10 Mm oanaden Chamfpion5,Wed., Aug. 3, 1983 Wh y do mon baffer ? DyW LMA LGHUIS aod ltse org=uo =l bityefcoauig be iso ethiohe 'a YJby du men ballr ulgU arytmD oeL aly fml o huad byare tbey physicatly a We U*ln their a Washington pyblgftSrsool- Dl tu e weuor fiacecos' hotb social worh,!ero 'rt ,.dpId= i epaedbatoud Heipl a Ilna group of me corne le reports receotly which were very simuler in for belp, explatosS gpipe itb Itbher aesaive, and violet their approucb le ibis problemn. aleuse may bave rei bhavior, whicb tbey for the mmlt part *Slece tbe inception of tini type ot cocoi- reula. Sbe corne Inl regret, le Dan Silveer of Borlngtee. sulling, sorno 10 le 12 programs bave boe provoiteil "but le noN Eoery week, for juat over a mooth. munestnabligevi cr-ce the Utlsed States; aed Io che rause leo bond frm errons Halton meut lesa churcb base- addition le the Helton aod Torono sessions contact with bar bod met le diacuno tbeir bebavior and gale le Ontario, tbore are grupu meeting wn the men are tbemnelv mome inaight loto the reasons for Iheir Ottawa, Htamilton; aod Guelph. Sfiveotar action. iolet outborsts from iveter's come- deecribue netf-batp for meo wbo batter on A Iuer of becomie5 selling. sometblng heing 'quite oew" and very wlte or flenee in the Almost a year of preporatioo, and ntudy necemsar-. may bucome iolent ban gonu lo the formation of lbis nelf balp tt le helieved the mate alesseres actions 'lmleg oct' and bac grocp for me bo batter-evrythillg frem are triggered hy tii-e poycbatogical-eociat womae, bu Meacle vil researcb lele tamily violece to duvulopleg factors, acmortllg to Currie, andl sopporled A man "rigid duti o rapport mith a oumer of social agenciez, by Silveter. wieerehy be ascribat the potice, family court and Hallen Women No Repcusibllily mole relue of the n Place. Sdveleresusdurtableg comptemet Tbe tiret le entereailatin of blame, mimner ao ndt ofth the morte dune by llalton Womuo's Place le 'Abere the mac refusue te lobe respon- the decisions," eoj Milton wbicb ottere direct assistance le an eiblity for actins aod place tbe bisme on possein of 0000s w abueed mite, by tr-lng tn gel at the reot of tbe %nman.' Thie comme tbe cite or tianceu "The wite isac enter the violent bebavior wbich 'explodes' lne te, leln gilty aout onmetbieg ehe basnot loe smetbicg tbat'E mon ebo bave attacbvd tbuir mate. dune, i-et w'ith time, sibe comms le fuel a be tees be bas n tob Twc Mnentors reasn tor bar nending to ba ponei,' toto contvoi. And, bn Silveteres mentor le his effort le David explainellili-enter. A cycle of pbynical abuse This coustiltue tbe Corrne. wbo coins a nimilar gronp in Torento versos guitIgolt feelings duvelopo, and ebe abuse. There are answers eroeg and bas "lut ber docem." -bos altacit, deupite I tba come rencb oct Silvetur, leeting Ibu -ched a point of o sulieve Ibe Ibe action la cci- nbape or formn did il t moi-e and mate dy" ba ntresss, addieg ie reonihle for Ibis kdopeodet upon onens c second reane a man .1. Under o Ibreat cf asng dominloil hi-eb vcoletly. !fintinsocf mascolielt-, cst, th Ieolil tradilionol mac baeng Ibe bread- te tamily mabing cil of pntheIb notion cf itlmenta Si-venter. mnionof hlm. aod if ohu s ot agrenahle le hlm, bring the situation bacle c doeibis phynicalli-. ib tird reson for cite Ibere