MM .L MI CEDAR tros$, Singl se cootol . DOM",es FAflMER'8 MARKET $_00_____U4M 14L1WyARoP4010/PREt<G0<RE EVEIIY WEIKND Maleflotrs0, SIl otogrtRe335t22-2204 400 Steees Ave. Mlton Selurdmy & Sunclmy at TEUES reove4. SSALS.SSEVC & RAM Hwy. No. 7 &OlxIeRd. removed onywher9, arev net121 LOCATl m SSTLAVALE __Fins______ NEp14W MHovrerer CALL MMW AT, 7034682 SAVE oe Buter bia, spi rper -300.00,13 par ceot dscout on New Lisse! prtabis rer 029.U0 ait Sies ordored Ka e. .ouoe. No cles tex.14Helle Tm U* sGq lSi boo. Mo=y 20. 5S00 Wei 41n2m 10 ilsFurntture & Oelwrd*yOey2lit 50,14.1 Rt..reBur h. Aptliances. 3290000 tO(Reindet May 22nd) S300, 501 pr/ced et St <Mev 7),. olto11 Sn o .r Ceourt 02.51. Similar »vingt0 VAIST Mlls Acton)OntC. en. O.m.-2p.m. Con iacoteMS. l OOUSEOFPIANOS 0211. ioosOucteoi CnadSriens.Cot. & jy. 0 btirent of DVBRMEAD gare* ouseold t e.. , books, baby Ihings, cros cun- 5145g3.355, 0140011401 Wsrdoso oerdeo ble,0motel,101. Dely e o.p.. 1 .0-oast. rykis e aiFotyi. rrcebMoouccarticles. e21. îo3) Reyt5.r AT'$ Uplrostery. .~ ~ Z Coic.4Osda. Excellentt oricos. GIANT GIANT 414094833 thl. Reelaetbe GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE JENENI8 .... zla i res. 05-200. W~ fo1 tr Acto14 Agictorel TRADING POST CEDAR TREES toc N clarerfln shotAoiat ondociFetyeRoland UprigRIs si Grandse 6. l l dn Po gt. 0s.4 tockh& 0 ddtop 4- Ecelent fo as,*OO 25 Parct 001 discountt mime. My 212Z 23 parei. Ceee.eueost 3'te C Z20 tis cseic o.y. May p21 9 ..O.. ecm pnBaa LiiiicucS Piatos. For 0*.0.-4 O..4.t oeoes.poot Fe eveyoWnesstore ours colt 644- et tsetend o fEdgee Regiotiel Rd. 12 Sn. 10- 7.00 pr.m FrtcMvr 1 ~ 7. c.oud Rd. Southr of Acon Lceltoeret frot. 01mn. POOL. rorticoise otoIturre.ty 25 sidriodi Mohaowks ecotrectc. /kg stabiliied granuer Folote igna. Nm et îffli14. loocIuf coui853-0918 05.95 & kg tebeiizod erd re-cc.ditioned Mwm2 sstr idAo pucho 7o.0S"95. Coli :eroeror, beby w.2,suhoAc mima for compet prie@ lm5. t"r, cnuag e fil n.AL 1hA typtrrierc. for soie 033-101 lActoori rdio ororc.o. - SALESfui or r0tl . photo 879- POOL 14p00/000'book _ on 021.y~0 6962. Hrris yourc 1400 tforOtt Pm' ufiP Statiotrery.. 14004. Coli Atelea tic mIIy Garege Sae CEDAR trou k& polit Pool and Spae0M-11011. Garage Sale SATUODAY. MAY 21 I T for ca/e. 05il2404 REC ROOM o crps#, FSmitus, AppéalecoS T u VE WOTlE CLEARANCE -Ce- $8.93 square yrd BOMu.e. - OF pteirs chair$, veur. ,rsacti. Celil Jt ..M.Broa-wayet GUELPHl UNE SIJFBUOIAN«U pieid, oa. 077 042 30Milons o.oest lor Eoery COME orow thLi st R N trecter,. letMayy 0ot,~or. osMy Gardenr plots for reft Simpi/ity 16 hp.. 2 0120SMy28 cylitrdorIMmrsoietO 1.0. Garage Sale 1983 beckfing plants,010 drioe, 68e mouer - 31 evieietoe180 roter. 