Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Mar 1983, p. 23

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mAuzmm okzwt AUCT0N SALE For Mm. Inga Bio Wednesd.y Evening, April fth et 6:30 P.M. Locaion: InMito etthlb.Fitttune, ln the Agilouturei Hall ou Robet St. Oale CommlallOf : Atiqune oleoishod fuitora. lokoit 13lmpe,,cracksuEb jug, glneotitoobot- teptre. 012, pimebEtmmo, old phtotographe.lb albumo, milita.; bayotsl, 34 Col. 000v hot tatou, songlesbo&hinao, otilooablun tc. Futittre: %iotlIonoéat mith 2 metiitahesC. 1900; Honi, oupitout indt n HToonto); beattull5 Po. bdittm umitei. t4polteritnd. btobEt atteso, laticietol2 3douer th minute0. Et s1o0l; tait oun hall table iiepooled leg; Jac- ques Et oaes chai nith nedlpont@esi eytld erraitlpinsoobvngtilti; mlut cadtb.Ollt ( on); Sktaitlltt; malogarry lmp tabtle; 0015 tioplf tbleflieoneta; bidge lemp; 23maltut1 mcoot tables; kickiotitaoitcabint;on ilmtry tb- t; ak drophio etiiary withimilor, e01100a3 aorsioooun; 4 dramnodovetaled plcbcoutof Milta.; ayoteta: BoeriWa Winon oLots C. 1899; Spanlih. Tuitlh, 2 Grment outes; tuzaln latni; 19V Austalien lyont. Dit Latte.: Pootol patet, Camoit E, bolobet lattp.alnmtciller; Hatoginlmp parts. Pltures: Lrge potait uest Vicoroia; P. of Kilg Etmard. uest May; 2 megimet lesW.W. phtos; 00011 Riboit:tnltd 'Wakomt" Wun;tmi- lo good one); 2 flaiemd oodot Rotevita.. 'Fechoto -Fo.ily Hrald lutB, 'Baoati titdn" III. Lodon News 188,,2 s eln eOtaIn froitot 1870î's-Tht tuesta" b A Scitilas eNo- on";nerait asotiettof .0.01ntgmlaa b font Gottyn tmagatin 1U-3 10131 finiM ; munrt. Coobo;l5ual. lndmigtioit; Tga. Boot b Nowenl, Toottî ot l itgert ook; 3 ga. M. Blmar Co. iogot tooit; Foteac Besmnle Ltd. Motlial; 2 Musterd oetomits. top ink cock t asoot.other itk crooks; rem Tlaiger itl it ottuit; 0001pot; 23mitetninm cooks. -Tooto' itît'03,.0SmBotleo: 4 Oilletoes o- oto Pu i tigerOrs, 2 dit. J.J. MLagil', -King ErDalton, 'Clatit Sou.', 'OKnttn Elnvnragesu,'.Wt Robrtso', 'L.A. Kiilatd' b toto tîho: goot 0:tnrttre. 0010eBollios CocaClt toua blun 1906, 'Unind Soda Wateai mt Lion 100s Tooto, »Cita. 001000 fOuR blut100's To. 'Unio Soda Watlm oqul btt 19i0sTor. mt tn<btkitg onfrontI; 'G. Fou. ttt 0000 ablun 100s To., 'J.J. Moitsg3lit' aqua blle 1900sToonto. Cioito; Giotoibotot oioi, Nmw3Haven19W0î; Atottoomt taln omit; Watntburetyoaln loit. Colinolables; 2 iefiros; binsmut 000. Cela- donLon,Ot. i; totiîes pon oi.; copeiniboite Et stovn iesnlooi; gond tesotmenomof ipolo, toola; beaiul fOin110biue pitohni;ionton bomis; Carte- 1011031(na Auttolboul; iionpie t s1tandt & boules; otiioi o:iuopltpcs.; attOliitotobeooo boxes; oit photos b