le non rommfor leslbilltY le Ibir sulpe of values, and "tbey cnt mmoenl adtp anoher way ofthibning." ponr impulse contrel late bort reason. -Withot tleleleg, a prnon reactn. lie contaelly renclswitbout regard Or IbocajIt 10 conmequetesu.' Conplod widhiIbis oe- toneal recUon le nne'5 toc net-eteem. "A lot of ahusure tail otle bmcetegori," aays 5lveer. cn mplinieg Ue fib hreaaoo. "Tbvy dont font gond aboutthIbueli-us, are ot eorcentul and lent nel-eootideece. "Tleey ant le get on top cfte ibuatiloaln and 4ecare Ibeir superlority lei a physical monneur over a coman' bu addu. '1his le o prlmilatii-u woy of Iinbtog." Surprisingli- Iboogi, maey wite balterern are "ver- cbarmning fellw," Silvuoler observes, yet Ibey neum 1n mintale a dmst- ance btweu eineli-en and odiersn-and ter ltlmacy. "A charmer ban gondoos and plemsant tall. e. udoue ot bave 10 do anydhilg le attrect a omon. WiIb Ibeir cbarm and lookieg pretty, Iythen t eier-tbieg elee will tat] leleppace." Bowui-er, Ibey tend le avoid expressing teelings ced geeeraly "leeep eccape'-0155r0 Ure attivities. Sonelr cais tbus"ap, op8ite losioal outleo," and mnnwbabaveeo.reereallceal pastimese or hobieshlca nnt adop tber wayu le pt rid of thir tensio." But, stresses Silveler "leven a watt wiUl blp." Generally opaies, bu conciadeon ahaner le a mon cba Iglvea nthougbt le beg sensible, thinba rigldly, douenont bock down trnm ani stance, andl bas us cen- iderolion of the conoqueslcec for is ac- Silvetur worhn mith a gmof ii-e men bailing frem acon Ballen rogion, doalng witb Ibeproblernn mntidetlelly. Con- ductleg Iis grop le a volusteur efflort for the soill otker, wba le emplcyed hi- the Minlelry of CorrectioatServicoei te probationoand parele office le Brioglen. "In no way le my job conneceld widi mi- wort wtb mle bollerur," ba stresses. His ini-olvemet le blpng nucb meovrcome Ibir abusive behavior le mrely oct of cen- cere. 911eter benarne lterested le Ibis typentfroinelling trongbi a triend, Donna McElrey, wb a teb execotive direcior of c cornen b oetel le Brantford. Hands on Iearning gets thumbs up resuits at museumn By JANE MULLER Staff Wrtvr McelveuHlms aimais anîvi lu ryi ilandl Wendy ihum deifvccd 'sbeevîoi-ibut bolculdnl live the ai- arl- pcner come dd. The 14-i-iai- olis liveil a pineer cli- ai Iti-Ocntaciv Agricul- tlaIMuseum Weilesilay, oi-ing as wmmin iculi havi-un an 1830 farmstead. Malcoies McFhee cas amazed bhi-the origces ut muai and lînen tabrir aud theumethoils seil tocreate hem, in pionceri-days. The da-lucg immersion programmwas an enprimenl for the musvum aond the Fuel Sord ut Educaliuc. Thi- local museum as oe ut 15 bases for ande-oc sesions cuncenli-aino n a coiaieri-tage tlevme. Part of tcc-menh copssneoco-iii ls ulbard Robrson, th, muse. umsedctlae cOd nterreiv e upervcsoi- and Roh ai-lurutf he Peel Board. Lasi ee sviil 10 the musi-utmsclp evc'oncd andlthi-lasi fortbcs sammer as teamp ope-ates OOli-in Jul> .The resulis ofthdi experimenlal prugram oculi leaif 10 a creid course ut a smilar naturi-. Aolbec uttebonl cold h be ecnolvementof utu- dentsein Balloin a simlai- prugram. Mis.Robrtuon plans 10 contact the lual hard uf educalion m'clbtheiluoifnicsuofte-pilotp-Aji-c's success. If heides dues catch un il ouall biing iocog pi-opl-emi-b cser locthe ai- o Canadan ari- elllcs Ian