Many surprises mark week of flag football action By STEVE LEACBMAN oece agate UisMlonsFMg Foochal L.eagus cinuesa te hplagsed wmtU srpiteseand uespscisdupse. Thie pasi wssh had turss gamnes payed, emciiome resclitg ile sscpaetscorra. HattesPos ta-ettsscedResmatotteaiiy 4-7,lThe Charese Hesand Bacit paysd Uic yar's irt ils gamne 21-t, acd lTse Dcksscameap wiUi Uic prars Irt aht- mgt 23-B everr tsague-isadisg Sargent Farme. A a resat, Sargent Farm' trsi-piace pston leaseoger garasissd as heUi HaticePoseand The Dckes, wiUi i10 points, are oniy four palts aut cffirt and T mike Snow dome for Hafton? A a m o f yoa may hbes rtlced, Uhilecaiemehbaseesahbenat fren Uit"ecchamplas tr a tac ceek. Numrcas spaciat eenta ceapisd mith fait siatra et actlviiial isammr sprte tragara ias raies Up ailUichespace. Bataseioidaye ccd a siackieg f seciai erante ias lraoceed tha ecraber of garara, space sec permute m e ie inemy tmocentsmorthi. Inte Ui lercseg cach, there have hacc a f cm spcaltdecetepacete wccireqice soin notice. umberrasne Uc the t s a drire iy rer- tale palcity-qeccIsgle tcid officiete gale one demedestediaca fr thettegios et Hatte. Thes Hates Ble Jaye' The Hatten Argnate? Tisa Hatte Blicard 0f ailthUicpsibles, only the latter sacet appropria. t thicit e are al vctmao a majr Seowjob. It atm eema appropriate thai Uic mac ater wcisa hisgisay ciUineithr a reaaleeing cr a reat edmwiicisdemet go asyctent shcldd coreout as Uic record as saporfiet a domned tadlam for Uic Httee.Misaismoga-Oakiciit haucdry. Nec Jim Soc mmm cciiH. Marisiar, Eteh- icake ced Mimsiaaga have ail corme forcard mlithpropsaiseand patielaloaesafor ibis dom cd stadum. Quiis rasisiy, Jira prchahty tesa itts ict set. t1mc, tue, ciUi ait tiais egatice tatk abat Jha Scac Parkcay, Uic goy prehabty taele na buicay. Bt Jbe, Uic sggestion reqires iscotom- tus o le ebemechattlackieg inielilgrace. For starters, Uic lirice tag beleg beedial armd ilea ato use60milion. Of that ttal,$400 milesonapisce ilexrpected toe de dout ccihei fraera, prrartectland c1a gacrnieuta cIit adverataug adding aBohier Womlione5. Haltes Regloce tta badget for fiscal ti83, capltaad opeacilg, majst $M milion. Freas cherele is ti$0 mliontecorne? Tisre le aiea a dstnct pacaiiity Uic faderai gocccmetcasnt kick le cithilia $40milion. An elctiosearcacd Uic corser migisichange trt bui Uicc agale, fic Literais csetd prshahty is acay chatever remuleleg soppri stinlerit- lit Coumbia. Thc B.C. rerideete jusi fiised payieg forit.C. Plaecaiti y theracerae. Finacclliy, Haltes ranit afford tl. Bt Meice Tornto cin, it or clthset ferlerai sapport. Tiicr s l cno seettcr place for acy tadlam, domed or asdamed, thas Exthiiion Place. lies accessible te airaste vryicdy le Uic Torsto aes. Crtaicty, citiaes otOshawaand cBar- hrsegh meaid cjet le acy clediase fatie craf et the CN Toer. Of cl Uic regiecci ceuriflers, Sues Toti f Briiegie, tubra the mst reatosabte cpprserh. He say, "For a rcgoccei cccl ted a place tor il garbege ater 10uyrars f stcdy to comsider somethiug likth ic is aberd." Hec uittheUicciiosUctheed, selessof