Ryau Snndy 5 smemberoet ejIR SkYeN aive DDe Omohe Dansmte membere ifthe tompe durtug the Cracofe ileriage Festival. HRCA festival is successf Hilton Reglon Cnevation AdwictY officilsnarehbanig ovêr tee censaof thee Cricciord Lke Hritags FestIval daspto a dcoosrrgt in tise nldea otiv tes. Tisefetivalas hldtot mach tee fiet anolvernary cithes Autortys fondiag ofia tond to, contruct an tterprenative oetre and ronrrec a Mo yearoid Indien Vilage. Tise lke is theecentra of attraction o ai oue of anly 12 khooconaclolahen in Canada. Thohottom n ver turnoovrsnthe ndiment canhoebrnagt up incoren and tee yarn can hosS asindistlnct iayere. I casn isose of teese inyern (dated ai rnaghly 140 AD.) teat coco pollen wsi fonod. Thin xcited reircisen ecansil meant tecrnpImuet have heen claitvated in theearea and teat In toco bed in tee dlcovery of theefndin Viage. Arcliaeologinia have ince founsuthee village contilnd nnerlonghtsoonand 10 in helag rebaitS cite urne of teelonghcsnaos aIaplae.Alacot $270000 ofthee ;78,000reuledhas already hee rilnd. On Sanday, ateocty spoeonnan Gary Httensaid sonee 2,000 people came ot t50 onjay thee iaheand the boardccaik chlch hon heon contrsctad around IL Perhapa tee h it ftheeday cciii vIO *DÎ el m ildIlie artit Rohert BatMmn as prtcipated in o crs- maniaitees pastlog. Tise festival wuon mo mde rchr hy tee vioIt of tee liai Skye Native Dascees and severl native artisans fram Ohccsken, oQ JACKPOT $60000 OPTIMIST CENTRE-UpmhI 311 CSnuucst Si-AMu alHl Durm pffs630 Bornas Slul7:15 Sonins Mngh adin fS -o * STAGE DOOR : * MUSICAL COMEDY ; REVIEW o Evey rld@y EteSatarday 0 C4LL FOR RESER VA TfORS CAMPBELLVILi.5a fn ONTAIO Lp *Tolaphon TorM neOOOLo (Ms$=".27 OilS-i5 GOLI)O restauraff tahviert> aChinse Food, Sceak acd Snafocd OBusiness Lucheos aFully Licnsed sodar L.L.B.O. Tak-Out Service 458 MAIN ST. MILTON 979-594 STARTS FRIDA Y Quakg qCuiLdiw, 1. OuwMer 2. SteMe" in i lite Man ut C )oM Two BrehVuT RDA ATRA _________ John Bannerman and Jamie Campbell @"MoOPB ...,,ERVATIONSS49 EASTERN AVE. 816 p m CALL 58333440 ACTOS HWY.7 O5IELPH i entrec ftowil by CRcossing. Show$toftaniilU -maies At the Plainsmanl CountrY Buffet we're a nice place to eat wbere good folks Ilke to ineet. WE OFFER A NEW DESSERT TABLE FOR FRI. BAT. and SUN. EVENINGS U014W4 IOOmiOBWndYSSSiui' ODlmcSl on 0H07 5 .15 k. Wtf HY.ô Tou Aq COUNTRY 'n WESTERN z- S lnights) Il Juno 2nd, 3rd, 4th skàL& for "good nmes "special meals &tconcoctions " dancing c h MR 400 Main St., Milton RM 876-4444 /avga Chine» &TCnadCenaFoo *Dailv LaochfoOHSpecmln *Llcoud UdnSL.L8O0 nHomcnDaioey e PngoetlReOa tt5p.m. M9.Cýccrmco0c U Offcem *hO.Urnom Mon UsTFor.dd.hm7 *ONBREALLS wo BRAIN 'H 1 TI 1 ýýl Ô, 1 en Chwmpon, Wed. June 1,l93_'C7 "Datline Ita freelitnniomg eventavailable ta local coomaoity geoupu ta asolt ln pronstiot their future events. Only charitable or non- Profit commslty geoupo may use thub service. aod no commercial argan- nzations col ho aliowed te advertise ln thia section. Notices for -Dateline hoatd ho coiten ot and anded in atihe office of Thse Champos. lOt Main St. E., or mailed t50us5aiBox 240 Milon. LOT 4N9. 'he final dendline ls Frlday at 5 p.m. No items foreDateline" ciii ho ae- cepwed y telephone. NEIGHBOURI4000WATCH Wedaenay. lune I asd Wedaenday. Junno8from 7.30 p.m. fIn .30p.m.