'P DO huCanadienChampion. Wnd.. Mah3. 199 entsrtaienment Tiis gesup of silul> tce cilieulrtelu ai Milieu Publie cilieuiertaie len aecbret seilg cuere culue ecd refeeshuseute Lthrry Apei. CimusxnJazs Baud cull perforus blue. spiriuals, cillbha erer. souspandesags asweH as jazzstndards. Tesinuseush anmsd Climax Jazz Band coming to to wn Due lu te ertuus saccees a ttanofai tne athbums. etf thie pevieuenggemeet, Althaugis the baud ie Milieu Publie Library is ance Caeudiue bserd. il is trly in- agais pleased te preect the tîrtatioctlin scepe wils tsixt Clmax Jazz Baud te Friday, memlurs halieg rigeatly Apr. t utat 00pie. frem Londos, Cheshre, The Climux Jazt Baud have Edinbtrgh, thie Hague, Dutch euijayed great succesuiscer East itdies anîd Cira. Each of thirr formatiee 12 yeern ug. the band members hld dams The Baud iet begue Iheir reglai jobs by day but geltao career at Aterts Hatl aI the gether thee or four laves a Brunswick Htet in Trento ieek t play Jazz Their per- and iece te, have heen v- forianes relîeclthe uique ted lu ptay fr gla evenngs et cumradeship oi Iis talesîrd beih the Ntional Bltet t'ai- aed fv bm avnt paey und the Canedien Opera Thte Climax aze Bads Coiepany. They ave rep- repertire nctades marches. resented Cnada t jazz felt- ragls, staieps, hlues. spirituals vals and ctubs in the Uied and jazz sandards and tbcy iti Sates, includfing Nec Orteane, gledly anwer requesin raie Their reputtien enînng tihe audience. Canadien Jazz enthutieste ts Wine aed refrethetents wilI legend und lhey have peeduced lue terved in a cabaret settiez. re.sis&îra,>t & tawer,> ýý ',' Chînese Foodi, Steak and Seat ood "Business Lanciteons a Fuliy Licenned ander L.L il O. "Tube-Ouf Sèrvice «0M MIUST.. MTDN 117M-141 o . *"TheFinntin Social Cateing"* WDIG-aBANQUETS I N MILTON CALL Seating iv limleds prchase yeac tickets in advancr ai lite library for t4,00 pev pertso. This perormaneiirrS SPen- sored by te Ontiario Arts Cuncît and te Mlitey oft lre and Recretientreugi Outreaci Progtraieme. Fer irtber iuforieation9 Syl i Fall utai 87-2M7. ih thte keil JACKPOT *1,400.0 OPTIMIBT CENTRE-UPaIWs 311 CsragghSt- Mo lu DasU.ti GamasSBui7:15 Ruse aensaduIn ssu = -'w meusS w«7flSii i RESTOUROIHT *ChmvsnC-Fa.Ood *Daîy e-mîSpe iait Si...sedUnderL L.t.O. *PatungtReaafte5p.m. ecfsaie l.uesu %Sy LUB Op fi "TRIP 0F THE MONTN CLU" If yaulre dreaming of aetri- toesuch exootc places us: (CANCUN) MEXICO - ARUBA - VIRGIN ISLANDS JAMAICA - PARADISE ISLAND - ACAPULCO and meny others. thon teke moment and conulde thet for only $100.00 CASH OR (12) POST-DATED CHEGIUES AT $10.00 EACH vo u zelbueeee SMa2W lahbcncutes hcube untbu eiibia su culi e lub niaitdecs Ite te alhu tissu Thueudme utf meus? cuet. teitelt in MuvInS. "Tier eedusemn es uoreury PuerttRic Flordeu liurwater) Les Veguu Buhemmu iNussu)u Mexico ICencun) Foride (Orlando) Jamaica Arua Bahamas (Paradise Island) Mexico <ACOpulcol Vrgin Islande Fioridu (St. Ptuul) EVERY MOVTH ora eked fo t ihShaCentr,ooo CONDITONS: *Al tickts il be tedeostcd for ubment diaf * inn cket s incd e ifa, e a d o modatn on&5y for tu *peonsroe beeseucf. se *Toal s Onf ikmut be padbefore rectgprze. Sa DREA4M NO LONGER - Buy a ticket andi prepere ta pack youe baga. ONLY 250TICKETS TO SE SOM. - THEY'RE GOM3 GFA8T DONwr MSSOUT - -2f' CHANCS TO WIN OVER THE NEXT 12 MONYNSl For More InformatIon or TiokmtuCal 87S-8411 or 8794M4fl 'Detelilue le a tree. listing of cuuslng events.uvmlluble te loualccuususlty groupe te usult le preusetilite future eente Oly charitable or nssu profit ceusmuuiy groue apuse ibse service,.eld ne ceumercillorgs- lutlenu w.li b lluwesitea vertlse lu tblu ect"u. Ntces fr *"DtelUne" buli b crtteeut aud haudedilent tise fficer et Thse Champion. IN1 Mate St. E., oe molle!teuseut Bux 248 Miltuo., LOPTe4. Tise finleiuile le