'Gifted' child may fi nd work hard to handie Milton andiSte Wiedereprecbcr. Port Dever. Pairddin fue§Mevr Don 't sa y gas guzzler Eqeipped ult16 ouet ofgaoltee and M. Zutsyn atifor the 1983 ctey ho Eacb leam membar uill ha required to se equal amont et uster, two Sheridan Col- and Me. Wiedripreber bave mOncultrat.d demontrate bnouledg in tce opration et cege studeet ts ttempt ta prove tefiel- on te redesign et the veileamiotar, lbe ire eutiogibere carrled hy t.eveblrle ettîceucy oethUeir vetecle in t.e1983 Utel rotertan lis trame. and available ai teaek sita. P'elathon-Spcete Claie comptition May The seven by three-tont alemteomr veicle Thetfinat aipect tfqualification te a threc- 26. weigbi on ponde, centaine a tueo-herse lap demontralion otthec amerrlinItcgrity et The Mechonical Engineering Terbaology puwer Briggs and Steatten mater, 18 mon- tce veicle le comptition. studults authUt Brampton Campus, Gary ntad on tr. 27" tmn-opeed bicycle tirs and Sheil lubrieante mnd fiel i.ill ha uond. The Zoot 1(Milton) and Ste Wiedernprecer ilecncaoed te ir-rusistanl cotten. minimum alloucd average opccd te 24 (Port Drver>, bave eun deelgeleg amd Under Shet Canada Fielathon bu /bte maximum 48 bu/bh. comstrocting tce veicle sinr t.e tal. They regulalions, vhcil mumot bave tre, or Prepuration for t.e Felathon le ram- will ha compting ulth 23 entriez over an fo rond ubeelo ubicb, in normal ritnning plet.d le Utc Production Projecte corsete 8.87 hm. curse tee $350le awardn. condition, muent ail ho te continioui contact Mechanical Engineering Teebuology. Other Sheil Canadai Fuelathon hba u enhed tith te rond. tedente intecorne bave lctdtInuorb annually at the Shoil Qabvitie Rsercb The vebhiclen uil ha impurted for genterai an veicln for the Mini-Bas camputition le Centre steve 170 and han been open lo col- strcuoal ttegrity and tebility, teeloding Maryland May "-, amd a car that un dci- lege and oniversiily .05ion ince 1lUt, trame, te.ring and braking meebanisme, igncd and camstraeted aitce requeet et Sheridans entry ram.elentird tat year. tuel and ignition sytem. prodcers of CTV'i Liv. It Up prograin. Dy ALEX MATHEUN Sunne parontsanmd aeuonteachere bavetae wrong concept about erichuent aduration for the gitta. They aue il asaareward ter gon cebee performance and a dufiredi achiarvemont ta ha identitled, neye a ttalto board of education consultant. "Gited" edeestion le for thoee uba are onet offlriently challeeged by the regular program, amd although il iten-sa desir- able by mome, il la another hraneh ofteperial education snid Edea MeMillan, coneaultant for giftad eclacation. Wbu cidron are baving difieutty cep' log ut a program and Ili te lieved they are nt peratiog at a higlioeghl taet, tey ara givon remediat uorh. From thuc ad othe pregrame of epeeil edecation, childree cen ha moued ta higher tavels. Dr. MeMill a id thot te Ute cane of gift- ed edecation, mmny perceeve, balng ident- iiedaapluseandbenee egos are involved. Au a remdlt, oncesa rhitd te Identified for enrceunt aduratina, il la more dlffiet thonI other programs ta move tce child ta tce regetar peogram. One paruentfa gifttd ehild naid "it would ha a bambheal ita ha tald tat ber child ne loner qualltied ta hae alled gted". A parntneamterchildnsanueteneion ot themselvon mnd ta havete ehlld idontitied for ercbatut educetion te "e reintorre- mont of a prunt'n feeling tat teir chld te intellignt." "Illate i. ahavete confiemation," snid te parunt. Another parunt, ubane chlld uns put in a echool for bright