4 ThoeCanadIn Champon, Wed., Meris30,19 Cancer fund No disesse strikes more 1 fesr inUtcehert thantheic spectre of cancer. When we think of cancer, we Uink of thcepysical ugony af reslment. We Uink that fese milsurvive thc onslallght. Yet reaeas-chbhan been ras- ponsible for saving the lives of hundreda af Uiauaands. Because f Uic gifI of money for the Canadian Can- cer Society, sec bave made msuy advsnces. We nase know hase lu detect cancer erly sud, in msny casas, bond the diseuse off. It in anly through s-esearch dollars tis han beon made possible. A p1 s-n 0cancer monta and thc Miltan Unit of thc Canad- ion C=ce Society ta ge&red up and redy ta asic you for diseuses. On April 7, 8 and 9, mcm- hors of Bts Sigmsa Phi Sor- arity, bre in Milton, seul ho selling daffodils ta help raise funda for cantinuiflg resason-- ch. Iu addition, thc Milton Unit han 50 donation captais sud some 400 couvanacra in place sud ready ta came ta your door aaking for aid.. "Wo are making progresa, Short si Sevos-al Milton residenla seho bought homes lu the tasn s souta-west area could find taemselves tuck wita un unsulablo lot sehen taey try ta selI. Thats the feur roised by anc ouch resîdent wseb as discovered tac lot on wich is bouse sila is well belose tac tawn's minimum sizo standards. Boyond that, Keith McMurry cant seem o tagt an answer from tasen of- ficiaIs on questions about ho hae opsoblom developed or sebat taoy intend ta do to help correct tac situation. Finally, aflos- longthy ef- forts ta gel some hlp tram local govos-nuent ho has dec- ided ta launch s series of lase- nuits ta force tac responses ho feula ho needa, One of the prime reapons- ibilities of local government is ta plan tae orderly grosta af tac community. Part of that procesu involves selting minimum standards for the sires of lots and bouses and standards wbcb oilshape tihe appoas-auce af the streets and nighborhooda of the tasen. Theso standards are ual cas-yod in stone-lhey are meant ta blond sud fiex ta meet tas speclfic needa cf somo reas whre the hard and fast rules canneI ho oas- ily applled. lIie rblem b11W faced by Keth M itrm -sad wmeof hie nelglbors, b.wqv. laamme ham ini- Îà[yarnle lnefsrn IÉem'ownminad.M 4"ehw Mabilt ia funI 13 but much more romains ta be donc, In opite of the imprave- monta mode in treotment by surgur, radiation and chematberapy, the search must go on tas- even more ef- ficient drtsgs ond techni- ques," said Caol Kerr an ho- bal! ofthe cMiltan Unit. What few people realizo 10 the wrk Uic unit does in add- itian 10 raising funds far rscaarch. Lat yoar, for in- stance, volunteers drove 1,825 miles taking patienta for trealments and Uey help- ed ps-vide 182 houes of nus- ing cas-e and 340) bous-s of hamemakes- services. The liaI t o otes unoung services thc unit bas prav- ided, ouch as packages and gifla for patients as wli as supplying information; goas on and on. But il will nul go on and an uniesa Milton supports Uic volunteers Who ask nothîng mare Uan your help ta try and beat cancer. When a Milton Unit vol- unteer cames ta your doas-, remember what Uic y have helped ta do alresdy, sud let's keep Uem cantinuing ta pravido comfas-t and Uic hope of an eventual cure for can- cer through research. ?rift fot amallos- than