Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Aug 1983, p. 9

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w ee . s p o - e d b y i l . H a l s e a s c e sS e ty A s se i sils e T b l là w h t c a re l se m ; si S. litef pbolby JSi Drgs"im I lssaf pbstby Je «e9 Court action planned for peace camp work- A report reccmmcadlng legal action agalot Uic develepers ef a Milon res rer- neation faciity is te ho proscted te Uic Nlsgara Escarpmect Commission te. morrew ulglt (Ifnadayl. fice report la te respenne te actions by an rganleatica cllcd International Peste Campso foc. on land il omis ai Spyslde. Pt Boceber, a pInner wiUi Uic NEC, saldUthe action te ho taken agant Uic grop alleges a ros! nus bult on land owncd by thc group nlitou firt obtating Uic rcqulred developmnct permit from Uic com- mission. IPC ban prcbaued a former resert pro- perty, locally howu as Te Lakes, andina attemptig ta dvelop a muti-une recreat- ocal facflty te lelude camp sites, sports arase and etertaimocat facilitic. ructed nas an ctrance te thc camp off Town LUne rond, vitouothUicrequlred per- mil from Miilfon. itlsougb Uie camp le located in Halfon luIs, it laon Uicehoudary and Milfon mate- tinte icrad on wbl ic e operty rente. Mis Beerber added thc road te part of Uic PCn total develepmect plan and ap- pers ta ave ne adverse affect on Uice- vireamct. fliccecro, se oid, lu Uic group bau allegcdly ignred cavrometal muntrois on develepmct on the escarpmcat. '-Mis develepmet b gig aleng piaemeat wlitoutthUicrcquired permits," se said. Iteidenlu et Uic ares bave cxpressed opposition te Uic propoued develepmeca barass ev fear thceffect it wfil bave on SAVE $ 300 4-PCE. HOMESTEAD COLONIAL BEDROOM $ 1 f,~ 7 Hiloomtyligond spcbquli i ibistiolueyice Dep drkpi fnsonosoid pinriand pflvcrs.$c7 ltludes Dressr 0'x1'sxî2» iib dot 2 toi', 6dtie nsc s o itot 1'x4 h etni C 40» o 8' n 5 it 5u drowrstsCnnosbol syl bil Nigi tablsera13 9 4 '.SINGER FINISIED DINING IOOM Enol ruSstntiol stoii5fi0nd norne rosd Seci qolityin is lansne gouist Fitsod nSbo hrdws sl nd ood cmoneorsChina btoto' x o r l6'xl"»,Tbl 40»x 5(0 pnt b io q* rho radli do har 1~ 99993 The Casadlan Champaca, Wod., Aug. 3, 1M989 Halton tourism study urged By STEVE ARNOLD N'ew EdkS Haltes may hoe msaalg an economir gold mine by net developing lis fourbit hase,1 ceescaltee memesr werc tld fot weeh ou lbey dehabid a comolants uteudy bointhec inussry. Bath Uic proviocial Minislry of Touriamn and Bcreaticnanadslthe regiceal business i daeoectaepressing for a stedy ita lbeegrwn ourbistbusineso. Mecahere of Uic admisistration and finance committee agreedto approvc termes uf refereuce for auch a atudy and fo recca- fires Uic regicnas comlitment fo devclopfog a orish ase. To promofo ibia develapmect, Uic provin- cial goverumet is providing esouey for aucb suadbcia, omaximum of $36000, ou total coabts o ttt. According in information provided fo members, more than $8.7 billion wau opet ou fouris inOnara durng 1tUt. Si ecanemie ripple affece, Iis amounted fo btal apeudint of $47 billion aud accounfod for 13 pr cent of al Uic emploment os Uic Fundin Dy STEVE ARNOLD 'Newes Editor Dirctor of aTorontoosocial servicecages- cybee o meet yctrday îl'esdayl fo dis- tua recct concerne; ralued over fond rais- Ing prsctces hofog used in iliesme. Stan fiompsoeccetive direcfor f Recreation %hbbilation Society of O- tario, oid Uic agesyb ord of directars wass fodiocuna Uic cocerm and Ibeir reose teUice. eCcere over Uic grosp as heen raiscd recctly by a Milon merchant wbo oid she was approacd hy a telephane cller solicitng mney fortheagency. Theicraller asked for a donation, wich would ho picked sp hy a representative but allegedly d esnt idcatify Uic grop ho was caRifogfor. "W. did qute a bit of researchita tIis and 1 think thc lady you opoee o only beard a aumber of thogsnahowanted fo hor,' Mr. Tbompson aid ofUtheallegRtions. Bots of Uic soliciors isvolvcd is Uic cals wcre multacted be said, "and boUi said Uicy foUlowed Uic prcparcd esateriat and dsot dcviatefroesit." RRSO isaesploying tUicuse of a telephone soliciing firesfo raisc part ofilso$&90,000 an- nsa budget in finance Uic operalion of o camp for thc pbysically disablcd on Loke Kaahagawigamog. in Haiburton. "EiUierse misftrpreted ohatse was tald or shbasoupultedonctldogs out of con- text," Mfr. )bompaon addcd, saying is province.. Tbe taurine s tudly waaftiret preptsedi in April but got a rougb reptian tram emSncilloro wha had weelger5fer rcjced a badly needed hmmling ah*d for ack of fanding. Lat weeh, however, Uic feeling bad changcd tfo tresalng ftsc valse of upafklng on important business for Iis aea ou uboscu by Burlingono chamber of commerce president Ras Pink. "We feel trongly that lourises wll ho a major indutry in Uic fubure," ho ould, ad- ding a fourbs sdy "will ho cocalderobly helpol in setling a drecton for Haifon." Uimlted succesa Mr. Pink added is chamhrspporfod Uic necd for a sfody "but me dont have Uic funding tado anythlng on ouraown" ln April, regional council acccpind Udc nced for a stady, but would snly allon Il fo proced ifi private money cmudd h oumd ifo pay forfthe municipal portion. Chief administrative offlcer Dennis Perlin said effortos were made ta, gel shc aIn- buiszta, but bey met ,withanly limted suc- The regocas business developesent deperlaet ba sonnae maney for specl projetta, "but Ibere bont a lot of roues in Uic Oses budget for Iis type of stady," ho added. Couafilor Mlke Armstrong Ilialton HilaI upported thc staff recommeudat ion to pro- ceed, notlng is position bad renersed from wbca iwas first propcacd. "lnltlally I wan oppoed ta oing 'ors- payera s oncy for Uic hesefit of private in- dlvldojals, hut nouw 1sec itwold bhof cex- lremely great besefit t0 ares people who rus huinsesc." "" bihw'd hoectrescly wisc onhoehalf othei region ta, proceed wiUi Iis," he added. Couacillar Jaan làiOe lBurlisgtonl, argued for carc in developlug somne types of tourbs tao nure thc new issincsca do sot create coaflicts wlith isting residents. "We have te remeesher fosrim is a plan- ning problees as welt s a dollar and renta hse,">hesaid. probe -continues "free stsartin, finish fo nec if Ibere la usy- thing we can do. " The fondingtacctica hingued in Uic name of RItSO are crrrctly Uic fecon ef in quirica by Uic aufi-rockela nqned of tbe On tario Provincial Police. OUer agenicca, nacb as Uic Toronta Btter Bosnencs Bureau and Uic Canedian Rehabilitation Couefi for the Diahled have aim cexprcaoed fofreat hecauc 10150 bas appbed for meeberhisp in Uebodfica. Mr. fisompsoun oid he reatiaed Uic con- ceptcfsoliciting money Urotogh a telephone compaign wasunepopua and aid Uic effectivencos of ibis approari s W0 le h