thi-tousrs cice nclude mani- clildi-on and entai a brie> iooulaeb- varcuus aspectsuoftheimusi-umn A turi-muld nvvvi-hav-aIiAAd Dansi-Yasa the timclto elp musvum llacsmclhBSud SoAm haipo ec ihei-lb o a harrum. Danni, a 15 caro'lif mlo as ne ufthIlec-mi-olalli- retardeil boyi-s olviniuthe camp, hi-ahi-ilaîd poudedi 01 shape the mci-li ai-ioc tenîleas elias ci-movi-moandl cplacong lbvmuonltelfarim mpli-mi-ni Aller a morncog o mricg pîonerciile, thec ice chili-nb miri- riaIed 0 a lunch prepacei bi- Wenily anif Michlei. Thi- grs speni musc AI the murivng cboi-ing bulle-, cllecclng eggs andf mating scunis, hi-i-stsIriish soifa hi-iad andf coi-c hi-iad ille car-i-nb "I aimai-s aulcif cugo have and Ici- il,"* Mchllecaidf th ec lotv oflselers. Shv aifieif,-'l'i ralleni-be plaicg sportsoro someîhing Ihan being n thi- bilceen al dai- thougle" Shi-anifWvcifi-baifahibi famwoi-Oîiharn hoc-vi-i, chece ibvi- haif 10 devviAp a technique- 10 gi-c cisb iggs rom the sii-am unifi-i-tce discncerleif chichi-ns. Thei-roounisg sloes loubeif oui o place mlein Ibci- Ai-i-c cposvd i-i-vA eceate Ieii- pro-uicosumsclic iscludi-clfulli-vilih si-s and ap-ns. Thi- paii- agi-eif thi- dai- ac evAiable andf i-dcalcucai as of<moderinconeincci- Mrs. Robertson indcalcil the-pi-igiam ac celcomeif hi musvue stsafîho ci-imed to char- thi- cludi-o' cnihuscasm. "ls saislinglui-rmlto e ahile o spnifies macle ime cclh ce suifi-os. Wc havi- some ver- lai-oled pi-Aple- ho ai-e nvm- ledgeable i hes easli- ciais," she sauf. Bad Snoocshows Dussi-yayasa thev riafl f narpeisg a bai-i-o toth t is blachsrnitbeshopoO the grounds of the Otario Agricultaral Mueum. (Staf phoos yiJooBorgstromi Thi-ri-macinig sîadenls icouveil in thi- camp spnt Iti- day ai country- gi-si-iaisores andf variouas armcng upralions 10 gel a tasîv ofcrural lit-. As Mi- Tai-lui- vplaîneil, musi t Ibi- 31 childi-vo mbo aI- li-udeil thi- Io camp sessions are tronm lai-ge centres liler Toruntondf Mssissauga. ".Ibad an idesaof imme-sisgciy i-cin a ru-alsituaion," saufd te ouuldouc viucation Iacher ille ti-eeelhuard. Hevmauage oifluifvelup is idea iis i-iai- usiog a leei-iag-co- cep lui- the campe. It 1mb mani- phone calle acnd peisunal visils lu div immersiun locations lu organîne the program bulbhe bas bad the saisfactionutf positive- tvidbacb rum participantu icIth- IisI session. Mi. Tailui- sacd hi- tusi il inlrisiog al bhe sladents in- dicalvil the "bîgleevlimpacti ot-e cimmerisiuon Ibvhir pi- gram coalualcos loi-ms. Campers Laki- parc in ouudor aciiies licehi ing andf ore bai-b iiding as Ai-l as leir individual immersion expi-cus. Tbe camp iv baseif ai div G.W. Fintai-sun FieId Centre aI Caledon, a lacilîi- uiliced by hi-di eeelhard toi- aqualîrs and mnerpots durng the scholi-ai-. FL-. -,-.- Mahia eulla planeer itohen ms the taab undertakua by Michelle Hlmes <luIt> aud Woody Show lbut cuek. The girls were gvssaastaaeeby mmeans worl.or Marg RobrofN c ilie. Abig need ieb Mainosrie in a rvporter wcbh The e Championsitvr ovcnpapur thv Oahsillv Bavr-hv l o a Big rsiber. The fol-i lomi is bie peesoal vivwOcfprforrnsg I Iis voluteveoservice.k Fi-r aImai-s act te 10bu a Big Brollei- f t gsess mosî yoseg mec, ai onevime or h anollevi, gi-e il a lhonght. They libe l1, Ihiole Ilevi can shore their happicees, interetuh and timvmwith a