aieident ai Haltun Cenennal Manrnere treatedtaea vislh y memhers ofOahuitle Kennet Club and iheir degs Sanday. The firsi-ime euperience aa saeh a sarens, mare The Canai-ian Champion, Wed. Aug. 17,19W3 REZ Music a tFifth Wheel lise Robinson Family troin Gerugetowmo barbecue and served in a tant. Ft iseel Kentuck> witi headtmne thse 193 Country wiii aina he intelldfleng lis "isent af Par' Raund-Up stage suows and truck diapiays aî tue" gaine at the Roand Up-lit titan the Fit Miseel Track Stups' byve Ontario prizen vained ai Op ta $M tee a $5 lavent- lucaimons ibis Auguat. ment. teverai free drnans wil h. baud tar Famous acruas USAfuriheir annuat truck leacheru and there mii ha ciamnsaand enter- stop enteetaininent tours, Use uunadic lainnent ihroaghout tise day. Robinsuns wiit b amaking their tirsi Canad "tie Robinons speciline in elap-yaan'- iau appearances ut Use Fifth Mieet shows bauds, stag-aiaang musarn un e ce iavitlag runing frum, August 1tt 24. Dates are Ana everynne ta is came and have a realiy 16inu Dorchester, Aug. 17 Busuinauvile, Aug gond lime," said the ca-ardinatar. 1t Nurtb Ray, Aug. 19 Corunwatl and Aug. r Fueiber intarmatian ta avalahie ai lihe and 24 in Milton. Fîis Miseel. Specialiuing ta contry-westeru, folk biaegraus n d gospel munie, ise Rabiso Famity bas speut Use tant fcm years simde tiug Use euglis and breadUs ufthUe State, estertaining ut truck stops, trachingco ventions, state taies and arused torce- bases. iisey unve in a Greyboumd bus and~ perturin teum a prutabte stage subies opn up tram a 42 tint tractar trader-cninplete witb generatar, ligis, PA system aol drensing ruains. Att eiglst membersufthbe Robtansn Familv (tather Jachie, muiber Mary Ruth, one son, tour daughters and a uon-a-tam) stag and play a variety ut musical instrumnents. 'e will ha dutag iun u0nminute shuows each a nf Use Country Rumd-Up, startingat ai d 6.on p.m. "Tisis suow is nue mnnuat free tient for thb trueheru-nur aumber une cuatomers, reparts Ray Dawns, Fit Wheet's public relattans aificer and Caountry Round-Up co - urdiuatae. "'Ibis year Harper Detrait Diesel Lirnited is en-spansoring Use shuow and Pat Hure and the staft ut Harper aie urgansîîog a dispiay ut new truchs tue eacb ubom. teaturing Detroit Diesel engtams and Atlso transmissinsu."Oe Ma"la Jaryta ha§ campleii a ina yaar Dispays aenpn utat9pm. dasile course m retait management a Sheeridan TIse menu tac Use Round-Upy feataure Cutiege. Harold and Mary Jarvma atteaded barbecued beetisurgers plus a mtld deinb for theîr daaghier'a geadaion eseetaunl $2. isey'li ha cnnhed on a huge purtable Jane ta. I Ruial TrUs Estate THE SIGN ATO O AAORELO THAT SEILS Li PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS 'ie of Canada's Ieading residential reil estate brokers. euim as ramiLau n . n ag e- 4 bd- ý - Son Ulm eFA Ia da DUn @vfl F«se s 6" na o LnMla ILUbUU.d -nr 1. Fan au à"m y"ai1Ib ff an Ls.tnsaylm CanflaEREM 6M n -mu b@M l tas Inn, anus, aun mu Lof unie munes ni .Wm a . Kaial onien IL lae su la àis M ie WM ù N a MIIi au Noi tainnlani nisn Tm a * 25 IMna « at n Imb o n - e n- kt 'à. i ~ ni asa Tecco dcnRWM W a àruol.saIg m. mi JIIIEM OManana II