4.I. Cauiadian Champion, Wed., Pub.16,1963 HERB CROWTHER Publshar LES FEERO JIM RBUINSON MIKEHALL iDfOIA EPRTUN:N-Ed-S-As, adiiisoIiaioia iO.iý, , .e R oME seor= iýluffl. t oi isAdfm .oMý «* ý. Mus aoNia. hérlddy D-T.i«. ii. Pabblihd «Ely Windda by Mtoloid Ptlting & Publiinig Ltd. ai 191 Min Steet Fut, MlionOntario UIT 4N9. Telephone Ml2341. Pilai St.ore i 20W îoh: .5omeie llito 25; Subseieo. 12 parvii, bycarir;$ 5 parYserbyiiad i Caa.. $75 iah oihmîounis. TheMon.CnadinChamnpionis ole ofth Mutrieid Piitig and Publihing lia. goup of sttbubn i.m.pest hicob tcudes The Atoi Fim.Pi.se, Auriie Bain. T h. Bolton Eutpril.Bampton urdi, The Buligioi Pot. Th.eisîligini Webîid Post, Th Etobcooe Adeoisei./ Guaidii. The GogetowntIndeid.itTh, MaitS.. ntoiith Poil, Msha/Thonhill ESoistian d Sun, The Mial..agu Nos., The N.onniîboiEa, Tb. Noth YorkMiroî. abille Sauer. aboieFidav Baoir,.Oihawa This Wiib, Oshaa Thisb.Weeked. Tho Riciiond Hill/ Thoriil Libimt.l. Soasorotigi Mio,Th StouaOnhlI Tribunei, The WoodbidgeiEt Vughn NandueOTh.Aji/Whitby/Piob«inig Nom. TootoiUe 821-Ma7 - 50 i .»ti t il igi. t. i 013 i Reducing o ur was tes Halton counicillors have been dragged int a debate between the Alumninumn Ceom- pany cf Canada and the steel industry cf the future of pop cans je Ontario. The item ise't as super- ficial as it seems at first glance. Under current provincial law pop cans *have te be 75 per cent steel.' OnIy one ed of the can is made of aluminum. For obvieus economic reasons Alcan wants that changed, and there is a cer- tain amount of public benefil te their argument. According te Tim Porter, a p ublic relations consultant hired by Alcan, aluminum ia casier te recycle thâe steel and has a higher value of the market. This is really the crux of the entire debate--diverting material away from munici- pal landfill sites. Halton is currently in the midsl of a Ion g and bitter argument over thbe siting of a future garbage dump. One of the many aspects of this debate that seems te be over- Ioeked is the need toecul Our reliance on landfilî in the future. Sad stat It wss wth some pride regional business develop- ment director Matt Fischer was able te anneunce Milton has se an 11 per cent in- crease je industrial develep- ment, a figure wich les the rest of Halton. Mayor Gord Krantz went as far as te say the numbers for Milton provide a glimmer cf hope for a tumnareuind je the econemic picture cf Halton Region with an estimated eight per cent unempîcyment rate. However, the rest of the figures for 1982 across the region are far frem en- cours g ig. While Halton hiadt 84 new firms locate je the regien, 70 plants closed and another 10 moved out for a net gain of four new firmas. Nt much, oie fiel te he cbeery about. To is credit, Mr. Fischer is nt going about predicting se ed tesa sluggisb ecenomy based on the fact Mlton was able 1v attract 21 of those 84 ne- :r11rn s wth the subsequent creation cf 143 jobs. The mnst telling statlstics is the drastic fa11 in tbc number of building permlts taken eut fast year. TIhe esseber feU 39 per cent ie Milton; 49 per cent ie BurI- *e .7:er cent in décIfncwas 62 per cent. Wlfh he competition bcbng geae'rabed b y other immfcfpalitiea for new le- ditry, perticularly aff4iler. fndiiiry, fltais needs every The only way te do this is te reduce the ameuni of gar- hage that bas te ha dumped and that mesus devclepe materials that cao ha recyci- cd. Steel pop cana, at the mo- ment cannot ha recycled. Aluminum cans cae ha, judg- ieg by fisc experience je the Ueited States. To ceunter the ecolegical hanefils of tise aluminum cao, steel iedustry spokes- man have argucd swtchieg fremn the current product ouI] mese a massive Ios0f jobs ie their plants. Halton bas given ceedi- tieeal support te the Alcan plan, pendfng verifiestion 0f thc je figures quoed ie thé Alcan brief (a loss of eely 43 steel jobs and the creatien of 1,100 je the rccycling ie- dutry). Anytbieg that reduces tihe ameunt cf wastc material preduced b y our tons and cities sbould ha supportcd and it seems quite likcly