2 '1%e ëndtenChetplat, ed , Marh 2. 100 One small flame 1 *Ceedneefront page AI thes hiteisetfer. One susi tiane Tbsy bgaatlog up te flouw wit aid veveTwssty minuts ater they opetasa D iscussion informai @Coeli.eaed frents page At buen iunas becaute educabion dependsoun ttn quabity nifte teacher," ube added. "Our teacbers wrk ard, but tbey are atuo web paid.", Robert ttituan, preident utot th alttn Eteentary Teachers Asociation, said tiair positon lu tbattse long terni tattaeg agreemet asn iunpty a year-by-year arrangemnent appsnded tu tbe aunuat con- tract. Au tetse bards otter ut tuwsr salares for more teautters 'tters wan neyer a labls positiun ntat. Iftere was discus- sionuontitat tupir tloa vsry inormaand in tsattway,"besaid. Tthe PTR udjutnent tse idu are bagg]- ing uver, lbe eid, ronld ueantse iriug ai 12 mre teachers toctesyne, uaiuaiust about $2052 for a tuopayer rolt a $6,0o0 assesnt. Adding 12 larbero ta tbe tiaitun ysteu, lie admitted, wouatd ave onty a uarginal impact un ctaeu izua troagbouat tseregiun, "but the impact on specitic situationsnwitt bae important." Mr. Fitunan argued te rote outhUt etementary arbual ib rbanging and tuacbers ut ibis evet have te bave tises fr lodividuat attention and parentieg, "and tbat lu rer- taitdy afftted by the PTR.' Hesauid Uthued uf nibr bards nbeutd bu tlluwed and a dittereni PTRmetabbubedtfor opeciat itutioe-nucb an special edoca- tion andtFrencb immuersion rlasses. Whenuaprennea n ts ls utofaccspting a toser satary stlimenl aas away of inanc- ieg unore tearbers, Mr. Filuan said thIe pro- puat aunuuted lu aning larbers lu nab- sidie te seonol sun. SOLVES THE EEG PUZZLE. Todays tgtt ens gy tght budget n tuaton demande pruducts thet ose not oniy r0glbe but eagepon energy, 9 ~easy on your alet. A Caers heat tump pue a the paces together. se aydded to your sostng force asysteos ettUque ndoor compeeeoscion offere efficent qaiet uperton ese ot service eAbet pumptfor eeryeappicaton Mnutecturens ut heat patnps oince 1932 ýhen yùi Ipurfhase a TofaiComurti AMMDCAMEMM SEEUSAT M ILTON CALL USAT M1 MAIN ST. E. A PPUA^NCE 878-1138 Gkrésfom 0Sttiont R *rMOERM&No C 0UeI H EM1rNe pp tessoet auewbat bad appeed. 'Ihaes waa ti0 &abit of tinane latin"ud andlt staried abnttout. 'ibeaeet thUt fler and per snd tse twoofius wredobtg a Mweian bat dance tryeg tinppst il ua," -id Dog. Oepitte elc vrsat atepta, tsepair wrse atiuatty aned out. By tse ans Milion and Burlngo ie frilgitersaracnvsd, UTere roa blitte tt ceuldd sdons tesas Uhetus ttom be. The saines watts sutiapseaf astUttea tew bouss, teavng ntldtg but a tanutdsrng Tbe cause outhUts irs bas bae put dowr te a taalty space banter, but duat domtsUtle te ues sepan of tneleg snerything onas as. Thse Batot eir vatuabtu te ni leegLby, but tsesentimnts]naueafsucitemtlssu tse bufet and boitah belunglug te Paiea grandmoter lagrent. 