abutms; att. itn sot;te nait 0(0000allai; large oltiontotmthbooit onoubotrd 1937. oit climats; 3 od oit0000; Sterlingait & Opeprth :11MOF.; ooppei Etbles lir enli golabor,, Oookioiii; 3 it watt; par t oidni lit we nitai p:oni rbible mithb 00..0sidas,,Benle- fontai; mootod homit.oodtuoi; ooesutbE bucitsevre; vuople steamer, 0.Kiobotti; brie t:ghioooî. Brighton; oit records & bookso; W.W.i. Italienorile; 34 Cto. tony hitibottes; R.C.A.F. paciicn boitb Mai145;.U.S. atty monter; ait i- îles,1i 0w2,00p00. 775 p0101; smlets; HP. Etg. pub tdv. signe lORot; 010v more itmtfoc,0 lue o iolistg, TERMS: CASH OR CHEQUES WITt4 POOPEA Lunch aotitabio. 021,. Hallboard o Auctioncestoeorsponsi- bintfotacciets. Auctioneer: Chris A. Schouteri Phono: 878257 AUCTION SALE ForGilibert Et Georgina Marnoy Good Friday, Apriltti11 A.M. Location: iMloithel b.Fitgitutds, io lb. Agi:outi alHall ot Robert Si. Sale Coî,iotinR 0f; Tht fldoig lstt mer- chbtotot Thsî:,oaparil lisut 0. Faîntloîn.Solit malnul Gibb.ot tes agon, Naptee, Ont.; naturliishm;itot stl,lovetseat & 2 chairs; t. ovaoutiSapiotitgoitnnl; oaio ot pttit btoit tonton oroker; cb.rry hntp boit bomiiott tanbt; tirorockttitVio. 3 tmmtle 031001 ih lmiait 0(; biitooyt tiapin ronkei; pin ha:p havit uothtatt, 0 iatotadbonitotntdiop- front detit ooib.. pins haomu tiaitti, botoit; otit totilphoto; GrO mnovttaln loit poil. cond..;otit Nor:th idg:ognbotot omit (S ss:001); 4 otiohing îpidbaok it iig ohais; t:opiooiotlog itab mtyitmgorefodpol. of Chitnto;Royat Doltoito; Daling HN1319 11:1. 1959; Clomuota 1HN2724 dtoo 178; Ail Abott HN2M Votai f0 ot Woiott HN2816 tleo. 1978; Tht FominO Qutl N2162; The Oit alot Seller HN1330. Humenl.Ou: 1010 No. 95 (Full B0ie3; Htppv Pastlo:NOou ; OSonitMuscNo. 1O5 (FuliBai.) Suslinot :ougErbbtî toC. 1875; Fusn cwkoit ;,, Vu.H.P. çooiiobarra, i;catberiy swi0(010 vaso, Eiu:oPesley colotoit pate; Sitafordshhrt0 ohv (plus othnîoi. Royal Comn Derby Mitadc, dOttitstlt 0001Eb 100001; Royal Nppov 000000000fr& s0u0e0s; Ilmwblun coootld 1010100Et1l11i0,7 flow hiot pites; Sheffid ony politEt or oiod isp. o luEt china(0. Lamps : Vit.aque tt p, bulîneyengoitt 1 (toto ir as clecor 000 . 87; tilt. Primiives, 8 signd odOtttibbOit ane; hem- meti o 00000: tillo ioTy be otes 001 531010& shoctl, pr1:0 in:00ehh; Prim1.pios boul; 3 Esoim:oo oti:014,gal0open000tfordtoit0k etl: ioloîno. aîtiogo, F13000. Books: HerbertIL. Wogner:, MosokaOnt; 01 00 atiet; igood Doulogit :1painvin;oWallace Nuig piclum etc.; 200:l.f Charles Diknsorieso:n 1; 3011310 hott Royaltylooks Ost101011 Autiotnnt'e Romaibo 1: 110sErGntlemaono th;o tirer holitto of the000:, ltheHantoaeonceI 0 100:0 otoeg o aquatity Soit. Ail