B4 The Caadis Ch uen, Wed Supt 7. tUS Midgt grlshold oit lni7t to capture Halton softbal£ migtisoughin a fine Style, Mton lgtaree is I scod-game los 10 aiea addod tiree u ondgf grls solisfi epscapare tie Bl- ornsy.MUts hield teoist sixifûts oih Maureen Smtls set ton camnpislpmtsa nal-blfing 04 ie Deihe Mns' a910 brner armoatn .1 for Haringo went theseis n fthe cbomplonsiip game against Hocsby tie onlY rnu. Milton ta gain tiew receetUy at Cietesisam. Hrnby scored ln every inning wltis Minis- Tise victorY cliMlm Milon bilf a "- ead and tises wslrised elle May leading tie way olish iree rasa for the tests obith Honysoefor riaso in tie iotera of tie scred. Mfichette Dapis, Kima Hamilton, league record. It vira ingto eary pll he in ut f HlenRayerand Cieryl Robisn added in tiree yeare wiic Vie fire.m f00 e-ns saris. able in liattiis cist The vicfory avesged a 12-t Ion Mlo le Multons oenr, Deisiie Miles bit f00 wben if appeored no nufferedfo Hornby is fieseoodgaine nf lise bomers and acrdtree rnus fa Pare tise Les Wilson .inleppod forney. Mil ton sean tie opener 1-6 againt club over Cietensain t1-O Debiie Blair reins. Chieenisai and aise beaf Cielfenias 25-13 il tie fiird garne te advasre f0 lie final R p h c e r o t In thfie final, Milo fonis commasd olish a 4-0f ead in tise top baf of tise firt blabla. 11e fit foar iaffers in tise gamei, ind Piey Pisyers inferesledl in plsylng rep hocksey 7:3f0 p.m. 11e fins Mloe Smifh, Deisiie Blair asd Debiie Mile, tiis yer migit be nteresfed in lise trysa lvme botis fonis. ach rearbeti ase andi scored. Stean Blair fime. f is important fiat ail playere Itirt msUve- Wed.5 belfet a orer sn fie fift for asater rnu register sitis Milton Misor Hiockey before Saf. Sepf. 10 -lt f. before Smifb ororeti in tise ais innisg ta fryisg oaf. Piayers net regltered oi nef be Tier Two Noice- foce Milton fie s-ras ead. aitosoed on fie ire. Heres lie siedaie for Tues. Sept. 2706-7 p. fiorsby waifod safil tie seentis ning saris division: T2 Alee- Sn. S fefore onsorf ing wilis any saccena off Mi- ;Sep. 20 6-7 p.m. ton hurler Saron Haringa. Tree errors Novice- Wet. Sept. 7 6-7 p.m., Sfi. Sep. n7 Peeee- San and a alis fa tbe firsl four iaffers. Lori 10 3-4 p.51. Mon. Sept. 26 ":-0: Wiliatms, Michelle May, Jo-as Emýenun Mier Ate05- Safrday Septe. 10 11:30 12 B&nta5- Stn aid Mm Hamilnia, paf tiei os base were a.in.-t2:30 pa.. Sa. Sept. 112-3 p.m. Mos. Sepf. 26 9:01 lhey eveofsalty orored. Haringa enticed Maor Aols- Fr.Sept. 9 5-:15p.m., Sel. Janice Rieofoand KimfGervais to popaupfor Sepf. ID 12:30-1:30 p.m. Homse Leagne ait oufs o etoce Jariie Cbadlegb delivered fwo Misse Peeee- Fni. Sepf. 9 6:1-7:20 iafarday Oc. . Cas r inn eils a singe. Lri Aiable entied tise p.m., 5sf. Sepf. 10 4-5 p.m. players obortly carte gaine wben hec lise drive sas naisied by Major Peewee- Sef. Sept. 10 1:30.3 p.mn., Beginners asd pap sirfstop Debiie Blair for lie isai oaf. Sun. Sepf. Il 3:15-4:30 p.m. noooned siorfly.J In fie third gaine. Milton scoced