the minimum laid out in Uic agreement btween Uic tamu sud Uic developor iu thia case, sud no one sooma ta have Uic snswors ta seves-al vos-y pressing questions. Questions such as, hase did Uic prablom deveop, hase wlifIl hosolved, ta Ue inn- ocent purchaser stuck with a piece of land he eaunover soîl bocanse of someano elses mistako aIl requis-e answors aud it is unfortunate f his residet has heon fasced ta soast ta the courts ta gt bins nswers. Hlia suit is for damages from the tase n sd oUies- par- ties for the aggravation ho han had ta suffor wbile tryiug ta sort out the psoblom, for the o Inof enjoymont af is exasve ne homo sud lir Ui naof value ho fee10 sure weil accompauy any solution ta the psoblem. Hase the problem dev- elapod and Who is t fault are questions bet 1f t ta the judge Who will boas- the case hu m! aý ,>~ns those questions in deciding the alsesys tharny question of damages. Resîdenlasbould ual have ta reaort ta legal action ta get anseers on auch prablemo fromn local gaves-amont. Why it la necessas-y in tala case in a question wich romains ta ho answered. It in a question wicb must ho answered apenly f Milton reaidenla are ta maltain any fata ta tac ability of their local governmlettota Oably adminlter the affaira of the tase n sd ta plan for las future. viowpoirit Love If may bh oouauon lu nias-fsinging about tdis mbirtb ut paooenger ruil servscein Canada, but diesbhave boss mome interonting devetupmssto atong dime linon reeently. Years 0g0, as a l0-yar-old reporter living away frum home and tamily for dh isite, Arnsold mas a rogolar passenger ou o CN train travelling oves-y hotus-day mniolg boIsson Bsaerlun and Toc- ontu-widi connecioonsforHamilton. ta order to mals Ibis trip il mas neessa-y f0n tart ou01014 a.m.-eventually getting toHamilton ai l1mii a onehor layover ainon tations. AIl dhiNgsonuidersd if mount a bad osay tN travel, for a perronswidiu a cas-, sure die staff wereMaways a titîle un dis sus-ly side-fuud ns-rviceon dis tramn mou generoty utf peur quality and vasily uverpriced-and dis truie mas always lots. AUl diNgo cumsidered, homever, if mas sîiloabotter way of travelling dios goiNg by bon, dmianoisgepd sp for fous- bases beside an user large woman midi a sereamning infant, unablta Nmuve to relieve dis mont basiceottenionus. A couple years later, maling a simitar regula trip holmeun Wuodutoeb and Hamilton, sbuwed dis passage oftimebhad dane 11111ein improve die qsaty of servie, aldiugh un tdis s-on dies was an added aggravation bocoose dis passenger lins did nul s-on ail dis way intN Hamilton. Travetters more 1511 dis choice utgefling oil in Dudas o us-Bslington and siding o bon in fs-sm diere. Tlsing too adetinite lues for dis hottes-, bumever, midi dis bis-di ut the alwoys cehiable APTS,-A-nold Persol Transortat ion Sstom, wmbie Nul dis torm ofta fire engine red MazdoilM. Thal marksd dis damn outa nom age in travel-a sys- tcm mbieh depas-tsd mhss Arnold mas ready N lase, stopped mboeeer and mberever ho monted if Na and disebas-ged him roghl ai bis evontoal destination midi- ouf baving tN mals imuonsesieut changea r us-sahtag for-special connes-tios. Lafely homever, inters-snuf oing AMT for mure dian dis requis-nf daily travet bas, hoso maning. Bounly die od boy juI