Waste run along broad bands *Coatiiaed frise page AI believe Mitnn iî right for h1, Corporation pting for three duo En its agricutral clas- différet siles. ificatin," h. iid, oddisg lho Olier areaz ahown on the. lat mme -'mal prnblen i sapas psibl cotiiders rationalioigmy hugho on a ares ni Brampton aid ao "Wo bave En oiecaution road ihhmxnEfcommunitlu oabout overrectinf. We have extendisg fmu nAnroste o Ensol een chosos asua candidate Niagara Fal. sit Ye, only acandidate ares. The latter iî idontifiitd as "-Me nexlxlep comm mwhen siable for phyn- hey chnnse ha sit. lhat i ical/chemical and ncinerar mes th bttlenltart." wasto dixposal and certain Dr. D. A. Chant, chairoai section idol for a comn- aid proidmil of the Ontario ponents. Wate Managemnt wW ho "But ha1 ix hcauoI1 dosEt present ai a Miton Cuil Coxooiet posorfxi heothior Mare ch Sleil imted iiflnie. 535 Clone, Park Cessu Milton Ontaro L9T 4T6 A I 878-89M W ISi E DET me', TCeO he om S. S0omnn,.'Imi Bd. ,vdI"hm 30U Je lOnAe,,.d.n.~nm 824-0327 COUPON From .very ou*.of y.., celer egeiven for le«@ th.. YOuM Maypay .1..- whccc for segler s»ha prite.. No Fil. Prepald SIPECIAL 12 ep to 5 x7....S$.99 15 mp to5 IL7 ... S." 24 «p to5 x7... 6.99 36 mpto 5 a7 ..9. I7 ASEBT 76'TON meeting wilhin the net iew weeho, occordini lx the Mayor. At thal ime ho will anxwer qoestio'ns and explain the pro- ceon of electinf sites for the waîle disposai facilien. Arcordig ix Mor Krantz, th Corporatiomil libely same a site linfal, and dur-- iog the interoxo prond Milton could bhoelimnaled. -We coid xili hoe elm- inaed and ht is vry euch myjp "oo,-h xaîd adding hr dxist enjoy the prospect xl Milton beoming h. chesen spt for hoîhiof nuloke ;tachxi, pllut nad the icals leaking into ares aolr. Mayxe Kantz aid he tla lo very coscerned that the OsE- ario Wate Management Comrpration is exempt frnml the Environment Assesmet At. Ho aid he juxE earned of the exemption aod added ho dom s ot col i1115 "fair game" th. Corpration does nol bave En go hrnxgh the ame pro- cexx an other organizalion LandfiiI search is 'devastating'r min Jack Raills oarnei coSncillors about h growlsg cost of h. ragions search for a landf itealto lait week'as mmlmeeting. E=meln he h.ladt few weeki lithoefout th y nuld moueset enover $1 million froon h.orIgInaProvinial eslmate ni Ater the council meeting, RafOi spec- latod th coet coud at À70U sorEn o eli over $2 imil. "I doittlhlnk some people.roalize h. dol- lars ivlved ls h5shlg" th. chairmas Esld counsil. "Qollefrany, 1 dinE bmow what En do." Cnuscil passed a rcosmmosdallon ont- llnig six rmsolutioii, among whlch ak the provnc tofud 75 perend of the cnt of the Cosscillor BIlE Johnonsof Milton relteated is caim Eh. regioshould get fnsfothprvinoe. "W wlll ho settig tepeeetfrtemet of th. povince- we'll h. dolsg 1hhe luepnt"h. sald. "lW. ail shoroeh. chirmai's frutration, but hin lovol if 1nveramest cas impose thingonou ni" sl d akville consillar Ans Mulvale, SIswtig tise charmai go En Quemo' Par aid pend h reglonsa case. Chbef Adminitrative Dffcar Dnins Perlis han aald hat h.pnvinco 'ch.sged th rudes" about the stad d"ht cnsult ast Petr Walker if Wa*ha, Wx-lghenad Yng seil have En tet ai h. beglssdng. Tbhi adoo En h. study follow requiremnens under h. Envlroomoental Asment At, rathor. thon h.iarrnwer Envhromio Protection At. '*Wo oere laId hy h. povince that al w'd have En do En dosE nff a few nId stladisa E gottEhe Environmntol Anomimet" ald fromn thepovnice. ' But h. CAO told couiil lE wan btter En go back aid do th itudy prnporly, rathor thai have thoervlcsay hi Eter yearnthe rMes chas gaan. "I1 knnw itos expnivo, bt me roally have no choico," PerlEs sald. "En doig 0h0, wo are on h right trark7" June 3, 10 aedates for cleanup The assuaEi prisg dean up dtes bons hou oisnonced fer the tows fnr the urbos The dates ire June or north nofhMai S.; and June 10for scuth of Main St. Public wnrbo drector. John Matthewi moted. liaisnuelal plgcleai'up allons th resideot En place nfr collection Items hat are rdinarily 'tll' uncollectedfor 00.pn ftime aid are placed sut on regLr Friday collection durng h. year. 'By havog ibhs unoe a year concerted effort, it allows the majorty ni articles En h. cllected onstheonoe occasion aid dom et lie up' our vohicles fr otended ffidoys durig tho remider of h. year." Mr. Matthews aid 40t Ene. of niterials were plckedxup n tho cleaxop lant year aid some of il, libe mell, were recycîmi rither ST. BRONTE ST. S. between 327BRNTE S*DERRY RD. & MAIN ST.. MILTON STRUGG.E 1STOEHOUR& 1 OWRI E AR E REULR RONDBEFj ISSTA CP FF 118 Ew uiaKeLn28OUT JE I W 2.84ko FRESH RABBITS 27 .6.14.k. 2.79e,.eg,î4 2.89m..sa. 1-99ib.4ag5, MOZZARELLA CHEESE CANADIAN MEDIUM CHEDDAR CHEESE PILLARS" POLISH SAUSAGE FRESH SLICED COOKED HAM ~ oOsDU..A PPDFLO *peDOF.SA CAN NOi CANNO ¶ CN NO ROMAINE LEM1CE .99.. BERUNKA RED RAPES *99. 21. GREEN PPPRS madixm ias .791b .7h FRESH eeOCCOU E I - - -.-..i PBUNCH CARROTS Pnd oU.SA. Cn. N.l ONIONS Pnd oEl.SA. 3oa. S-. 99 F,eshDaily FANCY DEUCIDUS APPLES B59eIb.1.3Osa RO PIECES AND STEMS MUSIIROODMS 0.69ti PRIMO LASGNE q9 S UNRAvWHITE SLCEG BREAD EVFRY DA Y LOWPRICE n6 OUENCH CRYSTALS /,ý.,GENEnAL MLS CHE RIS le BROWN CON NSTANT CIIOCOLATE xveUP 1199 CASHMERE TOILI TISSUE Aiinrt.d Cxolou 129 xdîPPv CREAMY BUTME , kgjan ~298 P COMGTE IOTPASTE 399 CLOVERLEAF PINK SAMON Soz. JL à m 'W'qwF lb. 1