lima in Misor Batea- Wed. Sepf. 778:30 p.m., registered ta pay. fthe finIt fhcee inniofs fa cao aoay fr010 Sft. Sep. 1015-: 15 pin. (thelfeobain. Evecy htter, ecep Kima Ra, Major Batal- Tisrs. Sept. 8 8:30-if Al ep eann fryou s ,oced et ceast one con. Sim-pson pitcbed tise pin., Set. Sep. 10 6:15-7:30 p.m. Meniorial Aenae e ,inplmfe gaine. Misr & Maor Mdge- Tues. Sept. 6 tryoufi ehics sell Milonns noly bierniisduriog the weekend- 8:30-10:30 p.m. Stl Sept. 10 730 p.i10-9 CroIre. an ongêii S nW&nscpn Nrsery Ldio.ig r k tig C i Select pour Siade tris so o Fgu for ta:lo pInfnflantig Son now, the addffrnno in snono and oloo utheo La5l*ae rmInde -Innnutt-,apie 198.184 SEASON Registration and tSPECIAL SALE Information Night a owedng shrubs tu $25 me buthsî s *0depalf '~ Sépt.l12th c las h r l '2 9 h 4 : 0 0 - 8 :0 0 p .m . a FOUflhlins '125.o Laurier e-s..i su"senre TMF Arena vm:ieW of Hon 427 1lesS cd401 27-16 : u 21-1281 R ow1 lsi afM UosF ACTON FALL FAIR Sept. 16, 17,18 at Acton Paa* ALL DAY-AabnHrsSw 4:00 pm. - Polry oxhibit, concession xhibit, ridway, foodA concession 6:00 p. - Hall exhibits 6:15 p." - Roaster Crowingcontesl 6:45 pais. - Hean Hrs Pull 0 m0 a. - Family Enrtainmenl Variiy Show and Crosoningofa Mijss Aclon fac 193/84 ADMISSION: Aduls f0Studenîs $3.W0 Childen undr 12 *1.00 Parking $100 Siswdmy, Sopt.d.r111h 900 &.m. - Hall ýhibis, poullry enhibjhts, midaVs, concessjon eohis, foaod and refresismenis, Carlsierg Chanipionshie- Hich 11:00 a.mn. - Boni Canine Show, Junjor Boni Canine, Junior Haine Show, Honny Hrs Show, Lighl Hase Show, Harnvas Panis, concessions and exhjbjls, Pouliry Show hw nsd-osd 12 noon - Large Parade, Tug oi War fi Pioneer Gaines regstration 1:30 pas. -Bobo Show in rona -Bird Dance Campelifio3 j4:30 pas. - Hog Carcass Aoctiom ADMISSION: Aduts Et Siadonis *300 Children undor 12 PFREE" FINAL BOYS' HOCKEY REGISTRATION SATURDAY, SEPT. 10, 1983 3:00 - 600 p.m. rrown Loi whteBlsas Blair and ored foire esci.Shatron stance etise oaifor ixed a aacreaf amse dIh flslised olis sa17-f oa lise boni Milton record bc As emen more remaaris- mis was abount dssotved no coachs coald be fsasd. ein an d tonS oner fise Wsf100 practiren oUllIn1- Sept, 7 8:30-10:30 p.m., a- Mon. Sept. 261-6 p.in., Sept. un. S n. S 0-11 p acfti aisn AU BMX raclng moufta Tbotnilnolaa1.a oispspmmnsei in colassean as 5514 as 5.5asiLsOSib s-5~5dp r" et thb nSane n8 ssdý manecTo.Uyàt7p..o 1. 5t. osoem ........ 7 ....r ...... Mn i ............ 1211 ..ma .. ::: m' m JOne-n ......5 l. PtnGireo. as 0-ale: n Cu la i ts ov 0 1-ONed Ha*; 14 s toE Icc Ësar i-ub Bm:a-J ls ns . cniC":0011 Local resuits in Classic 235 1:3"-3p.m., Mas. Tise following in a lit -of al]tise MillenS cottfOvenden finisers, lieir plarsega, imes and age n illOUIHast teh 034:0pm, Ue Motons Msplj Leaf. 1o-km Clasi/ EBon Clrke Sept. 23-:0pM, Bryao Kerr MemoriloracereceoUlY. Gary Scat Me. 34:-6pm, - Mltontiiseca Johsn Sow Se. :0-6 . Place Tiase Age Loo Malin p..Mafttew Hodge 39 33.511l1t Bon Sice