C2 ii. Canaien Champion, Wed., Aug. 17,1983 Omagh and Boston churches hold comnblned summer servieu$s, Il. %lm. fltgn wuR minute at Marshali conductl g ao for tie WA Ivte fi ieilkn a o yMro ,Allce Bown onSlea emrso Oinagb Presbyterast tiiC WodyAE BrpuenpaeWslm e Mu. A&a patte.o,aguielgae by yPRnc.i friends mue lle daatedar- 14 tor joint service mith Bosto con- McCanm lh. fait bu..naarR announcedl for a tai puio case race and pesu lie parcel prie.blrfoday taicieso for Mca. Ad. greion Oct. 22 at Boyne Contre.o a i made for fia. Mrs Milligan gave the iCn M Mttgnaise sang a ioto 'Ibere it No A latter waa read fromi Mn. Louise benedictian and a pot lotie ptcnle lunch ws Friends wtt le sorry in team liait Mr. Nigiet ibere." HewilI taie tie service again Pacece. lne WWMIS wua chierd by pie- By Etia Patterac cuiiyed by att Ptt Dalg fFegafomryOf in tiso weela and nent Saeballi aIl wil ident Mml. C. t'atterson opeoleg wtth _ ___________ Bttlday greettoga aid gond wisiee in Pateto= paaoed = z'! Frdy n.12. morsip at Boston. rpatigt.Crd oomdbfotioJttm Plne r. J.C. Marsieall, Robert Punerai service waa en Mooday, Aug. 12 tg Mci. Gratn Vanderdeen mas hoateoo for fricday, rond by Merlan Patterson. Port "prqiare" ws ansmered hy elcven ladies. Marshall and Gratta Vnderdems, ail ieavlog Patermo, Anglican Cemetery. Mr@. Dearleg the Augont meeting of lie OmaghWA and Credit wItS are tae b.th. goatu ailthe Mmii. Aile Brown mon convoiner for the pro- ipeelal deyn fini wonk. Afteronoon ton and a moo a rc tavea teadier in Mdllion Itgi WMS on Tlieeday Rfternaon itif Mri. J.C. foanieoffsamng meetng in Oct. Roit raIl Wnrd gram wtit oeversl race. and otstdonr art- pleasant lime vus cnjnyed aithfo home of School for ievçral rieri. A duit classes Courses in comn- puter Mtuies, management, and retirement strate- gien are among fhome te, te otfered by iberidan's Part-lime flN Edîcatian depart- ment foin tatI. Rlegistration for the falI iccienter bie- gins Augant 15. Clan- ici are scliedaled te tegin during the week of September 12. ipecial interest courses and credit course towards certificotes are of- lered by Sheridan in the Halten and Peel regionn. Higielightn of the tatI semester include the following: Computer Studies programi. incitad- ingg Data Com- munication Systemo Warbshop, Office Automation, Vîsicale (Introduction), Word Procenoing, Intro- ductory COBOL, aid Practical Caimpater Grapbicu for Desig- Pbýography in 3-D Fragrance: Its istary, Mystery aid Romance *Retirement Plan- ning, a series of tourses offered touas- nult people in plan- ning for ai active E U m E 1Na V 1W f A DI M A E8 l@ ceticement: ONLY FUST~ OAA.TY B&UM NAIbI MMC&4»IanwaE BY8-fIN A-mIBaOa Ma- RSa-I lThe Fane Lecture s M3 Ladies'1 Striped Oversize T-SHIRTS by Famous Maer Sizes 38fo 44 VaIne 26.00 5.99 Men 's Lecîs Denim JEANS Sra1ghlLeg Style rAs 1,ow as 16.99 FREBGMAC LIMITNE M PR URC0O5SE Sam a -n-u- Kids' 2 PC. SNOWSUITS By Famous Makers FROM 40% OFF0 Kiddi Leva s Ocnlm "HUISKIES" JEANS Sizes 8, 10, 12 6.95 men s SPORTS rnSOCKS 99 e . ONLYAVAILABLEAT 2 NEWLOCATIONSI Kids' Leoi's Short Sleette Siriped POLO SHIRTS j3.95 Kids' Levi's Cord LJACKETS Sizes 10 and 12 only 5.95 Girls' Poly/Cotton m-Lo?ISleece 12.95 I Mens Lacoste Sitch Short Sleeve T-SHIRTS By Sianfield Vaue 2 100 9.99 Ladies' 100% Wooi Designer Co ordinaled SPORTS WEAR 6001,OFF* Ladies' DRESSES Cusrent Styles and Colours By Famous Makers FROM 35% OFF* Mens G Ladies "Red Tab" Leoi. G Ladies' Pant omine JEANS 21.99 Ladies' Winter COATS 100% Wool, Wsoiiends & Quilted Styles ap TO 60% OFF* Ladies' Acrylic SWEATERS Seiected Grotap Mlaues t1028.00 5.99 Ladies' & Men's Orgnal -Canterbu" Value 36.00 17.99 Ladies' Fleece JUMPSUITS Bu Facnous Maker Values 4000-4400 22.00 Men 's:L 0 Ladies' BRIEFS DESIGNER By YvoeuSL. Laurent BLOUSES Values 11. 