litllv boy cho dsesnt bai-o ai fttei- or brother 10 tahe hlm fishleg, tubes hlm 10 the perle or lvnif a sympothei- mr i l ie prebleme. Bal bing a Big Broîbai- for a day cbaoged s al lhmvepreconcvivvd iden about maing c receiving o a i-cl riendship. Whvn the day ended , I1i-alioed Il mae mre o a receiviog un rmy side bhao a 1 giving. Brandon, mi- soie-yvar-old i 111le rodier for the day badl as mach toi-etoi give meuas I lad inresslu share ille hlm. ýYuu'i-e mi- busc baidy, ai-vol iou?" he asheif me about a haIt tom sinoouor Salurdai- moring adi-entuai thIe Metre Toronto Zou. Il as the une questcun I needeil 1 breah thecicet1lepedculd nulcome bulcencus. "Yuu baîcha, huddi,' t aid as I pickhihm op tn gel a huiler vivm uftIhe aby hippo chu luug lulils mucher in the den blum. Graham Scott, veculive drenîni- ut the Big ni-chers Assuciation o obkville and Milton, bold me- lu1laite mi- Litle Brother sumeplace ut iclerel lu bth otus. Il doent have lu te ani-chere vspeoiie-a pont, o isling pond, lu the lilrari- acymbere Ibat inercots iou, he tlilme. The Met-A Zou as a gi-sot spot. Branifo bail col bec Iere hfre and I had plenti- 10 tell isa abaut Ihe moi-e Iban 3,000O animais Ilal ruamed thev 70-acrv Park Armeif ille unr ome35 mm camreras, Brandoun and I ere se lose oe the Met-o Zou. 9.50-Hur ti-sI sop as Lcttle tonlanif, a gi-ml spoltr sloning bai-ciai-ilanimais up close. Mai-bu b oclosevfor Brandemhu jumpvd iclu Ihe tveding and peting ai-ms and as immediateli- surroucciei hi- youag gals andl lamhu ouing for an coi-t- mrnng ssack. ev soun lusI bis iniial leur ut animais and 1t lead b plIlimaaui- rum hese cri-cîers 5A mi- could tu u 1tev Atiica Puiilion. o.o-:le lld me bc libei mAnlevys bunl, sulluub lecm tbAsec- the guri-cas. The baby grillas Aei-icnf a seperale den andf t cuuldn'l belp ponlcug ouI thev similarile hulmeen tee baby grilla and Bianden. Hev rvptcvd. ralleer ilingli-,thal I loubeil libe thevlaI one sin he uller cage. 1I bld hlm he mas guiinto t he liuns dec the e esl imv he made tun ot mi- slui-vd envi-gi-" Ilibvil (0 carry arAund i mlleme' Ee libi-ilthe Arican pavillonmcd hi- the imie einisheif laling piclures outIhe hîppos. babauns and crocudiles bvmas atoull- lvifged plenlgrapler- îo.30-Bi- Iis imv ronden mas in a ti-cuoi- tacsvc cvrylblng Ilal muved- in a barri-. Ee raccil abead ut me as I cri-ed lu bcepopup.miglevd domn hi- a lii-ly-lsn cami-ra bag, a ccc pod and as Brandes imciili-îme-. acou ilclf-Ici-a pmunils o> ý ,ý , ..î' At i, c:,diac: luicc'idiiLcvi i-fil c-i',iiii jumpinglon the mono -ail 10 bradin cthei diecion outhcee'hirde ut prey show. ll.l5-EHes ungri- sa me stop aI a Mi-ISnalcis ucackbarlfri-u-ce ci-mm, pop- i-orn andl pop 1l.30-Wi- jumpeif on a train fui- a grandl our ut Eurasia. t .00-Brandon liheif the polar leai-s est, The lAu hers rolleil arouad in bei- dec janl a fem teelt rom chere Branden and I1ci-ru labing piclurvu. AI onv point I lurnedi aronod andl Brenden ms gon andl I lhought for sure be as going tu cllmh lto the deoifiel a bullor pi-bre, but I soon toond hlm onlido the den)illmhng for a better place le position imnself for a pi-loi-e ut the IAn huasts. îcS-Braîtdec lovuil tating plclres andl as ce toud Ibe Amrira Pavilnss bu film, no prohlem-Branden lotk a pictorv of nen- yanimal beesam in hie mind andlt bad le ler hlm amay troco a couple ofthIe aeimale in thv Americon Pavillon mhich he leoit o lihing te. The huai-cc, the otter andsme olnd of musitrot conld baivitept Ibe young vîlla going att day. But il mon limne te gel vont. 2.co--we grabheil a quich bite hofore heading bame. Branden monts an anodier ice crvam, a mile shake and coke, but le- eted sttles for a bamhorg and a miitobatu and a coupte of mi- frech friem. 