000. GARAGE udyMy2 1:011.. 232 Drry Rd. E. .70:Askints$1850.558 90. Merdo.Ma 2 1504. SADDLE (EoOliSh, SALE fmeelon.m O4pm DO VOS NEED l--diy-s-d10-0295452Woodward Ave. KELJO AN=IJ carpet? Fret toOigs. SAflJDAY, Auto Partta& soaco.. . EORGETOWN estiorest. Cali Jet,50100150 Mctineso for MAY21 ore, 4141100.gtl, baby OPOTAO 878-4280. .._ saie recotrditiontradl u MM rr/rotre.Chrstmas ELECTROMOME 26# 50 pren 0t ott. Ail iesli &0.LLlm colour TV, MM;tJ.cSi R.o oirntoSer. 3SMcAB rtch mont. o009000110 ortete chait cso JR /o o- CRESCWIIT021-Mo0 Smoo, ctal ces.vice, 87"947. tracter, I$1020aTOREE piEcE r. CROldrerro toriture. GARAGE SALE ____ roII&o.y cet, 30; 977on cordouroy soaeset, 1camping49 05ipmtrO4.Odsriotou . u. Ford 0one tn trucks 2p/ac roc ret rlohero, tavy oticr 04 S4000 or hetat'orlonia141Sofa0eset. Wall set May0. 8504-989. o e.utt/I5/h uit In bar, _home.________ 5... -Sp. F/EPAC _14 b ras lirecret. Wth Grage Se. 0111Ute. Nmaoaee., woodsove, ptetr drr0040 Mo. May233 1/4 mile oorthofut15 <. O» Powr tfilsorinimumt TREES tfot sale. 9ee.r.-2 p.ou. Sided. ROeSOcut<.0 irpaedmni Wioesae Pr/ces. MI 1000.5Uet1405 tiepee Iv00 e0 r 000RtMopI01, (South1of Hspil) i LAWN SALE-May .1001.70 end ct1".g0For' Sbe Maie, 0,r021, rein4 dteMe22 .14orepformat or Coloredlo Bise Spruce. MF/e yr. 221.1. /.o tol Oil Blu Haven00Juolpors:o. 37Pn t. itn 87-70aller 5 p.. - 4Hic00 ews. Prpie IE -............ . .14.tod .t ..........o.. FIOEWOOO. irch Ltet Pitotbs Srubs, '<We Believe jé BLACKSMITM. Soce ed mep. Spit end ed Wt irch.087. . Otre.Nmett M-ivr1859 tdil 12. InHriae' MAY and straro for crrctvetshoe10, - .00.. TWD autottti. ertO soie..Feedellvers. of 1405 Gforeton. 416. FOR cee-24" sfovO. otirs woouîte 200 Res or .more. 002. 77.4417. 1Ocu.l.rid. Free machers & 1 oecrIc Fritue Roord 1673eEXPER iENCEO asece. Reffthî sIn11k, drs.r, od but /in OamtChuir Cuovo 011000 rfou SPIIde o. «Il vý Ilt&00tv08O Intcon4dit/on, $100 o eare 1/4510 csnW. Most0 o Io 8786956 0L2......... 001 1restrea .p . r/s lyrs5,00 end5010 TýiÏRErec hos.reRAL E*oric 0004 100.FoeO00i " furkeys. F011 lime1Of Ausc. Fréet 11510 trorettrdgee kcom.plets 900. Mats. No DpStripping ranoutd sut 0proet. lird. Litited turober stoceaocett o 0004erer d I tem.. MARY W. SEEDS Bramoptont Chick o brut cous. 2 yer coOdit/o. Atk/t0$050. 