'bere was aste Utlrot oat tsecoopte badunavedifor amanseagsd tepsrctastua tan une yuc oago. Fridgs, steve, waster and dryer were attterned beyond rspair. "At iret Ituas orearing and cryieg-agry a nt yst torc ut soanetoro maeagig tebanvetse tnuace. At t could thinh ut was dut us bad lotnt vsrYttag," saidDng. Generoelty overwhelms "But t1sun gratetut nobody tues burt. Nor- manby, Palroostd bave baenuopairs eithial time ofuthUtsday wihtsectidrn. 1tbae te ttinb wat mightttavsbappeeed,"bhesaid. Hes is a btte overwbetaned by due gsneruniy utftepopte tub bave come fr- ward tebstep, munyniftemnitrangers. "Il douasuake youa tut gond rolsu peopte, uspecilby nrungers otter te betp, but ilal bardtenacceplunansimus. Yundn't wanlte impose. "1 AIUnogt Uty bave eoro receinsd ample ctUieg tor nstrtwounogters,tseY duel havetounmubtfor duanuevus. Their mate ceecerta lu booer, tiedieg o pacencallbhme. "Anyhing tdt wuntd bu biunouagit tr thetourofu unddbefine, " said oung. Anyoe wbuteete Uey may bu abte t elp eut may ctac Doug or Pt ai i parent' home bycaling 876-1426. 1 MI., ý ý COEDUCATtONÀL ,,.Alert ColIIeg ASDETA GRADES 7 TO 13 Juin tudents k tro 126 yans sof qutllty oducati 20 couanîtr attet abool entai efitghtu be per- s tumpetse ademin prepattiot for Col- aunai. le eand University e,ttanco ;m a stnun To diacutenrelling peur turd end atlble Mailingson or dauguter. or s toucbsristudent rtio 1:10, supesesta r rnigiq Wt'ico antact. enting tudy Osdmastet 9 lnpolpn, gyn, tennis, silto, equet 59 B.Napien. OBk Mtd. tilonrndng, tnceathucbsy ALUEET COUIE a excellent tsautsnbal faiiteso Ett.ttt , taIe CC 0 fu-range nasec Pogranmae U I li-et rYOUAREIVIT7ED DR. CHARLES SEIDENSPINNER et. Cathariees ksoseedite PootetPentt TeEvngeelcat t5eiinp of Canada 8ap.mwwl= S, 70 p.... AUELSAPTISCIIU Pretahing on rtheTene Chrivele daessa elsCmM aReo"a EseryaeeIs Weiauinte - "CHRIST AND CIUISE TESTINO" M"OU ASTORagKN As.0M uEL Pss.aKEMRSeu n ORT ERtAG FOUMu-.. 5UPOAMcts5lim, adâCKML5St Ce*tssnhsente kLM.esiam llet10 aim on Moms8 Death follows tractor accident A dectese nban uni yit baeutseus, sud atisapsd te rus- madtca an equt inte eus duevictibu doatot a 47-orur'utd Mltee Accordieg te Hattee Regtioeat taras t5borer. Poice, Mr. Nicot made ae Joutot Piranun, a tarrotbond unuccuotut attstes tu ot inpt'0edby 'arr"t Ferarein the isracter, and tastjra MUtes, did fFriday le Hamilten nblsostp ltu Uentse eilaee an Geesrat tHospitat ter nattering uner ti legs. a braie bemerrisage tiras daye uarber. A paoieg antrtet, ro riteusd tse accident, wan M. Piranu wun datlng a abe tefieabytires Mr. Pirranun tractore unien Fine Sidrad and recstse youaer mma, wbn tse accidont Occtrrsd ndth t ep ofa Mstry of shortly aler 2.30 pan. Tueday Truaspo1t rew Whotueretuorta- afttSt'towt. bag eeaby Mrad. osilraned apparenily audl s vec tse M. Piranen tas rutttsd tu wb. te (le trcausneg tse nineDitric Hspitat by veticte te carse uiauaga a amulaance and iter brau- ruadaido dinch inoa nry terreai te HamitontenOerat field. Hospital,,robre bu dlsd. A second tarot emptoyes, Mr. Nicot uttered a fracttared Jettrey Nicot, wan traveing tot ankle as a rai of tdu tashind tlinstracter in a truacktai accidnt.