Support group is creatingprograms forautistic children f DIPD UG IE IL i a imatu =h1 fin 10,oM cidldres awly-farmed Peel-Ilaltan chipte, Schsol le Bramtnand Corsair nMin s 'a lA auitir childroe are difféent Watson mm -ad hl 'y r l are l- aue aiele. Tit di oscefrfl2nrl staless thit ther. ire 30 te 40 familles In ui- el i n clisses oftsred isys. Sonme may hava sormal WIstllgnca eeseltaysd, miscid a"d lb.e inSait-bars mals 11h. kis= =I theIi lb orea wllh endtlter cblldrsa. Put h ibleai d.levais, and certain Indivildi ud air a pIO.IdarIuI!IhBID.about Ibmé or faut bay a e girl. F Idait lif. oiiMtaTrascitr a Sapii ut that tha chaplar woudd lika partiruar «bI, liba mitheaics or Kanwil Soiai as différent. Thei uideant adcpiaildwlhalaiieua Isdhasibarfal.b athe s le hom. isvalved le rallsg ait michanirs. Lt ilsSiara ltaiasau ai lsof apahpbss, difficalIies, a femilles. pograia for autister childran (day and "If yen looh at vais a stisll c bldron, fahiroa heedn strel e eaiig utd e ohlr da The Piel-Ililes chaplur bu a numbar sf rosldill camps, grise reidlel" faciUt- you'U au that osaredsrptve ainsm pa -krscsia Rioaii, u as miil hbe s s 7s- goas, ledladlsg lhe InitiatIaio a lms i, diagnostic and madicil servicia, aalgb- ara sal-abualva," Siabra nys. "By fehf1ail= c : on=toils l erepatiiv maonl a, apparent ,mnaolmwak uInSlt herhsd group aid rimraile projes>a, ns ri t hees, lhay rai heomme mlld in for tirA Chuidrin and leler, tbe West deatues, a lako ée fd l#,aahy, Cy- well an prvIegapr 35 ha h e arens = .Fo hdeas'ldo , analw Crce buer i pro-shs wu tas n ihml le puy imaiely Wl lay gr-e would le-ve -aommlsg, olrafer laad Moe ioll h osc ra twe mlld. aedentd anytbisg aggresalva, bal dlaignad ns nlsi. aid sie cidrn vs q ueit l nedi -en-es irlIvites. hmbe is parr aptoi sere. Ha domn ut pirralva Aullsm le a savara davalopepasaal dis- tireur.e pople, hyetvlty aid con- Lita wlth ai alistl c rbd le diflcul, "lWa are loblg fer a lesg-lerm reald- the orlduas e' order, pahohbly prapia iran bielle, whlrh le sisnl rryleg ora a u Iu absesre gf rry- Seabri admia. Beaaniha orbe donio aend 'progre, Seiasys. 'Tiva or île Although littIa le knows aboutb thxc blog insnature. ILîaftclindivdeici aitsg hiewitaiini besy darler, a liva-le bas& bide oidd g:el sgslbr aid ha laugbtrcar- idepsillgisl snatareto theahandirap, aorlier Issllaral, racial and sora-rsemr bsrh- Ife lhandirapiindleraveridesarly and lhe keapar had le, ha blrid iaparislly for Kan- lai ilis, Tbey would f5rm ase and 90 g hierles havi beau dlsrirdid, Wiaon eay. grouida. A peevasiva problsas, IL influsaces rlrsld le given aperli esherallal pay- wai. Tbay aise hava to oibor mua, aged isoerb l isupirmirbita, iaserig, etc. Aulises le ai ergair diserdar; tha rhlld's evary aspect gfai tmidldl'a lita, aid le ohologicil, mediril and, sorial servirai, sevasuand fow. "Isltially, wa ould boy a homa wllb physîral davalepoe aili normal. oflen pirticsslirly dsablisg wllh respect le gril poperai a ha monde. Margi Wias, secroary gf the Peel. beass uaterlateer es IL would commueniao. 'ibe Ontario Soriaty fer Auilali Childras HaIsorbcaptar, le theaesly son-para te b brea l-strest," Sombira iaya. "You Tho Pei-Ifllas rhaPtar now bis o Aullas niy bia idendittadasapr le a ns-profIl organisaions ramposed gf axarutîva. She le dia regei esago for wold sud reseerra people aid super- mamharshlp gf 50. Anyone lneraifted le itis diaorder sepsalae fessa ether =vip pareais, paseaial aid allir islernlied lbe Misislry gf Cemmsslty aid Social viser."