Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Mar 1983, p. 21

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OPEN HOUSE 777FROSISHBR, MILTOtd 4dfo, 2hatah, 2 stotey IN THsE MATTER cf en appticatoe hy Oas Mitistan of Taspntatlce ed Cmmntications foi appovnal taaenopselatlntds bingln thse Tomttiof atineHi, ile tsRegionesiMoici' palty o f aResn, i theonc of Ontario, tor thea poipose f th recostcsionef tise Rsg't Higisea 2isnd octh aituddtsten. NOTICE IS RRREBY GtOON tiat appication han baen maie fas appoat ta ecpmopntethtis laed titactibad in theasschduis hefat. Acy cton f lande in respect f athicis notice la ginen aIs desisatan inqiiy O o mttssetht takingofauch laedtst acr, su!andntimsooahiy nesceceasin tissachisisnntof the objecties of tisenepelpratng autiscity sallIl nottfy tise appeoinasathorfty ln lvtilea tatln thecasecota tsaissestoan,sarri!par- sonaf ly aS y raglateati mail tiin thiiyets aftt aîis evaditstisenotice, or, oban lis sanath y pohliction, wtin tiinydatesnthe frt publcationef tthe otice; h)i n the case fanf ne aaviro a not a mistetet caet,. aisihi thisi, derasatthesecna publicatiasioftthisnOn THsE APPROVîNG .it.THORITY itisa Mistet cf Tansplottation anti Comnticatioes, Peds- nient Buildings, Toonto, OntaiilM7IfZ. Mkitetof Trantsportaion and Ccncecicetin Mise M. Vinnia. This Pinnesing uparsias Pmoptnty Section. Cannrai Ragio 3501 uttein Stret, Doaneclen. Ontaioe M3K 1tN6f NOTES: t. Tht EpopiatinstAct peodstist. lai metnt an inquii e estedat. isal ba con- tictti isisun intfiiy oficirappointetiythe is Attoney cotai; hi) the inqilenoIticer. (ii strisait ine anni coin, to theist cocnen on- pottnit to pssants-id-ceaand argumentand to examnetand cros-eoamine itnetaiisete nctnnaiinotbybisscourotoicoragent, anti (il)nayteconnentito teappmoingatsotity thia a patn to then inuan htpoid a fiont anoont for hos cota f tht inqonoy not to excted f200 end thecapproinaactisottay inis discittion 1 oîdct theceopioniiating aotiioity f0 pan aucci coistotitti. 2 '"-ne"andti'mgistastd oanas"ioreiinoti itiseAct ascloloot; "owmco" inciodes o noctgagff. fteant. ae- 1 cuton csittot. a pon onntitieti tona isitot e- a naeori e t in.a n omitnicof thec ctate t ot a mintelin inconatent pansonarofa pcanon % incapahle cf nanagingbisitatfaie, anti a gcnet dilan. cannitot. atinnita o rtrtsictn woson land ii eatti; "îcocstntdomi-mnsnan onti of land 1 moiscalîtteet in tis anicot adefined anti iose int la is tcitiedi noanintrument in th pme rengîtrn.landti îîietotsttii't offica, anti incicti- A s;aonnoonasoonasa tfnant otland on theciaet % raisaitiasassinent roll;f 3 Tetnaciopiatin atiothIn.tcis ois i nttifisteappnoinaatoictytiatisntittnreta h hearîng in respect otithlndeintnnticdtohacox. piopritatoi and an n oma tctisaaparti bi s SCRE DULE f Ail rîisht. titandiintnitt intith iioowng lands:n f n tisa Ton, ciaison iiia, cn ton Rognnai Municipaliiin of Rets. itonaîlo n tise Town- I cci fEquca nna tise Coonin ot Ralion),in thn Povince ot OntarîioiefN 1ai part of Lot 22. Cocession 3.i on Gnoiracic Toncosinip fEqueing. dmsifnatcf at PART 1, anti b)i pant of Lot 23 Concession 2. othtiso Gaogîapic Townsip ofi