211 e00/1400. Mtchers. Co. Lt d. /but Re/ters k 878 579 aer 5 P..r UEO pee05 p 878-3U5 Phioet1.41-451 -M06.' erngopenhalliers. Motte tepeir Service. te05 y/'tsotS 01171414 EE gai, E/s/t MoPiresoIrFerros, No lob toc b/g or toc Frdoe2.00 0; MILTON o501and ort oirl9y ony 7-47 stiait. Firepieces and ratge $265.00, Fee Pick-up & Oeivct's. roi roto oOtit/ut 5 REGISTEREO Chitoteys ou, Automt4tc Wster OSO.r 00., cetut etd Atroos Moies 01442 sptc/Oity. 07040560r . 025.00 Auforrellc ttettl. AberteiOy Yearling estut Ro/s. 65-1004. ryet S200.00. Ai IPreaM. Fora, Mito. 87- Reeds. for breditO. INGLlStr/Orleretot & aobte appl/atOes are 19742. Ater 5 0ue/ph oller seî.cîeruirinecellet t ork/rto 5114-e21-4207 Acfot 05- Ilc. eoct go rdteo r ppp. CALLAWAY FEEDS LTD. 2179. oood1condt/o. $225 rut/rn coour. 5No/05EST.19s Couier 0. 2Ftritr enrd JCZI -App//etces, 352 000014 Inraducng ne0141100 Quarter soACUvoe Fite t . S. /000. 7, a/for MOBILE FEED ROLLER orses, 100 acres $1otte cleor Partc.MHil, /A14fot,Ot., FOR TEXTURED FEEOS 000. 25 Northr of 81507 303405.211. Ac1. Bo000ste/ie JOMNIODette6utWATE R ED-Qu en tFOR YOUR PECIFICATIONS ON THE FARM /59/0, teoltte tracter, w00/0lem- sitematress, reter, 1619-7522031 roter, 04X1201Initeor * twtt ettrced, satety liter, un. /00per-O0eet Foeds) ae t 0cr am ne ru/ntaled ttor f/r/cut 0004trotte. oSraig Jetso Svouer. ovethaelutBrendrnetu, uae Sadig akonMA tesr5./Ot. 5-5/5/00tou. S175.6376904. M = m Polmleaqe tt/ou Oei/..A $1,100. Coi 87-394. -WEDOING fo orseti Ptemard teioto M044005NY 14010.0moletiesl pr/ces.Bor nldsu. anddetdt.b/02 2 SttOi/FresR or 5/1/, Os.ex- oneu,/14dvdoel t0M4 t ettps,; ii14/tuocttper/nccod dsiner. DORSflET cnttt tei riit ened chapes; bthroutt 54205. ttrcioree1ai mirtotr.876-7863. WHI4TE 13 Cu. fi. A lInstAE ~ Gergcto0ra[able MATCM/5G sota &ghtrido, 1202.140orgWR/toe052.205 19 cheir, brouc ct/cet, 0rtrge0S25.00, W 30'3201 11 e ne1 45. 74200145 Dobloe 014014renge TOP SOIL - SCREENINGS aMer O p.t. 225 .00. Excellent MOVING Sle-ustovo, coothîtO order. No SAND - GRAVEL - STONE tfr/Ooat, 0005e, soies tec. 85-0211. ETLCPSCuîyHe d-ver. retreo,.Elcro MO/rtot Mic SFrnitSte RE I CPSoutyHm h00014 Rîtin winu< 0and APP//e.cec, 52 PATIO SLABS cabin/e, sota. 78-2177 QueeOSiS. /1400. 7/ or 844-937 tt0 Mo/ot Mis, lActoO, INTERLOCK STONES Boarding Kennelo îc01D prs or er. o.501 ýcc for major &p WMV panel? 32 se. f. ROCKERY STONES Yaî Round Bourdîng p iturcel' -01140114 1405/05 ppt014/tt Stctdy' Cai oe/y, 10001401& 5t00140 PORTLAND CEMENTOosHCs - 04..H.c,70.1000 cedot $2; pirs 21. 