Uic Alcan proposaI will bave tIsat cffect. It sbould aIse spur the ecenemica of other types of recyclieg by cresting s de- maed for such products, te the hanefit of ail. wcapoe it cao muster je order te atract plants and creste jobs. One metbod we would seriously suggest is a meriterium on or a pay-as- yeu-go lot levy systcm. Ie- stesd cf dcmanding the money for services up front je a tigbtly gcograpbic arca like an indutrial park, let the region put in the services and then take back the lcvy moey at a later date or ever a peried of time. s it se wrong te stop demanding the moncy 1100 wben the region ceuld de- msed the moncy at a later date tbreugb a bindieg site dcvelopmcnt agreement? Good news travels fast and ne wbere dees it Move faster tIsse je the induabrial- commercial marketplace wbere presidents and chairmen oif tise board must look at aey fiscal break of- fcred. A small ting like a deferred lot levy could be just enough tlu maki. lhese =irsdents and chaîrmas oka fittle furtber afield from Mer-Mississauga- Durham te jeb-bungry Halton. Slick brochures and catcby advertisements in the ns- tional press and trade jour- nais ia Uic role of the buai- ness dcvelepment office at Uic regien; but how much more temp tfn Uoae ada would ha ithe y carried a solid reaaon for moving te Halton like Uic chance i, bulld now and pSy for Uic lot levica afler Uic busines s -asa eatabllased and vibrant. viewpoint Knfl WITH JANE MULLER a l aitprobobiy no te firsl moman 10 breab dom te barricade, lthi enclusive masculiebotom bieof oie of tbeisimingiy ecreive all-maleiservice clubs. UI' boping I wontbi te lao eiter. Belon tlant Wedoesday evesing, my contact witb nucb grouis wan limiled 10 promoliog certain rom- monity projicts and fond drives, butîniver bitorebhad i mllaessed te regular (?) morksngs of nocb an orgamozalion. Atosigh tey dida't dob me Kin Jeite or slap me wit a niebiame liSe Hollywood or Oipsie, te local Kimsmen did mabe me fini eslremily weîcome. To many, service dlsa ini 111e moretante crestas en dispîayed aI igbsay enrances In cilles and lon. Othirs cap te beaifits prsvided by tese groops îtoul mien rmaing sbiretey come tises. S1111 otiiers complialalthese min do o msli draw tckets. I realIy did't bnow what 1n enpict from thSese me, wbo raIl eacb oter Mis, sien i discendd te stairs In te ean Rue Roon saI Ste Cbarles Hotel. I tond te donr gaie may tu my temale bads with ltle resistanci, qiteoonlitevinion I bad ot baobing domi a bastion surrouiding club wbicb only min aider Ibi agi ot 45may jolot. One of' Lii irsttings i Iesrnid is tat you cant miss neeing a Kinsman. Upon enteringte roonm sbire tec lwice motly meetings are beld, suit jaciiets are exaaged for brigbl ritl bntted vesta. i guesS tere must hi some olgnitiicance le Stesi besides diftereiliatiog tee froos Vie, tefriendly bac- tender. Belon te admilledly ,mall memberobip gîta dowi 10 business, tey mi.gli aid socializi aid previe te tones tiy'd biplaying asteimsmeskazoo band. Ifesysell and Champion edilar JAr Robinsoont ad 001 seinte bon of gold colored Kazooo itiog on te floor. chances arc me moaid aie missed tuc rperformance t Halbin Cenleonial Manor, Salorday attirion. Actually, if te Kinsseen bad ail lniited my idilor le hi a guml speaber tteir minting i souldol bhave neen lthi bazons r any oter facel oftemeeting. Kimman president Joe Hocb cailed te tiner meeting 10onder aod ouI came a nrange loong flue plastic top bal. The varioos bat spied by es yselfteeom my position aI the biad table soos maileils porpose kaown to me. Tbesi gsys who fondiy rifir toiacit othirs as "Kin," bia fining iaeb othier for offescis ranglog frsm peots of ordir to coaduet (or ohooid i oay mioconduel) at a Party. i disvoverid Iis proeos s huef couid oct o Kitama. ilfi a maximum fioe of 25 cents la a unique aid amous- inc way of briabisg theue.. 