go Thscanadai Chisoson. Wed. Aua. 3,19M &n ER0~ 9 9 % 878-2341 191 Main Street Milton THE CANADIAN CHAMPION. MILTON, ONTARIO SECOND SECTION IThe CaouenChan Depauneshbeuei 8,20 ael te 5olsM We. Tbms SP&Fri DoatIate CIeeOOetie 0O8en-u n-Ms. 5p.os Cesalie o crd ada: COLVEN-Gruame & Lind enen-nehllonî t!ente a Ihnethe egigliIb. 5bas.. onSatanday. Jly 23 et 3:03 n-m. e Cam. bridge MenonicI Hspital. A brother for Lisaey. ____ HTCHISON-Peolb Soe ot 122 Srnme Sf., Mlo, are nlese tIo Iflemn daoehlr Athien Miltas Disrict Hospial on Jly 29. MsCANN-Gary b aren-Rodtoleatounce in-tcl IiId. Jensa Ptrîia born-n.lly 24, 193. an MissiseOea Hospitl. wnietina I MI FCHELL-Oalese b entis (ies Weiliamsl Ut .0. 1, Comn-beIIolle. ane dagter Shastat Millon Distrct Hospial on Jly 31. anMary are pleset othfer ooeghlerEllss Sen-alie Maie, hemn Fricay, Joîr 29. 193, 0f Tonenoe East GotOsal tHospial, aI 1236p.m.o einhioo06 Cannie. Jason and REIS 0mbk, OOfy. hapOoPRV b 0000555the SFeler Riard Eolar.oIs.O2oz"', on Jls 21. 93. Mn & Mrs Sam eide-a R.R.4,Mlot. Mui)anrpleaffl tR annoonse île bm-lE o May.7ibc 12 oa.af Saboulle Trafelgar Hosptal on Wed n day. Jly 27, 193 A sister or Lidsay and Meghaco a Shelleyn ne Toymanl of 14 pleasea f0anonc son Treis John. 10 itFlt OHosital on JoI y 24.193 A Sober for Sarryi & BOnm. Tery ot 231nonîn- S. -No .42. arR pleae Il etOunceRthe bm-lE othi snu on Mihael RoiIn-f.t, bc 2 1,2 O.'atI MlIon- istrict HoSpilOl on JoIy 27. MR. & MsS Edoorll *e Boen-are please 1b Inone h ortn lEsomng maFriOORtof thir cghter. Oate Fr anoes, tb Barry Wilred HOgat o n ot M. & Mn-c WiItned Oagoart .Wodting to taes pleocat En-manoel Oon-ISl Chrhon Agosf 27, & Ms Anthon-E. Sokens ot Sodbry are plsased t 10 onc yhed ltonntg Sleoer Smith. taon f M . ilMns. Hnry J, Weetlng tb faiîsplane Aogosn 27. 193, et St Man-s CErnE. Brampton. TRAAS. Jene-n-eo eaaf iher res-amne. R. I Campbe IIoI On Thon-ay.Joî a. 1983tt.Jan i 0f Mi, lten.EIer--. Tom Ber> f Miltn en-a Jene (IeS. Gary Recooellof Golp. 1Afin sritat On 100 sisters ted ton-m brotherS Is Hoitn. Ton-c graRteilOren Werty. Michledan-tne. Remieto# Sotemaber PueonaI He,.Actee. Fnearal service mes$ fl n-eu m Ballai Ciesice Osece Ccronce Strdar. lIn-xet .2 p.t. lotaraRdSt 9. DanleN Gofeoferî. Camob- Oefea. %.AWNANOQA0IAREN¶IEWPMEýT GENTR E 400 Steelea Ave.,Mlton 900 TOMLRS- 8- 1200508100100S CHINS TEAL Upholstery NOW OPEN 60 the public ri- Mar-pasess &Waouy e St. Josen-Es HospiaI, Hmilten on Thosten-, JUIY 38, 1983 aîbîer Mary Athny (Beoket) ot R.R. I LinIettoo*Oin fier iOn-e yer. eloe mîts of Ihe laIe Josaeph Herbet Anserer Oser met.ro0 Fren O edFn-f-a botE otR. 1 timeRouse. Aise sriosti0F y' oe broter lott eetnf ot CamSn-iciee, onr ganltolilllFene ROis. Moioa, Hether