REAL ESTATE FREEA TOUR A.E LePag.,s Mîlton Directty of Homa' of the prtp.ul.., or for addltioacptI aç. ploit* phaonea 389 MAIN ST., MILTrON 878-101 1 "at ......Y.. ... - 83i unc caiteil the motpwru real estate arganiza- fions across Canada. Our namne opens doors. This isana turne ta be restless. ut ls a trne ta act. Cali us for a conficdential interview.i Roy£ eu Ala Ca AIN 879-BiS Th Canadian Champion, Wed., May 4, 1983 R FE7 Royalrust Out there 's a restless agent who should now WRODCING be wth the strong. Royal Trust Real Estate ROYAL TRUST CORPORATION OF CANAD& REALTOR