PilIe spot mrcmae tis ialatityear ing Kifta elaLabe trytaf la fini body a mimasiai as tsfai litaia estarthere. nie mima who sLated hat searca nase standing trial for pble misehief is Tiranto. Demand for attentio was bodyhunt oriogin onie mimais desire fr atetionlîs ail taupayers abaut $,0i, a Tannnocuaity coari learîmidring tae trial if a it-year- t oii Tront omie i Laisey Vlenti maie nesapaper hed- lnes lwo years ag, abler lelling Mairen Toronto Police site ai iteiiei thIea mrier of aman lin agarage and Ihal te body hait been iliffed in a culvert i the e Relo Cinservation Aiea. Siidivers ad police detetives wrbeitc diligetly for mre than a week ta veify er e stiry. A riait as hut inti tae ares, the ciltit searcheit aid ai aroaii-lbe-clitb atche maintaimei ai tae site drmng tae police Road fee is s Commomity agencies aniof ta claie a i r -1i lr aid for a i eveot wît ca ninue loa id liela conîne fferilg tae servie f rae if charge by rjetiof a staff recîm- f meniatios lîîlîudy tac piiaihility if leyn a charge. A rapor fram ctaef administrative fficer l Damnia Pacha sait regiail staff and publicC orte crama are involvet in sîch raqirata ait taera is a cml tathe refi. h Th e remmenatiole sai, as bingh Peter gIcguffe Ska' 9g Wednesdiy Eveninga 1 730-9:30 515MainSt Ea Unit 7 876-1770 Coeaianl.powarfulhealîhier MIVACUI9LI® MarrckchSalas Lmii 535 Claver Park Cris Milton, Ontario L9T 4T6 87".966 CALL RICK BLOCK ROB McKENZIE CUNA CREDIT UI O i msOr IREaiaiTam eOaR scen i-dMe1ediC.0e - .Ni O.UbiîeM-W 1M -h AnotherKeso V r9irn Staf Wtto th bech re, ha .puadb e= ,if :2e ofg rd , th faiwlh.he ddtlm i A flee-year-old Tranto girl bai heceme watar and wai pihgmst-amuh aemregad afi ieawapaa lise third diriweing victlm at Relie Cn- rtctal sperviain. servatiai Area in legsitais yw f. s ai sthltachili wai licitadini "lier DLaio rainita blleva we dldn't Despite te valiaitefl faianr, ot z 2.5 f i atar, npta'iuitatflY 0 haveeadaquate saprvion," heisai. Lita Mare Lowe, o'f Sn Romaiaeay, Nrt fet freshsbre. ebrahg Yrk, itiied withis minuta oaf haig pilit "lie (Waig Orr) starta er ratig Mr.Stqhanialdheundacitailaeomg outaof2.5 feet of water lait Wediandy afler- again . thtre w ap= i,"ban aid. star ws a atittatie and ais t sippese tle nais. An ambulaie ra v evr a fese min- ha simmsisng. The milter of te ciild cuIt lThe yuisgter wapart if a griip of utea later,hbut thtecildstipiadhreathing. otilhrai bd foroent i. approimately tee cititrai frim a super- "t dnt kbusemit happatiai, but site Acrnroilnqutwnolstbaheld. viei eceaia 1pigam at Lacoherlto ildilmaiteit," iaidMr. Steptien. A fiar-yaar-itd bey, Stepitas Wemyni if Blvd. Pihlc cit=l.Lina waiprantiaiceitdeait an arrivai at ?emuutorowndat Kelsi ake lait Aigitit. Fuir adula maere liilsiig aller a griup if MitntDitrct Hspital. H amaef abult 5clildreion as excir- 24 citreti incliding Liai. whei te tragety lTebhach ai ait aitSially enviaid at sion apnsarai by thse Matre Tironto Hua- occrrait theatlmeaofthe fataity, sald Mr. Stepbasi. lise itile girl la heheved totahave heen ÙAQiy anderwater for ai more titan one minute Praper Superis in Dirig tesaime month, a yaung Tronto accardisg la Mrray Stephen, general min: FPive lfegsards wera ai duty, and a sistit min diait alter ha jismped fram hie canie ager of, the Ialtin Regian Comservation was adai mitas park officiais leas'isd tae aid bagan swmiilg bick ta sbire, shile Autaority. large griip if chiliresi had arrivad fer tae frienin rtri the boait ltaaeockares. Il ai aie if tac fier adifla s hi saw lis ai iy. Salira taat incident, a min iied after ici- fac dimi in tae ater ad icreamai for Mr. Staubeis sai taa griip did ail have fering a hert atlacb, mhile but ai tae laite bhn idvance tauabig, whlcit sally ssitin in la boat. There's no place like Leon's for WAREHOUSE SALE - ~ BAUHAUS CONTEMPORARY q v l SOFAS NEVER PRICED LOWERI Dep ondcdotoa floral co ers teacd fr l aetanca DobleDacon poRcnstr wappd M [om uhon ac reversblconie!cd io uhonand bliers 2 8 RECLINER WITH IJEATER ~"~~ AND VIBEATOR PROVINCIAL CHAIRS %%c oes $198 -~PC. ANTIQUEE SAPLE DINET FS SAVE 50% YO PAY ONLY '248_ 6-pc. Modem Dining Roos Pc2n fnish 39' ColosW lMates Bcd .Napir iih tading era. Wlcker Peacock Ghaira SseIvel Top Goal acka eaMn Wase 1' i1h. SAVE $00 LOWS$49 TMia eck olyî b1ilg a n na 2-pece contemporary swctonal PRICE liainflecquine tioncuotuIcre, fhlabeigc oncd aileia com aihIEontatinalg lvinged w« cusahoa, SteelaspiagondeconstruioPolestri i uoacsaicoh ornart ai oabic KIROEHLER "Country Manor" Traditional Oak Tables . Olak it anad rescers rldsly fitcd, A - CLOVRLIAF TALE SAVE 849.50 oe 15 B. 13 - SQUARE COCKTAIL. Wh x Oi lit'16 SAVt $7.35 79 *--i,. a SAVE $45.56 NOW '139 '8599 C R E FREE INSTALLATION 1168 FREE UNDERPAD $29 % 0~ FREE DELIVEY $1488 j UP T05O FF ONE OR MOE A ..........