RE2 The Canadian Champion, Wod. July 20,1983 [ IUE.,CEi&NTURY 2.1 ® YSTEM SELLS MORE OMES IN NORTHI AMEKICA THAN ANY OTIIER ~REAL ESTATE SALES ORGANIZATION. du O4 bdim homel beclasDPmlosdï 2 beu, do n me. midi dlhc niab, leaols aid iptg* Limd et MWD. elaJomfoml2em2 fl'iht 3 li udsofnm bedinomt le «»M ior toi. Tihe ficdg. & mw00am ymm ion. Asiog oidy $ý00. conichbard. ;360/2 lu i. Culsaepfor ànhming. 307/ Mmenncef. ý . é5îlotF in mtia amof d 108. Nom codç..nn ad air. Auit0 cmdy M9.t9. To han, piem. Ca Fmdai awmn. 3%1/2 km-. 9UMwaB 0ong otfertuibdt3t 4< 'gOM miboso fan ren.e 344/2in E XREPTIONAL A 00do Snonian kIdah@n. goyrd ilonl*y mom, vot filacehnod no/bonI. th ton added émenitle maie duà mSt duirablh onte. Askiog $104,90. Cl June. NommUbsemtcbiàdMdiut*uNbmen tiliZ liont lot. Cktornain.d .k] in hIg44uUl CFr@" Lamuomo. 347/41 1E~zrwZ 'B-m.,- .sh..~C.P.M.PJM. s,..'- P&»H C 1983 0 Century 21Rea INEPNDENT2 UIIYPAYTB WhlmIb ou rto r wntmmb.tbou pay for the bhome ou occtpyl Tboe m sny08 adnon- Unes in Mting nd it ote oiloolomin the =pni Cmont nad l'Il teâ yS why. Ask j17 Wkonm Drive Tronn Une 821-47544 ~ ~ M3 1 Estate Corporation. FM&".no 531 LY OWMED M I CHAmIN COUNIT 1 I ---- JNTRY DATS I 3.4 Umueof beaobifl WIadviob a ilie&-bed- Am, '"-p dÔy- VO/Il boiot the hast ni nimugbwfrpaedoobh grn umma witb the 23 x47 higmtoo pool. Tihe ,eiak ilis a gond boy. Asking #3,0 e rc uglwi iuldo celti Snop. 302/2 plicwsiO Cantpbslini. Aabing M89.. S-0 34/2 Cel Sconifo inatepon. 341/4 in ibu niay bhime. 2 boibe. harge, muter, tor Uli phi,.nt & toet 10 eoi u<00 de,. ' moht , 0m<e<. on, 0db bar aid wbiobitsa ge gbrickbuntgalow wli b. E thephn, logMod -e andai iur $109.900. lon ba,,mmt. Weg bOt6 MItan Et shmd. CO Jientierore détail. 343/4 Ad for$174900. Ca#Rihad. 340/ PUT TOUSHAROS dO ~~ aPPmtnatohy 65 s of id noy podononoe unidy loim son, t01 tmau, 0.0*EU . 70, barn otoonbno, hag 020008r brick bonte oCaW Sbtuy Sntn idotali. 351/4 2 EDIOOM APARlUIENTS Tbonu 1,20 .q. bt. apaomumn moi lot long. Eacb apoitmet hm. a nem tkIdge and nova mt brtndloorn tttnoogbnt. Askitig $10500. CdU Gon. 202C AND OELAIE