goode ae ( olneclentlconodition. T.; lo b. wmtu n thisdey. TERMS: CASH OR CHEQUES WITH P00010 PREViEW. POOM 930 A M ON SALE DAY 0-,ct H. 011 bord îA: rutOiti 1 Auctionotto; Chris A. SChoutn Phone: 878-2576 Good FldnayAtique Auction At Dan OIIey Auctions 467 Ehmm eba a, OuBlI PurntutO. pintt. inonilniy. boos. htita. lint, chn tc_ Sale starts lit 1:00 Frlday Vieing Tbgrsday Evetitg 7 pot. bO 9 pm. At Ftidey Motning Frgmt 11 Igo030013 A.M. Rogular TOtos:AISOBOC Ibn Sa8on AUCTON BALE Good FrIdey, ApriI 1, 1903. et 1200 Noon Sharp Location: Bot" Cottootito Cotre, OBtliai Rd. Xb mile Eut of H",. No. 25 appoxn. 1 % miles south of Mido. Goodo rnooed Immfrot tIslnMinlesaca. and osies. Anrtiques: Omrit Ommweiy f BSotie: ittuesbed; mtéie ow s ioe; peture frottes; Nippon sai b Popoer: Nippo litit dith; Otai mu tmaimr; schoo1 l i; lianocaitable; 8Sloaewood Lcknowm cémco; toppen botet; oi lanttrne: To- tait tailhi boktacir s; butsu onde tick itidders; iotit doit; oleyhtI atat itode; KH uiLaet -. Gl ooct; Oet. Lille quottity of tut Acit Pioduota -taito up, staps, matl plates, canlies, pefttiou. etc., double b.d lantiqu. godi); lafge book caues; iitclmt table &oitaite,;Singoeretaitg macldo, cabinet & t. oi; yothotit bis oitt; Koottoomitgetmwaoit et otinlaesteel tubi ifk. nemi; obestofcdmmet; 25" oolour TV; ptilàbpouts; beddong; lijnt; tottelo; yotitpool table; lmep; tnam,toîin. Baoslm e100ddnletunsmarot;en; liCadat 7 hp. knln momotte. roto ~lon lmtboy ttows.; bug g Iett 1k 50bpopuaecamp tot ewkmit apthe laitso6 miliehtgb.;bot-nY chaager; aBbc No. 33 Mut httur comtplets, bur- boit set lbbonds ueesle. biko; ide' 3speed bit;edicyle, etoa, nele; popane tanks;o outl. cut.a.ong etc. Olhite taopnueous te, eno.nt. pabto atend. Sogcaod ndre nttqes. NOTE: Omiet b6Auttiotiernt ui oponsible lot aoidnadey ofale. TERMS: CASH OR atOLL KNOWN CHEQUE 001751ID. Lunch Bothi. Auctioneer: Aiex Finnia Hornby, Ontario (416) 878-9188 LIC. NO. 2W8 For Comçiete SPRING Miction Service Chris A Schoiton BARGAINS AUCTMOEEA in The Champion aaOf A&tT"»a CLASSIFIE)) SaleCondumtd Pt moooiy yur Perlaait301 To. 878-2576 878-2341 .0. 3. UM, n. 000FINO CONTRACTOAS Tandlesaeittb.d tor taoofing ib.âti'p rotf nYstent) the Agdeltunode Seodoas ildlgmord- Cultural topedmiatStation, SOlnoec, Ontaio. E2TER3R STUCCO hEPAIRS Tendrs am I bl e t eao attcon tpit att telletd madi aIOalatda Coiiteiooitv Cot, GetlleOntario. NOTE: Apre-bid Silo eling iototdemni. tIti b. tattuoo et athebo kletda Ctoutity Cfonter, 53 Bod toutl, ot on Monday, Apiulb1att TuesdyApil 12 when aîopstsatdonof the Mitletry of Gounreonot Snioas 0mii b. it atendane botvmen ite outî .0() .Mt. and12.00 totitonly. ROOPNO CONTRACTORS Tesdais am totllut foreofitg bolit- u 0f riaetthe b.CleenttBuilding att Groue Hal Boilduigtthei iaHanmPsFyhitrie Hospial, Hamlon, Otario. N5TEaA pi-bit it. melo foi tanldeitm ii b. cotdcted ai the Hamlton Ftyobâtilo Hosptl, F.el Ave. EtWoa SthN Si., Haiouetthe GootHe# buiingomuMon- day. AptO 10 and TooseyApfil 12 m31ou a iopuatatb. 