* learisg mari shout auiin l asbed la rail mental probleai fer 40 yeas. lhbougb apa el. la scri , nogeoe Serviras' TREADD (Treamesl, Remiaroje le lt poat, must autistir adella tira 791-517. grialdeslh aa earaad abut the handi- logllalesodeilesidairh fr!thon asd Educalles ter Astises and Devalop plaed in instittions or group hames for dia "My minase la g et aima sert otibous rip sisca La Kiner tiret dlseverid IL l ifnleti wlth astises. mentalîDiserder) progries, wblrb oeralia mailally ratardad. At prenant, (hara ara te set up le Peel," Soabra nays. "I rant nec 19a0, lis ranie and crer renmais a myalery. Soibra, foundir aid pmeas gf lieth ldsses sel gf Haes Wilses publir reidescai ter autistir adulta e eOntrio. osy rasn wby Kaiwal ranil oe." OVE m ORE FÈSERI=Mcbcwk inn HURD WEDNESDAY, JULY 20,198e3 THIRD SECTION CAMPBELLVILLE. ONT. Mondoeair to rey yS.m. to*Jp OIPM.GIELFsI LIME AT 401 Soeiar 2,-O. i. ta pii vumst-iu katiuma9vik will aifd usandthem , "Ilit as isaoinsy il wouadd't beesuellimile." This ramaient mode hy Kismovib group leader Ow ai olaaindiales (ha nie mondi experiesce le graup livlin ant simply a hoiday riai litonas partici- pans hvebseain il. Koieaviers are voleslaars uged t7 lto 21be rame tram alunoer Caada, useoîy in groupe ut 11,10 nseler- led rummesilles. They spend dree manthsaluthdree locations, chuien for their orulrig elemeelu. One ot(haie graipoinlaready in Milton and ban heen learingt(ht (hit group leaders camaient betde mater. Currently, (ho Ktimavih graup le foins tbruugh a belie lue" ccordleg tisOwen. Tie lraI 10 dayî (ha grsup le tugellier (hey lers dia Katimovih cde ut canduct, uls tour philosopiesanad eghl ojectivesasa weî s ropleg in a group. Bilingonlesinonedfthe amsnofldie peagree, malisg it neresory for thegriup ladr tumabo presttoa in bedi Frinrh and Englinh. Oire the 1l prtiripansahaveromplelsd the trainingf pariod diay embarb on otivilos woisrb itI fuil Koiesovlk's majrlsnteteofruonservation. About 7, percontofuthdiaworh (hoy ont perfra in dhii cummeity ontho e nconjnction aii(h allon efian Cnservation Aahrily. Worb projocli are ielertod ta amsure Kaimavders do mi aiteba pying jobs away riai brais. Thse c- ramplishesenti of Iis groip wtiIropraionl taibe aiich iodd tiely sol have been done due la loch of money and monpoaior. Crawford Labo and Moaiiiberg Wdldlife Cetre aill utilize mail af ho volatr a inpeaier. exptained GOwen. The young mon and eomea ariasn (ho job site frues 7.iaa.m. taS pai., doiug molly maintenance. This ile naaIthe reaiaai Gaensiaid participants "have la br really maivatei." In a furber efforta habnef i tho rmmaiity by hor stay, the Kalîmavib participantu s itI ha doinf service woailutocdl shals asd Ballon Coalenial Hasor. lous 10 raisa laids for aime ordiaihite coamiaiiy prjecl codld also avoIne frues ibis part af Ibir coai mitaient. Ie is eigb(h year of operaios, Katmavib is a prival o n-profit orgadrzaias fundod hy tho fdrat gverseet aider tho dprtaiesl of the Secrelary of Slote. Tho phiosopies participonsimust livo witb ara (ha promoion of persa] devlopmeet, coaiaiaity service and awarososs af (hir country and tha as- virmnent. Wrbleg eidi a limiled hudget, Katiaiavibers mail cocentrais on ha prograis objective af becoaiing awari af sutrition. Dehbie Rid af Haailtlon, aibo prticipoted ln a Kaimnavik prject two ymars ugo, is the groipi cmb for thfirit lau airabi (hey are tagodior. Slecting Ibe priper foodi liane af the gosoric sitîs partcpatsmâl lers. Debbie chasses maisly aibole asd naral fiode. 'We try nol la ha fuaitical, but yas dont need ail hatnugur, sai ad packaging," Debiesuggesls. She il leave the group aith a method af stretching une poaid of unsatad butter 10 two-asd-a-half poasds and mabing thir ovo yogurl, rmad and granota. As lhay cant afford lo utlmoat os the table evry sigbt, tho g roap bave larsad about protain soppliaients libe nuis. Evas the diet of Katiaiavibors rolecîs (bit philos- spby of conservation, the cash expîaised. In addition la br epertise is (ho kitchon, Debie bruugt aidi ber observations af someone wbo bau bees lhrougbhaenine-aion(h prograi. "The iggail calonge was groap lite, " sho recaîts. 