Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Aug 1983, p. 8

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8 The Canadln Champion, Wad., Aug, Mem dmo bhul N ewsprint A plain In bau nenîsprint in munincipal gar- bal nMltoan hmabeen delayed agalin. Memberin f lbe egîonun olld wate managemeint conmitteagreed let wcek ta delay institutininEnthe ban unill No. 1.15i ai orWutaly taae oume loto efet Sept. 1. SThe newipcint ban lu part of the regionus lonug-erm plan fr bandling garbage Ny separating maternaI olachecan be rocyled. In a repurt In the committen Pubie nionku Economny aids dump A lumpin buiness attity ldnmoyean oould meain a sligbly longer ifespait for Ealtnn'nsitngle remuininug landifil ite. Memberu of the olid ate managemteint commitîe we told test week i5luls nW pedited the sie wiO anelueSe,losed lu Agust onet year. Earlien predctionn bad called for the gatco teSbe lueked for Oe final Orne in Jonc. In a nirtten report, publie works drecou Bob Monne aid Oe ntnoonl of garbage be- ing bred in Oieenslte bau fallen by 1u per cent oer lat year, wbih inbll llow for Oic lgltly longe lfe. Thisu drop, b,, wrote, could Se ttributnd te nenenal fators, inclndng Oe iucneosing nttectinenenu ot souree eprtion pro gans andOheincreasedcostio ulig gar- bagle 50Burlinglon torcing businesses lu reduce Oe total umoon Oey duord. A plan lu alreody eing denluped luenx pond the site lu nirve for annOer toue ycrs white a provincial heaing body reacbeu dcsononregonalpansfronuacOwste te bSeloaled inauspotSbeung innsigued now Disaster assistance approvedi Hlattor; residento obo are treted tu tbe igNt t frun enage bubbtîng up ouut oicthir toilets lu Oe future will Se able to gel soute assistance roni tbe region MemSers othOe administration and fin- once ,,uomitee tust eek opproned puy- ment o dnoter relief grant tu borne- oninens wouenprence sucb problemu in the tture,, Tbe grants, te a maxmumof Mnt5,ill Se pid only oben Oe eglont eairman dclares an eent te e a cnmmunity dis- aster. The tonds will cuver Oie coul ut immediate dlean upu and 0ut of pueket cuponues, pro ided the residenta first sigu o aier acknowledgcing puyunent nf Oe grais l nul an admission by Oe eglon ut renposibiity ton Oe probemn Chase ends in court A 18 yerold Mlton outh cbrged wilS robbieg and trcateniug o local mon; stel- ing n picb-op truck runi o local business and teading police ou a 5gh spocd chote in Oak- vilwilI e sentenceducsxt montS. Daniel Pol Cien o Fiet Lin pleodcd guilty lu steliug tlb,, naitlot Ccii JouSert o 122 Bronte SI. Apit 18; stealing a pick-up trocS owned Sy Gus Moray Ld., of Milton, Jonc 2t and oouing a poion cOse ISogliObile siretuJue 21. Duing tbe course oS the Chase, the youg teenager runtwocred lights and aied te pli one. on police. He eentoalîn Bcd onu ont aftcrrcenerning the, trucS intoibhe cruiser. H onu 101r apprebendcd Sy police. Damage to the cruiser and the trucSkornouninif lu ap- proimately $1.03. Proincial Culat Judge Bill Obrpe1 agreed te o reqoest for a pic-sentence report un the youOi. lu accordauce onth dangeroun dniviog otteuce e imuiediatly [oses is licence on a tree montb ponîod aud a furOer Oree yer piod-tbc penalty Sr leadîuc police Ne sile eteuced ou ailcharges Tesday. Sept. 13 a1 Itou,. Ilalton Recovery flouse mc. NIOTICE OF AFINJAL MEETING NIEDrESDAY. 