n oilO get asderoay Fre- os 76 3.35 36 Peter irk les ill be contactlstg Robert Chesbey 91 3:17 29 RicardHoule ig doles and tintas B. James MeKay 101 3.44 31 Cavin Seow wengiis oi ise an- ee Ward 110 371006 8 Aittre Si.Jobs 1players mot 110 Craig MacKinsy 147 3a:13 14 Joe Wood Rob Wilson 148 38:16 14 Gceg Faîrley Gsry Mono 179 3:12 42 Nîrky Bndger wil eeld at Milon Dos age 302 3:59 46 Terry l1ompson ept lh ise2e,- To Max Henriisn 2 11 40:13 13 Itenee Nolef go a Miltes Spora James Drennas 234 40:44 34 Roberf Lenson Daid Short 337 43:45 35 Hlen MriatO POLRRI5 PRE-SEb.SOÇDN PREMOTIN STOP PRETENDING. Ocet into the ral spiritfoffhe'sport. Gel mb cPolaris." An-d gel o reol draIons ony eew, 1983 or crlicr Polaons carry-over modrlinjestock. For instance, ~ou cie- buy o 1983 Star, Sport or Super Sport ond nove o bue-die. Or buy oe-y ece Polaris, even one of our excifîe-g nean '84 models, and gel f ce clothing a nd occessories. You C g ut fhe packaoge torîher. We footîthe il. Buy a se r j ep crober and ge l > $1 50 (retoil vlue) worth of coîros. Boy o sled îe-October aed gel 5100 (re laitie) aortir of enfros. Boy in November and gel $50 . (rtai1 value) worth of extros. WoiI foo long and ee unI might be sold out of your sed. So gel eto your neoresl Polars dealer. An-d0 ge eot i spmrit of the sport. Eorly. Dont let our -e great dels on 'bles slip owoy. 1hs 1983 SS 1983 SPORT 1983 STAR $6OOFF$5OOFF T$m4OO'q of last scaons dealer last pnicc0 of lasI scasons dealer lisf pcel of last scasona dealer lît pricea1 Bo nyn e-nsPlanss in Boy ony ns Polorsi u n nwPlrsi SEPTEMBR. OCTOSER. I NVIEMBR. Get$15eç - G.$ 1OCM Gt $5Oin heeere-fras. free enfins. fre e colis. 0010-r onilahle froso these parlicipolifig dealers. MILTON, ONTARIO RACERYS EDGIE 416-78-190 la lie Park ecs hour -FRIE" Thér hst in hmrss raciag is hock at Mohawkis rain Srptcinhrr 4th ta A ff tDomaDecrasier fris eiris rcingcvcry nighî cîcepi wcdncsdays andi Thursdays. Fonlurng -MntGroin" eflîýSepSxwgrn v usa n 5 poce bsnd JS-pSxwgmngvyTusyod Saturday Sepemiser 111h ' / Sîurday cvrning. Opcnie-g nighî Ilémurs Acta Arnathec$100.000Champlain Saks and ACon Amna he$ 100.000Simcoc Siakes Adeance Ticket Sales as Vilage Variety Shopt... 41 Miii S. E., Acion 853-0411 s \ oc LMITED TICKETS AVAILA13LE 12 noon - Calsierg Hilci, Rabhi 0-& c, Caies, Diry Cote andi Junior Show, bal iohbits, Anits end outside coneseitrms. Soin Show Western Hors Show 100 p-m. - Pet Show, ModalBoat Show, Antique TrectorPoll, 4ax4 £ Trnnis PullW 200 pi&s - Chlmgeof Actais liSt Iheacmm A*t lSUStMUd U»*00 j ____ndeA12 *l Mt à ms6Osamo t-Jlm 0505 2-i5lbnansdasd; -SOmna i1.oWm; -Mdd 5Jasasse a à t a. I -Pame 55a s; i-,mO.rO sait s s -esiOs.. 5-Cbr. Moe a-irs4tn 1 s- tO0SIr -asamtsaod" 2-sacryasid; -P.WD5f010 lS 44:17 36 M734:5 313 397 4:37 36 417 46:12 32 424 46:19 13 446 47:01 14 458 47:16 17 469 47:18 49 4964:14 34 US 4824 28 507 40:3f 35 57 13:21 24 504 53Z 30 601 347 30 M0 5419 33 627 5611 20 631 56:OS 34 100110-43 43 spinrojinespon