-To ho held st E.C. Drnry Senior Amditoru. Renidlentn ef Timberleal are aged tasuppimttis mmet Imporant cau»e. Learn ahout home ecrlty. impeet ldestlfy operatiaa identifies- isnanad more. Bocome a Nelghhcrhood Watch Acea foc yor nainu gond. Foc mre information pease cati Mrs. Lori Chapman aif87-4502. ST1JDENT SCIENCE FAIR Tiuseday. Jane 2 rom, 2.30 p.m. tu05 p.m. andtrain7 p.m. ta 9p.mO.Mltol Disrict lilgh chool preenos thiel scece fair.Over 200students willhoe dispiaylng thir projecin andu present- log thele accompliahmenia. SCROOL ANNIVERSARY Thseday June 2from 3p.m. ta5 p.m. nnd fronm 7.30 p.m. ho .30 p.m.-Te staff and stdenia of Perey W. Merry Puhlic Schooi are hodinan Open House ta coehrat the 25th anniv- esay of the school. Speciliceremony ai f p.m. Ailformer niadenla, hachers, principals or inhreted persans are lovited ho attend. GIANT GARAGE SALE Satorday, fane 4 from 8 a.m. 10 4 p.m.-Sponsoced hy the Orderai thee Eastern Sae, a garage osaie at St. Clair Masonin Halionllighccay 25. Saper har- gainso, hahe tahlecrafia. hoohs, pants, clofisou otque, Oc. Donations cclii ho grshfaliy acceptod ai tee hall Frlday. June 3from 1p.m. te 9p.m. Fr futher Information please catil07&-5133 or 878- 3776. A VIOLENCE FREE SOCIETY Wedaesday. lune 8 at 8 p.m.-Dr. David Smith, phyician and surgeon at the Hopital For Sick Childreesasd memer ofthe Baha'i commlilty wll give a publielc 01h0iasobjeot at the Milon Public Llrary. Alcweicome. QUILTING DISPLAY Wednenday. mue o from Il a.m. toi p.m.-You are Iavlted tu viese the qilit. h.g projecia oi commonlty gronps ccho have participaied in the qnltiag course nponsorod hy the Otario Misnry of Agicltture asd Fond. To ho hed t St. Pani'. Unied Church at 123 Mais St.. East. Free admission. Everyoneccel- INSTITUTE MEETING wednesday June 8 at 12 noos-.The Camphoiivile Wome's Institute cii ceicome viiiors ta tels meetisg. Penemelaithe Masonie Hall park- isg lot. A picole lunch. lecture and tosr of herhscilihoenjoyed atKilo Farm in Pnaiiach. Transportation arrangetu. 12.50 per persan. Loohlng forcard ta seeing you. ON THE WATER Satorday. Jane Il from Il a.m. ta 3 p.m.-Flshing seminarne 0 o eid at miliipend in Miltos. Taih ta 01e proe about eqolposeot and flohing tochniques, lice demonstration on flippisg techniqueo, proper se of spianer and hu. CHAMBEROF COMMERCE GENERAL MEETING Thoesday, joune 16 ai 12 noon-The Milo Chamhor of Commerce inites yon In attend theele set general meeting aith0e Herlgate Inn. The guest speaker cctii ho Wayne L. Nooghty, Tonche Ross asd Company. The tapic ccliibho Survlval Strategies for the In- dependent Business Man" Tichets cclii ho $7 per memhor or $10 for non- memhors. Lunch la inciuded. Calil 78- 37îisoreserve tickets. SENIORS' ANNUAL DINNER Wednesday, Jane 22 at 12.30 pm.-Sesior Citinens Cuh 88 invites ail retred persan o bis1onnual dianer nt the Royal Casodias Lgin Hall in Milaon. Tuila special dinnor. speaker asd program ccii heip puhliile the Iheme of Senior Citlooos Week: We Ail Have o Lot In Shre." 86 ticket Include a 19&31.4 memheshlp, aod are avail- ahle hy calSng 878-785, hfore Jase 16. Mark your aeodar nooccta0share fond. felloccshlp and fao. flOUSE CLEANING Saturday. 100e 25-The Milton District Hospial Aailiary ciii ho holding thelc annuaa Stracchorey Fair. It ynu avae aoy sed articles and clothing. pleane gave them for ths event. The "e'nciy." table isin neetu of soch items. For pichup from yeur houge, plase catil Donna Worth ai0878- 6848. EASTERN STAR RAFFLE pries of.cta.Toronto WeekcHctfoi' T-), courtesy of 'Cas Tacel' and CP Hoteis. The inchy cinoes ciiisiay ai the Royal York Hletini Toroato. Bonus prise ai $W. Second prise in a cookhooh and 01rd prise lina hamode cushion. Draco t0 he made ni Si. Cair Manooli Hialon Hwy. 25. Tce§are 81 esch and casnbhobohained hy caiulag 871-5133 Or 878-3708. 1