Rqenseitnattti P an PART 4 on Mnstin of Tanspotaion anti Con- nunicationPie, P-284241, ticotiteti n tie I Lndi Raitin Otice fthe tise non iviio o ( Raton an Pln 20iR-5097. h 2. nont oi Lot 18, Concssion 3. of.thtiEa Gccgiapic Tonsi of Esqutalng, desianato IV as PART 2 on Mîinni fTanportation anti Connmunications Pon P-242-44.1 denoitt i n C tisa Lant itotinOtfice toi th gis rtOiision P otialtonas Plan 20 R-56s70.N 3. Pan oi Loi 17, 3,îî.coatc e 3 Vic iseogiapijTownsip of Etîpieinnodecîgnatid an PART i on Mnîin c ofTansportation andti i ConnunncatinsoPan P-2842-45, dopocitdin tise [andtistOfftîince toi tisa Osoctin Division P o Haiion asPlanl2DsR-0010. Tit notce int pubiscidtion tise 2ntiof1Mai00. CREDITORS N TRE ESTATE oi LEON JACYNO, lteno tise Tmnnof Milon. le teRtc-ccai Munic' cliy of akone, son ALL psntcnc s aieg claitntagainat thiahove Estataiseitqto'ied to uandifull coticciait of ucoiscaint o thse cndetttgned on o bat an th eh oi tint, 1008 EL WIPPLE, Excofct. y this solicior PETER K. McWtLLIAMS. .C.. 254 Main lSeet L9T f P2 DON COLUNG AUCTIONEER An Typa of ISit AmtPbe phoe ~W1 it Mls 8t W. ORa. NRa .Mtts. 0 czWz In The Supreat Ni TasaSWaabde af47§Woodtsese kf t lfm0WM yu Onta TAKE NOTICE tt a lntto ec9stapuy Umnfted es morga Doiniotn Banktik hp youan attatheà d balance of abis Nontobat. 19M 2vt ai 1456 pet cent pa imetdastn postsor misas mcttlipaiy km Cuiet Mites, Ont Antd tias ishasben the orisaen yis ba ment. If yodssire t met etertan tappau Curttet 491 Staties Ottarion mat halo, 190 end is endm eolftran afisdani pccî dafenca. Datadtat Mitan t*t ion IPUBLIC INFOAVi HIGHW lns Ragotal Mun e ndtdm RoitatMu anooicemant rnes b, tu igiseay 401 and so end itocatdtgemaNayb anti figioay 4M0in Brai and hotmnon RghtttLii ton. tn addition, ascn ,Nitt iUe o nofn St Tht Minisen cof Tianspt catons initesnofo t Cntesccncerin tist Polimncain deigln plats laet iasovaya ambieg p Tisc poipoten cfftePub ais Io p"nide nou niA it tise ptoposais toi lOgi noot conntf. Rapetae cf TransportatieandCoC consultanta cýflii honc WednecanS9Match 198 Milaed soalaale imn2:00p.te. 500p.î isnn700p.n. 9;00p.u Moeday 14 Marci t983 onyConnityntr Stnls AenuestndTirtt aion Hill& fron200.m. - 500 p. fîcn700p.n. ;00p.mi Mr. R. Rentent. P. Eng. Pioot Manager Mnisnn cof Tansportation andi Commncaios Cntral Regtcn. Planning fa Design 5000 Yong Steet Wiliowae, Ontaio M2N 6E9 416) 224-75MR Mo. C. Southey Mnsty ofTransportation Central Roc-ci PannngtaDsign WO OOnege Steset Wiltooti. G tît M2N 6E) 416) 224-7fBM Mi. 1. iiliirn. P. En. Picicot Manager M. M. Dilon Linitoti P.O. Bo1850Staton A illodae.Ontrio I _. AUCTIOI lmoncl iccso Sundan, Mate FAnRI OUSEROLO. Sado-iwA M ttaas MîSCELLANROS. Rochonnder ANTIQUE. Roaatpis LICENCED Ncie: Otates anti on AIICTISNÉER e oLXFNNE acionnd io ournt anon e . R ORNBY, ONT, 1983.Photn aosctnnobe For CoripiBiR oLTON. 12 bOsticco Auction ServCe apis.ini adut ithlding, Chis A. SchmRt8f 'l ctliec.nO pets. Cait aftc i ca,.1153-.3f2. AUCTIONEER THRnLE hsdanm SalsstfAaTtesa apaitei. nea&lthe uatCcdcld Apnît 1 le ntaidamtioi istteItRO aiea. 0375 moetlsin plusttcilitfita. 