1h is peciolly helpful in prompting aîw meteos 1a become vocal. Tsi etirtaimnmet factor forte Kiommeit and tftiir suints lu a bonus a of exircioe wicb cosid sot bi deild by aoyon wbo bas wiloesod il. Thi grosp doi.s get down tW busineso aller thei dinoîr and prisentationo by gailospeakers and ts portion of te meeting jostifies thei Kismai's coleao a "service club. Thi 15-mimber clsb wîrbs wthb a pojclid budget of about $,00a yiac, findiog maay sayo le spmtd il in Iis rommunity. Tsîic major projel bas bena te creution ufta Porticiparb on thti grounds of St. Pelirs and Robrt Baldwin scbools. Illa hbopid lthe parb, com- pilee it arious inîrcise stations, silI hi officially opinid by teend of May. Thi Kismens major charitsble support ih directed le rystie fibrosis research. Tsi club bas siveral CF "bubbles ai local rital otllits for tbe receipl of poblic donatioms. To furhber tec cause, once a yiar te mîmbirsbip dresses liSe bandits fcom thei oid wst and bholds sp peope for CF donations aI Millen MaIl. Tib sponsorsbip ofthSe Canada Day soap bon derby, Hicitoge Day iosay conliol. and Milon MinoocBase- hl are otber messes ofthlIe Kinomensserice. i sosld beremiss inomy doly if I failid 10 mention te Kimsmens timali counlerpart organination.te Kinel- les. Tsi membersblp is aboualalltaI of te Kiosmen bst lbey manage le pst togter enints lie te anual atternoon party for residents of Hallon Ciniennial Manor. i truIst e collective nones of Iis townos many oter service dlabswonl hi Sthrowo ouI ot joint by my sup- port of te Kinsmeo. Service clubs la geseral ail con- triue ol mabing tiii commaily a boller placelto liii. Bst finIt encomliers, espeelally othIe naure i ex- perieiced last Widnesday. saRy stribi a certain cbord with me. As for te Kinsmen, It mas definitely a positive note. It mat a ram. mid-winler mon- ing. A niffling of fresb sios bad settled silenlly overnigbl. Witte damo, a briot breezi bad ssîpt Ibecrot Sfte bosse dlean. leaving tbe blacb si.gles nharply vutlined. lnssde, inpied bythe rmhbof Ih,,s- l ai I in s-îorted ih M iI L Id i) s hich had r itvten. AstI oodath Ie many picîsces antmapn 1lmanvividty remindid of tbe four days, tn Aagasl 1900 shen i visited lb. colony le pcod- oce a TV commercial for Maînal Ltte. Wbdle bnsy nboting te film mont of te ime, me did manage le find teime t0 enplore our nerssndings. Bermuda aclsally comprises 150 iioodn, aithssgb vsiera are more tamillar itte larger, more popsiiona laid masses. Ail cel upon te Sumielof a. anceutl, braed-oul. isicanhc ouemal. 19.5 iao. sonne 1500 liii frein the f loor of te Alantic oien. Tsi broad beacbes, wabd by te ar mavs of . titi Gulf Strem,.aun tinîid piob. as are te imesîooe bosses. Deprived o fresb nîremsor rivers,te iinders musl dipind on tbi rai, foc Ibeir mater. colleting il on hbeir roos and droining tl 1,10 itens. Trattîs- on the saros roads io a I0o% lti- oand buse, Prvate automobiles are îot aloe. Tespee limtis a sioni- ing 20 mpb escepl in tbsn sbire il is 15 mpb. AItheenpeedo yoo are able le loob acoondaItte abondant fCoca: oleander, ibiscus, bougainvillea. poinciana. poinailta aid many othîrs. Banasas, grapefruit, oranges, limonsanad Lunon gros in probusion. On te day se mire le leave lb. islada for hime. e cecubed ouI of the Priiens Hotu and otk a cab bol. George te buoorical ilflage an t.e aurthcorna. Il was blaju uaiiaidte blasfig bosat appressive. ie tored te eedarseesed buerior ot5C.Pel.r's Cbrcb, te ldeal Angican cbirub site in tbe Wesern Hemispbere. In lthi salut cemelery me riad the meateed beadatones, notig te brlet titvnpam of many ofthIe uarly coloninto. A short malb and se mire inbe square,' stsring bimed at tbe Stocbs, Pittary and Whî0pii8 s-o, Riit mi ad litii,idity vre tik l'gteltil Vis ild toiheai cndtioied comlort of a nearby pub wsbire mc celaxed and bad luchi. A ceupli of hbmcn bitore tiigbt limne. me pboiid for a cab, no dire. il smuld hi Ste btoi0 te airport. Tsi sby bad clooddtoiersbhili me mcci in te pub. Iltrealîned coin aos e burcied t1, Ste nearini bss stop. On te ay, se maiaged to tlag doi te oîdy cab in St. George Sht a f ereson. Il wa S te ffrit stage of air reluis trip to Toronto. The memory-lclp, i bain just 9-Wrd miii y-i, brigbl abçuf by iihe obourtid fodrk, ln as