reviewcd ie near future. It wos, however, thc mot cost-efficicat meUiod avaiable ta Uic agcacy inslus initial campaiga. Viable Options 'lE's something that was Uic met ap- propriate meam for u at theime, although xc reatine people just dont iSe telephone campaigms it la one of thc fcw viable optieo we haveoti tbis time." "lWc plan o slow moving away froes thc telephone campaiga as other methods of fundig become more stable," bheaddcd. Soperitendent WR. Perrin, of thc OPP, said iss detectivca areciirretly loning loite the fond raisig procires of Uic gcocy "ta oscertai if Uic collection is hbig donc lie added their research is "lcos formai tlsan an investigation. " Jlack Sarney, exectve-dirertor of the Canadian Itehabilitation Coonit for the Disabled, aidbhis groap isaI lso oterested in the artivities of RMti. He sad is orgamozation bas been getting inquries about R71SO aod lis program, but hhno einformation on wbat Uic ageocy io trying te accompliob or if Uerc o oa reat need for sucba camp. Mr. Sarney ooted Uic Eatcr Seals Organination already operate f jvecarmps for Uic dlabled and oher groups have specialioed facilitico for certaino'handicap groupe. "Tisis a trooge rampaîgo berouer t bas tarted aifa farly high presure teve, " he said of the fundraising fort ics which have alegedlyhbeen uoed. 11We have heen reciviog maoy inqorci from bodies of authorit y abottUio groop,- hc added. Mr. Siarney, howcver, dcied blo group scas firot te express concerms to the OPP. tuiocausing thecOrcot police ioqiries. "«We doo't miod ao investigation loto Uis, bat we dido't tart i," heosaid. He added ocerns aboatt Uii type of food- raioing aod Uic program tl s for should Se amswered immediatel y becoose oorh fers harm opportumitims for oher progracos "lbecause itcreatesa doubtin te mincdoo Uhi ublie." TerapCOOLING A--) l FEFDW T RE SBELL 15oMid iSeletji leanrs GL EO&RGE BL THORNBORROW & SON PETRO CANADA Homne and farrn fuel ol, diesel and gos, lobe oils, hey loch, gos and diesel 24 NOUR EMERGENC Y SERVICE DAY OR NIGUT 878-82l 8784f38 DAY ONLY 878-800 ifSheridan College A STEP AHEAD Gerontology Programi 1 Semester (17 Weeks) Trafagar Road Campus, Oakville orsvolote, bass tis n- p~ro lri, MultÏidisciplinarYCurul TheoriesolAgivg Program lavvtvf Commonity Resourcrs *Health and wll'Senfg Thiscecificte progfact r co rocepIcd o full-ire or par-ne chais Classes begin Sept 7,1983 Perao scolrnited. For m e"slCa Rn as Msv, 845-9430, cul. 385 (Oakville) 8239730 <Claubsn) 632-7081 (lulngton) Our finest KING KOIL "POSTURE SUPREME" BEDDING latsn los coteri nlt quytltri foa nFoots aod specal nsultng pod Es ia yod in cente ird, boh sds, 46 lti lstc cètnuu ci srng. $2 3 9 10 OU FINEST EEDDING 38-i odb norcît and boxsping B078 FOR 14 incbmtrss2ndboxotprnîTHForapo....... 28e7 60 inch nottrrs5 andboxsprtrg s OR io........3449, KING KOIL SF181 ST" DBEDDING ItIN, DOlUBLE, QUEEN, MATTIIESS Of BASE. tA. -BhRUNGflON 3167 NorlbSergice Rd. aI QEW. nid tiorlph Lfor Iolcrcbange Mme or335-1811 OPEN DMLY 9 AM.6 PM., TFIUSDB' AND FRIDMYTIU.9 1PM. I 7 -nTrple rrer, îrrr, S"t -g7 39SON PlacEcd blttresub, ose rdbord & on *.p board. 178 5-pc. Chrom i»mu78 OUfo oam 0fo cd u ae hi ietlaand popety vale ielr woldevwUicarolatn egtlmatey. I~T LM'Ef144 SAINSon funtrcreapplinces "mi-. (4)nFGI ssmcomooo 1 1

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