876t.40 Tel. 8782576 3 BEOROOM aat ALAN anclis Incie: ODENBACH chaols. Noa pai. "Ode" Acticataeg nfettct. APPtP fa Atlqa titSptolaiq Bon 977 c/c The Ft ne acSol" CaainChisitpton, 191 mi St.,Sf. tfne 878.2ff5 LnT4N7. ne Collebof Ontuslo AUCTION SALE OTICE for cmmftL m oatý Mr. F.L (Phoeb.J Crawford W"@daOD- Mbtaasaga Sait. Mar. 5th et 11:30 A.M. Lacattion; te Miton. as tisa Faigcdes, ln the a n action'ta ban cte- Agicclt H al ne Roban St. in c fis Cocrt hy Tise Toi- FtaeiseaeRagiec.. Beg 3 cuahio cista fa in ~iii tba pletiR afd; beisgsfit bo hoiah fa factatoci rms piol. istitetfteanexaoit dot ennan achoair; amatnuitDucano PisyacoR et aceen MStdom s omas tabl;siswtnoit naueintt batto occhair, oie t os and Tisa Toronto- nioea; moakcaidesChs'aiiseldt scissesdseat; aas esongag an td aaaonad tanâttrisitimini: f942 chisry, adronstifsa.1 dey cf Acanas. f981, Osae 5W" batoitis aSpis&at etss5 tdaeSsdmatti h ned oa tsey cf itisaimo, venftiisoiath inci &baencs,7faant asf$7,102.63 mitislntatas nist. a gond suite mfg. bn Mldteccn Panisua. ranecet. Andtimtivf er as Stafamn emaioaann 1 dienaigit tabla; cah 3 cen cf fthe ragasti e pi. badtocasuet, 54" badâtiifhstptingt fa mat- icvlas475 Wtiodiaoe tisa, heaotifot 3 deacet bonf meot dessermis faio. laga cedvteteasorommoda aiei 1 driner, *ratifa insdeedfaaaaelccf 2 doas;' 48' bad i ihsepings fa fmntst,t;3 servnspflaaice of . dieanmint dreseatminas, 1ldiamteoakict Oetav dese ft samie Roc baectadetable; 2oatgteinore; pulati deyanhdinitis todited heacio y anies;' 3 dies, saisdiesate&f tiome; otdtiyte atnceast fae offcoftiis kishon chai; sametaonk; taid fable; Singer eAvnetEas, Miton, tieactle staang macinhs; 4dPo. chrome a iscisen ,the l8fadey ofMaicti, cota; Pn. cf turqoisamooirg 9li.cx 12 f. isint. ternt on th paintitf'a n 11fi. wt niss epades; adieg Onstcn catoat 1shootn8 fae nasures ot 54 x9D" Eta natching 54" rmieabtout 18 neaiisn iop fE, tannent tttioding 3 tend hneked rnisen t W. Modat itdea cep i gond condition; Machin naclaen- Refc~taSffIsat huisoaghid fumisfesfaiow. 24 Martn B. Aplaneaa, Rddfeg & Mise.: Priidare Mflton.m Ontaio. rafiiatatas atihfazStao.Coffelt ingee moalet; attcisafor tfae Pllflf Pi. galotntsd tuba. ce. cf RooNsoacu le letdey f Fbao, donnsai; RCA.Vicr radio; Tascan fan,;fth li aisatt efecticat aptainces; a laige Roantiti cf wonctin blaett. fnnelna faEcconahunt quitt, ftatisepanne,ctione. afghanscul-o teis,bafa tcwssfatable lie,; 15as20old pic- IATION CENTRES mon , &fa amon; 14 ot15 boxes cf Ble, china, aitemitea,hocha fa hOtcha, iesns acisattimein OVAY 407 fv,,,t,g; ,lame che tsnbaset; glasse a ts- etictpaiftyopa8Pa boasd; cnbnefa; 2 Pol. cf Piatideni natciisg ig- .Iune4fctait Ntine gags; 5Bi.s tap iddti; lage pients isabncis f any 407 conetestin tiis ies;c. cf .J. Raity ifitoxhet sa; hamrpent fi cmr ihwan 10 wosatatin baktisi; 5istechah;s honsaatickea, ahiaetc.; othtily ta iafesan 403 pi. of R16radiltsowntires &aime ike nam. bamcen OftfWet nnue Ouevrieo Atoet e t os e fract. tnnad Mislasao a cbetaSaleadey.1 tae anti Ninfa Lino in Ml- TERMO; CASH OR CIIEGRE WITH 1.0. c ceio l poideti tc PEVI C1OA.M. ;t«"soAvenue le Raifon Lnchsacaliahla. Actassat'. Nasa: A gond danm otteing. Mit. Cmmwfod