2of theMiity f OttentarSo docsa mil b. ut ttoudotinebobouet the Sot, 9.00 it ad 11.305 lain. teiy GENERAL CONTRACTOR& Tandmatinviitiddob. arlous atit ta on (Si5 ouesteset the EttaiC. Don.; Stb.id, Milot, Ontario. NOE:Apte-bidte1folftitg ortenidon ml b. cooucd et thelb.fefst C. Des.; Soitol, Hm. No. 25, moudetot No. 3 Mitou mWdtesday, Aptil t6mitot a rmsittt of On itMilty of l3tcerntt Seolts mib. i n fedatot boleto lb.heittus 9 .00 ai. end 12.00 totit oy. lotit Tendertmitnb qutd spemtaly. Coitd Tendersmwill nooîb.acceptsd. Tnder douonn naiy bo obtained fron Mnli;tof GoustimouServices Niae Rogioai Office 346 Fark Sretest, F..0Box1SU Dottou, Ontario. 1931501. Seottd Tantdm iti be tttmnd unil2.W p m. Moitdav. Api if, 190 etî 20:00tine dity miii ta opotod in publc.Toudr loito ln Doodea. NOTE; Foi uthifo o rniatioitolet ontact101Mr. Et Vaitite, Mitlatvy of GovontSel rvicles, Dundee, Ontario. Tepbn(416 273515. The iomesb oiotytondottiolnosesily attaplte. Ontarito Sarvces SHERIFFS SALE 0F GOODS AND CHATTELS N THE FEDERAL COURT 0F CANADA BETWPEEN; N THE MAlTER 0F THE INCOME TAJI ACT CANADA PENSION PLAN. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCEAOCTIS173 Plaitlf MARY ANN KIRWAN Dfodntl UINDER AND Bo- y3RTUE DP A WRIT OF IERI PACtAS ISSUED OUT 0F THE POSERAI COURT OP CANADA TO ME DIRECTES, a000:001the gtodt att ohatois o MARY ANN KIitWAN, Dnlnttanî, besriig dte the1151h day of Januoiy, 1983 hefittItiN THE MATTER OF THE (SCOME TAO ACT, CANADA PENSION PLAN, UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE OCT 1971 ri th. t: ,ti;,ff andMATOY A11, oîWAN - 1'I o :I fo tait ho Public AucliOe ai O ael D TowintO f14t Sponiî test. Daitoilo, Ont:ariT11000, onit Ptt.Apîl8, o19 ONE: 1979 PodgeOmt: Auonobit COLOUR: Yelum Sexdol No. VN ZL24ABD250143 [LoteneNo. 03159941 FREVIEW: 10:30 a.m. day ofnale Paltedn.t lbeCout Hoon, Towt of Mlton,. otte Jodiilistleicto f Hatnt 010 30tday o Matit, ROBERT M. SPROWIL jcdltt sltictlof Haltt NOTICE TO CRIDITOAS AND OTHEAS IN THE ESTATE 0F FRED WALE AL ERSONS bavigotr atsagatthe sate of FRED WALE. 30lot@b.heTown ofMatanithlb ROltoi Muntipalty of Hatot. R2erd, de c ,oceo itoded on or bout0dm310 d1dey of Fbmea., 180, aoeitotby rmquirad 10sesd parti- cules of emm 10 the ondeaigitto or tbeonte b 41day of May,.1nI3,slowabaich idata