'I came autoa lot differool. I was a lot more aware af aipuetf, oler people and iy environmet" She said sbo lared sot lo be a conssomer and aihen Il tabenisme wrtomabel10people afed 171u21 lroua varios prsof te ountryia tram but Katiasavi partici- pasiare reodylameetthe chullenge. Thy engage in games mblabbelplbem arst Iaeaabu(her as polfa le'day tr'ainingsessiun. she ralucnod lobher parents home ater roations which rotation ut Val damours, New Bronswicb and the ast iscluded a bais on Vancouver Iland asd Bromnoot, ut Cold Labo, Aberta. Qoohec il waun acb ta 'cors fluas and television" Eacb Katiaiavib grsup spends ose-Ihird of ils lime in Kaiaiavib rius do sot bave tleevisions on the a Francophone comaissity (o batp theai achieve (hoîr boussi ey inhabit for Irer months. The local groap goal of bilinguauliai. The groupe connust of abut ose- hs staying in a large bosse nool Ibh Ontario Agricot- third Frenchbspeaisg mmaber local Museum, awned by (hoeHCA. The prograi riogs yossg adults rom acrs (ho Gaien ailît tay ai the Milton locaatosnaibere lwo o(her country tagodior by computer lttery. AI (ho end n( the groupe will put in (ras mosîha for a total of a ine nîne montb prograi, participonts come away wî(h monlb project. momorias and personal growlh libo Debie dîd as we(l The group presently le Hilton will spend their n001 an a certificate and a t1,000 scbolarship. Labour wfth a difference Iý Imwia Fat people experience the bard and dedicalad labeur il tae npriduce (ha laid we es. lakesi disse wbs do are for-member tares labeur trams spoescred hy tne Minisry ot Ariculure and Foodini N conianictese titi Onario Ysudi Secretarial. Thra are tlree "Agrirrews" avaiable, in Ballon and Peel hiii sammer estil Augu ai a amilof $90spr day ta farmers. o- Ale ta wrat alocaton for amaximum of fsve caieci v ise days, Agricrews came with dieu sais foreesan, savinf larmers ime cansutssle supervision as Miiojsaufa or- cardsowser Vicor ichis discsvered. "Tbey ara self suticient and I dnt ave ta wrry if th, ley're ging ta cmeoraslt," Mr. Pincis said. He added, "Ttey wrrighl alosg. " Lest week hee bad is second esperionre vith Agicrew. Hte said resulli ram lait yar's asperieuce wilh the tarai lsaur teaiprompted hiesitocal sn ne afain. Since .sgricrews legan wrisg in the aria Jaie 27, they bave bras haabed daity. Hayisg lbas accupied mot othdeir ime and (bat as mode the alles crew ai halandlleg experts. . ~ Judy Wikinson, Agricrees co-ordalsr for Halîse and Peel said dia local crew, by develapiaf a hayisf garne, rsught la 2.400 ales a day TIaIs tille as accomptish- mess, she osptained. "They're eorin roally watt,' the coordisulor said af diensummerlîme tarmars. - C Geseral dlean-up. painting, weeding and (hinisg fruit are aime oft(he taiks whch have occapiad tho criais Ibis Csassa, theoith af (ho pogram'saoperalios. Shirley Murray of Actas and Burlinglos raiidensi Faa inie, Bruce Bowber and John Fisher, aiho composa (ho Ballas toai, were worbiof ai the Misssaufa trait tires John Fsher, the 1lwvear ld Agriere. (eemas has epeot * e Ths sBracoee' end stintonan Agricrew andlie says hoie joys (hoeaiorh as Ihere le soaielhisg dilterent evary 'o. das" T Aler searty a aeeh af hissînt applai and pars, novice felrmer Fadla osptainad ube ruensai telit(ho dilerinri hesean Barltanad Flomisb Beauly peurs. For Shirley, the grupi laosnfrmer, hehbas diicovared dere can leplestylonlearnoandoalleasl sbo s usodlote muscle huildleg lahour isvolved in aima othdi creais Nk. The gricriai co-rdîsstor bei alriady haakad crewu inIa rAuguil but Ibre nu l imre for larmers tutakab dvonloge '% othIis eonomical lares labeur pragrom. Miss Wilkin sT àidviiai colliol ai leat a aiaah ubead of ime la book a creai. Pas i Ie ns esier peairns a dote oàestlur diaeses rthutde Sho adilbowever pal larmesr os awailing uIsti case of a Agerees she, lepart oatisiiinmse, Th lirtaslbur tlaism nblag an die canrellalion. border o aitoallind Pol sprt laI web dminleairs lIa Mississaugo irlng os Agricrea liai eany os calfing M Wilins o.