corse trer Haltes ante a de a diumaite mtech Ueymseuld ptal]tthe garbege. fi says mcreoe the eicctcd officias, tics it dem f their itentios. Fiel c beedagos ced atch tiese race t e t on. Fiel as issue, ced atch tUicmdlay and douitc-taUi. filmatera gtod palittîral semse. Bt getemen, pirase no more, Hem about tekieg off Uicerstcof the sammer? Brucc McDoeci, rese Milice District High Sebsl, as floe ite giant fast-ciepsofe Paul Van Drciot. MeDeel, the fail centre ruse ticeseiols haskcthail tcam, cas seced te Uie Oitlurio juniur Leautîand tcrcttly is ittceted cith a training session je Kitcener. Maiog tic grade is quitr ce ccomplisimeet. McDesld ciii later lebe part on a sertra of nas tional leursemensuievoticg tract rcm ececy pevne. Froc cl thc provincial teanta, a national junior tease i ii te srlected for jter- national tursaeete. The fever io art, aibeit ce c oer pofie. Miltee's majr midget rap hockey Cemetu rotîf te acb for as Brd yar uer thc gidnccef coach Bob Dvdoandmanaer Rick Horne. The duo ciii begie dry-land training fer thc cbisieSadetto0s..caE.C. Dury Scbsel. Al picyre et miser midgtmcd maor cidgai cgr jelerrated injetryieg st fer thc tecc arccoi- cd to ated tceeion. Thrcejîil te about tireacsesions tefors Uic picyerre dli felec in- dieiuasîpregramu. Acy paycr ccstieg te try ot roti the truc, bt ubîr 10 atted the sessioeniueday, tc asbrd to getitorrc rtther Detactio (78-1432) or tlort- CO95I 2 lt, ri-, tote cttrltttr The tac te itIe r oit t, rt, rratirttfla tI tateur crlgrts for the irs e tc oe et ofthe ry- st seaso. Att practice oil iscolca picycre rsm btihtaras. The mieor-midgeic have't yci ree m lg eha asiathcagi Dace Smihs rsperted ebecetilaideetra ng isasta. Fnldcsinse cili e made aI i te- giceleg ofAaguat. TI. Canaden Champion Chartty golf isers- amnt fr Milton Diletir Hspiial ae iti- ed. hA ofMaeday 137 glfers have sigasd ep for the f44 spt ciUi al Uic remalincg spatseas- pected t eettitdiby yrterday. Maris tredlf must goainte cciticeera of Mton for uapprtgUhecesat and te the marcns for thelirarge fiseeclel support. 0f surhis lg are reat camd. very scsch ithira trAlng dstance. Remax Really fe5eowa wth a 4-5 record and ejght pinta while Bectis aces paits and lTe Chartes' ve keep hth et thece trama e i hast fr a pay-off posi- tien. Game oneef tise week lhad Jas Suachls H-aitonsPoas, tîve-fas, for-iach offene le fait flght as they drtihhed Bsmax 4-27. ian Brand and Stahi rach had ime majors wth Racdy Sieghtheim, Kn Etahta ced Lee Farhas grahhlcg one apiee. Tccy Shaeffer reecded eut the attach mliii faur ceevers. Remax plins rame f4-cm Dec Hat's tme toachdows w miii Mark Laer and Mie Barias sddisg ucas asci. Hat atmo added oescascrtcand Burke Harrison ima as itemax cald at maim te ge il le grar as the partlcaiar clgit. Dace Swesiiced and Hnt eaeh had cee Inecepion le Uic frs quarer whlch heipa parttaity expiI Szuahls ime aie achnimfotr Hatta Pools, 'iissecond gameofef icwekk mcBacili fansa mes6asyards in Uic tesi misaiseof pay fora major ta pulisto a 21-1tie iwth lits Chartes Helin l a tlgtliy