frliduy ut t pi. Ne Ieesfr "Dâtellel" *91 bc se- cepted by teleplsuue. MAPLE BYRUP TIME Saturduy. Ma. 5 te suduy, Apr. 17 weeudus d hufllys frau e sans, te 4 p.ss-At Mouussbeg WMlfu Conre. Stelteg nuecu. lauge des ar Onesa- shine sud euh lgbos te te1ski upie true Il le Haut, tareviveliteait tte la long wlter slop. lThe cap le rnuahg uud ce are enuiy w»lta souuple syrnp pruglram. Feutelg bhume irnvun cugu' ide, cai, homue, paucuise huse and the nage bush feil. PARE9TING PROORAN Thrsiuy. Muech i7 teBMayt2feues à pou. te 10 pus-Te h a h! lalThe Fuusiy Pince, Nrlt Huitun CliiiCure end FaMuiy Kecituent Cetfetu IlulteneunlulMner. Fel M par persan or $20 par couple. Forr egistfe- tiun, pieuse oeil 878-0121 btweeu 7 .us. aud 6 p. IiANDEL'S MEMSASe tSsundy. Meech 27 at 7» pu- Presueulai by the Georgetowns Chrul Soriety sud Chusube Orchestra, cuuisctei by Dlie Wuoi t 99. Iluvidu Prembyteelun Clssech. Cuusphalivll. Tckets are 85 eud are avallublu t Aedeeeuu's Barber Sbep in Mâles., OperaEmsporerlaleCausphulvifle, Maue Ceuufey Markset. Loel Coufery Stoe unisy «eing 87-41139ln Georgetowun. CANVASSERS NEEDRI) Mstb t Mueh-lsbla l hdcy usutit sud fonmisulelisse for lbe ftliuey Feuuditu et Canadu. Dvi Susmit la orgsululeg alocal fond drive sud requirem cuuvaseeru te dnte une or twe eveulegs te the cause. Casevs» kits are uvuluable franc M. uSith. For usure linforston cuntact bbent 878- EUCIIRE Wedursdey, Mer.3S t ut8ip.u.-Tb*' ScotchBlich Weue's lIsüutee ill heud eruchre et Lguy Hall su Fîve Sieam. Lunch prevlded. HELP! Lest cues s feelly ln Itibride lest eveeythlug ihey enurd saeuit f e fiee. lbey sentd yeue ielp. If youscet usult ln asy wey, peese eci peur donaeionu eContes Store, Elibride. P.0. Kilbide. Otarie. Vor hbnp ill ha appreciated. EUCIIRE NIGIiT ThndApili 7 et t p.u.-lie amuul Eechae Nlgt ef te Nalsugu- weye Wueu's Institut IlI ha presmlued et te liruhvle Hllius Gulph Llu e n ut fHlghwaY *11. My prses tobcuwon. The big drowfor the lues Nssagucucys Wl qult cilluais tabeplace. Preeref admisiouluu lorler e dlilcieus luueheu eofhouse-msade deligitis. lTse Institute ruteudu a caru luvîilen mte the cuusualty sud promiîses a muet eejeyuble eveulug. EASTER SEAL BANQUET AND DANCE Feldmy. Apr. -the Retary Club ef Mileu wll bave the pleesare ut premutlug the eunuel Enster Seul Bunquet sud dance te ha held et the opilult Centre. Tickets ere usw evilalbe. fer furiber Iuformaution pie eue cmli 87&1526 r e78-3911. BILLe82 Musdmy. Apr. 25 at 730 pus.-at dees Bill 82 useun le regard te chislderu, pareuts asd thse rdueatleuui systeus? Pieu lu attendea ust luspertant meel- tut i Robert Baldewin tehust en ibiu date tuleure usre. BAZAAR Sttrimy, Mey 7 froms I p. .te t p.u.-Te ha held ut senorilumeus' butilngt ce Otaio St., (eceousu freus Milieu Meut. Everyoerceceuse. BIINGO Musdsy eveulgs-Every cueS ut ilieu Optimist Centre. Prucreis tluge lucuerds postit orS le Milien. VOLUNTEERSNEEI5ED ChIli's pay, pret/chli prugemus lu iuehiug fr vluteers lu bnlp wltls peu. chusiers Tueuduy. isuesiuy sani or Stsrdey usueulugs. Energetlz senior eltlseus are ceieuse. Cii 8-6M. RECREATIONAL GYMNASTICB Thse Milieu Spelugers GOpusuec Club bus upeuingu uaveluable lu the feleculug pregemunsu:by'seecreutinu lisruiy trucs6.3t p..te 8est pus., girls reoreetileuTueudsy froms .3e pus I .30 et>p..sud Saturduy fruus Il lum.te1pus., Slsdeegyus Felduy freus 6.30 psu. te 730 p..uni etorday feue,9 uie. t 10a. it Nt0pIT iIi ttSlFS Vedeesday nightîs truim pi 83e0.5 p.us.-Meetlg everycuedS. Vesul> people htwee t e ges of 10 uni 13 yeurn mr weceuse. Raed t the Mlteu Opililt Centre. ATTENTION MUBICIANS Eveey Tbrsdmy eveulug ut 7.30 pus.-Mil ieuCtieue B aud rehearsul ut E.C. Drury 11gbhuSi olusicluraes. New musesaree eedei sud cul. ceuse. For fueiher inforusation cutuct Jesuy Peacemtail8424M.