-u-brd. ut the Hlinitry ofAgriclture and Food, 78-2314. Green thumbs' efforts are the communtyls gain ladividuai citineni cas conribule greatty ta the appearance nI a raamauiiiy and thase oho de rudd hies for aime recocitios. For (ho pot sixiyearn (ho local Horicdl- lardl Sciety bau sposairod a Milton brautificalion reniait and ibis year Ia hali naouxeption. fIe leleni ut the assuautcoonttin "la sigle oui pople tIsa bave made an extra effort ta mabe thir property more attrac- tive," accordisg ta aicity membre Mary Elles enderson. Ibore are ire categaries lecludisg rsildentiai, tInioose, aporîmaent hatcony, commrciland rurliobeenlaredby cdll isg Dol Godd ut 878-8918. Judging titli te place (he lait wrab in Jdly. Society meaihars have fossd le (ho paît aime Mitonians mail hae tS modenl toasnter bt tbey bave a coco for (hin. They tilt ha iouring the lto and urroaiding contry- sida le saarcb of brautiful taidecapes aiicb codld end up ainners. ibere isno ns ary Ira aid tussors tilt recoivo a imaît cash prize aid a plaque. fie conlet ls dai aimeai eI ncouruglef otbers tai brautif y the ltonhy braping (heit properlies attractive, she oddod. Mamntaînng the gurdons ai Min Public Learn a t the laeke Haton aed ',etieeudtvg tra ietiets cneejee guide-e totur thisvtie-r a Cawloed Labo ConservationArou Aoy sslrestod groap or individosi aiha viila Craford Labo cas prtiripato le gudd dtsurs and lbore aboutlt(hounilque nature of (he laboe, (ho arrbaeologil l' vestigalluns perturmoifaiut(he alaboaid (ho nion villag e aiicbh l sw e halec aon- itrurteil. At tditodîmo, Crattord Lakei erpe-etera are givleg turn fur interistad individuali on (ho oaebond ai11l a.m., 1 pai. and 0,30 p. Durisg (ho tubk, group tours are ofterid ehero visilara rai porficipste in a simd'- stedl archueilaglcal dig or touer (holobe and (ha tedies village. Inlarestait groupesbodd ratil 0-4131 fer loonbefarrangemens. loresis oecarga for(ha touars and visilarrs as lso enjoyfreue parking aid o prsic area. Làbrury and donallof 10 the ptaileru doain- lto are tho Saitys main commilmosîs. fihe Society airaIs ut ine Si. unisnbal tram Septembere la Jasathe third Honday of the monlb alis15p ai. Meaihrîhipi cot $2 a minimal tees hicli enilles memesarul copy of (ho monibly neasiettor. Guenl speakerîcovor many areas of horticulture ai the monlty meeings. Winnern of tIse braulification contait tilt receive heir prises t (ho Scietyn Anui Flower Show ut Miton Mal, Sal. Augail 27. Attention creative quilters Creuiing a prise ainning quitl lea raaardisg achievrairnt but le a recaitty annoascodrconiosi il could dlos meun a chance lauairai Qiran Eiuabeth Il Ontario Minisry of Agriculture and Food bau asnoaiced a province aida qulttsng contant tb priduco a bîcen- lonniol coaiaemorativo qdilt. Ayono may enter handiainrb le the forai oI a qult la help recugnioe 1984 as (ho ai- nivarsaey of the inst major immigra- teonoset vtîers te ihis proince. (Ciwle t 50tfor pla, $400 fo rsseondasti $300rIh e tidc bing otfered in the Otario lices- bnad Quit Contesl. Ber Roydl ifbneos Qeon Eizahadi Il a bon asinviled la attend bicn- tealIclebrallensu obro iatewII rereive the firsI plae quilt aid muet ilu creaor. Wiasers tiI ha elerled le Jase of nant year aid qulis tII risole on dia- play aut(ho Ontario Agrrstoral Musem, the rantest sponsor, uimîlIthe ond ut Augast. Farticipants amet reister hy Decembir 31 aid ishesît entrias n lter (has May 1, 1%64. For more informatiens tee l 'Ontariulolenslol Qsit Lbslest," Box 38, Milon, LOIT 2Y or cal W"151. l, AI 1 ý--.