aoe Rihard. nreereased by tWe broîbers Fred and Frask Poserai n-o c as lele lîl te Shenereer Foseral Home, Atoon o Mon-ny ogsl 1 at 2 n--m InIforant Firview Cen-ofeny. COULSON. Venton J. (Sarney)-AIt Inn- Milon Disrîic Hospial on 006 nesda, Jli 27h, 193Sartsy Coalcon of Milton.Wneloe ColsOn. Loohng ftîer ot Lymn of Hamilton. er brother ot Harola o Mitoona Ms. Peer (îoool Lom brto ot Hamlon . nroe- 0504 by roters On-b Seroicenas nn-îa rot Hon-R on Fridey 11217 Eoengreon Cemetry, HAZZAOS. Loise- as*d aay Joly 25, 193 t Calgry. Albrta na. o00F3010 year .Se-an-csten of cosn of SEanon n-n-rocnllo EIn-h- Grai o Mlon. AIco morlled by Mono rier-as i n Mlon. Donations tb Tne Socialo wRoad e graltolly en-n-ms. 1l0Ontario St Mon-on-enta .,eetryLemtrnL, Gent & JicSteole I nooId 1lîe 10oilanli Reroone woo elpe Eariad-1ianymwy osptel &beORon-ean-- loors. gils. tolenIton- co-als, ballng b olits Un trends &Lteîghteun-c an- e a nsofîthp lOIR Jane Tral. oîsE o eopressllounr hanks an- a npesiaion t0 relaivest rendsand90 eionteor* n-nohage otlsned Ieir cyn- palny an-a sondoIaScs the1os f or elooed grendmotneRn. Mas raadlan-ly. GALLINGER in ooîng nemory ofa desa' înondmothPn. 1982. naAooc2 colInring Thtntel tOPF71 mer- nerdbIoh-Omb Weay eyslîcs, And W,,icpred. -- eaos lBe aoar. The love a earî Fond0 mentories 1lnger n-bm loay. Rn-nen- Looigln rsmemSsrSd y Socan. Wayneb KAREN an-a Henry Halîleanisnto invite rimas ean-aneghsers fo an Open bouss, an panrRt, on Sncoay. Aoqot 14, fron- 2 4 Wed9ing Anyoversory. Osi Olclcioniy. a CaS* telus CTS-TV 10e seig begllns 413 fat se-eat TV Shi"o Pereste eu 19"-38"3 K 1lDS-Som mer-AI 1 dey witehrse 10.0 Fr reoF9tloo, franspoel-tle, 77- . Il reetivesare coononeîy -815M IDI ier Noan Onen1 76 MaygSt'Milton IloAs n h10nomr of fte.8764198 Aniercery of ESte Mscby8 an-a Sidlney Dneos to - poblshee- ne trtet het nsome ofInstrumetai ter sInGen eandevoie.nplae Helen Gesse. 445 musical gOfts a&»eee Broadway St., Millos.oedes. Lessnssavai- Salrda, Ao0sl 0: uble fer paso ogos 1983 lrom 1.50-.00 meut etorRdies. p-BSnclidndcsonly .,, 0101 Al tdoy ifn tiiii n once confinuesn ~ Eq&t Stordaeys 01fett sC-ml5, ,t cfan-I, 011.5777.. LA LECHE LCgos in Milnon offers 90 lyR. R 'I.UELPHO m-entingc for nom e 5191 824-3619 more eaon rae.SPECIAL fen-aing. il inferesct2" e4. 6R.O"m.10" Call hirly KiChenHemm in106RF. lengIs oie82020 or Aynne vroyr.nl-I. HeocscEne8-147 nu tr9ltI 0010 $R50.00 MRSS BR GIBBON por M sneoS et $315.0 87-47 pet M. 1- .e5S e 10 0050 U T RS . WROAS Henlook aet.13 pr ACTII ro T ~lineal fn.,1 xe5Sx 6 TV SSndRtleR je w S1128 rtessreyteeted malb1 itern eo eo pnle J prIeî ln Tin,-z2patty tSpooîel TV Stuio MILTON aiînredlpinse hgîel.glotl n TV SenieciTS Cnn-mnln PUBLIC LIBRARY ,îm' Mooen nar-O-me Ail PRESENTS gscFoOIoî lStot-ao Moonlght Mtine a oel. -aal030 ouldent FilmSIon- "UR 01 00laeR Tetdytiogst 9 Mesns f' 5 l15 OZORIS Food Ato:o0 n-M. SAT8R*AOS&El- Services Inc. Gnt Moi nts IAaES elle ,rre«x [Iii-aîlI3]ood taideso the Lst AS. SASEMEN? Cleen Hfor Cedd.s i nit Hn Tooî enn-ore ws lare&us bitlpantes A-an-e-a0on.No ocharge er, seteage itonen Goormet Fo4d lyhe Emnt ofRain Flm n- onil. cogotsnnbcae 87-071 Fogtamme Witt Se tire, -No. 01513 8487 HreId ir the Libeno Hal. ooer onenlbenroo. n--i anlorVeeler. 000-a R 2ocnsoSe,, barn boar-as Jasobean oat a raSc, louver toor, Wedding lyBoR.nw10hp ~ ceon-blon-er. 100 O i Invitations Fe: Gera SeEnn-er., 1 yer o01, *t*ir * alo kitter 87-23. M nyn perlers eforsisé Nnis uor retail. Pons c7ie - l ~ 9 002 Harrîs pStationery. - **** CHESTERFIELD Ilchar, igEbaSIl. on-he can-pagns ololr. M ths le ne.. $300 7 ce[ srp"? Free and O878-ae42a8lJo. sttin - kFIREWOOS.bic wedig 1aio S CCSSOrI1SS andmnallie Sylîl nd avoal t an oiieredKincling, 19RlMainStMilton * Chrom-e -nel coite. REMEMSRANCES in FoacoE ana s oe ne forodnaio- 001 or n-osye nnai; o onnecMllon sOce Hosit-al Fooy-aa on FOISSIFo- Phne 8O72033 ansr -aPan-RIan- A? AS Angoqes, Pouce PRI% S corner o Traalgar Rd& ap eveAt. in FOUIS onît n-aISE NeolEbset Georroetoon. oalily on Main SI - Mlton. Camai. HeAnttmes. relîylhepd atigoe Soner n-ay cdaim oîhens toroîlore on ale W: cae-e Eî alliyg in t alco gon- fnes tne Can-pîon 5hofficEe T e1i-a0 l o &n-aeoîfoîno HVANUSEPANO FncoaIte an- GREY & n-Elle labby OS PAO S mslînîsoîng. C-ailed btîso. a4s5nons o. lo. . Jot nest ot 771 13 ih n-hit fle a tisa ,oorar n on-e Repair Seice. lonrd Man & James N U10bgo o are. ei8-2948 etter 7 Deolyt9p.m. cNaljobfîrlomigor no pmClosetgoSudays Clinmnys 011F I ule 416-88-8833 peialty. 876-836 or 1 ARTISANS Crafs POOL SALE K n on- aooeplgrncls pepe, tRo hon-oln -nîbeî,eh cb n lalloloîhîg ronl Mito nffds yoom e.04eol e- aff aoveso Sgnenn for asi, 10 nana ranoît îdemc groncl pols c onpte Sonol. 101 Main St. Fi- r el as nîllPRîS lo e E .E,-Milon. 8763311. p.n- 87f 8200 or Bit8 nalkaîoond, eo IUO a lI 3190. - c pa-l tutslo $75ci; WAE Cnenrîegobtly $2295 n000$-Lînloroeabinetn$5. omn-n-on mixerF Ci l12 -i cleoo5y-c. ea 03 aler?p mn-o7iao.C4, OSlet MANOI R oprignl R rceose prs r e asur Fret Estlnutes 305 Steeles Ave. 878-0390 daim- 930 ..480 pn-nI 0 acs1' k§ 3 022 NoieSt (ai Gueph Lise> *Foabobf5 Aetqoo hm«" teeiqueu nom Oà [ZflltZf] AP=«GSa- SSpe &n-dacefunteMd Wufeat eloun-ensfeiy O es4oy! letton-s E-E037-9477. fies. 532-217lidnhIta. ARC IU -CUIT KiloLIATR cairitelIeungAellcble $37m959 Lvig R0m DenngRoobH& er F aesboptbeomeîîenoe n-e-nIar orokmonsebngeassoe No es nstont eopbe seretfoentn-a F..884 PiknPb& GORDON