hisntcd ha, hone te timidesat aaooaing AuCtionoor: Ward Brownridgo Phono: 878-6730 AUCTION SALE Wed. Mar. 9th etO6:00 P.M. Locaios;n: nMiton, as use Faigicnda.lin he AgicutcmiRai al on 9oban St. A vcon tige ala of exccislant selaction cf qualit fonituta, motin ail mnisisei. Sons chisncotî; anftques; 80 pot. dtp. glasa; 24 eceltent pine ipcîfaion and Comncî.Immenacicilnccailous ed addood andcpins ttennta Pubic Infonnation tiansa; 4dood ooaiity canic oit patings. la igisoay 407 prjet. Ftateisatt t3d pinsefRt back ecellentnoid cal- netfuran uifimtteaigist nlJacquesandisayes lovce amand acing ctfcond.amc chaili.eantin cpiostd in rom efet; nt- bn Ifornaion Centrem laid toppad hait tabla; 2 pess hack rockers; i1 the ppotunty t reiew woanSMearocketi; g. afal dthoaid saniti 2 pins hoim 407oandtin f0 itO ashsands; pins dry stub; ott insc-esit icne niai407ant toObtin itcisnfaleakowatistnd;a«Iluvatsttaed and tntatives othesMincstin iap' amis dreseri ath fl otai ptaead tmai cnncunicaisnid tini fronts, aed tflt conietitamaidmincir; pimitive nhn oiamciocci tcid cherny drop saf table cit uinaid cgs; pne kicisa, tablte; cak ifactcin tabla; docublee laihacebilan titanomen is ole mag. dess; top fan stand; sigis 4 poste, bâti; ictorian parloi table; mto pc-e dili =cies, 983 42" X 72" pina isanaat tabla otii domef ed aides. cok capiains chairoltis nafcising footi tOc;4 nasciingvannît chaire; vainoînanitrsserctaî; 10 ., anti Englisnaîdroba; chicisa, cacp chair; hanket m. box; 4 ois Thbacis chairea; peti-point fot Oaci; tqcaeint ae tableo oh 4 eaces; nag. hall table; 5W mnaple nantit pc.; p. pescoch ireantg. lire m~iro in hadwoodfra ; 2eaisipinsamil hot falga i mati rack;seai aittnof otisadresserachaitant tctntcis; falnnt gletc daci cai fionît chstia ni. .idcabint m. DeptatalatiGlisae:61 pot. "Madrid" snho dami. formtio, peauconact glose,.18Opo. Doic greedept.glisse;and tiay; timaion.Pleaa cotact pini doit. caket plate; maoc ptcois; R dtp. giapo patenlrin napplec; 2 dec. jica miltst; iscist dtp copoand saucer. Citeronst, anttpues, cettentable, ec.: Pi. n cnaf totsd gleaco pttgntt; ile toppd con ne ticani sait and pappai; rohm Blae Guelpis1802; Royal Diton cake plat; f pis. cheryati f; Rouis Hobby ocilanp; iand pained oit aemp; iand pntd nippon citaniandacatile; Mitanninoitain Ronal Abert ccp and saucat; ctl giast cookîs diah; bsae samngnotrap; 50 lb. con bacisand anligh scale; bileshSdid humilier, 2 bleu fil ctieqoîfafa,; oid wocote ioling pin; pins dafi- ng boardi; tonsan englue; "Mamod" glatanomar cil ianp. ne ois,t.cisteipas. c- pns stand. n aenoc iniid oood pinniis; Ig. c-et Iamed mincir; t Ocaan pime in ptinsaes; od si a ie; qty. Coinnation and Royal ccrt pdetoed maserdol; Ig. cncistd glus nirirtin gctt gidsd liante; otd bolt iec; books; ingahn nantis cloni; 1930 tigneti iCapcdhntnîiti ap. aetian mnialture mi anti ngai; Confloon i cltanti pappai; Royal Douthoe Valentne patt; Ocofu Ann cen anti togai. Mttslfcolefus: Tesesoo; mcod w.