the0.01110 WmRb@odlidbolnd Oit ingeard wiy 10 lb. olaitt DATED al Bolittlont 013 100day o Mach,1 0(5018, CHARLEBOIS & SWYOROUS BaidtandmiSoiciitos, 1457 Ontario Soum. OiJRLNGTO5, OtrIio U110 S0oliios oroct Elooî NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THiE ESTATE 0F WILLAM SCOTLAING ALL pairon beiog lairis agaiîot the ESTATE 0F WILLIAM SCOTT LAING, laîn of the Tout of Miltn, ( in eRogloni Mutio:oaliiy 0f Hailot, 2310 dled ot ot about lb. 13131 day o Pbion.;, IMW, am hetteby ntîHu b senti poolulat of t to toterignon ort tethe 11 3010 day of Api, 1103, almiterwioite tae Esttain mrii b dlatbutad mlh regard only to thn laim of 012 the otdatigtnd nb.ti to on uontioe nd Rthe5 otteaigne iemli tot b. leble toan00vperoofo whmloseint ho nhati oot tb.n vnotlioe. DATED t Oakoille. lble30titday of Matit, 190. WILLAM . IKERR, ESCL Baodosta bScallltotl 22 3Lkesitora RosolEaul Ockvi lin, OntarioLOI 1J 2 RESPONSISLE fil. POONISMED o o000 000 couple are loulito lor lest Io quieti hytt to-eslaà-ruralbhouseoetlfotnosokintg ado. o remntable piio, It CentrloRii loctein. te North Hat oitares. Appiy Box 983, / o Leste voni hoseantd The Canadien 0000101v (tn 00011 Chamipiot, 191 Malt hants. Cal 159-823- Si.,iîton. SM09 totiit or t878. M1L TON delaoyed 2341 est. 18 days. luate 0home , RESPONSIBLE fa. bdos iioap. miivinquiies 3 pitances, 1/3 atre becdrotm accomo- fettet lot, kitil and dtliot ln itMltoorpois oit May 01. $01 suiioditg ares. Pionsoliliies. Toîtitto Rtesable riti. 250.5030. OefeesteS atoilabie. MILTON-Sptcoos 3 87113gdatoiu p.0. hodontt eiîi.ot Fe Rmad i athot hote, laroeloi, 2- à3-ONOU 864900. 1ol. 4 TONOUS NEWLY dtotatet 3 $381.80 botîon0 tohoust, Lt11/2bts, oîpotitg aige teso t I. taomn îooughoooî $500 o l"d", lml. nS Paringili 3360012.pl iiiln hydre, apptoomes, 1010.;y leilius, leletine, r090(1 STORAGE nyfot 11. 10010 0on1: no pts. ialile, dvry .nueso01 il . E &oo60 heâtid.a678-v57t. Saio. ShIse ourtCm,.THEEE botîoont 2097 IladestoMdi. toonitoone, applian Unit 9. udoliotn. 2boks toto, oond loatioit. nt l in . P ant,01 b S55 00 p000 01011. st Avtilable Apîi l 1iS. $40.0 ohouse it Milto TOWIIIGUES Apîl: . Ns:oeîv 3 aItot, 2 boal.dtcotd. Nsolo liUsddbasmatllautdid thonio& Sopping.a on, 1misant. piait ulliliis 634tUt lu latlyatd, tteit es.34-0200 day. 401. 60 Ceoitila hoe, bdina St. Kitchenr.30 rtiutes tmttn. 00 Sron Olsitaouga. Schoit antd Go. Brootion0, OoOiibit 1-519-893-7188 idoy i. Reierotoes,s Tr. 417-101 S5500 780060. L WANTED, ittoale t102 OFFICE FORRFENT shoot tolottouso. Calii 400 sqar ese t Malt tOot(tgs878-3021. R Steul location. $301 WORKING b010 parttonth. noas beiomn 1 Cou M87891 9 butgaiom 10 shoot TOWNHOUSE wmto:, om:pilte us For Roni Ootoîtigs. 