CARPETS FREE INSTALLA TON! PLUS Froo %- Underpedî PLUS ailosenets sun-nlied dreco fron emanufacturers for incrodiblo ainas- Lookîng for a aartbrgain? Thon nleseauinletO GORDON CARPETS 56 Main St. E. Unit 15 Milton (endountdhhd Fabrolaodl or cali 878-8580 Mon.. Tues.,. ote t.O9e.m..R- .tn. Tboss. an-i.8a.m. - 9p.m. 3 NUReSES oniforms SARGAI N Honyersc lies oso $20 -Ea.1ifIl oo»re traveling, Se rounn offen-table $1. srenon-o isif con-sot 1 2 Son-nen- ho plats tEe 250 Faolory ideai for sotege. ai8 Nen- 198364emlolen. 9391. For te tEsnod 5.35 REC RSSM oarnet InlînoIec teR /han $an95 nsouare yan-Iln-n-gi) oCivesr istaiied. Cou J.., 878- Entern-isRs Sept.. A-E 280. Box 21 73 Comridge, 'SWIMMING Pool EEWING MacEinesNfo Sls" En- aso salnie. Iecoon-iionSl) cerneon Atoen50Uparn of O.Ail Groonn-minolsýwtE machines ooaraotee-a- 171nr, motor. tEl- J, & R. Ssoing Ser mon-. dE, erse 10 vie.676 6497 RegolanIy c2,295.00, son-lysts. Oaînet l neans 30 n-renet rise a-c . O nc ea ge ale o416la COLOSSAL PURE alfalfè a bn, excelleet gelga Garaje le arraed frsforern at -S LUAIEA AVE. Actos. 1.60 pur balei. SATURDAY. AUGUET B Meeday te nrIdas 9 a A.M. _-1 P.M. I m. PIc. 1-276. Everethina Muet Gol TOP qoalon boy esd We haggis. strue fer sale, OIts. dellerea ln troobleats of ia or Ganss Saa1 mor. Oer ee owand 9SA. to. 5 - -from 10e fiai. 6-1.673 BAMeobandt leoce came and OR lOp Cour-t, Paoles. hooeehost PICK YOUA O WNi g00005*etc. n-on- RASPBERRIES Ot Laten Panle, naler AT CHAS. MIolles, box«e of swi- CMf FAIM ad tgla, 4rond-oodotL coumIs, bookse oonl U ceMUe stnmeretc. 1 I.e4 sa Se. Agste 8aof60TadnRl fReeteleer'.2m. bd t ss es ete Guelph Use 112 mle eIa RUo eeesb of Cebariw LAWNSALE CALL FORA VALAILI7T SA?. AUGO 6 PICKLING CUCUMEERS 5AM.-2 PM. ALSO AVAILABLE 181 LORNE SCOTS 8778 Coks h ldîye,, RASPSERRUES drapes, boys biyle, kYOWw ohlolOeo's lotling. dog oper, aussoopi. Itoose en-iaonsme. 028ml Mipia Pun GARAGE SALE msmohtsedeliom*m 230 Ontario St. N. 8774512 Miltoe CM--e Soit. AugeautBOI CALLAWAV FEEDS LTD. H-idreeg son-nlien, (Peinms oloks eto.) EST. 1900 ohil-aens Clolhi.g. Introdeelng lita hoshl tm .eî al MOBILE FEEO ROLLSR Thon-E Family FOR TEXTURBO EESS Garage Saes 01 FORSYOU FiSPECIFICATIONS ON THEFAM V-IleyGiRO Cen -s1-eM-sa- Aog. &. .-m IlRgn-eStmeaFéodal lfoolletol-a an-a baby items. boo Sn loîlles WoodardAv.S G. O-NO.1bnusery sEAU? FUL tee Aug 6 from9 am rown Ion- . eCen a goeoe ounery eayies i'e"dlr e5324@0. hmm. CellR422t mîsellaes. ?oînmlc GareanFPEsEloeetlm hme 2 GARAGE Sale. etLbCerne. sdo eeb ît popE. Sun., AAo0E?&.7,No, 10 Terrier/I eale r- Sîdergell (West Ol useS ss.S878-243. Guelph Lice) tolU CKNMIATtPSUIVI! Tomylîns Wallon for sBAKSMTH, teo ignc. WotoveooDllOnfordcl. Nnormaleadregit«eea mth f irenlaen Windaows, Correctives Soenn.ne-e- l 2nOI lornilome. noocenold RRI5 Georgowni. 