îne pess; iaititable nitis 4 trasitclting chsaire; caol ice Rocisocti BaveîSMstsanti and ti îci boncis gindsî; jig ao; cioice job ltst; bookst; Onnon scred cnisted otict bidsotpiand iburni orange); Wtisont AM sati FM0 tintacompts iciti arc ise y15ApîiiHatt or Auctlceaam non recscensîbte foctlnrisor 1 PREVEIW; PFROM 4:30 P.M. TLL SALE TtME. of PARTIAL USTINO ONLY. rl iand TERMS: CASf' OR APPROVED CREQUE. ït""Odet' Auctioneering Milton, Ontario. zg ZZ Phone: 878-2945 N SALEAuctioneer: Alan Odenbach. ch 6atl1p.ac. ti, Rcchmcd. On t. I p,. ., a sa il td856-4272 n OPLEX-2 bMdOoact 324-79in coucny. c aise FORRENT f471 or narclsd couple o c sinmnsni bnqtc <u chisoe oc Pes, Ecettlet locticn fot tic, Sundas. Motis 20 Oplebicohliacneo Tattl" anti Pttking. ersfoimtin ,ilciiiOn Rdne $37ni noitisin Rtatoiaetat.e 2 BEDROO cc.in os.ncee REAL ESTATE country. A t cftilccFtRInStOED oon 878-2M9 inlccld d le a, f oc cOl ,dionfocom ------. carpol nisoghooc. Milce.n, P ni170 ~ Pîcïace no chistityeror n c m orîs thly- OFFICE tipace fe. cti. Lctfsd e ai comecalci ent, 600_f000 sq.f. Opcincs. Gcciidy'1 _________ Prine iconftae, Aocflcc. 6 milsc Noth StOOit5 Ave., lots cf of Actes. 2000SQ. PT. foc cent parking pces. ana. TRREE hcaet, m Zoned M1 fItdusîtatel. 113 Itwein 10emfi.h demon c ococcofBuildinc tipeus clin Se. ____ on, S320.00 Inctodes ant insteat. e7a.2721 applancac.wafsc , r 878-3251 (days). As PRîVATE Offices- M cable. R77-1506. 1hicrDaneonMac. Besatifcttp appolned Olis compltse daclgnedtdefa Offsi A J ptiglons uru 10leasfoc vtt'hoef cmtetbiness. iswp. 25 & 401. 876 f1f31. STORE for Ren- RiIts Icafftc tlocation ..o parking, 820 sq. If. S54 t eiftt. Catt Aýey Naeet BlE/MAX Mittoans Reult Cop.aluntr. t8 A TREASUnE cf a hone In potentil tineonalace OS'X 110' lof fnr $64,170. Picata. 873.277t. 5EAUTIFULLY hopI 31 bsdcactnbhicksce RcossSls, $7ni, 900. OtIging Scats Rsalt Lbd., 80.2655 or ena. 2600.- - - PBtVATE cale ce Pltff ld Bd., metc toocisf atts, aria, oacctate, 4 hadnacm lnctoon, eland, scaped. 0usft becse fa ho appnoclaiod.' Gîtatis iodcced f0 $52.50w foi qoic scals. Antiaisto eApnit 1/80,* Foi' appolnftmet or Ieformteaioe oeil Johne on Anne, 878-7708, Wednosclay, Iil t p.n., Tisons, tint 4 p.n. Also ton saefanti alo nodute or anqoic scle fortd2,OO imnacuiate as sconts Rd. imnodliafo posns. Ion. No agents. TRtREKIN cf coltina tacing Ior a woiuiknpt dotacsoti ist. Sormen mono. 876- MILTON TOWERS 2hoedtacs n, mî.large liing rc.nanti kitthsn, 10 %hats., launntiin inca, undergroundi Inquriuaaftsîtip.n. 878-1749 MILTON 3 hodîocon 10110tcis ed 2 ear old tno sionr olt ectachati garae. $87,000 Evnetes: 87814M34e FREE GARAGE SALE SIGNS adeschs The Canadian Champion 878-2341 CASH JUSI A CALL AwAy Id ý Tha Canadiat, Champion, Wad., Match 2, 19M3 B3 tac ongt.ots pnmotit)ùtcotckeshot no acuniidcd hi fo ra cocluse diît'îtt'octhing !]a i ,, î.,l i t ctli1 -aoo isi ho it.ani Fneelhed Mldi and Rectal Office 5284) tcke.,iîc RdE Oorfnigt,ît, Mttt ,, d., t idi 0AM - 9 'M ',,turdic litAM -1,PMt flèisphonc 63,2 59-1 You're ln vfted To MILTON MALL'S Fashlom Show M"c 10,.11 & 12 7.15 p.m. lbussy aid Frd.y 3:00 p.m. Salu'day, Mudih 12th a Three Days a Three Outstanding Shows MILTON MAIL 55 ONTARIO ST. SOUTH HOw TO FEEDA BUNÏCI«* WITHOUT PAYING A BUNDIE.

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