3 OCTOBER 1983 8:00 P. lin heiii.ii Ciusio.of thei., Distictni Hospial, Dniiy unn Wst, Mli ton. Ontarilo Io thc poîpoun .1olc te h o arnud of iro r aniusod scliuiher bunessuasma omce beioctherBoard. an Mny Lif e ..is or the joy i UMIERSAL LAWS 0F LIFE A tlm 3dÊy Sernnar SpBttitiid SpECEOOOSO V.une5.ntnoe t i Tni é The Leathertown Village M presents Sfor the Youth of North Hi ACTON'SOWNI c~"White Summi and THA TGREA TAFTER HOUR.1 Livo in Conosil! ACTON ARENI (PROSPECT PARK) Friday, August 26 -8 p.m.- 12 4 SOLlO HOUAS 0F ROCK AND ROLL BY TWO 0F NORTH HALTON'8 GREAT YOUNG1 lorohants mlton er"p S À9.AND ?.30 p.m. BANDO Admission $3.00 per persan at the door. a17,1983 llft w dump ban 18s extended dirnotor Bob Mnore said ail sutisfied to reormondnatrtlerishort trn 878-588 muniloitGun, nocnpt 010,ow banre deferral of newurnt bai,'"be wrote. Wi.kdayà prgnnfor neparn gnopîtfrnm MionI bad flot bSen ,ntirely ignorinq the i.tnBp.ut reguargarbago and collentitg iluatthe curb need 50 recycle reucen, benoted, anu ba s îno.. unSetu. "While Wr nre dlnappointed Ilul Milton eali f erptadde lao s uIosonnfrIb ol bas nul yet beeon abln tn slart cnrb sîdo col- infewrîtadga.. lectionu lu tie orSon uresnoutbon; bow,,nr Plansuanealno being nuae tutaise oner thn m iu nieni of the progros tot tbny a,re oklng roie of a cilizen grnnp iu the nortu wbhh eRaRE loniardu the implemrenttoO of a combined ban boen proimnting recycling for sevnral E RS depot/curb nid,, pick up progrnn, ne ore yearn. Olood Danor Th ne to wMtin bu. oeatc.Býs ih. o Canlthg Saue i t1983 Canainau t in Chamionils hIe youg Cainaiseinsagonwtositiong o te trn ore by somial.ctsCring Biset e antely tho olne b atchl Shes up agns leticiNanril atour anhoafiin Fargei Wii oe oS tttesetr penum hwtnSereute ra ote o-ked plheamoensf yoh ue actio eg7nsponcentroil cortDn t miss he lye n chatinghei y 20o30pe efcinl 'vansentounamet and ti 7 Lict NAwmrTak mnLte NonwI EtRena 1YORK oo 7 l 70 UN itv AnERTYoN5j 6a? as o u lc oke *l rHAU igUOtosTfrleu oe Beaucth int vu 13-21 cud ddo t igsvig j- TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH CNURCH SERVICES iudinglun 4272 Appeby Line HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH Re. W 'E. Pynen Afilitd Wit, TePntennital 6344879 AunonbliesofniCane"a Suni. Aug. 21/83 106 Wakefildk Roud 9465a.-n. Bible Siudy Poilu,, Re. Guido AlieridS73368 toii ago. 11:0 .34ni. -Mnnng Sundây, Aug. 21183 W,ship. Gonil Spnaker M. Gnnrge 9:45i..-Sundey Sconnfiinnilnguin Fnge, 11:00O.m. -Mumng onlhw 7:00 pni. -Evening 6:00 p.ni. -Outonnh Service .Snn,,seet The CanaOdien - NurseryAnninO. Carny Fonîiy Confer, On Wednesdayn ente,.Cmnp Siiil. ,930 a.mn-.HnnînofPoinu4l V&HeylnCros. Cambrildgn 700 p. - BileStudynaitiheChuinh CHURCH 0F MILTON ALLIANCEOHURCH. CHRIST r SnShe oP blo Sconn 1412 Bîinnua Rd. WnntFiuuEnni Retpe Mnisto, Brin Con fIkl 878-9584 878 5896 Sun. Aug. 21/83 Sundny, Aug. 21/83 1000 u.. 8-Bibl ScouniClanul o ail au 945 an . -SincOi Schnul "Fn, The Wtinii 11:00 .n. -Muininu Pnnily", Wnnhip and the Lnîd'n il 34n.mMonnngWnohip Suppn. 4:30 pin. - Eening Sevine 7:30 pin -Pînnshing Eetynne Welcnnto nofithn Gonpnl Nurnery Pnsiiont i l Seoîsn BSTON ChnnosinOfS8iur,,Sntb.iin nt AND Kng OMAGH GRACEWAY BAPTIST CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN Indopndent-Fundanînntul CHURCHES Pnin,, Wnter H. tuait Minit, 862 Rnu.C.Cuninghami Sun. Aug. 21/83 Sundun, Aug. 21/83 LOOinHlN,, Hum 34 ooniynuu omssnt us ni:.Uniind Stel 30o.,, Hln i lFle i uo,rCente, 40 ini StretInotoluMilton OMAGH 1000a . -Su ndnn School Brtni d . 