ehildren, wae pionned at tce apparunt promotion. The child, mced ta acieving nar tce tep et hie nlase, tartad ta taller. Over a period ot tho., the childe puerfor- mance. dtrlorated igniicntly. The purent uns pleaeed, althongh admit- tedty leu hu it un deeided ta retoro bar child te Ut. regilar program. Witout terigoroun competition oft.e brigbt snebuthUt.child tarted aebieving agale. "«It uae gond for hta ta hvet.e p- .riee intce bright nehool amdauStat b. uns nettce only intelligent child, bat It uns gond aIDe ta put hba bacb in a regeler pro- gram whare hc purtormcd htter", naid tce parunt. Beease. etthe de"reofetego iovolvemcot iorroeeding gifttd education, a rtorn te a regular program ile nnlly done wha tce cbild changs nehoolo. naid Dr. MeMiltan. If a ehild la ont pertorming usil in grade flve of the enrtehmeot progiram, he may be aUlowed ta romain through grade nix aod thon b. ohitte with the moe te senior etementary sel"o, ama added. "Te go te a glted program meano yen have more than an averageechild," ah. uaid, It ID a big pius te go." Then iitduot woek cut, the board, wlth teacber aod parunt, try te l"chnt ubat la bust. Althcob tndamentafly the deelalon te mnove te more oiteble programs at eltime end of the intllignce "ate ehuld ha the aame, ilteesnt inpiettewith the gitte dm b said. 1 Aieowith the gltteprogram, themide. i10t0 heep the ehlld iltendnut woekh la u ofe il, as may ho the case ulit remediat s e added. However, seo sid thot gtte dignatice la baudnooon tesand net se"elpar' tormance, uhther gond or bad. Somesparontsamereuonthl ubu ithey tiDd thot a ehild uho bus net heu doing welt la plaeed in the earlehment pregram mad their ehild, delng butter iDnseontlIDnut, ahe added. Tho decteine t deignat. a glted ehld te baued pebaarily on t.Q. bunt, Dr. MeMilla saidtbat uhere a child la deemned te ha underaehlevmng evon on tae test, he or sha may ha put in eoriehmont. Under the nesuminttry guidellau, thla nubjertivlty witl net ha permltted, dh. nid. SieeIdentitication for enrichmont innet a reward, the publie busta hahbetter edaeated on te ditaronce betwsu t.e gittedamd tae beight bigb acteever. t e osttant addad. 5h.e ald maey ederetare dent ne "git- ted" as beg a probtem wbu in taet it may ha. Eoriehed edecation eold ntha more ton tan taeregutar pregram fortae hild and tere ie a me.ta get all taaehers ta adopt methode oned fort.e gflte amoune degree, Dr. MeMittn addad. Since "gittad" la onder t.e speelal edue- atise omibreila, eorrently er ieu are mandated nlot tae eed 25, bat tre le altt ot raieieg it, ehae aid. Dr. MeMillan doesot heieve tat enrinh- ment pregrame ashould ha more appealtag betanse et clonemime. Parentsecoocereed their child may ha git- ed caus ant for a huaring mnd poeelbly extra tusting by te identitication pacement ared revlew committee. Appiceations bave hee baed oe bath gtod and puer achievemunt by teehild, se said. Seniors services Iack co-ordination Halten Regoeecsumllaet'n renort on te tollow. prnvision et ervice o te U.elderly basi td. The iret phase o e t . icated tre senon format co-ordieated ap- rampletiae. The comaltani prnacb te ervicingtin prticlar gronp ofthUeat-idin eot, uhi people. anded wlth Utc input frein There in a genrai tecb et information derived tram public meeti ahoot t.e servics aveiteble, ai uell n a t.e region over tce nent mo territorial dscropuory in that Snrlingtan Halten Begion le Ut. tiret and QabvWte arc quita ueO ierved hy bot icipality te randct iech i bonlt and iocial ervice