Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Jul 1983, p. 3

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The Canadian Champion, Wod., JuIy 20.,1983 3 Mm~W~I.pfIaud for siak wanun Refugee recalls persecution of Bahal's in nira n Ry TEVE ARNOLD Newis Flice Perseration and eurder in Iran wlU lic more Ilion ual emply eadnei nnes- papes for aI Icsonec of thc local Baais nito if f galer for a spoclfmomnorlfer vice set neei. Shoitia has n ioa nada for oa itas lhree iceebo 00w. For ber te p.ser-vice ai the liirry, wn e acact 10renember on ocle boog by te foodamenlalist laomi regime iIran iecuse he wooldnot rerool t isEoitot 101h. Af itoogh shola illSog 10 discuna some of er eperiecen under the periecolion niceithlie Ayatllah hommesi ignifed I Ironies fife, ho stfe ars for members ai hec family who remin je the fond of teir iirtit. For tai reaso sho aiked er soeaine sol ho pohfisbed. Siet 0fd er ofory neitflic assistane of osnisferpreler. Acording ta, Siahfa, prejadice ogainol memhors of Uic ti0-year-old Reliai falit 'fi Tei es asy 10 loier tUicrime rate le titrougit crime presenlion, and Jasice Boy and Marie Jefincit arc seOig ot oi1 mais gaod ieadney i Uic prevenlbas arca. Fsdcd iy te Soicior Genrl in Con isiclion uIt Uic Haihin Reglonol Police, te girln and o lcam of sarenoriin traugitoul Halon. T'Meir rco sa Ilon lOlloasd Milon, nariting wit crime prevenîis offices Dose Crawford and Boit Usiryscit. 'flic lice l-yer-olds hogan Uiir tank Moy 24 and wl ho worlilng ontil Ag. 2, primarily ou of Uic Georgetown office. Tbey hase toi reprt tte Uc Oliville itcad- queerscscery morning oueer. Besides doing omnaffer crime pecenion dlies, sort as sclfing bicycle hiernme and makitig cls oo homensnitic thUicppaice bacc noicesi are iigit crime risks, tcy aoas norit an major programi. A it and ras progremnt as Uhicr finIt major projet. By going Uroogit stalitico, titcy nere ailetie10come sp wut ayn 10 iscreese te cearance rate for people in- salsed is feu 10 rcmain offeocc. 'fliy disonered Ual bol 20 pr cnt of Uosc leasing te scenc are eppreitcndcd. Vodeismis mu admage) io asoUir major praiettesUey ili ho worklog on. 'This program i oui hopresenled 1iniigli scitas siadools in Sepeishr. By gotg Urougit records, Joice ond Mria slioold fid out hon muet damagc is donc and how mony arc rrenîrd. Mooy imes as officer on paleol in Uic middle oi ttc igh itt nu eca garage dose open. r a indon opn, initlng arcrime 10 laite plce. Titcy nul maho o note of Uic oddrenn and Uic girls iil isuit tUipc ec Uic set day nd coplin Ue riait Uey arc reallof. 'lley ase lied disploys et Ballon Ceolen- niai Manr for senior ciizens, ond anc spent a iew doys in coolt notcihig Uic crtminol jutice sytcmt in oproion. Torsoi Choiti Alarms and Uic Ontario PattcerCourege io ymcr are aosnibis summers agenda. Janice is tudyiog nocll ork i tei University aofiWateroo and Monoa, nicce of Ilalon MP Ot1o Jeiocit, io taking sociofogy ond psycblogy ef Uic Uniecriity of Wstern Ontaria.Salit re inlerenlcd in riminology and te coirtyoem, ad Uiln smmisr ropersence shauld hlp tem decido csocly nitat bhey are goiog la doniten Uicy arc itntsited chooli The police and te public hase beo sery eerpie a te gris' progreis THEiLACERSV! iEOOGETOWN OOII 0 DAT0 vO T NO PHOG AVNUWNEO DRING YDUR PLAS b IDEAS RIC'BMFE 'OTS WINW cINbob wnsnm naaTeumàom *ogfl REPLACEMENT ENTR ANCE DOORS INSULATED NEYAI. CLAD S tLE WE'LL REMOISCANDt *359 NORMAL INSTALATON O ScTANDARO SIZE O NOTALI LOCKS EXTRA 2U. VINYL SUDEIl WINOWS dUE' 0011OR VIN1, CAO ExCample OO3t1. ,x2a VOLt n'107. w0011$87 WIUDOWRDIS PATIO 00018 TO U500/o '469. OF MANUP UIT 6 fI NÎS FREE MEASURINS MCE WELOOTL... Wl 1)' AUJL- ba long hoau o fatreofIlde iUe predona- inantlyMosIflm naion of Iran. Lite ml ftypesofairoI igiousaprejodier. liowever, Uiheilenify f1 hon eithod and flowed wih]lf ieicecountry. flic revolutono iroogli t y thc fanatital bly mon, hbeeeer, ba itlcifiid Uic alwoys immnerig bolred ogainol Uosc on Irasn be ihave ebosen a failb oUer Uien Islam. Sitolf ias io Uic final yeor of o oniser- sily progronaio physici nhos Uic exlld Shtahtof Iran dicd and Ayalolloit Komeini citacd er oiversity. Witen Uheititutlion ws opcncd 00010 "Uiheiaais icere olit lid nec soreol allais- edtocomchoci." 