416el-a. Aboldo $150. Ccli temns, range flood,. 77617 eenîe tieleon raseer, mPR aRO rle IAo.Snkel-atolen-a- cmoyet 2 yeanc el-a. m eoreesy.eoooen exenellent fomily ne. GARGE ale260NOY$35atgnosa nlatet. Sydney S.,Sat elAog. nS, EoIe enenerRIe 78-7121. S. Son.Ao .09 ea. paO-a-"e oeoecl ADoRARLE 1cm Teu S p.n- SomoIlling for teeoo0e el. " oneeu *ceeellltrelteR. PirsIsnets MOIGOU? -Gaage O0.45 sl10Ie. an-a lemrmat. *250. am. Hoin-Ère Aog. 13. eeeeeeeoec Conse endlgel on-e mai cen- Gmrgoinc Go FIny. 25nortnIo Spey- Elle thnolelI on 1515 TR9III8IgUUI ohl Sideroao te 5 Lne. BRU lun î0ihî ad blan- sns. (Frensoffeel Kuy SivIeU basq.eli mmedhb a qsfor e9smitals "We Releve a e wai racsalq ,aft n Herhtage' R SwtChhO pmn o Typis Fî,îoloîe Recîoroy CALL IMRY ChairCanog ll epaîîo 842-4400 MARYW.SECDS LOIRVlCE 878-3865 MILTON CAREER OPPfTIJNITY- FrîoPik-upS&SeiOFîV Due to recent promotions îy oor sales dopart- 02.f ment me reqoîre aggresîove, sef-startiag * etoo maes mr femnales. This job oflems excelleet poleelîgi for people ilS a desirentao as- FARMERS $20.000 coomission plus 10inIleîr trstyea r eook non- 10haeyoo' sellîog an obsolole family reqiremeet. Tero- seeed oheel cusomen- eektraninîg progralo proided for soccOss- leeoed on yooî faem- fol pplîants mîlll seat appearooce and vive siene lrb. g-orOlenlhosîosm. 0ivinca? necessary. For par- Gol & olfeî germnation son-ai inerview phone: Cndien Mobile et 632558 ClecnicgLt. _____________ 1416-77"-9911 ~nnm- HELP WANTED PICK VOUA VolonmenreNemIdl o alo ornmganiteeamd CO- OWN omdntelnheîM TownyofMilon Sent&ClausPar- Eiumaszuccini qeliwýoncn-pleeOO cont-act- aierlt-nylrîk, eonneî-a, 'hsiN-. of Sîeeoec Ptogîn- Ognpenoleer Aeon 5înLîre Milon PeaeesndtRons-a5?n Hall on Hile Sepaîmnt <1dO AM T .1 77211, Sol 48 - l<"J FIRST ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING 11. e"i DaIs. Wedîîlodas AugslO1503 Tîne73P.. MISES Grein Slno Location;Milton SportsCentre CommnmRYeM for llroecl -aliory. eUeSa Slo MsFaen ene878 2639. _ _ Work Clos To Home ORSER yorcn-ring ciEIEs -no. Meef 7-ELEVEN FOD STORES birOls, eg lasers en- aMoItureeon-eonoacdreil sales lef"e eue 18 lorbeys. FolI line of Vese vomlOgrae 12 enee rqolnet on-I permanet fee en-a eqoin-meol erampton Ciok fll est asl-Smo eeosn. ERIsIevesmIlSMR Htobery Co. Lt. toletino shifts, lastling eh, oOllIsg. tUobIsO PhonellOtS-51fl.306 sbelom., eo. Soeme<gnt aieomn-eeiivreetdbos, PIeODOCE U.PlClO: fie soooent. beenc. beoys, An-n-fin nertoe 10 oooooOerc, omeeoes. 7-Eleven et. n-ons 853- 0526 nario Sf. S. nEcclenes. FircIMle, c Lios Esqoeieg bel-Mlon Ot oser 111h es-a 22e-a TbostyAeotboetv ll On-m. Sieroe UeS2ff