2.zS-Ite hbeen a longdey for bath of us. Be oui-e hie tout are tired, but cheI ankh hm if he liteil the mno he sold a tamilier phrane I had heard Ibrouge~ tba!da o-* ,Y i-m.', Thetemwasn i n oi ï home. Bracdeo slupt frem theminute me gol on the highmoy 10 hie frnt door ntup. il mae a day t mill net eoon lergul. Depite the tact dial Brondun seid I mac fat, loohoil buttvrmwilh mi- glausue on and recoledihm of a gorilla, 1I leem mat he really ment. And lomards thve d ofthe dai- heleold me: i-youi-v a nmcv mac noYeu tnom, mieler .-ou're mi- Big Dadili.' A littie effort a lot of gain Il mas Bcg Ocoîher meee recontli-, lest toi- ut Iast 15 Lcttle Brothersic Oahocîle and ilMtIon there wmueoig Brother 10 cvllerate mctle The pancahe beabfast and the sacîcol aftvi-ards ai-eno tus mcthout a Big Brother. Theelbys nenil a Big Brother, eayn Graham Scott. xecutcve director ofthie Bicg Brothers of Dabville andl Mlton. "Thene bide long 10 have smmv net love and cary otoi ve,' ecyn hIc. S-ott. Bvcoming aBig B-other isasi- Aic applicoioctoi-m is tilleil ouI and tour références are reqoirvd. The rétérences ai-v ashei a Avries utques- lionesi-elaling lu Ihemas clearacler and aleiliti lo ba pativontoandval mille childi-evu pcohlems. A police checke e coccduclvd. an intervii e ahvtd Aille mvmbers ofthlerBiglBrothers evcutive and theLctle Brollei- Big Brollei match-up is doov eauvd onmthe vevis anifdoi--ulstssehurvd h1e IAA people. Thiree10tAsi-urhome a meele s the mcnimum amoouc oftlime requireif 10 spev i mllethe Little Brîtebvi-, il cbas to hi-consisent,.cucsi Mi- Scott mleo vayv the-Little Brothersi-eall- lotup cA Iheci- Big ni-Abers. Il's i-all- CAme- demingliin bis titi le en levgels leco Bcg Orollei." Mr. Scott aimai-s suggeleIleal te acciviccru the paci- do ai-v nexpenscvv. Tlerom a tislbee, plai-fotonball, racquet- hall.,Ai- go la eperting eveotu. Soutv ut cee Bcg andf Lite BroAtlerse cieteicdo mood mArkiccg -Ilevi- uild gArai-tu, bird cages, acclhcng îlot miglel te ot cotervol. he vsploined. Big Brothers ie localeif at 191A5 Lakevhore Rd. E. creleone 045-64561 Mo vie nights at Iibrary ýMonlighl Malinen", iutdoni- films for the mhole tamili- mili he ofored hy the Millon Public Librory ftoi-be monibn ut Joli- and Aogont. The films lo ba rus everi- Tuondai-ovvning bagincing Juli-5., dît include Invisible Mac, Abatt ccd Cosiello ment the Keysoee Kopn Rootie oftIhe Ymar andf More Attacks Ibe Wrd Shoclngn bagin aI 8:45 p.m. io Joli-and 0:30 p.m. ln August. Admission lefi-en. Vinilerae -o antuif10 riog tdiu- 0c blanhulo or lacs chairs. le canentf rai, Ibe movim mwilI bbsomo icioorset aI brary hbll. For more information i-att Syi-h-a Fallin at 87-MOI. Gag, Elcete 011 - Sales b SemicocSTn Oi UIAC "0T OCANADAPI1000CT Guo Thomnborrow EtbSonCABLVLL.OT 24 HOUA EMEENCY SER VICE CGUFIELBLVIIE T.~o 878-8838 878-8004 p ULP0 IM0T 0 0k 1 LL 1- -.1 - - .,, -ah.