1100 an. - .MniunWnitiip. 11:0 .34 - i nniy 63 Npm u-Pehn eice.udn "nshpThn End oniVurS Onnih Fr a Bibe Chiuh" ST. PAULS EPIPHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH 0F THE Robertn Bldwin Public SPSnoo.18 Wison D. UNITED Rn,. Thomnas Pnsiiai878-266M CHURCH 0F CANADA Sunday, Aug. 21/83 Main St. i James St. Rnu E.T. Jack Bnlnh 1030 un, P- ansu Wninlp. Lstaintl 'lh Sun. Aug. 21/83 Ltiofn Houn, un Sundoni. 1000 nin. -Mn,,nO ,8:00 .,n. -CKOC 1 W Wnîihin. Ouiil 1230 p.15. -CRINi164 Speakers; Mary Fnaser 'C nd GunWiIilJi' oHuin Genu. Fi lorCiudn MILTON BAPTIST CHURCH No Snduv Schoni P PsoinKeisn F. Mutin, MILTON 88-03 GOSPEL Sunduy, Aug. 21/83 HALL 3060taionSi.S. 1000iii,.m.-MorinnuWnttip and Sundmn 8782022 Schooi. C,i,inGuihuud Loation: Auditoriunm niTe Hatton Cntonniei lonThtNniiinOThe Mu,,,,, Lord Jeus Christ NuseryPoided Sun. Aug. 21/83 AnIiind wih the npiîstCnnonnfOntaioEt 1000 u.i' Bnuking OunS. Bread. THE PRESBYTERIAN 1145 aui. SuIiîidu CHURCH IN CANADA Sohouil - NGspelSe, KNOX, MILTON vice. G 1iSi 70MaiSiE.878-M48 Wednesday TeRf.TJ ei 730 p.mii-Panerand O0,nni/Chi iDectof Mr.i en toli BbenReadingo Ail Aenninomen Sunduy, Aug. 21/83 lo Thie"uSerisn O,,,g JusiiiOASnFi, 1000a.in.- Moninu Wniniop W,, havenPune it rliGuutnpeker -M. Robert Fntun Gnd iiiinunl Ou, Lod -Aduit SupuvsuudNuinuin- JnuîînClinf ,,M51 1Ai Welcome EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 245 CommialouStreet 878-3542 ',atýcVQ Puni,,, Ken Campbell Puniui Emerituîs: Or. J.R. Amnstrong GS..Supnîîintuni d Cliîn ofniBoard: Tu,,Pu,,icu LORDS DAY SERVICES Sunduy, Aug. 21,1883 9450 M. FAMILO uluLEHOU00 - uu,,by nd classesnforil aunut 1100 A.M.-FAMIL WORSHIP HOUR -Thi wek'î ilium,, THE PRIMAP.Y PARENTAL PRIORITY. PROVIGING FOR THE S PiRITUAL NEEDS 0F 0U8 CHîLDREN' 7.4P.M.-C HURCH IN THE PARK Thiouui the u iiumei. EMMANUEL pninunnin"Drive i n Clisîn it serie conductein t,,hecool, nldd park,,ning tarsbaside the Ciiuii. 'COItE JUST AS YOU ARIE u, ,ininni nual ui tir-it i~in us cai ni bring luun chirs or ait ,in hirs poodd btheChurch. EVERYONE IS WELCOME lu union hin hou, longseriof h ut-ninmn Gopelti ngncg and ptuoling n Thn AIR-CONDîTONED COMFORT 0F THE GREAOTD070055 This wnnk: FAREWELLîNG GAR'COLLEGE KIDS- tlioisi oid and sng fri, aioneati7 oi nr uiniipeople inuuing short- yto coninue uimpnpnmniuuuforihisianseiein ,ChistianLiberiuiAr - and ibl0eCoIIcge,n I osS CANADA'S SICKNESS INCURABLE?' di,u.k,,uiuss. 0umnblng anddIelinns. onin SYMPTOMS 0F AN INCURABLE GO CIALCDISE OSE ili nu uninoui ouril as Om, i Onaion? ARE WE IN JEOPAROY 0F AN îNFîNîTELY 34080E HOLOCAUST thn,,hii PLAN 5034 TO BRING FAMîLY A4C FPIiENDS TO) HEARI THIS P8OPHETIC MESSAGE FOR 0UR TIMESI VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL -.Augut 22-269 -i1:30 A.M. Mon-Fni. ALL MLTON PARENTSanei niidin binuorund ynurihidnn floin duighi- fui dnipîoinni ofiBibenioriuui, unniu ,ta nd ii,,,. A sipcnai pînnînn loi TEENSitugi ni t430F .M. un Sundu. Au. 21,.and countminueah avnnunun 73 P.M. Mon. through Thui. The V. B.S. C LOSIN G P8RGRAM «mmli Si bld FIL,. ug. 26, 7:00 p.in. PARENTS PLEASE NOTE.: .8.5. ln pnutddlu, ALL THE CHîLDREN cd Mionnîn NOCHARDE MINISTRY0F ESC. EVERYONE WELCOMEî A ongîngalion nniinitid ltSithedyneof bas icolEBbtinnlitianin, seiung the orndand Milon for 31lisais

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