eldasn miii g«l ho Srmida tbf. jusr, unfortm.alely. As daydresmî go... il,î gon. "pageS of the One Year Ago Promu..he Flsrary 17, Ia u»a A deefilion la expicted lante satnontoor tStreisubi sonasre- quesb bya former tom. mamelllor for lritl=icllquiy loto a rcmu tai laid le. Former reilonai canaicîllor Gus Goutousabfpreened a pollUain Monday le provincial bouifg mifaler Cude Benmett asili foi theinlvuebigai. Mr. Goutosk bai suggeuloi duElâ d.las y iltn offlef li.reuted ho tospayespaylng *40,0)1)more dua s 5. sary foi due foi- moi ailla Auto Body site, nuexI Town ail. W19 iabliht e at ns~ fundrasafg cuespag, ti District HospitlaiFoudatiai bas aiaed Bruce Dolisncampais.. chbimn. A lengthy quarastion ai 22 prseianoveria os 51 ai Mit.orsaeeficemay hbae beat alil for notblog. The final ceulto of tree tesa esîducledutnte boises, ownod by K.W. Ber- mai00oet arceulFaceshuow sitsoluboly no trace of ai iqiiuie îesoreal type dfaes, aceordsg 1. David Bubhanai, camail for Mc. Heresaina. .20 Years Ago Fromheo February 14. 19831a.Isu Firomai and compRiy officiai. or. leday .lfliigtrougbte mdes of te îs-ysr-old Robin Haid Flour MOIs aos Mrtin St. leylig to flnd te cana. of due tire tal guted tetour slorey strutcure csrly Taosday mare- ing. Tsi lire talravaged lthe inlerior of te building casid damagesinho cconof StiasoW. Mtaiugbte liss as befloiod 10 bieoom et8.00 p.m. T.oiday miies te flemai loft il, due tire ho St. atone mli brute oui agals early Wednutday morilg ad iresen bad In pour more salerainte omoulderig embois. The Milton Conabil deisyod aiy action onîbSing s fall-timec cecreallosal dirccor. Ilb mai ag- guloed a proponod prngram and te posaStlllly of caiporsîlo. bumusnte arna aid rc- cealional groupasboald i con- sidered. Willam T. RaideSl, a veluma ofu3sycarsinhoMitonPulOfice ho retlrlsg ai Pib. 28. Namead le re- placebunm la Watcr Bel1, prcienl- iy due senior postai officer SItte Milton Post Ofice. 50 Years Ago Pront tbe Pebinry 18, 103bIsse Aloxander MacLakres, Super- intendant ofte Usited Chureb Hoilel aI Norval, wsn ecced out Saturday by acelamation 10 nsl te acaicy osnte Georgetown tosn cuci, te olbor esmloec, LE. leet, anaoaicing hho lt- dramai. AI tcsnnai eloilion tore sere aninsoutciail nues- ber of candidates naminalet, nemsitaiig te prescrit by- cleclion. AI a meeting oft rustees of sebool section No. 17, Trafalgar, beid Tuesday, John Oari, of Campblliile. sas amarded the mibtracl for buildingSa nes scitool te, replace te oie de.lroyed by tire on Dec. 10 lsol. Tse pair, ho $4,se. Bul more tai 100 ycors ago, the old lis boise on the faces of A.A. Speeri aI Bronte bas bien torn dosi b mite say fora more moternstrctcurc. Il ws bul in sbal sasten bumb cmu- ntry by George busbond. Sucerai generaîiom occupiedte bosse mIl te properly mas purebaied by Mc. Spiis Sin. About 9 oclonb Salurday iigbl, lire ofountnosn origin compielely deslroycd tetwo-torcy trame roideice of Geo. Miler. Guin Wiliams. 75 Years Ago PIrou tb. Pib 13.19aoassue The residince of Wm. B. Gus- by, sas desicoyed by fire, lanI Tsorsday afterioon. Tsi tire ws biuieved te> have origlnaîcd tises o deficlivie hiiosey, causiag an estbbaaed $11109damagc. Contribations focrte relief of thecieedybhave beau treely mad.. Nomte aduto r. tairiy mcli clotbed, aid a coniderSbie quntily of bcdl lothiig haisitee distribulcd. Tbere l ioli ied of somieildens ciothig aid a tes lntloaid qodîns, aid toel aid foot are in e ntl mure îs-,dedi Mure>Ilia WCihllams hCs irîed Ico..liiiheolt business aller big landiord ofthSe Murray Homs orbic es yonrs. Tse .balhog pacty gives by te A.Y.P.A. of Gruc Ciurchonte chit iaabt eeihg as icry utjoy- ablele te u*sien..lTirais ouside made Il onpromisg ail- dcoro. toit a brigItI chi, good ice, aid a happy crosd made lb ploasl isi.. TIse sinueI meeting ofte Parmes Bask ofCanada wmllite bold aithde butd office, Toronsto, nul Wedo.sday, duo lidu, ai 2 P.e. At aParers club meftigylat suit, aIl oaacsglea poufitu wsusetedsand flllad, sllb W.J. SUinons taintheduopruadlas out. between the willows Itsge WITH DON BYERS