2 TisheusoilsssClsseplsn.Wsd.. Aaig. 17, $ COMPLETE (ntds 30 " nitpa Cas $3 1 Cae-ditlones:Ficshlto 0.1y TpGisety Pradmes Usd ssdkee -cKM SchorstalsPf - anes ýCistis - uesn Wslls - Ssistio OUathc,4ouwO otcjalCDetgtt I blotte Cyclist improves slightly Wrld stiase cyclit Jarelyn Loveti reported ta lu ia e uigisly issrovd condition ai Saylrol Hplta1 ta Toronta, fotiomtag a cycisng accident in Miton Ang. 4. Tie 33-yas-old cycissi mlu on tires gold medata ai tise 1M7 Commonweatti Gosses io Edmtonton aod as mamed Caadian Atieteaoaitie Yean is a 1,i litad in seriansscondition. Mr. LoveS san iicycingsg mcoid along Britamnit Rd. soar Trafelgar- Rd. when ho cotided wmusa dsmp truck, aiso wetiand, drives ly Stepelin Doly of Milton. Gun Charge To asea teenagers ciargedmwitti cars- less use of fis-armss iii appear in court neni monti teset a traildata. James Marchmcent, 17, of 14 Siderond, Milton, and Reginald Gatway, 17, of 7137 Tomas- Rd., Meadosevote ers ciasged tollowig an incident in Horsisy on Juty 8. Halton Regional Police received a tle- pison cati rom a Siestes Ave. las- homse, ater employees of Ith iss-ding stable reportedissasing gunsntn. Wheelie A l-year-otd ilton youtis mio poppod a mieelie ilis-ugl tie itersection of On- tarin and Mais-seets Sanday ates-oo didnt imprens a toaa poice nfissr miso witaenaed thefancy bisle tricki. Contable Gavin Hayes tois op prsit ni tie motoscycijsi mIssapprentiy aimet tat control of uhe ile fottowing hs stant. Chasged withi spirsd driving is Franks Czhas-di oi 387 Pine Si., Milton. He is dus ta appeas- in Miton Provin- cial Curt Hnnday. Sept. 5 Texan takes chili -laurels By JAPIE MULLER StaufWrite, Ibe Tuexas trissnplsd mils fuir tangue tungllng bolussof sed eithlie Cnadien CM11 Cokoff Otamplonaslp ild in Milon se Satrday. Enstrants fra sossil of tise horder iedsa. edgeas tise content mas baued on "TeXas Style Chii", meanlng aoibeanu, rice or flt- lersofsiany hlsd ere atiowed. Slmply sue and cubon of ieef tarmed tise hase for tise Toa ced. Stre tisan 20 pots of chliil mre taemlsg uti 3 pin, at tisegroands of Haltai Mt place, givlogvstruicaeitemaple tise effortof Orstihoecompetitarstinreigntag Tise svent of course mas sanctloned iythe Clti Appreeitian Saciety 'Internatioal, DallasoToa. Thie "rsi ever filsh annuau" oolk-off wss organized iy CFGM radiosamd Mittn Lions Cluisamd attractedd taas frean places ike Camnpiettville, Fieetton, Bramnpton mnd Caiedsn along miti tise culisary champs froco Texas. indigne mers toolntg for tate, aromna, col- or, coosisteocy,ibutan d aller tanle ta tise wioniog cncocions. Glvtag tise more tocat entrants a breaks, iosever, sowmnansip wsajsdgod tas' irai, second mnd tiird place as mel. Thse top ciiiconlmwu focd toise B5W "tee Tan" Doglas, a s o ntry from Texa, foflsmed sy 101 Toisa Chitl Champ Looi Gisanmd isa mle Ces-ut of Taesa. Cook-off ciairman BO1 iseemuomsf Mton Lios Cuis sld one etthse entonders frTomesonly made il as for as New Yor lut If is'd rescised isiMito destination 155 lllely would iave talion home tiird spot. tastéd tise hoor ent ta a pair of police oflicers frmnt Sala wo've beu prhioss tiseir cm sitinlg style fer tow uira. John l.eso, Esv Grovssand bis wle Vol mare almlng foc e triple cow eoiisvint Use imo cosi-f f nIMsaiready tlisaYser. ibOy sad taneile iitistitird and bi contact t tale lise ouly setasers wsis cotdd taise OSttvne of tise prizeaof a tripleo Texas tautise coshlng compettisu. Bruce Dlitg of Brampton Im iStsBI&c* Angs erew amd Jalil dtpisy iwsu for sissmanslip. Huitaise go ta TeM. Placlsg second tar sliawoagasip wmu e gsoup oPrt Pery caftitf tsmuevue Texs RiAu. MttorWsdmt ROY Whistney tlooktiird miIt t Milly lissas. 