadelllsg casy. Tise doalsa loch a first asdleso seconds aosa dali esailgcoespetities la Torouto. ___ ________________ 1 r-- We've'takei" $5.OO off the price of taking it S Join Weght Wfichera Sp Sepember 23rd and save $5.00 on your irai meetingi hal netfô-ons eke ,,,l100issSiiiOS pice J0oinbySîrioie, 23,d and Os, 5 00ovn Cts,s and Si.d coso-.C$250If, thlie,, I Qî o i.o..y s d s arid s l" spcaieOfseCli, stoin 5 0ofl-0li"' ras. .a I4rsai FOR F00754ER INFORMATION CAIL 1-800-268-3915Z te gel tisen ivolved aises the oly police o- irer the public sees, la drivisg by ina police crtiser."- tiut ali of that s changisg ails tise sea coesesnity policisg progrom, soya Const. Mail Pos, ose of tour constabls in the pro- grams. 'Pc waao ta gel as many police cos- stables ot on tise srcet as e con asd get people 10 issoa their police off icers' soîd Cont. Pao.' Tise b boauof tise ea program s aa change fror rective policing 1u preveta- tuve Intie pat, police aosld resct to a clt for assitasce. bol noa, jusi by their presence-waltsing tise beal and edcating tise public itla hiopcd crime can ta pre- vcntcdhaefore iturccurs. Opration Previdcnt and Idcnification are on important prt of the pragroes oys Comst. Pao, cnplaiing oa bols mer- chante andisomesaners can get Ovolved. oprtio Provident la simply a maris- ing of al expansive ssetesf a compony and Opration Identification ia simsiar for borna- Tise hanefite are threcfold: first, lsey atisa the police toesa' aoiQ marchaondiasec lY" tmetamgtha erci nOsthe tirai place; and tiird, thcy maite the rassie value otheisntelen geoda almest wsrtileso. aipple but effective. Part of tise hanef il of iaviag a specifie iset lb getting ts cava the people, csplained Coss. Paon. TiseCanadi@n ChampIon, Wed.. Sept. 7, 1M0 C3 EXPRORIATON EXPROPRIATIOND N THE MATTER 0F an applcaton by er Mae to tfe Qseen In rigitof Ontario as reprasentad Sp tise Mîvîlster vi Goersment Services (expropriatîng autisorîlpi for ap- prooaltOs exprapriafe fnd, belng part Lot7i n Concession 10Oin lise Ton nfaton His, in tise Regssal Municpality of Maltas, (tormerly in tisa Townsisip of Esquesingtri the Coanty af Maltas> in tisa Province of Ontario, for a polce telecammanlcations tower. NOTICE S MEREBY GIVEN tisst applicatiot bas boas mode for approval fa oexpropriats tisalantis more porticuloriy described sn Scisotise "A" attachoti berafo. Any vaser ot landisln respectof abicis noticeals gioce bo desires as inqsiry lto wietbor tise takisg of socb Itind is talr, soonti and reasonaisly nacossary in the acievoment of tise objectives of tise eappalting athorify tbtil 50 noafty tise appraving aotisority in arifisg, la> ln tiése ofa va reglstered saner. ncrved persovially or by registaretimail alîbin tirty days affer be it served aitis thesotice, or,aises be is serveti by publication, altin thisrfy days aller f0e firsf publica- tvn of tisa notice; (b) in tise case of an osever ahis o vo a registered oseser, aitiis firty days aller tise firsl publicaion of tisa notice. Tise approving aatisarify is Tise Ministor v. tisa Solicitor Generof 25 Groovenor Street,1iltis Floor 050055 Park Toranto, Ontaria M7A lYS MEFMAJESTY THEOU EEN lN RIGHTOF ONTARIO as represeifeti by: The Miniter of Governmerrl Services ~GeorgeAAsh or a> Gte ovorîmeif Services NOTES: 1. Tise Exprpriations Acf providen Ibal. (a) wsere an lnquiry ln raquesteti, tisaolia econ- dacted isy an inquiry officer appoinfed by the Af- torney Genieral; (b> tise isqsiry officor, (i siafi gise every parfy f0 f0e iquiry ai op- portsiity f0 prseif evideice aid argoment aid f0 etamine aid cross-examie aitiessas, etiser porsonal or by it coussel or agent, and (fi) may recommeid fo the approvint oolborily firt a party f0 theisaiqoirp 0e paid a fived amount for is cosîs of fise iîqoity vol 1 ex- ceed $200 aid f00 approoig aotisordp rnay in ifs discretiai order lise expropriatng aatbority f0 pay sucis cosîs forîhaifis. 2. "oter" and "registared owner" are defîîed in fise Acf as faf oss ".osener" includles a mortgagee. levant, vo- ocutiot credifar, a pertai erifîfied b a imited estate or inferest in laid, a commit- tee of tis easIate of a menfauly iîcompeleil parsoi or of a prsot incapable of mavagivo is altairs, and a guardian, eoecufor, ad- ainittrator or trusteeais abom laid is vesfed; "regisfarad vaver" meavsanai wver of land wose intorafs tis e lantila defined aid, tise praper laid regislry or siserifî's office. aid incluties a persan sisoaî as a levait of laid an lise ast revseti assessavil roi. 3. Tise ospropriaiig autborify, eacb oaver aiso notifies tise approoig aulbanilp Ibal 0e desires a beariig vn respect oftie laids iîlevded lv 0e eoproprialed aid aîy ooîer added as a party by lise ivqoîry olicer are parties fa tise iquiry. Thiss Notice firsl pablisbed ainlise 7t0 day of September, 1983. 0...10.t, Reg. 315, Form 2 SCHEDULE "A" ALL AND SINGULAR tisaI cerain parcel or tract o> land and promises olluale, 'yivg, ard O- ing iv tise Toan o) allor Huit, in the Reglonal Maiicipaliiy of Halbi., (formerly n tise Townshsip of Esqavsiig vn tise Caanty of altai>, ivlise Prooince of On- tario, aid biig composedi of part of Loti7, i Cocessian 10 of tise said Toanship. more particulariy described as loloas: COMMENCING attisa moof Westerly aigle of the saîd Lot 7; TMENCE Norlieaslerly alvvg the Norlliwvvterly imt of the sadLot7 1 ditane M 97b t o a pornt THENCE Sotheasterly anld ai rîgili anges o the said Norlba0slerly lîmit of Lot 7, a distance of 504 tetbof a apoint; TMENCE Saatisoesteriy aid parallel alto lise saîd Norfisoesterly liait of Loti7, a distance of 504 foot to a polît; TMENCE Nartisoesterfy and at right aigles f0 the prevoasfy descriheti parallal ina f0 a point distant 5t feef Saafiseasterly rom fise said Nrtisoesterly liait of Loti7; 1 TMENCE Saatisweaferly anti paraifel witistise said Nartisoesteriy fiait of Lot 7, ta a poittriv tise Satiwseterfy liait of lise saiti Laf 7; TMENCE Nortisoesterly atasg tise saiti Sostisooaferly liait of Loti fotise point af commencement. ~~~1 1 6mumumumumummmm- a 1.