cantlalit t lke b seud ta, sa mbss a tamily galbes-NE in Bs-oebs-idge hocboned, alter-nativesmes-s actisely cuooidsred. Ailes- sumnecareto dioughf ansdMy oMthedisosi optios ifappeas-sddishes ese e -siisedrive, tale a bus mili al dis attendont discumfos and probtemo,. or subjert ueselvtstfuipain of ail travel again. If mas conctuded, relnctastty, dis talle- pesnted the Iest of three evilo, althoogb ot by a greot mas-gis and a caoU mas placed to VIA Rail, as CN's passenge- as-misa nowcalled. Sus-prison mers in store for the travellero homeve-. wbere trains badl once bseesmroded mitb seating 0f a prersisIO, rserssvatios were 0w requtred assurisg passogers bclh a seat os the train and o chose of o spot in thsediningefcar. in tais-osas, a lter train that olgbt t te sasse dsst- ination did nut s-qiresses-vafios and may ho fthe sceOs of the cres-saers and rsmdy ds-lsting bouts reossmbessd frols hoseeeas-ler travels. Boas-dingthe train produced fosther surprises. lTse surty staff of ysas-s gone by bave beso reptaed by smartly attis-ed stewards and stewardsSes, diseba-g- ing tboir dulion wilb o ersp eftieieney that Nmwas-misE tothe mind. The cinme bas Mio uondes-gose a radieat ebange. GOmsare the stable sandwicesnand greasy bus-gers of the pouf, N o ereplaeed mifb ouch deligbto as Chices 10ev and aornns[ ot lstaplon at pelesesomparabtee N the botter mid-rangseastaurontsoof theeity. Usfertonalely Arnold coolt speas witb direct bom- tedge abouttbe qaty-oemorionsf thepaut tond bina toaest betore boarding tbe trais-bot if appearaoceand sceslaremsu-s, quatity is of o concees. vices of the goudsld APTS, onpeeially for temps tN oreas boyosd the Confinas ut Hamilton-Torono l thoogb for yeaes Arnoldu ps-efered melhsd of traselt N The Cilty bas u ossNlonve Use cas-in Oakvilts and use ths GO uyslem feum bere) . Sucb inuprovemensoare muelby of sale ou mell be- cause rail travail ptaysd an important part in dis developouent ut thin eountry and in ths modern urbon onvirusment oftduo confus-y if bas on evon more important roe t play. Iloued to bobat travst'belween elfien mou dis seplion-a reliabte iNfernMl syslem sucb as diseIT mons sfficiont for mont seedu. bof dis mode- com- muterbhas cbangedaloftbat. Peuple s-uulisely travel frum a job in une aras tNa home in anodie, and onrbhigbmays bave alohoot rach- edcopaeity,speciallyin dieTorusto-csntred regiuo. Rail trouel, sebetse a commuNer rus bofween Oal- ville and Toronto, or a longer tripleo Windsor, appears tuho gs-uwing loto # viable alternative fo dis ahoigbty sutomobie-ond dis transforssation is sut eoming a day too son. between tho DON Whe; .1- tinlening tosrmosis novelitbinbg intes-vieseed, Ilys hord tdem say "Ihochoraclers1esetd ok uses- and ttesatty ses-te dis boul dhes- selves. " 'Oh ya,' lit smugty say No mysl, "oh yab -- OSut os >0 ahopeed tosm Munt Nse, yeasss o, 1 ltts- bose the Pondus-a t haitreleoseit fsum dihe o. It pou read me tat esi, you'5l bnoom seat l'mn tathing about. Cuplng idi a rseidenl gisesaN ouf easy. CopinE idi Rip Vas Homno, mbom I bad yet tN met, bsoughl me clsto Nsuftering a lItes-as-y spasm. Ratre I ad dspasted dis gaus cvedthetanf ime, bo had slemnly annoonce t dot he mustd quickty sesange an inter-vieor tu-me. Hs cold'l diguise tdeesgo-trip un