4 battottia.6613 Ch:(tn peen Drilon, avaiiabln Mael.Wt For Rtit CallTorontlon 2070103 TWO betionti a aftnî5p.ti. tpatienti, 0close t t .1- Mlot, Suloabie foi Ic FOR Rtu t1000cres 1mature, mokito i lanot olargetobarn.00co0ple, nnottS01t0 à 0000 Rat, corvner 872110. al ,thi LUne. (16) 25-773 t tPOttk.) TWO OEDROOM A aottitti. baittv, v lalectric00t. 07.3375. .o FUONISHEP resmn foi test, dowtoti Milton0, 5170 mthly. 590 Comimercial PI. FURNISHED ro for rent I (t 0031e Sot,. fori okIî poosot. a8n8-46». 00010 lui Peot, getlemn. 878-7914. 000105 oteilable ln privâte homet. Shore kitohes & bath Saeai ato esratot. i7-91 eLoI, bibis aMOl tuf KA 0t W»d itu a 7. or0$78-3251 (devs). Ast for DavortMac. 020 SQ. PT. RETAIL sont malt-it locaion paring, 3101 plaaa ou Hwv. No. 25.547 010 Audrtv Nemeil 87n. 0E/ MAX iltoone ealtv Corp. ROltr. Oklaoi levaa EVERY DAY PRIAE Oto-.*- Oeauiul apoine .th ci mple0tst piotilout ut0. oditgtitor toot the nomot'es, busiess. .my. 'S & 401. 876- 1131. lai PrivaI. Sale Ne.m3 botoonhonte io Millt onoetltarg ltg0. Brickt etlcot, pocot driot, upgtot nt ioio . PîoîooliM1in1ont CAMPSEL LVILLIE COUNTRY. 0-huf toit 0,000. S-2 tooto $62,90S. C-2 aces$2,00. E-22 a S$5900. P-1 a000 $37,910. O- acre Ceturv Par.l SM09000. 0011 Jito (((dito Sotie Roalty itd. 00402655 or876 FOR Solo by o r tacite 0home, 4 bedoo t, Pnsitewo 60'xt75nlot, mith d00001 1>1l. mi Crenoott, 5120,000. 877. FUONISHEO base. mtittpt10t, Ipp lances, tobit TV, reasniabio Suitle 877 t346 altr4p.t,. ONE bodooni :p tiittt. Aduli :tilii. ibOtilable tost. Cal(1 tltir 40t- ttmi ,gott tuttý it m$1 )peod000 Our bl'n %ateooboesyooo ?Vfl&U onlotheoyal Vist ola IFp$oaiouo i and 2 bitm uites01 ira.t..e. .Oun5Oi oesfaaotfr Squash and tteni *Hoi ulu*t/o:1toi ad snoeilngp<hi Ail Il: d o , f totm1 648 Furnlited Modet aand Rentai O011c 0200O itoîhoreoRd. E.ul:go Mo- Th" 10o:po Cloîd G.d F,:day S.( 10- 5p- Eaîle: oodav 1To e: O o: Telph-63k2 5971 trit Frt robin If you dont Ibinoh spting bas oprong, itere's pront Photo.' grapher Mur-aaY in lengtoa it of te neaonon fient Robin as Il toodeol In Miltoni lant Tnesdny. Unity counts in smnall business Ille ORo sesait busness "Ytu tac esabre chatge. becomesaig adutd d mttao Mulot o eoesitmeet, folloto (0 cubotd frotît formeo. tbrtugb ant toto-lcot o te1 Tiis mos the message Walter do ilbuoo,"boonsid. Carson, national tirector of He bot eso mordu of udvico ptublie affet nombeiudsat or tooeototlroty involoot in fo lte Caadien Orgaolatot o sealsaintless. Citing t tE SesaU llosinespartod tu 11001100in the ubototeo eesiers of th Miltonuot eeployet by big business bo Citatber