0' 175 M/,/(a14t5frot00 egth.4", " o. " MASONARYCEMENT -Gc Stto.)wi 4/ 519-8 SO 433295 w m#fne w 42 lt knc CALL 878-2500 87-37 49 MO0018800MM.MILTU 1iltit old 1Lo cross,Iros led trt sRtI. t70 71Ï0 GARAGE SALE Box PLANTSmo e.ipwe GrnlUMS 4'- poli $11.00400.14 sorocme wf"nm FREE Hengng BaeTh.-1. S Slrawberry Plnts ot- MMo. .. ý GARAGESALE HUTCHNSON'S ---d SIGNVS (on. ie socutir o Dery Rd) .e,/ k oce. . - Gres*eeSulite %. h-01400 tu.O.-.dol/y .dacor.ay-orsel. inth 33:-2515 MILTON ýft1QùiQ1 (nmplo 1 » AREA ~/l//4/ /.0Q1i'octUAL/Tcedartres<toto ercol 000 F00SALE for hRutnotr sur Spetor10 8782341 fa- toto UnR,, f timing. Installation. brisyu atnee Cout M2250or 853 OcaoCe. 0cetortoutrr 37toceo/,Oc. Rd. i/st r rd ato utSCHOOL BUS ERAMOSA EMPORIUM M401 dei e. 8-2. Aen do. da c..eeoce teOcW005 3c~~ Cetre. heredely. .50 eesc 0.o e 04.004W tOo *40par mrth L pwlgGarde-porenrie coeecs.o.. Veduatedoorsa TOP SOIL pant 1pecleic- FrFum Ifo Call tnlit tOOpt1btuck Sd Stéeses Ate., 2 0m'las casTmoohaayein 4 13&M010cl7 t ttibied -top 0*31eale00 t fNO. 10 HMyGoreeto o SotrOorS. Sufde0'u .pleeue& 8164jjjjj4m deiverci. oitclya e n a4olimemgo 0e021. 4.2537 . tO Inf-ortionO LMOOcMMcOOOO0MZI0045 gebe staff. 377.44431 Wheebbeetoi Coporation of Caomet Bod.l .00040410MRotea.ta eoeusfeelcege deid The pisryutaodeo f titispositionà t. bok ag opseatlo. but w040 @se. 10.00e peogeeee edoe etesoitle aso delegated by Be riion udeprtment Nueorqualificatons buoudoe oed beow4edge of tse Igyteet 34 n04@11 of ha utiROsean040 to e 8eote eopanleuce esis 0.01.100eseeto 10.004e JCL and Comucle- donexpoeeoe. Pl«afappN5. ln leBgufenowgOuPurie.oand ueahtr etpaoltiei tet 401 Whelo r wWi, À& 441U7 Partllms Sscmtty Prsu Mote. relis. persain reolr»d Infm dey for weekSeod worlc Hotre w be 6Oam. ta 0 p..Saturdos & PC Sunday. Aply npersontIo: MAPLE LOOE FAIMS CIom Chwd 5h01. Milto Public Ubwy toutouapplicatonu be ulep-e-de.ogChWotUbredoot Theo Uber bulamdoos end aeevespopculainoef30,000. AppliOousaIld0ehooudd hâaede. b Ubry Scienc e d miiumof0014 e t a4dinisratveupedesoo ho public Umm y t Appicatons eut reeuet selaretvetd byMa. 3, o Mi.905anu lsd O Meaeddreed tu Me. LWood. Cheterm Mfou.Publieo Ubery Bowe4 c MILTON. Ontaeio, LOT2L5 WELDER eqgtedrcdute. h aut0n4odboget lotsued uFhesre..arge Pplintbe tebomferute on Mue bufotty qu~ tooammpre vsue" co.deut aomtnimuof7 lae. eed.bc& Mut bou léOt t o o bWut o oyeceovmeo ooute rduut ome eiecetlne mé-eo weldioe. Coospetutctce "ay .04 eed boosOlta.dry shiturduh so»oeeuha TDD WIUJANM OCANAD*ILTD. 12 ARMSO AV GEONOITOWU.OTAM «74M Bret otadet Qualificatons GoodueophaepesombOy Typlsg Itetomed parisous oul Co a ony RELIANCE PRODUCTS LTD. Toronto No, 821-3540 MULTRNPUBUC UBRARY roqutte Sudt o strt0e cohoci td.o lsdet, sould apply ln rhingtgte Thte Chiot Ubeeeiou, Milton ,Pubie.Ubrry. 