sebth e ohait embus-lsd, andt le sont my blond pssasressiglIttf dhe dial. Oh pas. Chas-actass msItemss-m-e ate con vecy onsijo gel oual ohanit. Wu'. otunlike a s-lng a tamlly. heard dis sharp sapping on dis Fsrench doues. "«Scribbts, 5sibble. .15e bs-ugbt hblet" ho said, as il about lu introuce dis Pupe.' t fltIas diough I1mss-s us dis bs-ml ofmy irssfjobinIes-vise. The yooo1lhad bs-s-scOs-yng rosndOtA My fissfescouonter idi Rip Vas Neou ad No go riEhI, I boo, bolt mas ii-prepas-ed fNe uhat as about tN happes. Entes- is bhehoesasa a monMf issable peapas-iana, mncles rippling boneadi a mhile T-shirt, sssgged at dis mait by a tisepair ut bise jeans. Ho onlended a bues hand. "Hello Don," sai a mll-modlaled voie. lIn sgond tN meef eu." ".My pleasue," I mumbleit "Hosed 1 adds-u oaayeiRp? Van? Nemol " 'My nanas la George «flbas beauora long time" h sepfled amalsE ,weuI Gempcge oson inTe ho ready in a fewm ninues." 'Charboe', sebu is gses-MIly sigbf in the niddesout dingo, appeased trom numere and gseeed Geos-ge ike a litime buddy. '"Hi Cboslie. Havent ses yos in sges-- Gergs- oostully, 'A Osarwy. othor tom." I as geling mus-c and mre euutusd. seho as dhis guy? "Don,l1 boom I arna sethdisfiss- ing robes, mits heard and long bais- you expeted, but if dis cottes is ready, 1t dito you mgbtf tnd my tos-y leeotng." -Cottos? Oh yss, of course. Es- cos me. Wo'l bo a minute." An I beaded foe dis kilcen I coogbl slgbt outhdisGuru, itting in dhe corner chair dhat ssbody ever utl in, hie face crntled in a Saadatimlle. The old buzar-i hadrsalty dons Il N me tdistime, as oit bae I el mysefflut ofitsins-nec eS bam- No altit sesà. sas Mb Os.Maa0P.OAaa«LMsa.OIa -0LW 4nM I4ERB CftOWTH'ER Pubgmiw s LEBPOSMO JIM ROBîNWO5 MIKES ALL asfosia. saZaResEav.nNa oai.s AOaa w0. 01005E.555h"0Ob;0. 5e' s-nasaW. .W.. on.Ww. anassîO. @Ummommo moua osas.M- e- g Mso A- uies Pahbsi us vey Wedsaaday 1vMatolnsint isaEh Pobishins Lsd. aetO9 MaisnnS tetE, Mao, OnGodaLO7 40. Tlphsne 878-2341. Pri sto, noupas 3W aah; Houes dlessv254; SOsaupos $ar0 ss, os bvusffea;$1ar -syurb ailnCansaad; 75isnd ahe Sntsm. Te Mkon CeanenChapio snoeo the Msusoleit ing nd ei Poushos lsd. guas o shoibe saafacln ullh issds The Auono Fss PusAoeanniss,,Te BlonenOssaprs, Brampton uadi, Te asbucOsgon Pout, Te. qinou Wssand Pus, Te ttuhiuuka Aiturtsna Ousudos. TNe Gorgetsonndpssitet, T e mioWensmosb Puat, MassiamlTbsmillao osomaisit dSu, The MMamssa PoNes. The Nesmarsushs , TeNoSrth York Miener, aNode aus,, OkuileFids ae,. aOsaaTisa Wak, Oshwa Thn Wrniiad, ThsRichmodHill/ ThumNâ i Uhas, Ts-l nobaualoMro. shanStolNiOOsTTrbne. 7The Wuodbige hVughaneNSeanad The Aae/bShOhPikrng Nosa Phsone 878-2341 Tssnuesni-4W of the One Vear Ago Raln oieby more dhan 18 pa- an i 10 s atmnUS ve dis n s-gsn tc ernas deficienclea in poicsses-vice. TIsaI dire mas-stng wsaudeltee- a joint esN Mm ofec HMNtn'n minIstaio:ndsi finance and bugt .essles commitees os oda.PolIce chiot JamesarMsding and menabors of de police commis- ion psesented tdaI buNdget submlmsion, coUling fos- a total spssdlng package of $15.90ri- Don, atfseiml $11.7 million WmSbo esissi t diougb local taxas. A bsgh speud police s-ase desiugh ruml Milosnoms-tday stght, wsehmhaied Indte cmshbou Imu pattces cruises sud a lbis-d cas, bas mesullsd in charges agalnsa a Hallon Regiosal Police officer. Fades-at guvemmeal pam- phets os airas tosmaldebYdo toam imlatio(UisFIl otoiN more peupaganda dhan oustu. lnousmaltion, accocding Na Hao's medicst otticier-ut bealdi. Tuccuntes- dal, Dr. Potes- Cle bas issd a pampldet ut hio usen tlu amsiollocal residonto No deMmdi is hepsobtemn. 