'Tse day-long evonl mia feltaed hy e danse. Cops seize grass cache Ais estlmated se pounsaseof haomu marijuana mmare ssed dswlsg an R.CXM.P raid of a Mflon residance Modiy slgst. Police discoveced tise mariuanas stacises tnaon atlie ares of tise oue, in tise proe of swring. Acsdn -aa R.C.M.P.apolemsm, tise weedd2ongrowmine tatiehclyard of tise homse. Ise estlmnated street valse if tise haut le ieimea $35.01and $30000. R.C.M.P. have charged Wiim 'bonas Esîsisceota 31, of 6270 Tronsalse Rd., NEI- tas, sels possuesstan fth ie ptffpose of Iraf- ficlilng. Retsa don ta appear in Mâtitn Provincial Court on Msonday. Sept. t2. tfthe dummy cmnsurvive thiIs crewls chii, Iltnay be sate for humas consomapton. Hecto sas part etthe testset (trmarilht)Jia Dlte, Fred Speck and Gord Hod we sksared tlelr save wtither wlves lsctsdlsg Daneilisston lt tl Campilvilte (staff photby Jase Mser) Plan recommiaends several changes *otnedfo page1 fatiity le identified as a tees drop-ln TIbat rate coutd however, be redsced centre; contioued assistance be provided ta, sigltly witls an increased user fée<se setiostnoielp tisir use of te teglon; meet- recommended ta the report i and more sig- instot be held sitis representativen ta ex- niftcantty by governosent grants. plore flic aya tise tosen Depariment canie of assistance ta arts, culture and teatre Asnong tie committees otier recoce- grospe and waya le espiored ta accom- ssnsdations are; neglotitions mus E.C modte tihe needssof gymn«atic grnsp. Drsry iegin ta provide additlonat pool lime 150 comprelsensive master plan as and tiaitiis times e rencledstedtan prnvide itbes by Tows Cosaci for frtiser discias- issproved public swms tisses and prgas ion assongsi toms staff. ire tiss e lsrcsctsedsled ta ennre gond usel its eniected a public frin willie ietd of morning and evenmng tmsenat Lurier in tise near future ta, dsustise plan. and Memorsat acnas; as ssiste shor term No date ias seen set for sisal meeting. Wandering kidsneedwalk Young teenagers mlhlng alng Hlglway. MartinSiR., 5se Hlgliay 25 and &)mg~ 25 and Cissioic Dr. ta]Psenier lisftrs Ctjsolss Dr. ta tihe ensye tieatre. and McDoads Restaus-sut, has noetams isrs. Harrison ooted tisre es-c a lot of coancittor annous. lilds "Wasderlsg" &long tie roadway and Rose Harrison pt f trf a reomnçid- tiai seiosscooslderatlonsisoald e givon ta tion Monday evening tiat9w two ltnen tisq Idea. ise approacised mitis thifdesof ausiàg fin-. Felaw couascitors endersed lir recom- ancialy tise construction of sidemallis from mondation. ____ BONII058NEW YORK STRIP LOIN 994 (s-CASE ONU s- TAST BURGERS Wn 32oz 9 tgsm I 5"!F BEEF FRENCH SHISHKABOBFlE lOnlsns. GmeeePnepmeo.RE Mshooms, Red Pappersu 5 lb. Beg ONASEWER26r BOM "MMtjPgD J.M. SCHNEtolua TROUT A-LA-MER OCTOBERFET STUFFEDSAAG CRON 1520 (i MIN. COULSONt 17 002. Aoymîy Yoo Wnt t Tis Sumae Vis THE ONLY NON STOP CHARTERS M09b« n rREUfLAwN hctuo as BEACH HOTEL dai t..7 4 5oBa onpx t.499 HEDONISMU9 A club -aaxiteh Negesi h"'"'.-Pn . -".- f969 TUte Quallyvy Packagey Holiday Peiple <CNTRA VEL> MILTON MALL 8784MU ma r- -9 MILTON CENTRE KITCHEN We m Kick-ffl DATF. TIME D omtdi TICKEM $7» wd DW..MM ln