'flicBohai todenlo. bewever, werc gisen Uic chance, 10 coniue Ueir stodicsifil Uey would poilicoly rccntlbceir faiU. Iipooed Relief shamad, aomong oUicn,refused, iecosse nho woold sol accepi o hofief impooed on ber against hcr wii. "I hlieve 1 ic Rheoit'i faîithoad ic snot reody ta change tai. Iitoow what the lroui is for me and 'm sol willing 10 chtange Uio," sha ioid. "I'm sol going 10 chtange for omcUhiig lissolosurecis rigit." lotelmceeosl ber Uic complenaon of her unisersily training, bul il neos onîy te shon ofiter proitlems. 'fic ocew refigiousoIranian gnvermeol hogon a syslemotie effnrt la exorcise Uic Bait'i elemeola 1rmw Uic country, nlarling wiUi Uic arretaof commsnity leaders atoall lesets. Tieic men and women iere 'ounded up and imprisoned, nten mlthool formol chtargen and rarcly nilb te itowledge of teir familien. Witeo thoy reuord persistent offers 10 naec Ueir f mas ity aitandonnng Uiir faiUi tey were eaeruled. Oulide ni Uic unisersity Sitoitta ond Ie incresiof fy diffiesit itecauso job appli- cations, epeciaortei civil service andi for prisole companien objet rely as Uic Jasice and Mria re osalfablo 10 do inereiled cas cotact item t 07-5511, home and businss seccrity cierks. Anyone extension 2o2. gosermenl, ail reqatre applictentu10 ate teir religion. Driof Uic tIenict" days soder te Shah il nos permissible for applicanla On simpty lasse taiquestion itast, bit at tlprovision bas bren itoehedity te sneregime. As te atreeta foe Sabottleaders con- inued 5itta hlegan lofa rr ier nise wos quicitly risiog lauich top oifte listothottse ta hoftaken. Far 18 mantits sic mnsr tt tieen the bois ofs issrpl Musliso retives, iiding frois te Rcsluttaîtary Guardo andtce oUers o in csoaguard alte warn . "My socle nos amasg the irsi popte tite orrented iecame beieitadit eeminsatard i local religiotis octisilies n ta ue ity,- site said. "I icos airatd tey notd h caoing foe meoel." -ll's hard tuexploio teseifeelings. 1ttscrd wih a sitcase always pacind and sitting by te darsu Icouldscapecquicky i 1 aw anylhing stranfe ihoppening on te treet,- site added. As l Uic Boiai castais, Siaita chose tite faiUi for hrseti niten site non 15, intioniof te paUi of ber fater wnita ns aconcert frofis Islam. Forlier, Uiceloits emphion an ocid slvaios troagit aity and peare wr dssanity which sarrouoded the Sahas tfatth in therland ofisbirth. "We are esicates tot the idea of aity and nenwittnot givetthat uptsecaueofmoney, or persecntion or romn executon,' site said. Bytforce ofour example mayhe some people ai see tite truth otfnitat wr behieve. lI've reattzed techotogy snt gang to huild word peace- she added. Toatnstt ootyitappen throaghtreachings whicth ring unt and eqahty a't seertat hap- pening ay other way. Despie hec oaa tsses, Shahta heieces the sattering aifte Sahais nito reman io Iran wnlttbhecatalysi oshch nttt brng abott the unity her faith seeit.,tobuitd. SBy these sorts in saceitres and narra- tns the changes are happenng ast -r site satd.lTe more that Islam persectes us the change Seos about Shahta is rceIoant ta speai th ie nay site leftther htotetaod.hbecase thers areausing the samne cote ta escape ther persecators and tett their story to thesortd. For thersonnent she s staytn$ tcth a farntt y in Mttton ta the tture, site satd, site woad caosderworitng in Aica as a nnssonary. POOL SALE PRICE INCLUDES: 2'wide reinorced concrete deck completelý around pool. 6 f. ibergiass diving board, 2-stage poured concretf bottom with lietime warranty, adder, Jacuzzi t lter, 30 miii lier, 1 ' gauge wails witt' extra heavy Z-700 galvanized coating & ifetim. corrosion warranty, vacuum cleaner, telecopic maintenance pole test kit, thermometer, pool brush, hand skimmer, pole hooks. 19'x33' KIDNEY POOL List prîce $91495. 7NSTwwE 7y99711" SALES TAX INCLUDED Difficuli access may requise aditimia charge. ly te 4 , ri IE DCK, PLESED$ HAND POOLS 494 KERR STREET AT SPEERS ROAD, Thurs. July 2lst 90 Saturday. JuIy 23rd PHONE: 844-2555 "IATARI" VIDEO COM PUTER SYSTEM Loi "Alon bmuryour itome isooan arcadet Connecîn 10 S colour or blackt & icite TV.. .no batteries needed! *Brigh crisp piclumo e Rooliioic sound effecs a Oifficuty option siiches e Compleeuit Combat' garmo ea. progerm, iyticit & poddlo controllers, AC odoplor 9 9 9 ond TV swilcit box * Posl-paced flomily fun!' Students tackle--crime-prevention- DEPOSITI IHOLOIPMO cOR EmnI I

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