20 Vears Ago Frs-et ths Mas-mI28, 1963 bssu VJosld figures skating champion lu-yeas-otd Donald McPhessn il headtne tde Miton Figue Skating Clubs ifd aonât cas-nivot opening in Miltun Aresa Apeit 25 for a three nigbf stand. 'lie mus-Id champion iS came ou Miton frsmb tom is min Cortina, ltaty, and tuttuming is in ufthde Canadian file ai Edimonton and dis Nus-tl American fille aif Vancouves-. Appeuvalto 15 othedisMas-ln is5. Higb uchoul for $toutouinth Ie Milton Publie Sehout Sourd mas eeceived by dis Mitons trsict High Sehoul Boar-d tsom dhe Departnasnt ofEdocain aai tde Board meeting un Weds"o f fot eel. Hersa one for Ripîys-ileer ,tthppsd uFs- nomeNou RH 5, Milton au be mas drivingtN mos-k 0fideItsesbpGarage recentty. AsMbepros-eded alunE dhe Rase Lins N Hurnby ai tde Fous-fbLise, he sase Imo animaIs chasing is cas- Ho steppeit un tedis hsNkig tday ers dogo, bol asodies-lool psusnf fhsm in ho deer. 1t1seves- sspecfed Nus imu deos- ehasing my cas-," h si.Mr. Anolid said the dees- mos-e fruhinE ai theamoudh. He coilnfBoReRid, game mosdes. but aIl ho eouud fNd mos-e tacs-h. 50 Years Ago From the Ma-cbi30.19i3issue Chick hees soas-sapain bNny n Noelsom nship. Cumplaint bas boss made lu the polis-e by Frank sildes-son t he bchad 18 bis-dusiolso ast Tbursday nlghl. A nunahor ot dead boens mere tound bhind a feucesin s. Bs-coso shard, un the toms tise, a short distance tsom Ms. sillessons, but thos had evidently beso ulles fruna mme- une chic. About 7.30 ocluel yes-day momning fis-s of! skonmo igis cumplsfsly donîs-sysitAlsfre Waladis's sodas. The fis-e brigade tusnnf sus- psomply, bol Ils flomes sps-cad se sapidty ihat the car, wicb as qsickty hauteit sut oi the garage, shers i 100h irs, as burse ino a ses-y short ime. ttnfortonatsly fos-Ms. sealdie he caes- ifniuraces on is car. Fors slling lusid lolealuse tOua jusenits a Hamilton mon hou heen hnd $15 and custsorus-15 days' isprimonsisiol 'Tie con- vis-long magisrats-.mhualse bold the osas vendus- he wsa doisg is bonI lu illthdisreformaluriesO senas lu appreciats the grasify ufthIis sos-iid business,;suddishes s plenly of il ging around. 75 Years Ago Prom tbe Mas-oh 26, 1908Iloues P.A. Diel ut Asbgs-use, is home again afler spending thesinler in cuba. T.L. Asetrong, toupsefur of the WselooaMulsat Fis-s bs. Co., wsm ou n n uesdaY. The subjecltur Sahbadi evesing ail Se "TbheSin Unto Iwh- NIrt N>1» os-Il pra.oh Sa,iooo oas on town onuvSatrdaY atbhoui brother James ut Lime- bouse. Hs commoodeit No. 2 C., 0ud Lus-se ilton, in tdis ny 80's. The ladies' Aid utflKnon Chueca, Milon, aononseod a special svening fos- Tbassday, April 2nd instdous-bol roum ut disebuecb. Vocaianditrule- montaI musc it ho tolosenf by an inlss-sstingNl abouiftde Yuon, givss by Ms-s. John ElliolI Bs-osen. Ms. and Mrs. Joseph Cabeman selebsated tdaIs-51s1 msdding auvesasy aI iteborne an Wltow Streetlous osadap. iisep mss-s mas-s-ld on Si. Ptiches Day, 1l111.