of Comeesore c- tgggestodt Cio oit o idot a ently. . job could stael diir owo bus- OcesItspeaker eoth4e Marcb mnesses. meeting of t louai obaoobor, "Il moult truly b. a bottili Me. Carson strosthe itmepact for aIt Canadiens. Steo people sesuilbusiesso nthavbonot feol titoy on't ddo is," sog- goveresoent legistiot mitot a gestod Mr. Canotn. lobby la formeo. Te orgon- lthote mit toobts, ite ex- lotiot be ropresents aito plainet aie likoly "suscoptiblo meoe bitousoo b. tofores 10 tengtive influence in thboom ltbiyitg groupe. otitrpoople.' As 5 thembudtsat for the Ho marlIot listotertS ot lu b. Catation Organizauiot of ovroe t mii ngoolit prous Sesal Bsness, Mr. Casntbaus coceroitog sesali busites obteroot "the pronesî of buitd- batitrupîciet ant atviset ing a u toilsiontob.the govern- obomber meesiers i4tsali met tai noteas compilatet at il botiteess ootio to to-oit finan- usootob." cial tlsasb.r. . Ho atteitutes the citange in Sticito 1000-day cretit pot- itis proceso 10 the fact 45e loy istonebkeyafitn th4e morît govertoent "toesn't bote aIl of tsail busioest accortlog 10 the ansmert:" and 10 opentub. Mr. Carton. Hemwarneol totem a oobite input. Ho stresuet con- toiagi tando is laistn 10 ol frontation morb. ant "geton ares, "sonne cub.esers muy rotS participation ll ton yoo on bovio a lastoroit nessary.1 polcy." A reLestaccoesplislouoot of a 'Il an accoont lions 1000 120 lobby orgatiloot by the orgat- tayt, qile fratbly, yod esay luatIon wm14 aoeeeshipbof oovorseatl," beonutiotot. 6,009, malsb.tppiog ano ueet- Te CanadienOrgaiato of ment b. the Onario Humnan Omal Bsneoss motfoottet 1 Rigb00 Act mhicb moult byve 1979 idi six esembees. There eeqilet omployens to inter- are errently 40 supporters in viewu ail applicant for job. Milton. tespite hir qualiiaions. Me. Caron melcomedth4e Commîtsnient needed opportonily tspeai to10the Mr. Carson alto reesittot bis ohaber as dtheOmo organîz- auitence of0the impact a letto allons "comsplimt ettoci lotan MoP or oPP canihave. odoor. .,~Etat I Aainate SPRING PIIIATE SALE BARGAINS MILTON in The Champion shout 20 ftedeta te taeTomlI te Ak L CLASSIFIE)) h.auiaiie, li. ocku & ahboueies $kW P u: oooey in 0001 havi otLagB10 aenao u on 878-2341 CALL 878-5150Raili 0W#OU -mumn FULLY DETACHED 3 & 4-Bedros. Nomes FRM,66,5OO Aller $3,000 Federai Grant 4 Bdumt Pion $83,900 Mettons' pie realdenfliI oires. cosa lot pérl, s ports cann. acltschels & shopping. IMMEWIATE & LATER POSSESSION Modalitomta ai Dotiy RoutI ni Forareofd (2nt nWent of l-lgitway 25) M a LU 1-87&4455 TarefulUne 826-6140 11:00 a.es.4:0Cp.es. Closad - Thureoy - I ~ -.,à

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