45 BI Ercet Miton, ST J Full tt ostio avale de oo.04oolin/local cffic. Guod tptng 4<514 & protesoral tae-10 phone tetuet ei muet. Feen eortsonity c essentieli. Reply itcctiot c/c The CansediaoChttpior 101 Ma/o 0t. Mil/on,.Ontaric. -Yel-lr RECEFTIONIST for detitai oficeolr Acl.,j o,505eM. provouc epr04ce lB0~0O0 requrut. RePiY t10Box 904, ct on00Ffret 0.5..uO N., Acton. L7J 0000. R00.soe EL/ABLE ptt500 cuu lm. trusck to take p/cK upc IleosOWbbbw and de//cr/es. Coul Il 400. 878-171.08:30.00. 4,20 Pa ~ eu. WATED-Trectot 0500 Truck ttc/ou.s. Loco CAREER in t1t/o0teees/Oc S p lirockng-tretcltort otnyfrhi p. tRe r/w. to trait for youc Coes "" 1W 0fe 140000 . F0r pescetgead oh OAYCARE pacemetOassistance 611411prosd. des.co00 on :ai Torntoc raoclrty honnsoreeerabytfor .414/ 251-9073à cildtutovencages 3 t DUE t o expensio, 5 eb oneca Electrtittc Cnaeda l 6MsofCttêce /00kit for wonager 000. 878-M02 aler R tro/Otos. Saiery or p-rt h-1ce F.r SSITRrct1,c 0e 5 e -c , W 12046432, -kieor -e,c9ct Ici Bit//Ml/er. ch/O o878-6936,otr c NANNY, i/ct/o tor 18 1.0. mcrtR old ch/id. _________ wetkends and eve.itgs res. Locltg persor 1.1 01400.0prt otearelaeut.hRppy tottlsy. Ait.oet15. EtgiisR speoking, ttt- 10 lie. Ples.0al NE , aides,50 The Canadien Champicon, Wed.. May 1819M3 Bi We Ful <urscrry cRool 1400/ Mot ooco dnrps s Naptaclte. Lotrg eiallquppedç Moncday-FrobO 7 150<r Epevteced quia/Ou cuvuud Et 01sp014 leao ic tcrtrth, yir AM CONCRETE 5. ks, patos, stops, tI/crs & dricos. Reeeoae pr/ces. Coal M/ke et 05-0379 or Tmt et 853- MAN w/Oc truc k n//i du CCIdIlobs Sit2.00 ourly. Mopet U00 fourhy. Acs.utere. ats.time. 5-104. MOTMERS Sum ttO Heip. i/e/t girls fr000 Que00e, ho/p w/OR cRu/4e. g&Riusewotk. Success or refutd urateed. 1-22-24708 REASONARLE rates forhome reps irs & r00000tions. Repoir or buiho. ig ot rmail. 25 sers expeie.ce. K. Belley. 870-6425. 0ILL do /gt fous«eiOe/t, Cdos.- cars or i/ct /ln hotskettt/,g. 87-6862 oukfoer Juts. TSTOR INIS/ Maths, scieces, teer yetî teactiiog elper/oncc. , mproere.I guot an01e.04Catpke/li/// ARE VOl OF SEING 0% Ar. Yos Itolef.00d In Noturel Wcrl/ CALL E PFICILEMI Tues. 8.30FP.M. Thcvs For Ru/p cel 87-825Ï a 24-h0u 0144 R inefr Fu 1 Wek 010 Ms Cars e e FM pu irs Centre m. ooyouO M Ont. Lod.h CemNhicrot uercli SIO.,Miltot 18011 PIRIT MATCM- OAC14 t cylitde, ie dard, reut wivdcw 19r8M. Aooc2-. 