piaysd castrat. Baccit paintarcame freo LarryBaaliis mlithito majars, fDas Evans with Uic tyisg major and Rasdy Simpeonae Uree con- Fer The Charles, Gerge "Average" Wison mca Uic big part ef Uice ffers wlit ime field goaseacd ime ceeverte wtich esly goem te chow how ITe Chartes con- tncam te etrcggte ncfeettenlsceini and Hetor Campbiell ecrihad oce teanh- deme fr lite Chartes mlithCampbellt atm ickicg a one-point rouge. De defece Dccc Mrray ccd Terry Kchi had nee iterceptionecach. Game three et the mach had ths Dickesc chttisgeout Sargent Farms 23-0. Sargrts piayed itheci regutar pivot Adre St. Johc che, eumr has it, is amay tryisg te get hie P.G.A. Ptayrs card. BrcUirr Muke Sport s Wadnesday. July 20.1983 the ehoreset qurterbacchlg careere je flag football hltcry. Srering tecchdces fer The Dickens ceres HeilBeer, Deug Ranch ced Des Keseeli. Rcnch aise edded c fied geai and ceevert te ge with Jim Sîmpsees rouge. oe defeece, Mîke Heace cead Plait Witlg ecch fad cee inerception. The oeiy deet madecon the scrresheet fer Sargent Ferm asas cfirrt-qartsr je- terception hy Mibe Barbette. Oh, and by the ccy, Fred aches dîd ccl de aeyihieg emhrracîîeg thie weeb whirh wcs qite icr fr a change. M RO5lF ETAUANT1 OPN4HOURS 40OCHIMBOLM DR, CORNER 26 b401 For GÉdfloo Ciq Alcock cools heat and Rigo in singles final Despite sweltering heat and high humidity Chuck Alcock overcame the ele- ments to win the men's singles title by scores of 6-0, 6-4 over Mike Rgo for the GallîIinger Tenis Copon the weekend at Milton Tennis Club. Ibsyastorosment, whch spsnned Saturday and Sunday, wli be remembered flot only as a demonstrution in excellent tennis ability but also as an ettdtetncettescteite picyrd îas iv Theeruer' mccvchatlengers tta the thrace oc inglethu at .irtk but ehen t l as l ecer. the twtlmewicter mde itthrre ttulighf eith aettsittigwitteser %ike itt. Shoing a runinglcadai expresso suirPiereBol ttoegheat the ( ali er Ccp mn igetni hl peenhips ce herend inhotadhri arcn ditionsat theNilticTee f Chb teresties games on the oe-bercer court surface, Att participacts should te cemmrcded et their ci tmngcess te compttr jn the 35 degrers c marathon. Wtceicg athirtes have opeety admitted that the ove maie factor settintem apart feom att ther athirte c ther s el-cofidenerand ascreoec that thry are the teet rrmnctherfield. Aicenit ecid he bneec hec he tepprd ce thr courtintje Uicen- W icg roand that h bcd Uir reper- rnccracd ahitity Ite V wic the trophy. He eid be bsec hu Mua Rige ceutd -- he hie toegbet - epporest cnd that . he ccc d heut And sei h finat match of thr Chech Alcocit tecreumeet. Acockbecird Rigo hy rorecreg t hefrt etfinrotheet lotet a gamehbetore takitetthesecondeset. and the match. 6-4. Bth players enteettierd the epecttees -1t powerfet serremg and peectsoe ptarmetcf rhcte Turnamet nrgueizer RbhCot tee peseted Acocb wth the $oit theert.prfoe mocey ateet rith the GutttcgereCap. Rigoeaeueed tait for second spot. Ameef the plans ter the torfley nert yece. s o lt ere. ru a ceaite- aicatice et the toeeeey oherehy the top local payerrcroeatd face cOiffre -empetttioe for posseeseion etthe Giniger Cep. Ie Mitoit Teenis Ctuh E Lague acfti Suday. Milton came up it th a 236wnomere Nsagurouyi Ait single tayers won their mat ches lcdhy Barry Peeey wrowon 11Il 0, ther resulttvieeiteitt Hart 74 Neviltle Nermae 6-5 and tait te the dubleccempetitiec. Hart anid Nemtane eltet9-2. 