agenciez, bat needsa nd te provision et areas ot Nort Haten appear ta b. puoriy senior population. servcd. The report ban identified David B. Ccisnn tram te conultant torther probleme. inclodingi Pont, Maruich and Partneri, tld the butte Haltan Centannial Maner, ced social servics cemmittee lait uech peelenced a drop in oceepaic there are nome gapo, defieenelu and dup- îevernl yearetfrom 93 pera liestions inte servircerrontly provided 'Perceptioneexist ûUtt] in te region. ot serve t.e etre rcgion 'There is s puce date base with v.ry littl. presnut orruauoy indicats bard intormation abut ubat te avalable'" cent) ot Utc rusideets come f naid Me. Coulion. Itis a problern nontunique and Oahville, (10 pur cunti te tbis aron. oand 71(23 pr rant) frein Ia He said te second major problcm te there report tats. "The rumine s noccentral co-ordinting ageoey ulthin te come tram oCher undeini r.gion te pol the servieusand service Problemo athUe Maner i providere tegether. report include old, nutdaea The stody uas o rnunnend by te physies] faciitiez in PettitE region in tua phase, ulth theeiret a date- strong nursing leadership, collecting opration andte second detinlog tornonner in nursing and a I sper tec reeemmndations for tecgion le management devetoprecot1 THE CORPORATtON OFTHE ~ The Car TOWN OF MILTON o Proclamation ~Towno Wa herehy precteîm -Daytlight Saving Tmane- ib.heTowen ofiltlon troci Sunday Ape i 24th 1983 at 200 a. m. te Snnday, Octoer 3»,t TA> G.A. Krantz, O T Bstcpoyc s othtt Town PIRPARATION cm vidcd ta Fff Maniage Worksho SECOND INSTAL A An S DUE On comemuncaton and undactand- and newlmaied c'ouples. APRIL29. 1 LAI, >M12N Proeeled by aiOS parting for- COR Penalty o 1 1 parCcetp Éamily servicae sny portion thercof, aili nach overdue metalmcnt. DONALD E.1 637-9000 DIAECTDA t * wden Lake GOLF & County cub SPRING SPECIALS tdy te nearteg T P UNM T L G O LF baih prosnted * BALLS MTL CLUBS lhillwWbe ep- ci WOODS A ,tig95 IISeot COUN I mge tlnh on t regienl mon- "n DP IE a otedy iate Utc te-r tiiin t- HUGE SELECTION 0F * miadeqincici at GOLF APPRL rc over Ues-itPARL inoer he an e _______________________ DnI 10 76 pur crut. n; houver, theokngtura e ta 15 4 a ente. Weddlflge and t ram Borflngtan buainess metngs In cur a I are trea 561110e renovatlng dlnlng rocen. laltn Bil. tc tinDg 39 rusidenls idcntitled te Ute Profesional fit and advice by atd adrefean pos George Tidd & Terr Houeea luckof poSry p, a Iihsaf akr luk ttt rgand EN 7 BATS A WEEK pgam. 18-halos naw fuly open. rporation *LMa ai M Pa.PueFdytrEaNesAMlE fThe D GOU aCoufly CLU of Miltýon suit K ICE ~Hie1-oiHouse Iniurt: iaaday-Wed. i1t-7.Thur&.l! 49 Ecatera Ave.. ACTOrI (à LOSEWII THE BlET CENTER PROURAM IS FAST e SAFE INEXPENSIVE AND WE'LLTEACHf YGU 11GW TO KEEP Ti -1 l.ueru ff OFF, CM a PERMANENTLYI CtWL vmI NO $OTS 6NmDIttO nnmo No CONTWACTS hrOe ioe i DELICIUS NATUIIAL m Ci FcOS .ni, LOSE17TO120 iai 25POUN #UUfel IN JUST 6 Z l euas WEEKSI île\ IIWm ffWWM M Wl CARI m COAJ<10 VILLE N2-U BURMNTON 0U4BN 1 MILTON 876-2221 Wldely known as canada s foremnosi leather goods store, tue also offer exceptlonal qualtty and value on handcrafted Canadlana Furniture. j.~ Each made-to-order piece is S huilt with painstakinq care by olur 015i vkilie( ( iai Ismiri JYour selection may even be hand finished to match that special family heirloomn. Solid Oak, ine, Cherry and Wanut at its best. We guarantee itf Another reason why ... It 's 4vorth the drlvç b Actonl Set. 11-10 319) 853-1031 ---------------------