1010514< ,0/en[ No a2 curritusitoacks. 1066U 4.2 1970 CONCORD DL p/.ygrccm. O pen .1i STATION WAGON 16 cyltoder, .tatlic, m "Oîbptt pcw tr <005.oOwe j taff.Goaverortr be/,ts, rdoetc. S,i Ns. 18M0 4,11. . Feoch prcrtrr. 1979 PACER STATION oot/o. 50c WAGON 64 S/inddtt ecbot/c, power screr, Etpooottileil mgtc. rsSeru/ oc 222490. 04395 )ULT STUJEENpoWE619MRENAULT4 41LE $7.00 parbhou, CAR 4 ce/todot. scen ai/igIero.r.rEtrEx-4o dard. SeriNo.6204047 ricr. Roit. Buid4 4.295 o.Foio oo/l 1978 CONCORD DL 4 o- enig Gu<oo/o g<cc 100<sedan, 16 c/litder, cr11. Mocoro AiJobs Ot14tOt.power rsr t/ctomd, coodit<,cotos otc. Sotal Um m OW No. 81064' $4695' PWRE M554 1977 GR14MLIN 6 cyi/det standard.Serial o u//t No. 701280.0 $1,95. 1977 MONDA 4 citodo,, standard. Mil1ton Serai/No. 100313.$,9 School 5000 ronto St. FLord10Sc/itvr. 1 'Itoring Frdva,14/ lide8 c-ec.. ,evc tet Absoilt// tOtOt 878-SORS Grirtrli, ck et Georgetown0 Cht/Oitt, RAMe1-TrV .077 Sp9ia014 fo uloTr artinte 69000a sis /1976 "OtThoAIr'NtRo Artoto. 4 cy., $600W Oeort/DjiW.atr $0a,1414 /975 octgeef lorviews/C0omerciais, Wgo,$300;14917< Cali N--B 1-064- Chrysîer N~wrt, 3616. 0 $ 3050(0; t97t Fc/ ýa5Wagon, $59900;, /16 Plytmcuth Voc/utc, TME AcaecoytScOoc $059900. Sur rhrse et ot Hirstyl//OOcorn GeoritetonCy//rt, patrcoursstm 775/08. harstyi/r5. nbtribor - Iro. cits01/ B LACK BOroUtO1982 Eno//it 00ch 110tit-itChylittNew Yct/5t i-273-3383. <1h Acene. ocud, lateF00Be9tir se. iOr lin.ît e Gctoccar.CttaHo ýU TI RED 877 508m0 tIERWEIGHT 76 CMEV .10tonpckup I Lsitct Woi0Rt 1The brtofr.85rt 22c6.ou/c 7-4434 5/091 6. uor - a A 1corrr ont IVh F.,<liFcS.iO d/to. Svr Ij tat LOW PRiCES children in/HaMorc 1-52 EOCORT4 000/ Rego. Al 149ll uar 140<=. 0,1U e 1975DODG Cornet, 1981 MAUOU CLA00I aitton00001 ongrcorI --I. P, P r di. m , . a/5/0 $601. 876 ccv.5. 34USter501.0. 1981 DOOGE 0000 / 1 081FAIRMOT 4 DO ton p/Ckup. $101416. s ,v ..o.r»., rs r, auto., Ps. . b. ocs0 400cr tr 21 andruts irolerit cetcrors or Georgetownv Chrysltr. 877-510. 1000 MUSTANG40 GM 179 0000E Ottol. 5 0,0/0< Oc 40cr htchback. 4 1o0rv110100O cylîrder, 4spee4. VetO lowrt/ilege and in A< 14005I/cv .F/1415R04 in 197 MTANG2 00 51<c1r it/fRblack in. c ,<t ,P a Pn . tetlor. Ca/i Ototi, 0-/0Id O 14140 GeocgtoocoChrysier. 00,0.14. S-8S% t77-50. 1978 M0NARCH O004 1978 FORD Faîttot t yeoc .F..ddd Id e te 00%0 L0ARR4NTi' 877 5108. .9,487u Alhý 2 A00 COPE M0 RCOUPE 'VAILABLEOM MOST ST. (AT WILSON ý283 ------------------------ - -