4-7e'htle 'erey and toberets alritePttt -5.1- Soccer skiffs climjc coming AIt soccer players up te 17 yeues et uge are rted t ry eut their chrls je the Milton Opttmtet iteccer Sibrts cempetitioc itturdaY Aug. it ut Briuc Bet Park. te ro-oprrtiee utb SMltonit Yiuth itocrer Ctub. the Optmiet Cteubrtrt rue the competiion ahich wa'rtt the eitte et drihhblicg. puecret. ehootiet, throre-iv und hatt ceeteet, Trophies ortt he autarderi te the tep threer plaver e each categôce , àndde lt ttat,,,, inhr et the Toronteolzzard North Amer- rue Sere cgcr tram rrtt heioe haed fer a cee-heur chtie arouel case. Rrfrrabmente mut tbe avait- chie fr a modeci prier. Ait regictration ii tube pace on the day f the e'mpatitice. Me istertratice je avaitahir fronm cruches i he MYSC. Ccmpetiticc ie fer bth boys ced girls. There c cno rergistration tee. The rategerieare ce teticmc date et hrth le as cf Jas. t. 1983): i Novice fr ttc years and ceder; Squirt for 7-; Atcm fer -te. Mos- quito 11-12; Permse 13-4; and Junior for cp te ced iectudisg t7 ye are. Cumpheitvilie Mohawksb ted hack The final match ith Exeter cas cceer tcom ut epeeteg-gcce lsec te mIin me thae prhape Uic score jedicates. Exeter srcught ced the rcoltionechampiccchip jumped ec tarter in Mitchetl tee tirer et a toreumeet jeninccrdine oce tr case jethe second icieg. Mhawks reeheed. boucced teck te score Uree in the tep cf Ater droppies a bert-hreabieg 5-3 dsC- the third cciy te watnb Exeter regainc te isroc te rrh-rrvcl Tilsecburg je the lccd citb c rue te the ferth. opeer. Mohwks rcgrocped ccd biasrd Hecever, Mhawka ied the score cn the leugue rieufs Cmbrtdge ifangers 12-5 sfh h etre gicg cp te dtay via c fhtcc- befece tcttcg the tfle itfb c l-i wîe ever run e eeth ced ancUier three ransete the Exeter. No close games for Royals Mlton Royaf c berfitted frem ca master- rut ftce-hit pitchicu prormaece frees Dace Trcer ocre eight iciets te pare the club le a recomrd la-o romp ever Bur- lregtee Bruts St ucday uffececue ai Bri ettPark Ptrbrcg ijeterttrrg brai. Turner ddi'tIshoc uey il effecf s hy gettieg ice tribeaits rhite clicg juci three. Tt cas c ceiromed tarecreced fr the club hroirh ccc blue le-a Wetleeedcy hy Iagite-lcadrcg Duedus Chiers. The ceititioteel Hyatcrecrd le 8-7 t ptr , lhtrt t,gtrrThrclubttr rhtch giacaite 1he tearo- a becfh i Onctaro usehull Assocation playeffs ic Rycls. The 10e clubs meel Wedesday ;rioighft cnahiinjea pivtai game. fîtbeca leugh cerit for Bayais. Tliti traceis te Camptetivitie atrday fr a 2:30 Pc .scrt. Agaiesi Briigfec, the liras Trner brthere, Dace. John and Gie. dld mmi t the damage. White Dace as shaftleg dccc Briigtec. Gie as havteg a fild,- day authie plate geieg tîc-frflce mlit thoe ranse ccred acd