00 G 12.(X 9.99.. 4.49 BUYONE-GKT ONE FRE ONLYAVAILAMBLAT Ladies' 2 NEWLOCATIONSI 100% Wooi DESIGNER Mens SKIRTS, PANTS By Famous Maer 100% Wool. Wooiends Value 130.00 & Polyester Biends 59.99 As bmw as- OTLAVALLAOLE AT 2 NEWLOCATIONSI Mens Ladie LonSleet BLOUSESSHIRT, By Sweet Baby Jane 9 9 As bic as999 RLIVON-GET 8.9 ON9E FREES 0 Ladies' SILK BLOUSES Bu Fa-ou seIgne Values 65.00-00.00 As 10w as 39.99. Ladies' 100% Lambswool SWEATERS By Famous Designer Crew, V-neck or Turtleneck Value 29.00 1,9.99 Men's Lels FLEECE SHORTS 7.99 Short Sleeve SWEATSHIRTS Aes's 100% Acryiic SWEATERS V-necb or Turieneck Values 2200-30.00 As iow as 15.00 Nylon Puilover JACKETS Famous Maker Style MENS 9.99 '<f05 7. 95 Can-Can Fashion Rib PANTYHOSE Value 4.00 each 3PFO'R4.00 Ladies ' ALL-WEATHER COATS By Famous Maker 50%010,OFF* Ladies' WINDBREAKERS As 10w as 7.99 . AN M pI G G RAND OPENING SPECIALS IN ifSTORE FOR TOCI Quantiteshuae theg I»l i DUL RAND Hurry for best selactbent OPENtINO S ALE 9A.M.TO SKYWAY PAA 9 PM. 768%5 ONGE ST. 5357 LA.IESHORE RD. BURLINOONONT. f(41b-t00701 (AT CORNER 0F JOHN ST) THORNHILL. ONT. 416-881-3517) OPEN: MON TUES,WEO & SAT 9 AM. ftTOJS&FI9M9M OEN MNATFIA9B P AUDYA P DOULE GRAND OEIING SAE STARIS WED. AIG. 17 AT 9AN. Sertes, rganînedin 1 Conjaictian wifo TIbe Oakvite Galleries' Fibre/Art Fusion'84; Advaiced Certi- ficate in Clild Studies, a tertificate prograv designed forc ctild cre protes- sionats wm ita vne 1 apdate aid udd 10 teeir basic bnoo- ledge of the cOuld cre field; Bosiness Journa- lisv, gered to studmnswith t lcut one yer editrial esperience 10 train tbem on iiting for business aid on- dustry; Utfestyte Educa- tian Certificate,a program designed 10 train students 10 worO a6 ifestyle enasters itb groups o ail ages in a variety of ettings intluding personnel delatments, social ugenties, senior iti- zententresund volunteer gencies; Coor sewva ce Design aid Pro- duction, a pot-banic piogeumits isprodue effective designers of creative intrutti- orna;- software pack- afes; Geontotogy, a pot-basic certificate progcam vicb pro- tides a multidiscip- liary education in noviedge and seulls needed lt ont rkeffet- ively ih 1he elderty in tom vaoity aid insttu- ionai ettings - and Certifitte in Hu- mai Serivicet Management, a pro- gram designed lu trin individals vbo are workieig or ounteering in the tomvunity service field in apects of management o ba- mai aid administra- tive resourtei. Fart-ime aid ton- tinuinf dutation cusqare ffered: -p i îl I t M ~rafalgac iliadad Queco Elabetb Campanes; i Brampton t foe campai on Steeles and Mcaughlin Rd.; la Burlinglan t the campai on Fair- view treet aid LB. Pearson Higis trImaI; ta bilans- sRgR Rtth1e Lamne Parie carsofpanad Gies Foreat econd- ary Seciool; aid la MBlnai t The nest C. unr>' die. Fnc a f R mat 0 prgaa and rellaledetalt, q~ Sh Beridan M 12 BENTON RD, 5555 DIJNDAS STW tast of eIeS o ulv oeouuIe mail offLawreneve W lur Ealt o y27 luirioP1 * Tel: m4l6247-8613 Tel: 416-231-9214 * 1275 KENNEDY RD. KING ST. E LeviSo ue I401not oI lie.Bae OIve Lawrence A voh ul Oa nlKitcMene Tel: 41-755-7743 titi: 519453-9501 Mol- FnUtam-9puinstl90-5p m SUPERSTORE MALI. WelniouR d Sui o Hrryf Watts Hny 41 ir onton quantilfeu lastf TeL 51968569201 Mon Fiv m I a lvm -pe AMPLE FREE r M Vê4~1 M I~[O] MANUrALIUMtMb ýUWtbftU Mt 1- r