ice Enta. Oies repped oat ice tripes, ice doulesandca single. oceger rcuhcr John atsiiamoed hie reticsed improvemnest it wl i Il and ime RBte. Alic in l. BayaIs'hittersejeyed Bects' ptlcicgte the luneef 22 bits.tRay Tccelr udded four its ac ree d c threrus bemee cmocg ic four rscs-befted-ic 'cfat cher Jack Catelce lscIt ece d for threerhils chite Abert Dcmrcdyb, cho pitrhcd the cet teieg, cedEKe Armciceg bcd 100 ilsaepcee rd tocice. jeic l test outtcg f the scasue, chipprd ic c th three hits. Ritycîs beehe epec c sroreicss gace rith se cucsin cthe thiel icieg. Tbcy allel actbeet the tourtb, for ie the tee i.ghtt r te ire ncci-tcre il cuc the suce stoey, ecept wrop t petiterersits - ches Bayais facd Dsedcc Rcyats ocre ted hy smenereea pitchiet by Sip McTrach uver tise iret fivee ce- cnge. Hr efi the game rsitico just 5-2 cn the sixlh. But tise reicee reaiode't beid Dasdas dcme aad chie addad sic mre ic thatf sing ccd sevra je tise final tIme et- cnge te romp amay mitit the ie, iheir lth ibis year aed asdispatcd passession of first pace. Errere playe a large rotle icestery mush Royale makieg ie. John Lthhidge paed Dacdas cli ice h is, a grand siam bemer and eix risties. Deedat eci-hit Mil- toc 14-7. Bayaits iemesgarnered hy Dacradyt. mlih three, Armtrng, GIe Tarner mlitha smie homer, Teneliiacd Bnsei. Mohawks rally for conso honors Hap Pucrott. roho rame oncintelitef ie the forthshut dorocExeter. 3oh Evans wect the lst tro i rcegs te gaie the suce. The bey bloc for Moharoks ros a trou eue homer hy Ttm Robertsein the seeth rohtch pet Campheltcttle uheul te stuy. Steve Tait, Mitchell andlRberts pure Mrohwksla it attarh roth three earh. Mitchell alco eccerd thrrc rues. Although Mhrokssteuch for lest lit its agurect Rngers, the cuh hceefitted froci heme ruee troroRobrts ced Tait. Mo- hawhc led "-hai the tcp of the second and utbough iRangers rlliel toc f ose rues ie their huIt et the tica rorwre eer c eentes threat. Bob Evans, citb reliet belpi [rro Cbrler Are'Curree. ent six icicte tee the cie. Agurest Titsoehucg. Mohwks relde't gel theireotievre te grar uctit the fifih sen- cfg hee they fousel hrmscivrs dece -t. Cutephelîile trrcteed te mabe a cee for il rotth t ce ranse tethe ifth and ceuiher je the stth but ccc eut of iceîcgs je the svniectcg matchec. The cub bcdite chaece leaieg the bases ocle te the ,o f,, ttle lte inthre.oxth tn 411 t ltirl rai)i t ru rtC t egt fi ns it- our ectongsofcflMhuwk sarter Scott Gudd te tetufltng fver rues. Purcoit reijevd Gadd ccd riierd att evrc batters he faccd. te eaguerpay, Mohawkseliadtceodifii- culty geffieg ite ofiencre acrached. Thc cub recerdesi cnecective ta-6 ite away te Buricatue Wdeedcy ced Cccfhra Park Tbsrsday. Bth cubs pult up the bottom of the teugur. Agaicet Ccci heu Part.,ticb Mitchell led the 17-it ttuch cifh ive owhitec Steve Smith ccd Rbert dded irere piers. uiap Parreit belird c brmer. Agaiect Brintgc, Mhaws cere ece more aceteme by brtiet 24 hits. Mitchel agate ted the cay wth sic chite Rbaerts cdded fiveeced Blt Deeis feur. Mtchel and Currie heted hcmers. i -J i